Ejemplo n.º 1
    public Response run(JerseyResourceDelegateContext context) {
      JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<String> queryIdKey =
          JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey.valueOf(queryIdKeyName, String.class);
      String queryId = context.get(queryIdKey);
      JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<String> printTypeKey =
          JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey.valueOf(printTypeKeyName, String.class);
      String printType = context.get(printTypeKey);
      JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<MasterContext> masterContextKey =
              JerseyResourceDelegateUtil.MasterContextKey, MasterContext.class);
      MasterContext masterContext = context.get(masterContextKey);

      QueryId queryIdObj = TajoIdUtils.parseQueryId(queryId);

      QueryManager queryManager = masterContext.getQueryJobManager();
      QueryInProgress queryInProgress = queryManager.getQueryInProgress(queryIdObj);

      QueryInfo queryInfo = null;
      if (queryInProgress == null) {
        queryInfo = queryManager.getFinishedQuery(queryIdObj);
      } else {
        queryInfo = queryInProgress.getQueryInfo();

      if (queryInfo != null) {
        if (briefPrint.equalsIgnoreCase(printType)) {
          queryInfo = getBriefQueryInfo(queryInfo);
        return Response.ok(queryInfo).build();
      } else {
        return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public Response add(final String body) {
    logger.debug("Adding a new user with body {}", body);
    User user = userJsonConverter.convertFrom(body);
    if (user.getUserType().equals(User.UserType.EMPLOYEE)) {
      return Response.status(HttpCode.FORBIDDEN.getCode()).build();

    HttpCode httpCode = HttpCode.CREATED;
    OperationResult result;
    try {
      user = userService.add(user);
      result = OperationResult.success(JsonUtils.getJsonElementWithId(user.getId()));
    } catch (final FieldNotValidException e) {
      httpCode = HttpCode.VALIDATION_ERROR;
      logger.error("One of the fields of the user is not valid", e);
      result = getOperationResultInvalidField(RESOURCE_MESSAGE, e);
    } catch (final UserExistException e) {
      httpCode = HttpCode.VALIDATION_ERROR;
      logger.error("There is already an user for the given email", e);
      result = getOperationResultExists(RESOURCE_MESSAGE, "email");

    logger.debug("Returning the operation result after adding user: {}", result);
    return Response.status(httpCode.getCode())
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public Response updatePassword(@PathParam("id") final Long id, final String body) {
    logger.debug("Updating the password for user {}", id);

    if (!securityContext.isUserInRole(Roles.ADMINISTRATOR.name())) {
      if (!isLoggedUser(id)) {
        return Response.status(HttpCode.FORBIDDEN.getCode()).build();

    HttpCode httpCode = HttpCode.OK;
    OperationResult result;
    try {
      userService.updatePassword(id, getPasswordFromJson(body));
      result = OperationResult.success();
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
      httpCode = HttpCode.NOT_FOUND;
      logger.error("No user found for the given id", e);
      result = getOperationResultNotFound(RESOURCE_MESSAGE);

    logger.debug("Returning the operation result after updating user password: {}", result);
    return Response.status(httpCode.getCode())
  public Response unregisterDevice(
      @PathParam("deviceLibraryIdentifier") String deviceLibraryIdentifier,
      @PathParam("passTypeIdentifier") String passTypeIdentifier,
      @PathParam("serialNumber") String serialNumber,
      @HeaderParam("Authorization") @DefaultValue("") String authorization) {

