List<ANTLRMessage> getMessagesOfType(List<ANTLRMessage> msgs, Class c) { List<ANTLRMessage> filtered = new ArrayList<ANTLRMessage>(); for (ANTLRMessage m : msgs) { if (m.getClass() == c) filtered.add(m); } return filtered; }
public void run() { Context ctx = new Context(); Options options = Options.instance(ctx); outputKind.init(options); multiPolicy.init(options); xdiagsSource.init(options); xdiagsCompact.init(options); caretKind.init(options); sourceLineKind.init(options); String indentString = ""; indentString = (summaryIndent == IndentKind.CUSTOM) ? "3" : "0"; indentString += (detailsIndent == IndentKind.CUSTOM) ? "|3" : "|0"; indentString += (sourceIndent == IndentKind.CUSTOM) ? "|3" : "|0"; indentString += (subdiagsIndent == IndentKind.CUSTOM) ? "|3" : "|0"; options.put("diagsIndentation", indentString); MyLog log = new MyLog(ctx); JavacMessages messages = JavacMessages.instance(ctx); messages.add("tester"); JCDiagnostic.Factory diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(ctx); log.useSource(new MyFileObject("This is a source line")); JCDiagnostic d = diags.error(null, log.currentSource(), posKind.pos(), errorKind.key(), "Hello!"); if (multiKind != MultilineKind.NONE) { JCDiagnostic sub = diags.fragment(errorKind.key(), "Hello!"); if (multiKind.isNested()) sub = new JCDiagnostic.MultilineDiagnostic(sub, List.of(sub)); List<JCDiagnostic> subdiags = multiKind.isDouble() ? List.of(sub, sub) : List.of(sub); d = new JCDiagnostic.MultilineDiagnostic(d, subdiags); } String diag = log.getDiagnosticFormatter().format(d, messages.getCurrentLocale()); checkOutput(diag); }
void test(String[] opts, String className) throws Exception { count++; System.err.println("Test " + count + " " + Arrays.asList(opts) + " " + className); Path testSrcDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.src")); Path testClassesDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.classes")); Path classes = Paths.get("classes." + count); classes.createDirectory(); Context ctx = new Context(); PathFileManager fm = new JavacPathFileManager(ctx, true, null); JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(); options.addAll(Arrays.asList(opts)); options.addAll(Arrays.asList("-verbose", "-XDverboseCompilePolicy", "-d", classes.toString())); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = fm.getJavaFileObjects(testSrcDir.resolve(className + ".java")); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); JavaCompiler.CompilationTask t = compiler.getTask(out, fm, null, options, null, compilationUnits); boolean ok =; System.err.println(sw.toString()); if (!ok) { throw new Exception("compilation failed"); } File expect = new File("classes." + count + "/" + className + ".class"); if (!expect.exists()) throw new Exception("expected file not found: " + expect); long expectedSize = new File(testClassesDir.toString(), className + ".class").length(); long actualSize = expect.length(); if (expectedSize != actualSize) throw new Exception("wrong size found: " + actualSize + "; expected: " + expectedSize); }
public static List<String> loadBeforeAfterText(String filePath) { String content; try { content = FileUtil.loadFile(new File(filePath), true); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } List<String> files = createTestFiles( "", content, new TestFileFactoryNoModules<String>() { @NotNull @Override public String create( @NotNull String fileName, @NotNull String text, @NotNull Map<String, String> directives) { int firstLineEnd = text.indexOf('\n'); return StringUtil.trimTrailing(text.substring(firstLineEnd + 1)); } }); Assert.assertTrue("Exactly two files expected: ", files.size() == 2); return files; }
@NotNull public static List<KtFile> loadToJetFiles( @NotNull KotlinCoreEnvironment environment, @NotNull List<File> files) throws IOException { List<KtFile> jetFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); for (File file : files) { jetFiles.add(loadJetFile(environment.getProject(), file)); } return jetFiles; }
public void cleanup() { if (!this.flags.contains(Flags.USECACHE)) { tempDirs.forEach( dir -> { deleteDir(dir); }); tempDirs.clear(); } }
private static List<JavaSourceTransformer> getSourceTransformers() { final Class<JavaSourceTransformer> transformerClass = JavaSourceTransformer.class; final ServiceLoader<JavaSourceTransformer> loader = ServiceLoader.load(transformerClass, transformerClass.getClassLoader()); final List<JavaSourceTransformer> transformers = new ArrayList<JavaSourceTransformer>(); for (JavaSourceTransformer t : loader) { transformers.add(t); } return transformers; }
List<Integer> getTypesFromString(Grammar g, String expecting) { List<Integer> expectingTokenTypes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (expecting != null && !expecting.trim().equals("")) { for (String tname : expecting.replace(" ", "").split(",")) { int ttype = g.getTokenType(tname); expectingTokenTypes.add(ttype); } } return expectingTokenTypes; }
private static List<String> parseDependencies(@Nullable String dependencies) { if (dependencies == null) return Collections.emptyList(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\w+").matcher(dependencies); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); while (matcher.find()) { result.add(; } return result; }
