Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void testCompareCETnPST() {

    String stCET = "CET";
    TimeZone tzCET = TimeZone.getTimeZone(stCET);

    String stPST = "PST";
    TimeZone tzPST = TimeZone.getTimeZone(stPST);

    Date today = new Date();

    long offSetCET = tzCET.getOffset(today.getTime());
    long offSetPST = tzPST.getOffset(today.getTime());

    displayTZ(tzCET, tzPST);
        "tzCET info: "
            + tzCET.getDisplayName()
            + "/"
            + tzCET.getDSTSavings()
            + "/"
            + tzCET.getOffset(today.getTime()));
        "tzPST info: "
            + tzPST.getDisplayName()
            + "/"
            + tzPST.getDSTSavings()
            + "/"
            + tzPST.getOffset(today.getTime()));

Ejemplo n.º 2
  * 根据不同时区,转换时间 2014年7月31日
  * @param time
  * @return
 public static Date transformTime(Date date, TimeZone oldZone, TimeZone newZone) {
   Date finalDate = null;
   if (date != null) {
     int timeOffset = oldZone.getOffset(date.getTime()) - newZone.getOffset(date.getTime());
     finalDate = new Date(date.getTime() - timeOffset);
   return finalDate;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private String getTimeStamp() {
    GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST5EDT");
    TimeZone calTz = cal.getTimeZone();
    long millis = cal.getTimeInMillis();
    int differenceTz = calTz.getOffset(millis) - tz.getOffset(millis);

    millis = cal.getTimeInMillis() - (long) differenceTz;
    return DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(millis));
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Converts a Date in default time zone to client's time zone.
   * @param inputDate a date in the default time zone
   * @return a date in the client time zone
  private Date convertDateToClientTimeZone(Date inputDate) {
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);

    TimeZone clientZone = timeZoneTracker.getClientTimeZone();
    TimeZone defaultZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int offset = defaultZone.getOffset(now) - clientZone.getOffset(now);

    c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, offset);

    return c.getTime();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected static String formatTimezone(TimeZone tz) {
   Date now = new Date();
   float offset = (float) tz.getOffset(now.getTime()) / ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;
   int hours = (int) offset;
   int minutes = (offset - hours == 0) ? 0 : 30;
   return String.format("%d.%02d", hours, minutes);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    DataContextImpl(OptiqConnectionImpl connection, List<Object> parameterValues) {
      this.queryProvider = connection;
      this.typeFactory = connection.getTypeFactory();
      this.rootSchema = connection.rootSchema;

      // Store the time at which the query started executing. The SQL
      // standard says that functions such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP return the
      // same value throughout the query.
      final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
      final TimeZone timeZone = connection.getTimeZone();
      final long localOffset = timeZone.getOffset(time);
      final long currentOffset = localOffset;

      ImmutableMap.Builder<Object, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
          .put("utcTimestamp", time)
          .put("currentTimestamp", time + currentOffset)
          .put("localTimestamp", time + localOffset)
          .put("timeZone", timeZone);
      for (Ord<Object> value : Ord.zip(parameterValues)) {
        Object e = value.e;
        if (e == null) {
          e = AvaticaParameter.DUMMY_VALUE;
        builder.put("?" + value.i, e);
      map = builder.build();
Ejemplo n.º 7
  /** Sets the time in milliseconds since the epoch and calculate the internal variables. */
  public void setLocalTime(long time) {
    // If this is a local time zone date, just set the time
    if (_timeZone != _gmtTimeZone) {
    // If this is a GMT date, convert from local to GMT
    else {
      calculateSplit(time - _localTimeZone.getRawOffset());

      try {
        long offset =
                (int) _year,
                (int) _month,
                (int) _dayOfMonth + 1,
                (int) _timeOfDay);

