public ManagedConnection createManagedConnection(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
      throws javax.resource.ResourceException {
    if (xadsSelector == null) {
      return getXAManagedConnection(subject, cri);

    // try to get a connection as many times as many urls we have in the list
    for (int i = 0; i < xadsSelector.getCustomSortedUrls().size(); ++i) {
      XAData xaData = (XAData) xadsSelector.getUrlObject();

      if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Trying to create an XA connection to " + xaData.url);

      try {
        return getXAManagedConnection(subject, cri);
      } catch (ResourceException e) {
        log.warn("Failed to create an XA connection to " + xaData.url + ": " + e.getMessage());

    // we have supposedly tried all the urls
    throw new JBossResourceException(
        "Could not create connection using any of the URLs: " + xadsSelector.getAllUrlObjects());
 /* JSF navigation method (from trade.xhtml) */
 public String disconnect() {
   infoBox = "";
   try {
     connection = null;
   } catch (ResourceException e) {;
   return "index";
 /* JSF navigation method (from index.xhtml) */
 public String connect() {
   String page = "index";
   if (connection == null) {
     try {"[ResourceAccessBean] Getting connection from the RA");
       connection = connectionFactory.getConnection();
       page = "trade";
     } catch (ResourceException e) {;
   return page;
  * Second version of the <code>execute</code> methods.<br>
  * <br>
  * This method returns <code>false</code>, if the request does not match according to the contract
  * of {@link #canHandle}. This never happens under normal conditions since the {@link
  * InteractionHandler} does not call <code>execute</code>, if {@link #canHandle} returns <code>
  * false</code>. <br>
  * <br>
  * Otherwise, this method fills the response <code>Record</code> with the specified response
  * <code>Map</code> data. Use the <code>setResponse</code> methods that take a <code>Map</code> to
  * prepare the response <code>Map</code>. The response <code>Record</code> must implement <code>
  * MappedRecord</code> (it does, otherwise the request would have been rejected by {@link
  * #canHandle}). If no response <code>Map</code> is specified at all, the response <code>Record
  * </code> is not touched but <code>true</code> is returned anyway
  * @param interactionSpec the interaction spec
  * @param actualRequest the actual request
  * @param actualResponse the actual response
  * @return <code>true</code> under normal conditions
 public boolean execute(
     InteractionSpec interactionSpec, Record actualRequest, Record actualResponse)
     throws ResourceException {
   if (!canHandle(interactionSpec, actualRequest, actualResponse)) return false;
   try {
     if (null != responseData && null != actualResponse) {
       ((MappedRecord) actualResponse).clear();
       ((MappedRecord) actualResponse).putAll(responseData);
   } catch (Exception exc) {
     ResourceException resExc = new ResourceException("execute() failed");
     throw resExc;
   return true;
   * @see com.atomikos.datasource.xa.XATransactionalResource#refreshXAConnection()
  protected XAResource refreshXAConnection() throws ResourceException {
    if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
      LOGGER.logInfo("refreshXAConnection() for resource: " + getName());

    XAResource ret = null;
    if (connection != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception normal) {
        // this can be expected, since this method is only called
        // if there is a connection problem

    try {

      LOGGER.logInfo("about to block for new connection...");
      // System.out.println ( "ABOUT TO BLOCK FOR NEW CONNECTION");
      connection = mcf.createManagedConnection(null, null);

    } catch (javax.resource.ResourceException e) {
      // ignore and return null: happens if resource is down
      // at this moment
      connection = null;
    } finally {
      // System.out.println ( "BLOCKING DONE");
      if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.logInfo("blocking done.");

    try {
      if (connection != null) ret = connection.getXAResource();
    } catch (javax.resource.ResourceException e) {
      LOGGER.logWarning("error getting XAResource: " + e.getMessage());

      throw new ResourceException("Error in getting XA resource", e);

    LOGGER.logInfo("refreshXAConnection() done.");

    // System.out.println ( "DONE REFRESHXACONNECTION FOR RESOURCE: " +
    // getName() );

    return ret;
  * First version of the <code>execute</code> methods.<br>
  * <br>
  * This method returns <code>null</code>, if the request does not match according to the contract
  * of {@link #canHandle}. This never happens under normal conditions since the {@link
  * InteractionHandler} does not call <code>execute</code>, if {@link #canHandle} returns <code>
  * false</code>. <br>
  * <br>
  * Otherwise, this method returns the specified response. If a response <code>Record</code> object
  * is specified (use {@link #setResponse(Record)}), it always takes precedence, i.e. the response
  * <code>Map</code> will be ignored. If no <code>Record</code> object is specified, a <code>Record
  * </code> object is created and filled with the specified response <code>Map</code> data. Use the
  * <code>setResponse</code> methods that take a <code>Map</code> to prepare the response <code>Map
  * </code>. The created <code>Record</code> is of the the specified type (the <code>setResponse
  * </code> method that takes a second <code>Class</code> parameter allows for specifying a type).
  * If no type is specified, a {@link com.mockrunner.mock.connector.cci.MockMappedRecord} is
  * created. If no response <code>Map</code> is specified at all, an empty {@link
  * com.mockrunner.mock.connector.cci.MockMappedRecord} will be returned.
  * @param interactionSpec the interaction spec
  * @param actualRequest the actual request
  * @return the response according to the current request
 public Record execute(InteractionSpec interactionSpec, Record actualRequest)
     throws ResourceException {
   if (!canHandle(interactionSpec, actualRequest, null)) return null;
   if (null != responseRecord) return responseRecord;
   MappedRecord response = null;
   try {
     if (null == responseClass) {
       response = new MockMappedRecord();
     } else {
       response = (MappedRecord) responseClass.newInstance();
     if (null != responseData) {
   } catch (Exception exc) {
     ResourceException resExc = new ResourceException("execute() failed");
     throw resExc;
   return (Record) response;
  /** Returns true for a valid connection. */
  boolean isValid(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo requestInfo, UserPoolItem userPoolItem) {
    try {
      ManagedConnection mConn = getManagedConnection();