public List<Integer> getTokenTypes(String input, LexerATNSimulator lexerATN) { ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream(input); List<Integer> tokenTypes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int ttype = 0; do { ttype = lexerATN.matchATN(in); tokenTypes.add(ttype); } while (ttype != Token.EOF); return tokenTypes; }
private File compileOne(Type type) { if (this.flags.contains(Flags.USECACHE)) { File dir = cache.get(type.getName()); if (dir != null) { return dir; } } List<JavaFileObject> files = new ArrayList<>(); SourceProcessor accum = (name, src) -> files.add(new SourceFile(name, src)); for (Type dep : type.typeDependencies()) { dep.generateAsDependency(accum, type.methodDependencies()); } type.generate(accum); JavacTask ct = (JavacTask) this.systemJavaCompiler.getTask(null,, null, null, null, files); File destDir = null; do { int value = counter.incrementAndGet(); destDir = new File(root, Integer.toString(value)); } while (destDir.exists()); if (this.flags.contains(Flags.VERBOSE)) { System.out.println("Compilation unit for " + type.getName() + " : compiled into " + destDir); for (JavaFileObject jfo : files) { System.out.println(jfo.toString()); } } try { destDir.mkdirs();, Arrays.asList(destDir)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "IOException encountered during compilation: " + e.getMessage(), e); } Boolean result =; if (result == Boolean.FALSE) { throw new RuntimeException("Compilation failure in " + type.getName() + " unit"); } if (this.flags.contains(Flags.USECACHE)) { File existing = cache.putIfAbsent(type.getName(), destDir); if (existing != null) { deleteDir(destDir); return existing; } } else { this.tempDirs.add(destDir); } return destDir; }
public List<String> getTokenTypes(LexerGrammar lg, ATN atn, CharStream input, boolean adaptive) { LexerATNSimulator interp = new LexerATNSimulator(atn); List<String> tokenTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); int ttype; do { if (adaptive) ttype = interp.match(input, Lexer.DEFAULT_MODE); else ttype = interp.matchATN(input); if (ttype == Token.EOF) tokenTypes.add("EOF"); else { tokenTypes.add(lg.typeToTokenList.get(ttype)); } } while (ttype != Token.EOF); return tokenTypes; }
private static void loadCommonJavacOptions(CompileContext context) { final List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> vmOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); final JpsProject project = context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject(); final JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance().getOrCreateCompilerConfiguration(project); final JpsJavaCompilerOptions compilerOptions = compilerConfig.getCurrentCompilerOptions(); if (compilerOptions.DEBUGGING_INFO) { options.add("-g"); } if (compilerOptions.DEPRECATION) { options.add("-deprecation"); } if (compilerOptions.GENERATE_NO_WARNINGS) { options.add("-nowarn"); } if (compilerOptions instanceof EclipseCompilerOptions) { final EclipseCompilerOptions eclipseOptions = (EclipseCompilerOptions) compilerOptions; if (eclipseOptions.PROCEED_ON_ERROR) { options.add("-proceedOnError"); } } final String customArgs = compilerOptions.ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS_STRING; if (customArgs != null) { final StringTokenizer customOptsTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(customArgs, " \t\r\n"); boolean skip = false; while (customOptsTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String userOption = customOptsTokenizer.nextToken(); if (FILTERED_OPTIONS.contains(userOption)) { skip = true; continue; } if (!skip) { if (!FILTERED_SINGLE_OPTIONS.contains(userOption)) { if (userOption.startsWith("-J-")) { vmOptions.add(userOption.substring("-J".length())); } else { options.add(userOption); } } } } } if (useEclipseCompiler(context)) { for (String option : options) { if (option.startsWith("-proceedOnError")) { Utils.PROCEED_ON_ERROR_KEY.set(context, Boolean.TRUE); break; } } } JAVAC_OPTIONS.set(context, options); JAVAC_VM_OPTIONS.set(context, vmOptions); }
@NotNull public static <M, F> List<F> createTestFiles( String testFileName, String expectedText, TestFileFactory<M, F> factory) { Map<String, String> directives = parseDirectives(expectedText); List<F> testFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); Matcher matcher = FILE_OR_MODULE_PATTERN.matcher(expectedText); if (!matcher.find()) { // One file testFiles.add(factory.createFile(null, testFileName, expectedText, directives)); } else { int processedChars = 0; M module = null; // Many files while (true) { String moduleName =; String moduleDependencies =; if (moduleName != null) { module = factory.createModule(moduleName, parseDependencies(moduleDependencies)); } String fileName =; int start = processedChars; boolean nextFileExists = matcher.find(); int end; if (nextFileExists) { end = matcher.start(); } else { end = expectedText.length(); } String fileText = expectedText.substring(start, end); processedChars = end; testFiles.add(factory.createFile(module, fileName, fileText, directives)); if (!nextFileExists) break; } assert processedChars == expectedText.length() : "Characters skipped from " + processedChars + " to " + (expectedText.length() - 1); } return testFiles; }
