@GET @Path("{warName}") public Response deploymentState(@PathParam("warName") String warName) throws Exception { DeploymentCheckRequest request = new DeploymentCheckRequest(); request.setWarName(warName); Message<DeploymentCheckRequest> msg = new Message<DeploymentCheckRequest>(DeploymentCheckCommandAction.COMMAND_ACTION, request); checkResponse.resetAll(); sender.sendMessage(msg, null); Map<ChannelMember, DeploymentCheckResponse> responses = new HashMap<ChannelMember, DeploymentCheckResponse>(); int timeout = 240; while (timeout-- > 0) { Thread.sleep(500l); boolean foundAll = true; for (ChannelMember mem : members) { Message<DeploymentCheckResponse> memResponse = checkResponse.getResponse(mem); if (memResponse != null) { responses.put(mem, memResponse.getBody()); } else { foundAll = false; } } if (foundAll) { break; } } if (responses.size() == members.size()) { Set<ChannelMember> membersInError = new HashSet<ChannelMember>(); boolean combinedState = true; boolean anyStarted = false; for (ChannelMember mem : responses.keySet()) { DeploymentCheckResponse response = responses.get(mem); if (response.getError() != null) { combinedState = false; membersInError.add(mem); } else { combinedState = combinedState && response.isFinished(); } if (response.isStarted()) { anyStarted = true; } } Map<String, Object> responseObj = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); responseObj.put("finished", combinedState); responseObj.put("started", anyStarted); if (membersInError.size() > 0) { Set<String> inError = new TreeSet<String>(); responseObj.put("errors", inError); for (ChannelMember mem : membersInError) { inError.add(mem.getAddress().toString() + (mem.isCoordinator() ? ":coord" : "")); } } return Response.ok(new Gson().toJson(responseObj)).build(); } return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); }
public ResourceMethod(MethodDeclaration delegate, Resource parent) { super(delegate); Set<String> httpMethods = new TreeSet<String>(); Collection<AnnotationMirror> mirrors = delegate.getAnnotationMirrors(); for (AnnotationMirror mirror : mirrors) { AnnotationTypeDeclaration annotationDeclaration = mirror.getAnnotationType().getDeclaration(); HttpMethod httpMethodInfo = annotationDeclaration.getAnnotation(HttpMethod.class); if (httpMethodInfo != null) { // request method designator found. httpMethods.add(httpMethodInfo.value()); } } if (httpMethods.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A resource method must specify an HTTP method by using a request method designator annotation."); } this.httpMethods = httpMethods; Set<String> consumes; Consumes consumesInfo = delegate.getAnnotation(Consumes.class); if (consumesInfo != null) { consumes = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(JAXRSUtils.value(consumesInfo))); } else { consumes = new TreeSet<String>(parent.getConsumesMime()); } this.consumesMime = consumes; Set<String> produces; Produces producesInfo = delegate.getAnnotation(Produces.class); if (producesInfo != null) { produces = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(JAXRSUtils.value(producesInfo))); } else { produces = new TreeSet<String>(parent.getProducesMime()); } this.producesMime = produces; String subpath = null; Path pathInfo = delegate.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (pathInfo != null) { subpath = pathInfo.value(); } ResourceEntityParameter entityParameter; List<ResourceEntityParameter> declaredEntityParameters = new ArrayList<ResourceEntityParameter>(); List<ResourceParameter> resourceParameters; ResourceRepresentationMetadata outputPayload; ResourceMethodSignature signatureOverride = delegate.getAnnotation(ResourceMethodSignature.class); if (signatureOverride == null) { entityParameter = null; resourceParameters = new ArrayList<ResourceParameter>(); // if we're not overriding the signature, assume we use the real method signature. for (ParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration : getParameters()) { if (ResourceParameter.isResourceParameter(parameterDeclaration)) { resourceParameters.add(new ResourceParameter(parameterDeclaration)); } else if (ResourceParameter.isFormBeanParameter(parameterDeclaration)) { resourceParameters.addAll(ResourceParameter.getFormBeanParameters(parameterDeclaration)); } else if (parameterDeclaration.getAnnotation(Context.class) == null) { entityParameter = new ResourceEntityParameter(this, parameterDeclaration); declaredEntityParameters.add(entityParameter); } } DecoratedTypeMirror returnTypeMirror; TypeHint hintInfo = getAnnotation(TypeHint.class); if (hintInfo != null) { try { Class hint = hintInfo.value(); AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env = net.sf.jelly.apt.Context.getCurrentEnvironment(); if (TypeHint.NO_CONTENT.class.equals(hint)) { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(env.getTypeUtils().getVoidType()); } else { String hintName = hint.getName(); if (TypeHint.NONE.class.equals(hint)) { hintName = hintInfo.qualifiedName(); } if (!"