  * Deletes the authorization after removing it from any groups that might be referring to it
  * @param em the entity manager reference
  * @param id the ID for authorizatino entity
  * @throws PersistenceException if there were any errors deleting the authorization
 static void deleteAuthorization(EntityManager em, long id) throws PersistenceException {
   Authorization auth = em.find(Authorization.class, id);
   // may return null, if this entity is not saved, in which
   // case don't do anything.
   if (auth == null) {
   // Iterate through all groups and remove the authorization from them
   Set<SummaryGroup> groups = auth.getGroups();
   if (groups != null) {
     for (SummaryGroup g : groups) {
       Group group = new SingleGroupQuery(g.getId()).fetch();
       Set<Authorization> auths = group.getAuthorizations();
       HashSet<Authorization> updated = new HashSet<Authorization>();
       for (Authorization a : auths) {
         if (a.getId() != auth.getId()) {
   em.remove(em.getReference(Authorization.class, auth.getId()));