public static TestRun compileAndCheck( Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files, String processor, String[] options) { List<String> opts = new LinkedList<String>(); if (processor != null) { opts.add("-processor"); opts.add(processor); } opts.add("-source"); opts.add("1.8"); for (String option : options) opts.add(option); TestInput input = new TestInput(files, Collections.<String>emptySet(), opts.toArray(new String[opts.size()])); return; }
private static Collection<String> prepareOptions( final Collection<String> options, boolean usingJavac) { final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if (usingJavac) { result.add("-implicit:class"); // the option supported by javac only } else { // is Eclipse result.add("-noExit"); } boolean skip = false; for (String option : options) { if (FILTERED_OPTIONS.contains(option)) { skip = true; continue; } if (!skip) { if (!FILTERED_SINGLE_OPTIONS.contains(option)) { result.add(option); } } skip = false; } return result; }
public static void resolveAllKotlinFiles(KotlinCoreEnvironment environment) throws IOException { List<ContentRoot> paths = environment.getConfiguration().get(CommonConfigurationKeys.CONTENT_ROOTS); if (paths == null) return; List<KtFile> jetFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ContentRoot root : paths) { if (!(root instanceof KotlinSourceRoot)) continue; String path = ((KotlinSourceRoot) root).getPath(); File file = new File(path); if (file.isFile()) { jetFiles.add(loadJetFile(environment.getProject(), file)); } else { //noinspection ConstantConditions for (File childFile : file.listFiles()) { if (childFile.getName().endsWith(".kt")) { jetFiles.add(loadJetFile(environment.getProject(), childFile)); } } } } LazyResolveTestUtil.resolve(environment.getProject(), jetFiles, environment); }
@NotNull public static List<String> getLastCommentsInFile( @NotNull KtFile file, CommentType commentType, boolean assertMustExist) { PsiElement lastChild = file.getLastChild(); if (lastChild != null && lastChild.getNode().getElementType().equals(KtTokens.WHITE_SPACE)) { lastChild = lastChild.getPrevSibling(); } assert lastChild != null; List<String> comments = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); while (true) { if (lastChild.getNode().getElementType().equals(KtTokens.BLOCK_COMMENT)) { if (commentType == CommentType.ALL || commentType == CommentType.BLOCK_COMMENT) { String lastChildText = lastChild.getText(); comments.add(lastChildText.substring(2, lastChildText.length() - 2).trim()); } } else if (lastChild.getNode().getElementType().equals(KtTokens.EOL_COMMENT)) { if (commentType == CommentType.ALL || commentType == CommentType.LINE_COMMENT) { comments.add(lastChild.getText().substring(2).trim()); } } else { break; } lastChild = lastChild.getPrevSibling(); } if (comments.isEmpty() && assertMustExist) { throw new AssertionError( String.format( "Test file '%s' should end in a comment of type %s; last node was: %s", file.getName(), commentType, lastChild)); } return comments; }
public static void deleteOnShutdown(File file) { if (filesToDelete.isEmpty()) { ShutDownTracker.getInstance() .registerShutdownTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ShutDownTracker.invokeAndWait( true, true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (File victim : filesToDelete) { FileUtil.delete(victim); } } }); } }); } filesToDelete.add(file); }
public static void compileKotlinWithJava( @NotNull List<File> javaFiles, @NotNull List<File> ktFiles, @NotNull File outDir, @NotNull Disposable disposable, @Nullable File javaErrorFile) throws IOException { if (!ktFiles.isEmpty()) { compileKotlinToDirAndGetAnalysisResult(ktFiles, outDir, disposable, ALL, false); } else { boolean mkdirs = outDir.mkdirs(); assert mkdirs : "Not created: " + outDir; } if (!javaFiles.isEmpty()) { compileJavaFiles( javaFiles, Arrays.asList( "-classpath", outDir.getPath() + File.pathSeparator + ForTestCompileRuntime.runtimeJarForTests(), "-d", outDir.getPath()), javaErrorFile); } }
public static String getLastCommentedLines(@NotNull Document document) { List<CharSequence> resultLines = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); for (int i = document.getLineCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int lineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(i); int lineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(i); if (document.getCharsSequence().subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd).toString().trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } if ("//" .equals(document.getCharsSequence().subSequence(lineStart, lineStart + 2).toString())) { resultLines.add(document.getCharsSequence().subSequence(lineStart + 2, lineEnd)); } else { break; } } Collections.reverse(resultLines); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (CharSequence line : resultLines) { result.append(line).append("\n"); } result.delete(result.length() - 1, result.length()); return result.toString(); }
