Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processIOException(IOExceptionEvent event) {
    try {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(event);

      // impossible to dispatch, log here
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("@todo implement processIOException()");
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      // any exception thrown within our code should be caught here
      // so that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
      // it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Creates and sends a SUBSCRIBE request to a specific subscription <tt>Address</tt>/Request URI
   * if it matches a <tt>Subscription</tt> with an id tag of its Event header of a specific value in
   * the list of subscriptions managed by this instance with an Expires header value of zero in
   * order to terminate receiving event notifications and removes the specified
   * <tt>Subscription</tt> from the list of subscriptions managed by this instance. The removed
   * <tt>Subscription</tt> may receive notifications to process the <tt>Request</tt>s and/or
   * <tt>Response</tt>s which constitute the signaling session associated with it. If the attempt to
   * create the SUBSCRIBE request fails, the associated <tt>Subscription</tt> is not removed from
   * the list of subscriptions managed by this instance. If the specified <tt>Address</tt> does not
   * identify an existing <tt>Subscription</tt> in the list of subscriptions managed by this
   * instance, an assertion may optionally be performed or no reaction can be taken.
   * @param toAddress a subscription <tt>Address</tt>/Request URI which identifies a
   *     <tt>Subscription</tt> to be removed from the list of subscriptions managed by this instance
   * @param eventId the id tag placed in the Event header of the <tt>Subscription</tt> to be matched
   *     if there is one or <tt>null</tt> if the <tt>Subscription</tt> should have no id tag in its
   *     Event header
   * @param assertSubscribed <tt>true</tt> to assert if the specified subscription
   *     <tt>Address</tt>/Request URI does not identify an existing <tt>Subscription</tt> in the
   *     list of subscriptions managed by this instance; <tt>false</tt> to not assert if the
   *     mentioned condition is met
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>assertSubscribed</tt> is <tt>true</tt> and
   *     <tt>toAddress</tt> and <tt>eventId</tt> do not identify an existing <tt>Subscription</tt>
   *     in the list of subscriptions managed by this instance
   * @throws OperationFailedException if we fail constructing or sending the unSUBSCRIBE request.
  public void unsubscribe(Address toAddress, String eventId, boolean assertSubscribed)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, OperationFailedException {
    Subscription subscription = getSubscription(toAddress, eventId);
    if (subscription == null)
      if (assertSubscribed)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("trying to unregister a not registered contact");
      else return;

    Dialog dialog = subscription.getDialog();

    // we stop the subscription if we're subscribed to this contact
    if (dialog != null) {
      String callId = dialog.getCallId().getCallId();

      ClientTransaction subscribeTransaction;
      try {
        subscribeTransaction = createSubscription(subscription, dialog, 0);
      } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("failed to create the unsubscription", e);
        throw e;

      // we are not anymore subscribed to this contact
      // this ensure that the response of this request will be
      // handled as an unsubscription response
      removeSubscription(callId, subscription);

      try {
      } catch (SipException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Can't send the request", e);
        throw new OperationFailedException(
            "Failed to send the subscription message", OperationFailedException.NETWORK_FAILURE, e);
   * Sends the <tt>message</tt> to the destination indicated by the <tt>to</tt> contact.
   * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to
   * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and
   *     initialized.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>to</tt> is not an instance of ContactImpl.
  public void sendInstantMessage(Contact to, Message message)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (!(to instanceof ContactSipImpl))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified contact is not a Sip contact." + to);


    // offline message
    if (to.getPresenceStatus().equals(sipStatusEnum.getStatus(SipStatusEnum.OFFLINE))
        && !offlineMessageSupported) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("trying to send a message to an offline contact");
          message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED);

