private void updateTemplateFromEditor(PrintfTemplate template) { ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); String format = null; int text_length = editorPane.getDocument().getLength(); try { format = editorPane.getDocument().getText(0, text_length); } catch (BadLocationException ex1) { } Element section_el = editorPane.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); // Get number of paragraphs. int num_para = section_el.getElementCount(); for (int p_count = 0; p_count < num_para; p_count++) { Element para_el = section_el.getElement(p_count); // Enumerate the content elements int num_cont = para_el.getElementCount(); for (int c_count = 0; c_count < num_cont; c_count++) { Element content_el = para_el.getElement(c_count); AttributeSet attr = content_el.getAttributes(); // Get the name of the style applied to this content element; may be null String sn = (String) attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); // Check if style name match if (sn != null && sn.startsWith("Parameter")) { // we extract the label. JLabel l = (JLabel) StyleConstants.getComponent(attr); if (l != null) { params.add(l.getName()); } } } } template.setFormat(format); template.setTokens(params); }
public SplitPaneDemo() { // Create the list of images and put it in a scroll pane. list = new JList(imageNames); list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); list.setSelectedIndex(0); list.addListSelectionListener(this); JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(list); picture = new JLabel(); picture.setFont(picture.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); picture.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); JScrollPane pictureScrollPane = new JScrollPane(picture); // Create a split pane with the two scroll panes in it. splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, listScrollPane, pictureScrollPane); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setDividerLocation(150); // Provide minimum sizes for the two components in the split pane. Dimension minimumSize = new Dimension(100, 50); listScrollPane.setMinimumSize(minimumSize); pictureScrollPane.setMinimumSize(minimumSize); // Provide a preferred size for the split pane. splitPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200)); updateLabel(imageNames[list.getSelectedIndex()]); }
// Fees update method private void updateFeesData(long id) { String columns[] = {"Course", "Fees Payed", "Total fees", "Installments"}; try { Database db = new Database(); panel_7.removeAll(); feestablemodel = new MyTableModel(db.getFeeData(id), columns); feestable = new JTable(feestablemodel); feestable.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); feestable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); feesscrollpane = new JScrollPane(feestable); panel_7.add(feesscrollpane); // change fees payed label feespayedlabel.setText("Fees Payed"); feesduelabel.setText("Fees Due"); totalfeeslabel.setText("Total Fees"); panel_7.revalidate(); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage(), null, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
// Implementation of valueChanged public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == table.getSelectionModel()) { ListSelectionModel ls = table.getSelectionModel(); int index = ls.getMinSelectionIndex(); long id = (long) table.getValueAt(index, 0); updateFeesData(id); } else { ListSelectionModel ls = feestable.getSelectionModel(); int index = ls.getMinSelectionIndex(); float feespayed = (float) feestable.getValueAt(index, 1); float totalfees = (float) feestable.getValueAt(index, 2); feespayedlabel.setText("Fees Payed: " + feespayed); totalfeeslabel.setText("Total Fees: " + totalfees); if (totalfees - feespayed > 0) { feesduelabel.setText("Fees Due: " + (totalfees - feespayed)); } panel_6.revalidate(); } }
/* * Gets the user choice for font, style and size and redraws the text * accordingly. */ public void setSampleFont() { // Get the font name from the JComboBox fontName = (String) facenameCombo.getSelectedItem(); sampleField.setText(textField.getText()); // Get the font style from the JCheckBoxes fontStyle = 0; if (italicCheckBox.isSelected()) fontStyle += Font.ITALIC; if (boldCheckBox.isSelected()) fontStyle += Font.BOLD; // Get the font size fontSize = 0; fontSize = Integer.parseInt((String) sizeCombo.getSelectedItem()); // THE FOLLOWING IS NO LONGER NEEDED // if(smallButton.isSelected()) // fontSize=SMALL; // else if(mediumButton.isSelected()) // fontSize=MEDIUM; // else if(largeButton.isSelected()) // fontSize=LARGE; // Set the font of the text field sampleField.setFont(new Font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)); sampleField.setForeground(fontColor); sampleField.repaint(); pack(); } // end setSampleFont method