##NONE".equals(hintName)) { TypeDeclaration type = env.getTypeDeclaration(hintName); returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(env.getTypeUtils().getDeclaredType(type)); } else { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) getReturnType(); } } } catch (MirroredTypeException e) { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(e.getTypeMirror()); } returnTypeMirror.setDocComment(((DecoratedTypeMirror) getReturnType()).getDocComment()); } else { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) getReturnType(); if (getJavaDoc().get("returnWrapped") != null) { // support jax-doclets. see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ENUNCIATE-690 String fqn = getJavaDoc().get("returnWrapped").get(0); AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env = net.sf.jelly.apt.Context.getCurrentEnvironment(); TypeDeclaration type = env.getTypeDeclaration(fqn); if (type != null) { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(env.getTypeUtils().getDeclaredType(type)); } } // in the case where the return type is com.sun.jersey.api.JResponse, // we can use the type argument to get the entity type if (returnTypeMirror.isClass() && returnTypeMirror.isInstanceOf("com.sun.jersey.api.JResponse")) { DecoratedClassType jresponse = (DecoratedClassType) returnTypeMirror; if (!jresponse.getActualTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { DecoratedTypeMirror responseType = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate( jresponse.getActualTypeArguments().iterator().next()); if (responseType.isDeclared()) { responseType.setDocComment(returnTypeMirror.getDocComment()); returnTypeMirror = responseType; } } } } outputPayload = returnTypeMirror.isVoid() ? null : new ResourceRepresentationMetadata(returnTypeMirror); } else { entityParameter = loadEntityParameter(signatureOverride); declaredEntityParameters.add(entityParameter); resourceParameters = loadResourceParameters(signatureOverride); outputPayload = loadOutputPayload(signatureOverride); } JavaDoc.JavaDocTagList doclets = getJavaDoc() .get( "RequestHeader"); // support jax-doclets. see // http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ENUNCIATE-690 if (doclets != null) { for (String doclet : doclets) { int firstspace = doclet.indexOf(' '); String header = firstspace > 0 ? doclet.substring(0, firstspace) : doclet; String doc = ((firstspace > 0) && (firstspace + 1 < doclet.length())) ? doclet.substring(firstspace + 1) : ""; resourceParameters.add( new ExplicitResourceParameter(this, doc, header, ResourceParameterType.HEADER)); } } ArrayList<ResponseCode> statusCodes = new ArrayList<ResponseCode>(); ArrayList<ResponseCode> warnings = new ArrayList<ResponseCode>(); StatusCodes codes = getAnnotation(StatusCodes.class); if (codes != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : codes.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); statusCodes.add(rc); } } doclets = getJavaDoc() .get("HTTP"); // support jax-doclets. see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ENUNCIATE-690 if (doclets != null) { for (String doclet : doclets) { int firstspace = doclet.indexOf(' '); String code = firstspace > 0 ? doclet.substring(0, firstspace) : doclet; String doc = ((firstspace > 0) && (firstspace + 1 < doclet.length())) ? doclet.substring(firstspace + 1) : ""; try { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(Integer.parseInt(code)); rc.setCondition(doc); statusCodes.add(rc); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // fall through... } } } Warnings warningInfo = getAnnotation(Warnings.class); if (warningInfo != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : warningInfo.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); warnings.add(rc); } } codes = parent.getAnnotation(StatusCodes.class); if (codes != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : codes.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); statusCodes.add(rc); } } warningInfo = parent.getAnnotation(Warnings.class); if (warningInfo != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : warningInfo.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); warnings.add(rc); } } ResponseHeaders responseHeaders = parent.getAnnotation(ResponseHeaders.class); if (responseHeaders != null) { for (ResponseHeader header : responseHeaders.value()) { this.responseHeaders.put(header.name(), header.description()); } } responseHeaders = getAnnotation(ResponseHeaders.class); if (responseHeaders != null) { for (ResponseHeader header : responseHeaders.value()) { this.responseHeaders.put(header.name(), header.description()); } } doclets = getJavaDoc() .get( "ResponseHeader"); // support jax-doclets. see // http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ENUNCIATE-690 if (doclets != null) { for (String doclet : doclets) { int firstspace = doclet.indexOf(' '); String header = firstspace > 0 ? doclet.substring(0, firstspace) : doclet; String doc = ((firstspace > 0) && (firstspace + 1 < doclet.length())) ? doclet.substring(firstspace + 1) : ""; this.responseHeaders.put(header, doc); } } this.entityParameter = entityParameter; this.resourceParameters = resourceParameters; this.subpath = subpath; this.parent = parent; this.statusCodes = statusCodes; this.warnings = warnings; this.representationMetadata = outputPayload; this.declaredEntityParameters = declaredEntityParameters; }