Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Creates the node visual. The given {@link ImageView}, {@link Text}, and {@link StackPane} are
   * inserted into that node visual to display the node's icon, label and nested children,
   * respectively. The node visual needs to be inserted into the given {@link Group}.
   * @param group This node's visual.
   * @param rect The {@link Rectangle} displaying border and background.
   * @param iconImageView The {@link ImageView} displaying the node's icon.
   * @param labelText The {@link Text} displaying the node's label.
   * @param nestedContentStackPane The {@link StackPane} displaying the node's nested content.
  protected void createNodeVisual(
      final Group group,
      final Rectangle rect,
      final ImageView iconImageView,
      final Text labelText,
      final StackPane nestedContentStackPane) {
    // put image and text next to each other at the top of the node
    hbox = new HBox();
    hbox.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
    hbox.getChildren().addAll(iconImageView, labelText);

    // put nested content stack pane below image and text
    vbox = new VBox();
    vbox.getChildren().addAll(hbox, nestedContentStackPane);
    VBox.setVgrow(nestedContentStackPane, Priority.ALWAYS);

    // expand box depending on content size
            new ChangeListener<Bounds>() {
              public void changed(
                  ObservableValue<? extends Bounds> observable, Bounds oldValue, Bounds newValue) {
                rect.setWidth(vbox.getWidth() + 2 * getPadding());
                rect.setHeight(vbox.getHeight() + 2 * getPadding());

    // place the box below the other visuals
    group.getChildren().addAll(rect, vbox);