/** @inheritDoc */ public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Component c = candidate.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); if (c instanceof JLabel && table != null) { ViperTableModel m = getCurrentModel(); int modelIndex = table.convertColumnIndexToModel(column); AttrConfig ac = m.getAttributeForColumn(modelIndex); JLabel l = (JLabel) c; if (ac != null) { int visibility = mediator.getHiders().getAttrConfigVisibility(ac); l.setIcon(outerTablePanel.visibilityIcons[visibility]); } else if (m.getInternalColumn(modelIndex) == ViperTableModel.BY_VALID) { Config config = m.getConfig(); int visibility = mediator.getHiders().getConfigVisibility(m.getConfig()); if (visibility == NodeVisibilityManager.RANGE_LOCKED) { visibility = NodeVisibilityManager.LOCKED; } l.setIcon(outerTablePanel.visibilityIcons[visibility]); } else { l.setIcon(null); } } return c; }
public void evaluate() { try { // clear problems and console messages problemsView.setText(""); consoleView.setText(""); // update status view statusView.setText(" Parsing ..."); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); LispExpr root = Parser.parse(textView.getText()); statusView.setText(" Running ..."); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); // update run button runButton.setIcon(stopImage); runButton.setActionCommand("Stop"); // start run thread runThread = new RunThread(root); runThread.start(); } catch (SyntaxError e) { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); System.err.println( "Syntax Error at " + e.getLine() + ", " + e.getColumn() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Error e) { // parsing error System.err.println(e.getMessage()); statusView.setText(" Errors."); } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------- Constructor Helpers ------------------------------- // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private void buildActiveKits(JPanel container) { // initialize variable final int WIDTH = 150; // set containment panel properties container.setLayout(new BoxLayout(container, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); setComponentSize(container, 150, PAGE_HEIGHT); JLabel header = new JLabel("Active Kits"); header.setHorizontalAlignment(header.CENTER); header.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 18)); setComponentSize(header, WIDTH, 25); // create list model and list listModel = new DefaultListModel(); kitList = new JList(listModel); kitList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); kitList.addListSelectionListener(this); kitList.setFixedCellHeight(25); JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(kitList); // add elements to containment panel container.add(header); container.add(listScrollPane); }
public static void main(String[] args) { final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); menu.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 3, 5, 5)); final MenuedButton button = new MenuedButton("Icons", menu); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // replace "print.gif" with your own image final JLabel label = new JLabel("" + i); // new ImageIcon("resources/images/print.gif") ); label.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { button.getMainButton().setIcon(label.getIcon()); menu.setVisible(false); } }); menu.add(label); } JFrame frame = new JFrame("Button Test"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new JLabel("Click Arrow Button To Show Popup"), BorderLayout.NORTH); frame.getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); }
public void createColorPanel() { JPanel colorPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); int curRow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colorString.length / 5; i++) { JPanel row = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 0, 2, 1)); row.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2)); for (int j = curRow; j < curRow + 5; j++) { final JLabel colorLabel = new JLabel(null, new ColoredIcon(color[j], 14, 14), JLabel.CENTER); colorLabel.setOpaque(true); final Border emb = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 1, 2, 1); final Border lnb = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; final Border cmb = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(lnb, emb); colorLabel.setBorder(emb); colorLabel.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JButton btn = (JButton) getTarget(); Color selColor = ((ColoredIcon) colorLabel.getIcon()).getCurrentColor(); btn.setIcon(new ColoredIcon(selColor)); setVisible(false); btn.doClick(); oldLabel.setBackground(null); colorLabel.setBackground(new Color(150, 150, 200)); colorLabel.setBorder(emb); oldLabel = colorLabel; } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { colorLabel.setBorder(cmb); colorLabel.setBackground(new Color(150, 150, 200)); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { colorLabel.setBorder(emb); colorLabel.setBackground(null); } }); row.add(colorLabel); } colorPanel.add(row); curRow += row.getComponentCount(); // System.out.println(curRow); } add(colorPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // More Colors Button moreColors = new JButton(new ColorChooserAction((JButton) target)); moreColors.setText("More Colors..."); moreColors.setIcon(null); moreColors.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 10)); // JPanel c = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); c.add(moreColors); add(c, BorderLayout.SOUTH); }