      if (mConn == null) return false;

      Object userConn = userPoolItem.getUserConnection();

      if (userConn == null) {
        userConn = mConn.getConnection(subject, requestInfo);


      return userConn != null;
    } catch (ResourceException e) {
      log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e);

      return false;
 /** Output records are not supported/required. */
 public boolean execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record input, Record output)
     throws ResourceException {
   if (!(spec instanceof MongoInteractionSpec)) {
     throw EISException.invalidInteractionSpecType();
   if (!(input instanceof MongoRecord) || !(output instanceof MongoRecord)) {
     throw EISException.invalidRecordType();
   MongoInteractionSpec mongoSpec = (MongoInteractionSpec) spec;
   MongoRecord record = (MongoRecord) input;
   MongoRecord translationRecord = (MongoRecord) output;
   MongoOperation operation = mongoSpec.getOperation();
   String collectionName = mongoSpec.getCollection();
   if (operation == null) {
     throw new ResourceException("Mongo operation must be set");
   if (collectionName == null) {
     throw new ResourceException("DB Collection name must be set");
   try {
     DBCollection collection = this.connection.getDB().getCollection(collectionName);
     DBObject object = buildDBObject(record);
     DBObject translation = buildDBObject(translationRecord);
     if (operation == MongoOperation.UPDATE) {
       WriteResult result =
           collection.update(translation, object, mongoSpec.isUpsert(), mongoSpec.isMulti());
       return result.getN() > 0;
     } else {
       throw new ResourceException("Invalid operation: " + operation);
   } catch (Exception exception) {
     ResourceException resourceException = new ResourceException(exception.toString());
     throw resourceException;
   * Execute the interaction and return output record. The spec is either GET, PUT or DELETE
   * interaction.
  public Record execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record record) throws ResourceException {
    if (!(spec instanceof MongoInteractionSpec)) {
      throw EISException.invalidInteractionSpecType();
    if (!(record instanceof MongoRecord)) {
      throw EISException.invalidRecordType();
    MongoInteractionSpec mongoSpec = (MongoInteractionSpec) spec;
    MongoRecord input = (MongoRecord) record;
    MongoOperation operation = mongoSpec.getOperation();
    String collectionName = mongoSpec.getCollection();
    if (operation == null) {
      ResourceException resourceException = new ResourceException("Mongo operation must be set");
      throw resourceException;
    if (operation == MongoOperation.EVAL) {
      Object result = this.connection.getDB().eval(mongoSpec.getCode());
      return buildRecordFromDBObject((DBObject) result);
    if (collectionName == null) {
      ResourceException resourceException = new ResourceException("DB Collection name must be set");
      throw resourceException;
    try {
      DBCollection collection = this.connection.getDB().getCollection(collectionName);
      if (mongoSpec.getOptions() > 0) {
      if (mongoSpec.getReadPreference() != null) {
      if (mongoSpec.getWriteConcern() != null) {
      if (operation == MongoOperation.INSERT) {
        DBObject object = buildDBObject(input);
      } else if (operation == MongoOperation.REMOVE) {
        DBObject object = buildDBObject(input);
      } else if (operation == MongoOperation.FIND) {
        DBObject sort = null;
        if (input.containsKey(MongoRecord.SORT)) {
          sort = buildDBObject((MongoRecord) input.get(MongoRecord.SORT));
        DBObject select = null;
        if (input.containsKey("$select")) {
          select = buildDBObject((MongoRecord) input.get("$select"));
        DBObject object = buildDBObject(input);
        DBCursor cursor = collection.find(object, select);
        if (sort != null) {
        try {
          if (mongoSpec.getSkip() > 0) {
          if (mongoSpec.getLimit() != 0) {
          if (mongoSpec.getBatchSize() != 0) {
          if (!cursor.hasNext()) {
            return null;
          MongoListRecord results = new MongoListRecord();
          while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject result =;
          return results;
        } finally {

      } else {
        throw new ResourceException("Invalid operation: " + operation);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      ResourceException resourceException = new ResourceException(exception.toString());
      throw resourceException;
    return null;