    // create the message
    Request mes;
    try {
      mes = createMessageRequest(to, message);
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
      logger.error("Failed to create the message.", ex);

      fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);

    try {
      sendMessageRequest(mes, to, message);
    } catch (TransactionUnavailableException ex) {
          "Failed to create messageTransaction.\n"
              + "This is most probably a network connection error.",

      fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.NETWORK_FAILURE);
    } catch (SipException ex) {
      logger.error("Failed to send the message.", ex);

      fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Logs exceptions that have occurred in the application while processing events originating from
   * the stack.
   * @param eventClass the class of the jain-sip event that we were handling when the exception was
   *     thrown.
   * @param exc the exception that we need to log.
  private void logApplicationException(Class<DialogTerminatedEvent> eventClass, Throwable exc) {
    String message = "An error occurred while processing event of type: " + eventClass.getName();

    logger.error(message, exc);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(message, exc);
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Find the <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt> (one of our "candidate recipient" listeners)
   * which this <tt>request</tt> should be dispatched to. The strategy is to look first at the
   * request URI, and then at the To field to find a matching candidate for dispatching. Note that
   * this method takes a <tt>Request</tt> as param, and not a <tt>ServerTransaction</tt>, because
   * sometimes <tt>RequestEvent</tt>s have no associated <tt>ServerTransaction</tt>.
   * @param request the <tt>Request</tt> to find a recipient for.
   * @return a suitable <tt>ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl</tt>.
  private ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl findTargetFor(Request request) {
    if (request == null) {
      logger.error("request shouldn't be null.");
      return null;

    List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> currentListenersCopy =
        new ArrayList<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>(this.getSipListeners());

    // Let's first narrow down candidate choice by comparing
    // addresses and ports (no point in delivering to a provider with a
    // non matching IP address  since they will reject it anyway).
    filterByAddress(currentListenersCopy, request);

    if (currentListenersCopy.size() == 0) {
      logger.error("no listeners");
      return null;

    URI requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

    if (requestURI.isSipURI()) {
      String requestUser = ((SipURI) requestURI).getUser();

      List<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl> candidates =
          new ArrayList<ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl>();

      // check if the Request-URI username is
      // one of ours usernames
      for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl listener : currentListenersCopy) {
        String ourUserID = listener.getAccountID().getUserID();
        // logger.trace(ourUserID + " *** " + requestUser);
        if (ourUserID.equals(requestUser)) {
          if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            logger.trace("suitable candidate found: " + listener.getAccountID());

      // the perfect match
      // every other case is approximation
      if (candidates.size() == 1) {
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl perfectMatch = candidates.get(0);

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Will dispatch to \"" + perfectMatch.getAccountID() + "\"");
        return perfectMatch;

      // more than one account match
      if (candidates.size() > 1) {
        // check if a custom param exists in the contact
        // address (set for registrar accounts)
        for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate : candidates) {
          String hostValue =
              ((SipURI) requestURI).getParameter(SipStackSharing.CONTACT_ADDRESS_CUSTOM_PARAM_NAME);
          if (hostValue == null) continue;
          if (hostValue.equals(candidate.getContactAddressCustomParamValue())) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  "Will dispatch to \""
                      + candidate.getAccountID()
                      + "\" because "
                      + "\" the custom param was set");
            return candidate;

        // Past this point, our guess is not reliable. We try to find
        // the "least worst" match based on parameters like the To field

        // check if the To header field host part
        // matches any of our SIP hosts
        for (ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl candidate : candidates) {
          URI fromURI = ((FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME)).getAddress().getURI();
          if (fromURI.isSipURI() == false) continue;
          SipURI ourURI = (SipURI) candidate.getOurSipAddress((SipURI) fromURI).getURI();
          String ourHost = ourURI.getHost();

          URI toURI = ((ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME)).getAddress().getURI();
          if (toURI.isSipURI() == false) continue;
          String toHost = ((SipURI) toURI).getHost();

          // logger.trace(toHost + "***" + ourHost);
          if (toHost.equals(ourHost)) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  "Will dispatch to \""
                      + candidate.getAccountID()
                      + "\" because "
                      + "host in the To: is the same as in our AOR");
            return candidate;

        // fallback on the first candidate
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl target = candidates.iterator().next();
            "Will randomly dispatch to \""
                + target.getAccountID()
                + "\" because there is ambiguity on the username from"
                + " the Request-URI");
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("\n" + request);
        return target;