        calculateSplit(time - offset);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static String date2UTC(Date dateTime, TimeZone timeZone) throws UtilitiesException {
   try {
     DecimalFormat twoDigits;
     String utc;
     String sign;
     int hours;
     int minutes;
     SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");
     twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("00");
     utc = dateFormatter.format(dateTime);
     int tzOffset = timeZone.getOffset(dateTime.getTime());
     sign = "+";
     if (tzOffset < 0) {
       sign = "-";
       tzOffset = -tzOffset;
     hours = tzOffset / 0x36ee80;
     minutes = (tzOffset % 0x36ee80) / 60000;
     return (new StringBuffer(utc.length() + 7))
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.UtilitiesException(ex);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public TimeZoneRow(String id, String name) {
   mId = id;
   TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);
   boolean useDaylightTime = tz.useDaylightTime();
   mOffset = tz.getOffset(mTime);
   mDisplayName = buildGmtDisplayName(name, useDaylightTime);
Ejemplo n.º 10
   * Get a DICOM format {@link java.lang.String String} time zone from a Java {@link
   * java.util.TimeZone TimeZone} on a particular Java {@link java.util.Date Date} .
   * <p>E.g. from +0500 or -0700, the last component of a DateTime attribute value, or the value of
   * the DICOM attribute TimezoneOffsetFromUTC.
   * @param javaTimeZone the {@link java.util.TimeZone TimeZone} time zone
   * @param javaDate the {@link java.util.Date Date} used to establish whether daylight savings is
   *     in effect or not
   * @return a DICOM format {@link java.lang.String String} time zone representing the supplied time
   *     zone on the supplied date
  public static String getTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone javaTimeZone, java.util.Date javaDate) {
    // System.err.println("DateTimeAttribute.getTimeZone(): javaTimeZone = "+javaTimeZone);
    // System.err.println("DateTimeAttribute.getTimeZone(): javaDate = "+javaDate);
    int offset =
                .getTime()); // returns the amount of time in milliseconds to add to UTC to get
                             // local time

    boolean isNegative = false;
    if (offset < 0) {
      isNegative = true;
      offset = -offset;

    int offsetTotalMinutes = offset / 1000 / 60;
    int offsetHoursPart = offsetTotalMinutes / 60;
    int offsetMinutesPart = offsetTotalMinutes % 60;

    String tzInDICOMFormat =
        (isNegative ? "-" : "+")
            + (offsetHoursPart > 9 ? "" : "0")
            + offsetHoursPart
            + (offsetMinutesPart > 9 ? "" : "0")
            + offsetMinutesPart;
    // System.err.println("DateTimeAttribute.getTimeZone(): tzInDICOMFormat = "+tzInDICOMFormat);
    return tzInDICOMFormat;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Construct a PersonIdent from simple data
  * @param aName
  * @param aEmailAddress
  * @param aWhen local time stamp
  * @param aTZ time zone
 public PersonIdent(
     final String aName, final String aEmailAddress, final Date aWhen, final TimeZone aTZ) {
   name = aName;
   emailAddress = aEmailAddress;
   when = aWhen.getTime();
   tzOffset = aTZ.getOffset(when) / (60 * 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  // @Ignore
  public void allTimeZoneTest() {

    String[] tzIds = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();

        "NUM) %32s, %5s \t,%15s\t,%15s,%6s\n",
        "Time Zone", "inDST", "offset", "DSTSavings", "useDST");
    for (int i = 0; i < tzIds.length; i++) {
      String string = tzIds[i];
      TimeZone timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(string);
      Date date = new Date();
      // System.out.println(i + ") " + timezone.getID() + ", offset " +
      // timezone.getOffset(date.getTime()) + ", DSTSavings " +
      // timezone.getDSTSavings());
          "%3d) %32s, %5s \t,%15d\t,%15d,%6s\n",

Ejemplo n.º 13
  public void testTimeZoneCST() throws Exception {

    DateFormat df;
    Date d;

    TimeZone tzCST = TimeZone.getTimeZone("CST");
    TimeZone tzPST = TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
    // displayTZ(tzCST);

    String date = "02-11-2013:05:01:45";
    df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy:HH:mm:SS");
    d = (Date) df.parse(date);

    // Read more:
    // http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2011/09/step-by-step-guide-to-convert-string-to.html#ixzz2a0OnXQoi

    System.out.println(date + "'s offset; " + d.getTimezoneOffset());
    System.out.println("CST offset is" + tzCST.getOffset(d.getTime()));
    System.out.println("PST offset is" + tzPST.getOffset(d.getTime()));

    date = "03-11-2013:00:01:45";
    d = (Date) df.parse(date);

    System.out.println(date + "'s offset; " + d.getTimezoneOffset());
    System.out.println("CST offset is" + tzCST.getOffset(d.getTime()));
    System.out.println("PST offset is" + tzPST.getOffset(d.getTime()));

    date = "03-11-2013:01:01:45";
    d = (Date) df.parse(date);