    PassDAO pass = new PassDAO(passTypeIdentifier, serialNumber);
    if (!pass.retrieve()) {
      // pass not found
      // response is UNAUTHORIZED in order to prevent trial/error/guessing for passes
      log.warn("pass does not exist: {}", serialNumber);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    if (!AuthUtil.isAuthorized(authorization, pass.getAuthenticationToken())) {
      log.warn("invalid authorization: {}", authorization);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    DeviceDAO device = new DeviceDAO(deviceLibraryIdentifier);
    if (device.retrieve()) {
      device.removeRegistration(passTypeIdentifier, serialNumber);
      if (device.store()) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();
      } else {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
    return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
 public Response update(@PathParam("id") int id) {
   // Update the User resource
   return Response.status(200).build();
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public Response run(JerseyResourceDelegateContext context) {
      JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<String> sessionIdKey =
          JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey.valueOf(sessionIdKeyName, String.class);
      String sessionId = context.get(sessionIdKey);
      JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<SubmitQueryRequest> submitQueryRequestKey =
              submitQueryRequestKeyName, SubmitQueryRequest.class);
      SubmitQueryRequest request = context.get(submitQueryRequestKey);
      JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<MasterContext> masterContextKey =
              JerseyResourceDelegateUtil.MasterContextKey, MasterContext.class);
      MasterContext masterContext = context.get(masterContextKey);

      if (sessionId == null || sessionId.isEmpty()) {
        return ResourcesUtil.createBadRequestResponse(LOG, "Session Id is null or empty string.");
      if (request == null || request.getQuery() == null || request.getQuery().isEmpty()) {
        return ResourcesUtil.createBadRequestResponse(LOG, "query is null or emptry string.");

      Session session;
      try {
        session = masterContext.getSessionManager().getSession(sessionId);
      } catch (InvalidSessionException e) {
        return ResourcesUtil.createBadRequestResponse(
            LOG, "Provided session id (" + sessionId + ") is invalid.");

      SubmitQueryResponse response =
          masterContext.getGlobalEngine().executeQuery(session, request.getQuery(), false);
      if (ReturnStateUtil.isError(response.getState())) {
        return ResourcesUtil.createExceptionResponse(LOG, response.getState().getMessage());
      } else {
        JerseyResourceDelegateContextKey<UriInfo> uriInfoKey =
                JerseyResourceDelegateUtil.UriInfoKey, UriInfo.class);
        UriInfo uriInfo = context.get(uriInfoKey);

        QueryId queryId = new QueryId(response.getQueryId());
        URI queryURI =
                .path(QueryResource.class, "getQuery")

        GetSubmitQueryResponse queryResponse = new GetSubmitQueryResponse();
        if (queryId.isNull() == false) {

        return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(queryResponse).build();
Ejemplo n.º 7
  public Response find(@PathParam("id") final Long id) {
    logger.debug("Find user by id: {}", id);
    Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder;
    try {
      User user = userService.find(id);
      OperationResult result =
      responseBuilder =
      logger.debug("User found by id: {}", user);
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
      logger.error("No user found for id", id);
      responseBuilder = Response.status(HttpCode.NOT_FOUND.getCode());

    return responseBuilder.build();
 public Response getSerialNumbersOfPassesAssociatedWithDevice(
     @PathParam("deviceLibraryIdentifier") String deviceLibraryIdentifier,
     @PathParam("passTypeIdentifier") String passTypeIdentifier,
     @QueryParam("passesUpdatedSince") @DefaultValue("") String passesUpdatedSince) {
   DeviceDAO device = new DeviceDAO(deviceLibraryIdentifier);
   ListOfPasses passes = new ListOfPasses();
   if (device.retrieve()) {
     for (Registration reg : device.getRegistrations()) {
       if (passTypeIdentifier.equals(reg.getPassTypeIdentifier())) {
   if (passes.getSerialNumbers().size() > 0) {
     return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(passes.toJson(Pass.PRETTY)).build();
   return Response.status(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT).build();
 public Response getServiceVersion() {
   return Response.status(Response.Status.OK)
           "mobile-passes service version "
               + String.valueOf(ServiceConst.MAJOR_VERSION)
               + "."
               + String.valueOf(ServiceConst.MINOR_VERSION))
Ejemplo n.º 10
  public Response update(@PathParam("id") final Long id, final String body) {
    logger.debug("Updating the user {} with body {}", id, body);

    if (!securityContext.isUserInRole(Roles.ADMINISTRATOR.name())) {
      if (!isLoggedUser(id)) {
        return Response.status(HttpCode.FORBIDDEN.getCode()).build();

    final User user = userJsonConverter.convertFrom(body);