      // fallback on any account
      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl target = currentListenersCopy.iterator().next();
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            "Will randomly dispatch to \""
                + target.getAccountID()
                + "\" because the username in the Request-URI "
                + "is unknown or empty");
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("\n" + request);
      return target;
    } else {
      logger.error("Request-URI is not a SIP URI, dropping");
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Attach JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> and <tt>ListeningPoint</tt> to the stack either for clear
   * communications or TLS. Clear UDP and TCP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s are not handled separately as
   * the former is a fallback for the latter (depending on the size of the data transmitted). Both
   * <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>s must be bound to the same address and port in order for the related
   * <tt>SipProvider</tt> to be created. If a UDP or TCP <tt>ListeningPoint</tt> cannot bind, retry
   * for both on another port.
   * @param preferredPort which port to try first to bind.
   * @param retries how many times should we try to find a free port to bind
   * @param secure whether to create the TLS SipProvider. or the clear UDP/TCP one.
   * @throws TransportNotSupportedException in case we try to create a provider for a transport not
   *     currently supported by jain-sip
   * @throws InvalidArgumentException if we try binding to an illegal port (which we won't)
   * @throws ObjectInUseException if another <tt>SipProvider</tt> is already associated with this
   *     <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>.
   * @throws TransportAlreadySupportedException if there is already a ListeningPoint associated to
   *     this <tt>SipProvider</tt> with the same transport of the <tt>ListeningPoint</tt>.
   * @throws TooManyListenersException if we try to add a new <tt>SipListener</tt> with a
   *     <tt>SipProvider</tt> when one was already registered.
  private void createProvider(int preferredPort, int retries, boolean secure)
      throws TransportNotSupportedException, InvalidArgumentException, ObjectInUseException,
          TransportAlreadySupportedException, TooManyListenersException {
    String context = (secure ? "TLS: " : "clear UDP/TCP: ");

    if (retries < 0) {
      // very unlikely to happen with the default 50 retries
      logger.error(context + "couldn't find free ports to listen on.");

    ListeningPoint tlsLP = null;
    ListeningPoint udpLP = null;
    ListeningPoint tcpLP = null;

    try {
      if (secure) {
        tlsLP =
                NetworkUtils.IN_ADDR_ANY, preferredPort, ListeningPoint.TLS);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("TLS secure ListeningPoint has been created.");

        this.secureJainSipProvider = this.stack.createSipProvider(tlsLP);
      } else {
        udpLP =
                NetworkUtils.IN_ADDR_ANY, preferredPort, ListeningPoint.UDP);
        tcpLP =
                NetworkUtils.IN_ADDR_ANY, preferredPort, ListeningPoint.TCP);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("UDP and TCP clear ListeningPoints have " + "been created.");

        this.clearJainSipProvider = this.stack.createSipProvider(udpLP);

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(context + "SipProvider has been created.");
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
      // makes sure we didn't leave an open listener
      // as both UDP and TCP listener have to bind to the same port
      if (tlsLP != null) this.stack.deleteListeningPoint(tlsLP);
      if (udpLP != null) this.stack.deleteListeningPoint(udpLP);
      if (tcpLP != null) this.stack.deleteListeningPoint(tcpLP);

      // FIXME: "Address already in use" is not working
      // as ex.getMessage() displays in the locale language in SC
      // (getMessage() is always supposed to be English though)
      // this should be a temporary workaround
      // if (ex.getMessage().indexOf("Address already in use") != -1)
      // another software is probably using the port
      if (ex.getCause() instanceof java.io.IOException) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Port " + preferredPort + " seems in use for either TCP or UDP.");

        // tries again on a new random port
        int currentlyTriedPort = NetworkUtils.getRandomPortNumber();
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Retrying bind on port " + currentlyTriedPort);
        this.createProvider(currentlyTriedPort, retries - 1, secure);
      } else throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Implements {@link MethodProcessor#processResponse(ResponseEvent)}. Handles only responses to
   * SUBSCRIBE requests because they are the only requests concerning event package subscribers (and
   * the only requests sent by them, for that matter) and if the processing of a given response
   * requires event package-specific handling, delivers the response to the matching
   * <tt>Subscription</tt> instance. Examples of such event package-specific handling include
   * letting the respective <tt>Subscription</tt> handle the success or failure in the establishment
   * of a subscription.
   * @param responseEvent a <tt>ResponseEvent</tt> specifying the SIP <tt>Response</tt> to be
   *     processed
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the SIP <tt>Response</tt> specified by <tt>responseEvent</tt> was
   *     processed; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean processResponse(ResponseEvent responseEvent) {
    Response response = responseEvent.getResponse();