    System.out.println(date + "'s offset; " + d.getTimezoneOffset());
    System.out.println("CST offset is" + tzCST.getOffset(d.getTime()));
    System.out.println("PST offset is" + tzPST.getOffset(d.getTime()));
        "The gap is" + (tzCST.getOffset(d.getTime()) - tzPST.getOffset(d.getTime())));

    date = "03-11-2013:15:01:45";
    d = (Date) df.parse(date);

    System.out.println(date + "'s offset; " + d.getTimezoneOffset());
    System.out.println("CST offset is" + tzCST.getOffset(d.getTime()));
    System.out.println("PST offset is" + tzPST.getOffset(d.getTime()));

Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static String format(Date paramDate, boolean paramBoolean, TimeZone paramTimeZone)
   GregorianCalendar localGregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(paramTimeZone, Locale.US);
   int i = "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss".length();
   int j;
   int m;
   label56: StringBuilder localStringBuilder;
   char c;
   if (paramBoolean)
     j = ".sss".length();
     int k = i + j;
     if (paramTimeZone.getRawOffset() != 0)
       break label335;
     m = "Z".length();
     localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(k + m);
     padInt(localStringBuilder, localGregorianCalendar.get(1), "yyyy".length());
     padInt(localStringBuilder, 1 + localGregorianCalendar.get(2), "MM".length());
     padInt(localStringBuilder, localGregorianCalendar.get(5), "dd".length());
     padInt(localStringBuilder, localGregorianCalendar.get(11), "hh".length());
     padInt(localStringBuilder, localGregorianCalendar.get(12), "mm".length());
     padInt(localStringBuilder, localGregorianCalendar.get(13), "ss".length());
     if (paramBoolean)
       padInt(localStringBuilder, localGregorianCalendar.get(14), "sss".length());
     int n = paramTimeZone.getOffset(localGregorianCalendar.getTimeInMillis());
     if (n == 0)
       break label352;
     int i1 = Math.abs(n / 60000 / 60);
     int i2 = Math.abs(n / 60000 % 60);
     if (n >= 0)
       break label345;
     c = '-';
     label283: localStringBuilder.append(c);
     padInt(localStringBuilder, i1, "hh".length());
     padInt(localStringBuilder, i2, "mm".length());
   while (true)
     return localStringBuilder.toString();
     j = 0;
     label335: m = "+hh:mm".length();
     break label56;
     label345: c = '+';
     break label283;
     label352: localStringBuilder.append('Z');
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
   Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone);
   startTime = calendar;
   calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone);
   endTime = calendar;
   agencyTimeZoneOffset = timeZone.getOffset(startTime.getTimeInMillis());
Ejemplo n.º 16
   * Construct a date from a Dublin Core value
   * @param fromDC the date string, in ISO 8601 (no timezone, always use UTC/GMT)
  public DCDate(String fromDC) {

    // An empty date is OK
    if ((fromDC == null) || fromDC.equals("")) {
    // default granularity
    granularity = DateGran.TIME;
    Date date = tryParse(fullIso, fromDC);
    if (date == null) date = tryParse(fullIso2, fromDC);
    if (date == null) date = tryParse(fullIso3, fromDC);
    if (date == null) {
      // NOTE: move GMT date to local midnight when granularity is coarse
      date = tryParse(dateIso, fromDC);
      if (date != null) {
        long ldate = date.getTime();
        date = new Date(ldate - localZone.getOffset(ldate));
        granularity = DateGran.DAY;
    if (date == null) {
      // NOTE: move GMT date to local midnight when granularity is coarse
      date = tryParse(yearMonthIso, fromDC);
      if (date != null) {
        long ldate = date.getTime();
        date = new Date(ldate - localZone.getOffset(ldate));
        granularity = DateGran.MONTH;
    if (date == null) {
      // NOTE: move GMT date to local midnight when granularity is coarse
      date = tryParse(yearIso, fromDC);
      if (date != null) {
        long ldate = date.getTime();
        date = new Date(ldate - localZone.getOffset(ldate));
        granularity = DateGran.YEAR;

