/** Test Result(Object o, Attributes a) with the first param o as null */
 public void testConstructor_ObjectNull() {
   Person person = Person.getInstance();
   BasicAttributes attributes = new BasicAttributes("Anyuser", person);
   DirStateFactory.Result result = new DirStateFactory.Result(null, attributes);
   assertEquals(attributes, result.getAttributes());
 /** Test Result(Object o, Attributes a) with normal values */
 public void testConstructor_Simple() {
   Person person = Person.getInstance();
   BasicAttributes attributes = new BasicAttributes("Anyuser", person);
   String strObj = "Harmony";
   DirStateFactory.Result result = new DirStateFactory.Result(strObj, attributes);
   assertEquals(strObj, result.getObject());
   assertEquals(attributes, result.getAttributes());
 /** Test Result(Object o, Attributes a) with the second param attributes as null */
 public void testConstructor_AttributesNull() {
   String strObj = "Harmony";
   DirStateFactory.Result result = new DirStateFactory.Result(strObj, null);
   assertEquals(strObj, result.getObject());