    CSeqHeader cseqHeader = (CSeqHeader) response.getHeader(CSeqHeader.NAME);
    if (cseqHeader == null) {
      logger.error("An incoming response did not contain a CSeq header");
      return false;
    if (!Request.SUBSCRIBE.equals(cseqHeader.getMethod())) return false;

    ClientTransaction clientTransaction = responseEvent.getClientTransaction();
    Request request = clientTransaction.getRequest();

     * Don't handle responses to requests not coming from this event
     * package.
    if (request != null) {
      EventHeader eventHeader = (EventHeader) request.getHeader(EventHeader.NAME);
      if ((eventHeader == null) || !eventPackage.equalsIgnoreCase(eventHeader.getEventType()))
        return false;

    // Find the subscription.
    CallIdHeader callIdHeader = (CallIdHeader) response.getHeader(CallIdHeader.NAME);
    String callId = callIdHeader.getCallId();
    Subscription subscription = getSubscription(callId);

    // if it's the response to an unsubscribe message, we just ignore it
    // whatever the response is however if we need to handle a
    // challenge, we do it
    ExpiresHeader expHeader = response.getExpires();
    int statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
    SipProvider sourceProvider = (SipProvider) responseEvent.getSource();
    if (((expHeader != null) && (expHeader.getExpires() == 0))
        || (subscription == null)) // this handle the unsubscription
    // case where we removed the contact
    // from subscribedContacts
      boolean processed = false;

      if ((statusCode == Response.UNAUTHORIZED)
          || (statusCode == Response.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED)) {
        try {
          processAuthenticationChallenge(clientTransaction, response, sourceProvider);
          processed = true;
        } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
          logger.error("can't handle the challenge", e);
      } else if ((statusCode != Response.OK) && (statusCode != Response.ACCEPTED)) processed = true;

      // any other cases (200/202) will imply a NOTIFY, so we will
      // handle the end of a subscription there
      return processed;

    if ((statusCode >= Response.OK) && (statusCode < Response.MULTIPLE_CHOICES)) {
      // OK (200/202)
      if ((statusCode == Response.OK) || (statusCode == Response.ACCEPTED)) {
        if (expHeader == null) {
          // not conform to rfc3265
          logger.error("no Expires header in this response");
          return false;

        SubscriptionRefreshTask refreshTask = new SubscriptionRefreshTask(subscription);

        int refreshDelay = expHeader.getExpires();
        // try to keep a margin if the refresh delay allows it
        if (refreshDelay >= (2 * refreshMargin)) refreshDelay -= refreshMargin;
        timer.schedule(refreshTask, refreshDelay * 1000);

        // do it to remember the dialog in case of a polling
        // subscription (which means no call to finalizeSubscription)

        subscription.processSuccessResponse(responseEvent, statusCode);
    } else if ((statusCode >= Response.MULTIPLE_CHOICES) && (statusCode < Response.BAD_REQUEST)) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
            "Response to subscribe to "
                + subscription.getAddress()
                + ": "
                + response.getReasonPhrase());
    } else if (statusCode >= Response.BAD_REQUEST) {
      // if the response is a 423 response, just re-send the request
      // with a valid expires value
      if (statusCode == Response.INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF) {
        MinExpiresHeader min = (MinExpiresHeader) response.getHeader(MinExpiresHeader.NAME);

        if (min == null) {
          logger.error("no minimal expires value in this 423 " + "response");
          return false;

        ExpiresHeader exp = request.getExpires();

        try {
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
          logger.error("can't set the new expires value", e);
          return false;

        ClientTransaction transac = null;
        try {
          transac = protocolProvider.getDefaultJainSipProvider().getNewClientTransaction(request);
        } catch (TransactionUnavailableException e) {
          logger.error("can't create the client transaction", e);
          return false;

        try {
        } catch (SipException e) {
          logger.error("can't send the new request", e);
          return false;

        return true;
        // UNAUTHORIZED (401/407)
      } else if ((statusCode == Response.UNAUTHORIZED)
          || (statusCode == Response.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED)) {
        try {
          processAuthenticationChallenge(clientTransaction, response, sourceProvider);
        } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
          logger.error("can't handle the challenge", e);

          removeSubscription(callId, subscription);
          subscription.processFailureResponse(responseEvent, statusCode);
        // 408 480 486 600 603 : non definitive reject
        // others: definitive reject (or not implemented)
      } else {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("error received from the network:\n" + response);