    if (date == null)
      log.warn("Mangled date: " + fromDC + "  ..failed all attempts to parse as date.");
    else setTime(date);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  private static long getTimeZoneOffset(long time, TimeZone from, TimeZone to) {
    int fromOffset = from.getOffset(time);
    int toOffset = to.getOffset(time);
    int diff = 0;

    if (fromOffset >= 0) {
      if (toOffset > 0) {
        toOffset = -1 * toOffset;
      } else {
        toOffset = Math.abs(toOffset);
      diff = (fromOffset + toOffset) * -1;
    } else {
      if (toOffset <= 0) {
        toOffset = -1 * Math.abs(toOffset);
      diff = (Math.abs(fromOffset) + toOffset);
    return diff;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void convertDateTimeToMilliseconds() {
   Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
   calendar.set(2014, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
   final TimeZone timeZone = calendar.getTimeZone();
   long offset = timeZone.getOffset(calendar.getTime().getTime());
   Long correctResult = offset + calendar.getTime().getTime();
       highchartSeriesUtil.convertDateTimeToMilliseconds(calendar.getTime()), correctResult);
Ejemplo n.º 19
   * Gets current time in the following format Month, Date, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Millisecond.
   * @return Current date.
  public String getCurrentTimeStampString() {

    java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();

    SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddHHmmssSS");
    TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    Calendar cal =
        Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(timeZone.getOffset(date.getTime()), "GMT"));
    return sd.format(date);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public long getPreviousFireTimeBefore(long beforeTime) {
   long returnTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
   if (beforeTime > getStart().getTime()) {
     if (beforeTime > getEnd().getTime()) beforeTime = getEnd().getTime();
     long lstart = getStart().getTime();
     CompanyCalendar cal = new CompanyCalendar();
     TimeZone timeZone = cal.getTimeZone();
     int ofset =
             - timeZone.getOffset(
                 beforeTime)); // questo server per calcolare i millisecondi effettivi in caso di
                               // ora legale
     long distInMillisec = beforeTime - lstart - ofset;
     long distInDays = distInMillisec / CompanyCalendar.MILLIS_IN_DAY;
     long distInYear =
         distInDays / 365; // non sbaglia il conto fino a che non sono passati 1460 anni
     if (distInYear > 0) {
       cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, (int) distInYear);
       distInDays -= (distInYear * 365);
     int distInMonth =
         (int) distInDays
             / 29; // in un anno dividendo per 29 i giorni ottengo sempre il numero corretto di
                   // mesi
     int freq = (this.getFreq() > 0 ? this.getFreq() : 1);
     int rep = distInMonth / freq;
     if (this.getRepeat() == 0 || rep <= (this.getRepeat() - 1)) {
       cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, rep * freq);
       long before;
       if (weekOfMonth > 0 && dayOfWeek > 0) {
         before = getDayInWeekInMonth(cal);
         if (before < beforeTime) returnTime = before;
       } else {
         before = getDayInMonthBefore(cal, beforeTime);
         if (before < beforeTime) returnTime = before;
   return returnTime;
  /** @tests java.util.SimpleTimeZone#getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int) */
  public void test_getOffsetIIIIII() {
    // Test for method int java.util.SimpleTimeZone.getOffset(int, int, int,
    // int, int, int)
    TimeZone st1 = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST");
        "Incorrect offset returned",
        st1.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 11, Calendar.WEDNESDAY, 0)
            == -(5 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

    st1 = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST");
        "Incorrect offset returned",
        -(5 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
        st1.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JUNE, 11, Calendar.THURSDAY, 0));