/** * Ovedrride the method so we can set the highlight label * * @param g Highlighted glyph */ public void setHighlight(Glyph g) { super.setHighlight(g); if ((g == null) || !(g instanceof MetSymbol)) { highlightLabel.setText(" "); return; } highlightLabel.setText(" " + ((MetSymbol) g).getLabel()); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { texta.setText( lblName.getText() + text0.getText() + '\n' + lblSex.getText() + ((JRadioButton) e.getSource()).getText()); }
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { texta.setText( lblName.getText() + text0.getText() + '\n' + lblAge.getText() + ((JSpinner) e.getSource()).getValue()); }
/** Update the information. */ private void updateInfo() { if (_info == null) return; if (_matchList.getModel().getSize() > 0) { T item = _matchList.getSelectedValue(); _infoLabel.setText("Path: " + _info.value(item)); _infoLabel.setToolTipText(_info.value(item)); } else _infoLabel.setText("No file selected"); }
/** * Create the name label if needed. * * @return The component that holds the name label. */ protected JComponent getLabelComponent() { if (nameLabel == null) { nameLabel = new JLabel(); Font font = nameLabel.getFont(); nameLabel.setFont(font.deriveFont(Font.ITALIC | Font.BOLD)); labelComponent = GuiUtils.hflow(Misc.newList(new JLabel("Layout Model: "), nameLabel)); } return labelComponent; }
public void buildPopulationBox() { rebuilding = true; populationBox.removeAll(); peopleList = new ArrayList<Object>(); famList = new ArrayList<Family>(); peopleList.addAll(ctxt.individualCensus); String plur = (peopleList.size() == 1 ? "" : "s"); populationBox.setLayout(new BoxLayout(populationBox, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); populationBox.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, "Current Population")); populationBox.setAlignmentX(0.5f); populationBox.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(8, 0))); indivLabel = new JLabel("Contains " + peopleList.size() + " Individual" + plur); indivLabel.setAlignmentX(0.5f); populationBox.add(indivLabel); if (peopleList.size() > 0) { JPanel indivBtnBox = new JPanel(); indivBtnBox.setLayout(new BoxLayout(indivBtnBox, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); Dimension sizer2 = new Dimension(350, 50); String[] indMenu = genIndMenu(peopleList); indPick = new JComboBox(indMenu); indPick.addActionListener(listener); indPick.setActionCommand("view/edit person"); indPick.setMinimumSize(sizer2); indPick.setMaximumSize(sizer2); indPick.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, "View/Edit Person")); indivBtnBox.add(indPick); populationBox.add(indivBtnBox); } // end of if-any-people-exist famList.addAll(ctxt.familyCensus); // end of filtering deleted records plur = (famList.size() == 1 ? "y" : "ies"); famLabel = new JLabel("Contains " + famList.size() + " Famil" + plur); famLabel.setAlignmentX(0.5f); populationBox.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 4))); populationBox.add(famLabel); if (famList.size() > 0) { JPanel famBtnBox = new JPanel(); famBtnBox.setLayout(new BoxLayout(famBtnBox, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); Dimension sizer2 = new Dimension(350, 50); String[] famMenu = genFamMenu(famList); famPick = new JComboBox(famMenu); famPick.addActionListener(listener); famPick.setActionCommand("view/edit family"); famPick.setMinimumSize(sizer2); famPick.setMaximumSize(sizer2); famPick.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, "View/Edit Family")); famBtnBox.add(famPick); populationBox.add(famBtnBox); } // end of if-any-families-exist rebuilding = false; } // end of method buildPopulationBox
// Renders the selected image protected void updateLabel(String name) { ImageIcon icon = createImageIcon("images/" + name + ".gif"); picture.setIcon(icon); if (icon != null) { picture.setText(null); } else { picture.setText("Image not found"); } }