/** Return true if all is ok, no errors */ protected boolean antlr( String fileName, String grammarFileName, String grammarStr, boolean debug) { boolean allIsWell = true; mkdir(tmpdir); writeFile(tmpdir, fileName, grammarStr); try { final List options = new ArrayList(); if (debug) { options.add("-debug"); } options.add("-o"); options.add(tmpdir); options.add("-lib"); options.add(tmpdir); options.add(new File(tmpdir, grammarFileName).toString()); final String[] optionsA = new String[options.size()]; options.toArray(optionsA); ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue(); Tool antlr = newTool(optionsA); antlr.addListener(equeue); antlr.processGrammarsOnCommandLine(); if (equeue.errors.size() > 0) { allIsWell = false; System.err.println("antlr reports errors from " + options); for (int i = 0; i < equeue.errors.size(); i++) { ANTLRMessage msg = (ANTLRMessage) equeue.errors.get(i); System.err.println(msg); } System.out.println("!!!\ngrammar:"); System.out.println(grammarStr); System.out.println("###"); } } catch (Exception e) { allIsWell = false; System.err.println("problems building grammar: " + e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return allIsWell; }
public Token get(int i) { return new org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonToken(types.get(i)); }
public Token LT(int i) { if ((p + i - 1) >= types.size()) return new CommonToken(-1); return new CommonToken(types.get(p + i - 1)); }
public int size() { return types.size(); }
public static void registerClassPostProcessor(ClassPostProcessor processor) { ourClassProcessors.add(processor); }
public static void addCompilationOptions( List<String> options, CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, @Nullable ProcessorConfigProfile profile) { if (!isEncodingSet(options)) { final CompilerEncodingConfiguration config = context.getProjectDescriptor().getEncodingConfiguration(); final String encoding = config.getPreferredModuleChunkEncoding(chunk); if (config.getAllModuleChunkEncodings(chunk).size() > 1) { final StringBuilder msgBuilder = new StringBuilder(); msgBuilder.append("Multiple encodings set for module chunk ").append(chunk.getName()); if (encoding != null) { msgBuilder.append("\n\"").append(encoding).append("\" will be used by compiler"); } context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage(BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, msgBuilder.toString())); } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(encoding)) { options.add("-encoding"); options.add(encoding); } } final String langLevel = getLanguageLevel(chunk.getModules().iterator().next()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(langLevel)) { options.add("-source"); options.add(langLevel); } JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance() .getOrCreateCompilerConfiguration(context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject()); String bytecodeTarget = null; int chunkSdkVersion = -1; for (JpsModule module : chunk.getModules()) { final JpsSdk<JpsDummyElement> sdk = module.getSdk(JpsJavaSdkType.INSTANCE); if (sdk != null) { final int moduleSdkVersion = convertToNumber(sdk.getVersionString()); if (moduleSdkVersion != 0 /*could determine the version*/ && (chunkSdkVersion < 0 || chunkSdkVersion > moduleSdkVersion)) { chunkSdkVersion = moduleSdkVersion; } } final String moduleTarget = compilerConfiguration.getByteCodeTargetLevel(module.getName()); if (moduleTarget == null) { continue; } if (bytecodeTarget == null) { bytecodeTarget = moduleTarget; } else { if (moduleTarget.compareTo(bytecodeTarget) < 0) { bytecodeTarget = moduleTarget; // use the lower possible target among modules that form the chunk } } } if (bytecodeTarget != null) { options.add("-target"); options.add(bytecodeTarget); } else { if (chunkSdkVersion > 0 && getCompilerSdkVersion(context) > chunkSdkVersion) { // force lower bytecode target level to match the version of sdk assigned to this chunk options.add("-target"); options.add("1." + chunkSdkVersion); } } if (profile != null && profile.isEnabled()) { // configuring annotation processing if (!profile.isObtainProcessorsFromClasspath()) { final String processorsPath = profile.getProcessorPath(); options.add("-processorpath"); options.add( processorsPath == null ? "" : FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(processorsPath.trim())); } final Set<String> processors = profile.getProcessors(); if (!processors.isEmpty()) { options.add("-processor"); options.add(StringUtil.join(processors, ",")); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> optionEntry : profile.getProcessorOptions().entrySet()) { options.add("-A" + optionEntry.getKey() + "=" + optionEntry.getValue()); } final File srcOutput = ProjectPaths.getAnnotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesOutputDir( chunk.getModules().iterator().next(), chunk.containsTests(), profile); if (srcOutput != null) { srcOutput.mkdirs(); options.add("-s"); options.add(srcOutput.getPath()); } } else { options.add("-proc:none"); } }