Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Find report with input, throw exception if could not found. When there's more than one, use id
  * small one
  * @param clientDomain
  * @param tableName
  * @param reportType
  * @return
  * @throws Exception
 private int getReportId(String clientDomain, String tableName, String reportType)
     throws Exception {
   reportType = reportType.toUpperCase();
   Table table = nds.schema.TableManager.getInstance().findTable(tableName);
   if (table == null) throw new NDSException("table " + tableName + " not found.");
   String sql =
       "select r.id from ad_report r, ad_client c where c.domain='"
           + clientDomain
           + "' and r.ad_table_id="
           + table.getId()
           + " and r.reporttype='"
           + reportType
           + "' and c.id=r.ad_client_id order by id asc";
   return Tools.getInt(QueryEngine.getInstance().doQueryOne(sql), -1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * return OutputStream of JasperReport object, this page could only be viewed from localhost for
   * security concern. parameter can be (id), or (table and type)
   * @param id - report id, or
   * @param table - table name
   * @param type - reporttype "s","l","o", case insensitive
   * @param client(*) - client domain
   * @param version - version number, default to -1
  public void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    String clientName = request.getParameter("client");
    int objectId = ParamUtils.getIntAttributeOrParameter(request, "id", -1);
    if (objectId == -1) {
      // try using table and type
      objectId =
          getReportId(clientName, request.getParameter("table"), request.getParameter("type"));
    if (objectId == -1) {
      logger.error("report not found, request is:" + Tools.toString(request));
      throw new NDSException("report not found");
    int version = ParamUtils.getIntAttributeOrParameter(request, "version", -1);
    File reportXMLFile = new File(ReportTools.getReportFile(objectId, clientName));
    if (reportXMLFile.exists()) {
      // generate jasperreport if file not exists or not newer
      String reportName =
          reportXMLFile.getName().substring(0, reportXMLFile.getName().lastIndexOf("."));
      File reportJasperFile = new File(reportXMLFile.getParent(), reportName + ".jasper");
      if (!reportJasperFile.exists()
          || reportJasperFile.lastModified() < reportXMLFile.lastModified()) {
            reportXMLFile.getAbsolutePath(), reportJasperFile.getAbsolutePath());
      InputStream is = new FileInputStream(reportJasperFile);
      response.setContentLength((int) reportJasperFile.length());

      // response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","inline;filename=\""+reportJasperFile.getName()+"\"");
      ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();

      byte[] b = new byte[8192];
      int bInt;
      while ((bInt = is.read(b, 0, b.length)) != -1) {
        os.write(b, 0, bInt);
    } else {
      throw new NDSException("Not found report template");