    HttpCode httpCode = HttpCode.OK;
    OperationResult result;
    try {
      result = OperationResult.success();
    } catch (FieldNotValidException e) {
      httpCode = HttpCode.VALIDATION_ERROR;
      logger.error("One of the fields of the user is not valid", e);
      result = getOperationResultInvalidField(RESOURCE_MESSAGE, e);
    } catch (UserExistException e) {
      httpCode = HttpCode.VALIDATION_ERROR;
      logger.error("There is already an user for the given email", e);
      result = getOperationResultExists(RESOURCE_MESSAGE, "email");
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
      httpCode = HttpCode.NOT_FOUND;
      logger.error("No user found for the given id", e);
      result = getOperationResultNotFound(RESOURCE_MESSAGE);

    logger.debug("Returning the operation result after updating user: {}", result);
    return Response.status(httpCode.getCode())
  public Response getLatestVersionOfPass(
      @PathParam("passTypeIdentifier") String passTypeIdentifier,
      @PathParam("serialNumber") String serialNumber,
      @HeaderParam("Authorization") @DefaultValue("") String authorization,
      @HeaderParam("If-Modified-Since") @DefaultValue("") String ifModifedSince) {

    PassDAO pass = new PassDAO(serialNumber);
    if (!pass.retrieve()) {
      // pass not found
      // response is UNAUTHORIZED in order to prevent trial/error/guessing for passes
      log.warn("pass does not exist: {}", serialNumber);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    if (!AuthUtil.isAuthorized(authorization, pass.getAuthenticationToken())) {
      log.warn("invalid authorization: {}", authorization);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(pass.toJson()).build();
      value = "Get person by upi",
      notes = "Use pck123 as upi. Use 20 as api_key (or 123 to test FORBIDDEN with message)",
      response = Profile.class)
      value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid upi value"),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Invalid api_key"),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Forbidden"),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Person not found")
  public Response getByUpi(
      @HeaderParam("api_key") String api_key,
      @ApiParam(value = "upi of a person", required = true, allowMultiple = true) @PathParam("upi")
          String upi)
      throws NotFoundException {

    if (api_key == null || api_key.charAt(api_key.length() - 1) != '0') {
      return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN)
          .build(); // .entity("Invalid api key '"+api_key+"'").build();
    } else if (api_key.equals("123")) {
      return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN)
          .entity("Invalid api key '" + api_key + "'")

    // return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(dto).type(request.getContentType()).build();
    Profile result = PersonData.get(upi);
    if (result != null) return Response.ok().entity(result).build();

    if (upi != null && upi.equals("pck123"))
      return Response.ok().entity(new Profile("Patrick", "pck123")).build();
      // throw new NotFoundException(400, "Invalid upi key");
      return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
Ejemplo n.º 13
  public Response findByEmailAndPassword(final String body) {
    logger.debug("Find user by email and password");
    Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder;
    try {
      User userWithEmailAndPassword = getUserWithEmailAndPasswordFromJson(body);
      User user =
              userWithEmailAndPassword.getEmail(), userWithEmailAndPassword.getPassword());
      OperationResult result =
      responseBuilder =
      logger.debug("User found by email/password: {}", user);
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
      logger.error("No user found for email/password");
      responseBuilder = Response.status(HttpCode.NOT_FOUND.getCode());

    return responseBuilder.build();
  public Response doLog(String logsAsJson) {

    ServiceLogs logs = ServiceLogs.fromJson(logsAsJson);
    LogDAO logger = new LogDAO();
    log.info("Apple wants to tell us something:");
    for (String line : logs.getLogs()) {
      log.info("{}", line);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();
  public Response registerDeviceForPassPushNotifications(
      @PathParam("deviceLibraryIdentifier") String deviceLibraryIdentifier,
      @PathParam("passTypeIdentifier") String passTypeIdentifier,
      @PathParam("serialNumber") String serialNumber,
      @HeaderParam("Authorization") @DefaultValue("") String authorization,
      String jsonDictionaryWithPushToken) {