private void loadPreferences() { // grab the preferences so that they can be used to fill out the layout ThumbMakerPreferences myPreferences = ThumbMakerPreferences.getInstance(); // x resolution text box xres.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RES_WIDTH_PREF_NAME)); // y resolution text box yres.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RES_HEIGHT_PREF_NAME)); // aspect ratio checkbox aspect.setSelected( myPreferences .getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.DO_MAINTAIN_ASPECT_PREF_NAME) .equalsIgnoreCase(ThumbMakerPreferences.BOOLEAN_TRUE_STRING)); // load the color values from the preferences int redValueNumber = myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RED_VALUE_PREF_NAME); int greenValueNumber = myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.GREEN_VALUE_PREF_NAME); int blueValueNumber = myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.BLUE_VALUE_PREF_NAME); // set the background color image colorBox.setBackground(new Color(redValueNumber, greenValueNumber, blueValueNumber)); // red slider red.setValue(redValueNumber); redValue.setText("" + redValueNumber); // green slider green.setValue(greenValueNumber); greenValue.setText("" + greenValueNumber); // blue slider blue.setValue(blueValueNumber); blueValue.setText("" + blueValueNumber); // algorithm combo box algorithm.setSelectedIndex( myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RESIZE_ALG_PREF_NAME)); // format combo box format.setSelectedIndex( myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.THUMB_FORMAT_PREF_NAME)); // prepend field prepend.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.STRING_TO_PREPEND_PREF_NAME)); // append field append.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.STRING_TO_APPEND_PREF_NAME)); // output folder field output.setText( (new File(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.FILE_PATH_STRING_PREF_NAME))) .getAbsolutePath()); }
/** * Configures any necessary colors/fonts for the specified label used representing the message. */ private void configureMessageLabel(JLabel label) { Color color = (Color) DefaultLookup.get(optionPane, this, "OptionPane.messageForeground"); if (color != null) { label.setForeground(color); } Font messageFont = (Font) DefaultLookup.get(optionPane, this, "OptionPane.messageFont"); if (messageFont != null) { label.setFont(messageFont); } }
void addTextField(JPanel panel, String key, String label) { JLabel lab = new JLabel(label); lab.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT); panel.add(lab); JTextField field = new JTextField(); field.setText(sketch.configFile.get(key)); field.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, field.getPreferredSize().height)); fields.put(key, field); panel.add(field); }
/** Update button enable/disable state according enableCheckBox. */ private void updateButtonsState() { sipProtocolCheckBox.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); jabberProtocolCheckBox.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); rtpProtocolCheckBox.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); ice4jProtocolCheckBox.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); fileCountField.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); fileSizeField.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); fileSizeLabel.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); fileCountLabel.setEnabled(enableCheckBox.isSelected()); }
private void updateCaretPositionText() { if (myErrorMessage != null) { myCaretPositionLabel.setText( IdeBundle.message("label.scope.editor.caret.position", myCaretPosition + 1)); } else { myCaretPositionLabel.setText(""); } myPositionPanel.setVisible(myErrorMessage != null); myCaretPositionLabel.setVisible(myErrorMessage != null); myPanel.revalidate(); }
public static void refreshCalendar(int month, int year) { // instantiation String[] months = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; int numoday, startom; // Number Of Days, Start Of Month // Allow/disallow buttons prev.setEnabled(true); next.setEnabled(true); if (month == 0 && year <= ryear) { prev.setEnabled(false); } // Cannot set an appointment back in time if (month == 11 && year >= ryear + 50) { next.setEnabled(false); } // Too early to set an appointment lmonth.setText(months[month]); // Refresh the month label (at the top) lmonth.setBounds( 160 - lmonth.getPreferredSize().width / 2, 25, 180, 25); // Re-align label with calendar cyear.setSelectedItem(String.valueOf(year)); // Select the correct year in the combo box // deletes current table for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { mcal.setValueAt(null, i, j); } } // Get first day of month and number of days GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, month, 1); numoday = cal.getActualMaximum(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); startom = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); // Create calendar for (int i = 1; i <= numoday; i++) { int row = new Integer((i + startom - 2) / 7); int column = (i + startom - 2) % 7; mcal.setValueAt(i, row, column); } // Apply renderers Cal.setDefaultRenderer(Cal.getColumnClass(0), new tblCalendarRenderer()); }