        removeSubscription(callId, subscription);
        subscription.processFailureResponse(responseEvent, statusCode);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Implements {@link MethodProcessor#processRequest(RequestEvent)}. Handles only NOTIFY requests
   * because they are the only requests concerning event package subscribers and if the processing
   * of a given request requires event package-specific handling, delivers the request to the
   * matching Subscription instance. Examples of such event package-specific handling include
   * handling the termination of an existing Subscription and processing the bodies of the NOTIFY
   * requests for active Subscriptions.
   * @param requestEvent a <tt>RequestEvent</tt> specifying the SIP <tt>Request</tt> to be processed
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the SIP <tt>Request</tt> specified by <tt>requestEvent</tt> was
   *     processed; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();

    EventHeader eventHeader = (EventHeader) request.getHeader(EventHeader.NAME);
    if ((eventHeader == null) || !eventPackage.equalsIgnoreCase(eventHeader.getEventType())) {
       * We are not concerned by this request, perhaps another listener
       * is. So don't send a 489 / Bad event answer here.
      return false;

    if (!Request.NOTIFY.equals(request.getMethod())) return false;

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("notify received");

    SubscriptionStateHeader sstateHeader =
        (SubscriptionStateHeader) request.getHeader(SubscriptionStateHeader.NAME);
    // notify must contain one (rfc3265)
    if (sstateHeader == null) {
      logger.error("no subscription state in this request");
      return false;
    String sstate = sstateHeader.getState();

    ServerTransaction serverTransaction = getOrCreateServerTransaction(requestEvent);

    // first handle the case of a contact still pending
    // it's possible if the NOTIFY arrives before the OK
    CallIdHeader callIdHeader = (CallIdHeader) request.getHeader(CallIdHeader.NAME);
    String callId = callIdHeader.getCallId();
    Subscription subscription = getSubscription(callId);

    // see if the notify correspond to an existing subscription
    if ((subscription == null) && !SubscriptionStateHeader.TERMINATED.equalsIgnoreCase(sstate)) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("subscription not found for callId " + callId);

      // send a 481 response (rfc3625)
      Response response;
      try {
        response =
                .createResponse(Response.CALL_OR_TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, request);
      } catch (ParseException e) {
        logger.error("failed to create the 481 response", e);
        return false;

      try {
      } catch (SipException e) {
        logger.error("failed to send the response", e);
      } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
        // should not happen
        logger.error("invalid argument provided while trying to send the response", e);
      return true;

    // if we don't understand the content
    ContentTypeHeader ctheader = (ContentTypeHeader) request.getHeader(ContentTypeHeader.NAME);
    if ((ctheader != null) && !ctheader.getContentSubType().equalsIgnoreCase(contentSubType)) {
      // send a 415 response (rfc3261)
      Response response;
      try {
        response =
                .createResponse(Response.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, request);
      } catch (ParseException e) {
        logger.error("failed to create the OK response", e);
        return false;

      // we want PIDF
      AcceptHeader acceptHeader;
      try {
        acceptHeader =
            protocolProvider.getHeaderFactory().createAcceptHeader("application", contentSubType);
      } catch (ParseException e) {
        // should not happen
        logger.error("failed to create the accept header", e);
        return false;

      try {
      } catch (SipException e) {
        logger.error("failed to send the response", e);
      } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
        // should not happen
        logger.error("invalid argument provided while trying" + " to send the response", e);

    // if the presentity doesn't want of us anymore
    if (SubscriptionStateHeader.TERMINATED.equalsIgnoreCase(sstate)) {
      // if we requested this end of subscription, subscription == null
      if (subscription != null) {
        removeSubscription(callId, subscription);
        subscription.processTerminatedRequest(requestEvent, sstateHeader.getReasonCode());

    // send an OK response
    Response response;
    try {
      response = protocolProvider.getMessageFactory().createResponse(Response.OK, request);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      logger.error("failed to create the OK response", e);
      return false;

    try {
    } catch (SipException e) {
      logger.error("failed to send the response", e);
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
      // should not happen
      logger.error("invalid argument provided while trying to send the response", e);

    // transform the presence document in new presence status
    if (subscription != null)
      subscription.processActiveRequest(requestEvent, request.getRawContent());

    return true;