    PassDAO pass = new PassDAO(serialNumber);
    if (!pass.retrieve()) {
      // pass not found
      // response is UNAUTHORIZED in order to prevent trial/error/guessing for passes
      log.warn("pass does not exist: {}", serialNumber);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    if (!AuthUtil.isAuthorized(authorization, pass.getAuthenticationToken())) {
      log.warn("invalid authorization: {}", authorization);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    String pushToken = ServiceUtil.getPushTokenFromBody(jsonDictionaryWithPushToken);

    DeviceDAO device = new DeviceDAO(deviceLibraryIdentifier);
    if (device.addRegistration(passTypeIdentifier, serialNumber, pushToken) == 1) {
      // really added a new record
      if (device.store()) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).build();
    } else {
      // nothing added, was already in list
      return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();
    return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
Ejemplo n.º 16
  public Response findByFilter() {
    final UserFilter userFilter = new UserUrlFilterExtractor(uriInfo).getFilter();
    logger.debug("Finding users using filter: {}", userFilter);

    final PaginatedData<User> users = userService.find(userFilter);

    logger.debug("Found {} users", users.getNumberOfRows());

    final JsonElement jsonWithPagingAndEntries =
        JsonUtils.getJsonElementWithPagingAndEntries(users, userJsonConverter);
    return Response.status(HttpCode.OK.getCode())
Ejemplo n.º 17
  public Response update(String jsonString) {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    UpdateResult result = null;
    try {
      result = mapper.readValue(jsonString, UpdateResult.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return Response.status(200).build();
     value = "Sets a currently logged in person from the token",
     response = String.class,
     produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
     value = {
       @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid upi value"),
       @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Absent or incorect authentication information"),
       @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Person not found")
 public Response login(
     @ApiParam(value = "toke received from AS") @QueryParam("token") String token) {
   // TODO verify token
   // TODO extract user information from the token
   return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).build();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private Response sendErrorResponse(String error, String description, Status status) {
   if (status == Status.UNAUTHORIZED) {
     return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).header(WWW_AUTHENTICATE, BASIC_REALM).build();
   return Response.status(status).entity(new ErrorResponse(error, description)).build();
  public Response clusterResize(final ClusterResizeRequest data) {
    int desired = data.getInstances();
    if (desired == 0) {
      return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN)
              new GenericAPIResponse() {
                public int getStatus() {
                  return Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode();

                public Object getMessage() {
                  return "Could not change the number of instances. Scaling down to zero instances is not allowed. Please use '/cluster/shutdown' instead.";
    CrateClient client = client();
    if (desired < store.state().crateInstances().size() && client != null) {
      int maxReplicas = 0;
      try {
        SQLResponse response =
                    "select number_of_replicas from information_schema.tables group by number_of_replicas")
        for (Object[] objects : response.rows()) {
          List<String> replicas = Splitter.on("-").splitToList((String) objects[0]);
          String val = replicas.get(replicas.size() - 1);
          if (replicas.size() == 2 && val.equals("all")) {
            val = replicas.get(0);
          maxReplicas = Math.max(maxReplicas, Integer.parseInt(val));
      } catch (NoNodeAvailableException e) {
        // since we do not have a crate node to connect to we can accept the request to start up /
        // shut down nodes.
        LOGGER.error("No Crate node available.", e);
      LOGGER.debug("max replicas = {} desired instances = {}", maxReplicas, desired);
      if (maxReplicas > 0 && desired < maxReplicas + 1) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN)
                new GenericAPIResponse() {
                  public int getStatus() {
                    return Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode();

                  public Object getMessage() {
                    return "Could not change the number of instances. The number of desired instances is lower than the number of replicas + 1.";
    return Response.ok(new GenericAPIResponse() {}).build();