/** * Creates and adds a JLabel representing the icon returned from <code>getIcon</code> to <code>top * </code>. This is messaged from <code>createMessageArea</code> */ protected void addIcon(Container top) { /* Create the icon. */ Icon sideIcon = getIcon(); if (sideIcon != null) { JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(sideIcon); iconLabel.setName("OptionPane.iconLabel"); iconLabel.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP); top.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.BEFORE_LINE_BEGINS); } }
/** Called when color slider values change. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JSlider slider = (JSlider) e.getSource(); int val = slider.getValue(); String s = "" + val; if (val < 100) s = "0" + s; if (val < 10) s = "0" + s; if (slider == red) redValue.setText(s); else if (slider == green) greenValue.setText(s); else if (slider == blue) blueValue.setText(s); Color c = new Color(red.getValue(), green.getValue(), blue.getValue()); colorBox.setBackground(c); }
public void save() { boolean isNoticed = false; if (!notice.isVisible()) { isNoticed = true; notice.setVisible(true); notice.setText("Saving..."); } if (getOptions() != null) { DB database = null; try { database =, getOptions()); DBIterator iterator = database.iterator(); HashSet<byte[]> keys = new HashSet<>(); for (iterator.seekToFirst(); iterator.hasNext(); { keys.add(iterator.peekNext().getKey()); } iterator.close(); for (byte[] key : keys) { database.delete(key); } for (int i = 0; i < dataList.getModel().getSize(); ++i) { DBItem item = dataList.getModel().getElementAt(i); database.put(item.key, item.value); } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, "Unable to open database:\n" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (database != null) { try { database.close(); } catch (IOException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, "Unable to close database:\n" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } saveButton.setEnabled(false); } } if (isNoticed) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } notice.setVisible(false); notice.setText(""); } }
/** Set the font used to display today's date as text. */ protected void setupTodayFont() { Font font; if (todaysLabel == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (todayFont != null) { todaysLabel.setFont(todayFont); } else { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); todaysLabel.setFont(font); } }
/** * Create, if needed, and return the component label * * @return component label */ protected JLabel doMakeDisplayLabel() { if (displayLabel == null) { displayLabel = GuiUtils.cLabel(getName()); Font f = displayLabel.getFont(); f = f.deriveFont(18.0f); displayLabel.setFont(f); if (!labelShown) { displayLabel.setVisible(false); } } return displayLabel; }
void addTextArea(JPanel panel, String key, String label) { JLabel lab = new JLabel(label); lab.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT); panel.add(lab); JTextArea field = new JTextArea(); field.setText(sketch.configFile.get(key)); field.setLineWrap(true); field.setWrapStyleWord(true); fields.put(key, field); JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(field); scroll.setAlignmentX(0.0f); panel.add(scroll); }
/** * This method checks if the current server is valid. If it is valid then it checks if there is * authentication required * * @return true if the server exists and can be accessed */ protected boolean canAccessServer() { // Try reading the public.serv file to see if we need a username/proj JTextField projFld = null; JTextField userFld = null; JComponent contents = null; JLabel label = null; boolean firstTime = true; while (true) { int status = checkIfServerIsOk(); if (status == STATUS_OK) { break; } if (status == STATUS_ERROR) { setState(STATE_UNCONNECTED); return false; } if (projFld == null) { projFld = new JTextField("", 10); userFld = new JTextField("", 10); GuiUtils.tmpInsets = GuiUtils.INSETS_5; contents = GuiUtils.doLayout( new Component[] { GuiUtils.rLabel("User ID:"), userFld, GuiUtils.rLabel("Project #:"), projFld, }, 2, GuiUtils.WT_N, GuiUtils.WT_N); label = new JLabel(" "); contents = GuiUtils.topCenter(label, contents); contents = GuiUtils.inset(contents, 5); } String lbl = (firstTime ? "The server: " + getServer() + " requires a user ID & project number for access" : "Authentication for server: " + getServer() + " failed. Please try again"); label.setText(lbl); if (!GuiUtils.showOkCancelDialog(null, "ADDE Project/User name", contents, null)) { setState(STATE_UNCONNECTED); return false; } firstTime = false; String userName = userFld.getText().trim(); String project = projFld.getText().trim(); if ((userName.length() > 0) && (project.length() > 0)) { passwords.put(getServer(), new String[] {userName, project}); } } return true; }