Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void init() throws ServletException {
    ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();
    remoteHost =
        ctx.getInitParameter("RMI_SERVER"); // Reads the value from the <context-param> in web.xml

    mh = new MessageHandler(); // Instantiate message handler on service start
    vmh =
        new VigenereRequestManager(
            remoteHost); // Instansiate Request manager at service start with references to same
                         // queue and map as message handler
    executorService.execute(vmh); // Run the Request service daemon
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();

    int maxKeyLength = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("frmMaxKeyLength"));
    String cypherText = req.getParameter("frmCypherText");
    String taskNumber = req.getParameter("frmStatus");
    String plainText = null; // Holder for returned test

    out.print("<html><head><title>Distributed Systems Assignment</title>");

    if (taskNumber == null) {
      taskNumber = new String("T" + jobNumber + " Quelength " + q.isEmpty());
      // Make message object from input text
      final OutMessage message = new OutMessage(jobNumber, cypherText, maxKeyLength);
      // pass message to handler and onto queue in its own thread from pool

          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    } else {
      // Check out-queue for finished job

      // copy plain text to string cypher2 to appear on page
      plainText = mh.get(jobNumber);

    out.print("<H1>Processing request for Job#: " + taskNumber + "</H1>");
    out.print("<div id=\"r\"></div>");

    out.print("RMI Server is located at " + remoteHost);
    out.print("<P>Maximum Key Length: " + maxKeyLength);
    out.print("<P>CypherText: " + cypherText);
    out.print("<P>Decoded: " + plainText);
        "<P>This servlet should only be responsible for handling client request and returning responses. Everything else should be handled by different objects.");
        "<P>Note that any variables declared inside this doGet() method are thread safe. Anything defined at a class level is shared between HTTP requests.");

    out.print("<P> Next Steps:");
        "<LI>Generate a big random number to use a a job number, or just increment a static long variable declared at a class level, e.g. jobNumber");
        "<LI>Create some type of a message request object from the maxKeyLength, cypherText and jobNumber.");
    out.print("<LI>Add the message request object to a LinkedList or BlockingQueue (the IN-queue)");
        "<LI>Return the jobNumber to the client web browser with a wait interval using <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10\">. The content=\"10\" will wait for 10s.");
    out.print("<LI>Have some process check the LinkedList or BlockingQueue for message requests ");
        "<LI>Poll a message request from the front of the queue and make an RMI call to the Vigenere Cypher Service");
        "<LI>Get the result and add to a Map (the OUT-queue) using the jobNumber and the key and the result as a value");
        "<LI>Return the cyphertext to the client next time a request for the jobNumber is received and delete the key / value pair from the Map.");

    out.print("<form name=\"frmCracker\">");
    out.print("<input name=\"frmMaxKeyLength\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + maxKeyLength + "\">");
    out.print("<input name=\"frmCypherText\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + cypherText + "\">");
    out.print("<input name=\"frmStatus\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + taskNumber + "\">");

    out.print("var wait=setTimeout(\"document.frmCracker.submit();\", 10000);");

     *  Next Steps: just in case you removed the above....
     * 1) Generate a big random number to use a a job number, or just increment a static long variable declared at a class level, e.g. jobNumber
     * 2) Create some type of a "message request" object from the maxKeyLength, cypherText and jobNumber.
     * 3) Add the "message request" object to a LinkedList or BlockingQueue (the IN-queue)
     * 4) Return the jobNumber to the client web browser with a wait interval using <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">. The content="10" will wait for 10s.
     * 4) Have some process check the LinkedList or BlockingQueue for "message requests"
     * 5) Poll a "message request" from the front of the queue and make an RMI call to the Vigenere Cypher Service
     * 6) Get the result and add to a Map (the OUT-queue) using the jobNumber and the key and the result as a value
     * 7) Return the cyphertext to the client next time a request for the jobNumber is received and delete the key / value pair from the Map.

    // You can use this method to implement the functionality of an RMI client