    // Regression for HARMONY-5459
    st1 = (TimeZone) TimeZone.getDefault();
    int fourHours = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
    assertEquals(fourHours, st1.getOffset(1, 2099, 01, 1, 5, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 22
   * The date is converted to the following format: <code>sYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssTZD</code> where:
   * <dl>
   *   <dt>sYYYY
   *   <dd>Four-digit year with optional leading positive (‘+’) or negative (‘-’) sign. 0000 , -0000
   *       and +0000 all indicate the year 1 BCE. –YYYY where YYYY is the number y indicates the
   *       year (y+1) BCE. The absence of a sign or the presence of a positive sign indicates a year
   *       CE. For example, -0054 would indicate the year 55 BCE, while +1969 and 1969 indicate the
   *       year 1969 CE.
   *   <dt>MM
   *   <dd>Two-digit month (01 = January, etc.)
   *   <dt>DD
   *   <dd>Two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
   *   <dt>hh
   *   <dd>Two digits of hour (00 through 23, or 24 if mm is 00 and ss.sss is 00.000)
   *   <dt>mm
   *   <dd>Two digits of minute (00 through 59)
   *   <dt>ss.sss
   *   <dd>Seconds, to three decimal places (00.000 through 59.999 or 60.999 in the case of leap
   *       seconds)
   *   <dt>TZD
   *   <dd>Time zone designator (either Z for Zulu, i.e. UTC, or +hh:mm or -hh:mm, i.e. an offset
   *       from UTC)
   * </dl>
   * <p>Note that the “T” separating the date from the time and the separators “-”and “:” appear
   * literally in the string.
   * <p>This format is a subset of the format defined by ISO 8601:2004. If the DATE value cannot be
   * represented in this format a {@link ValueFormatException} is thrown.
  public String getString() {
    // determine era and adjust year if necessary
    int year = value.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    if (value.isSet(Calendar.ERA) && value.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) {
      // calculate year using astronomical system:
      // year n BCE => astronomical year - n + 1
      year = 0 - year + 1;

    // note that we cannot use java.text.SimpleDateFormat for
    // formatting because it can't handle years <= 0 and TZD's
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32);

    // year ([-]YYYY)
    // month (MM)
    buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(value.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1));
    // day (DD)
    // hour (hh)
    // minute (mm)
    // second (ss)
    // millisecond (SSS)

    // time zone designator (Z or +00:00 or -00:00)
    TimeZone tz = value.getTimeZone();
    // time zone offset (in minutes) from UTC (including daylight saving)
    int offset = tz.getOffset(value.getTimeInMillis()) / 1000 / 60;
    if (offset != 0) {
      int hours = Math.abs(offset / 60);
      int minutes = Math.abs(offset % 60);
      buf.append(offset < 0 ? '-' : '+');
    } else {

    return buf.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 23
   * function to set up alarm flag
   * @return
  private static void alarm_flag_setup(
      Context mContext, final long alarmTimeInMillis, Alarm alarm) {
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    c.set(2011, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    Calendar to = Calendar.getInstance();
    TimeZone zone = c.getTimeZone();
    long dstOffset = zone.getOffset(alarmTimeInMillis);
    long startTimeInMillis = c.getTimeInMillis();
    long dstAlarmTimeInMillis = alarmTimeInMillis - dstOffset;
    long timeDiffInMillis = dstAlarmTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis;
    long timeDiffInSecs = timeDiffInMillis / 1000;
    // bug[20603] to resolve clock don't alarm on right time 2012.06.20 add begin
    String prfsName = mContext.getPackageName();
    prfsName += "_preferences";
    SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences(prfsName, Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
    String snooze_duration = prefs.getString("snooze_duration", "10");
    // bug[20603] to resolve clock don't alarm on right time 2012.06.20  add end
    Log.v("write " + String.valueOf(timeDiffInSecs) + " to" + ALARM_FLAG_FILE);

    if (ALARM_FLAG_FILE.exists()) {
      Log.v(ALARM_FLAG_FILE + " already exist, delete it");
      try {
        Log.v(ALARM_FLAG_FILE + " delete before write success");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.v(ALARM_FLAG_FILE + " delete before write failed");

    try {
      FileWriter command = new FileWriter(ALARM_FLAG_FILE);
      try {
        command.write(String.valueOf(alarmTimeInMillis / 1000));
        alarm_duration_setup(mContext, command);
        alarm_path_setup(getAlarmPath(mContext, alarm), command);
        // bug[20603] to resolve clock don't alarm on right time 2012.06.20 add begin
        // bug[20603] to resolve clock don't alarm on right time  2012.06.20 add end
      } finally {
        Log.v(ALARM_FLAG_FILE + " write done");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Log.v(ALARM_FLAG_FILE + "write error");
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private long normalizeTimeOfDayPart(long t, TimeZone tz) {
   long millis = t;
   long low = -tz.getOffset(millis);
   long high = low + DAY;
   if (millis < low) {
     do {
       millis += DAY;
     } while (millis < low);
   } else if (millis >= high) {
     do {
       millis -= DAY;
     } while (millis > high);
   return millis;
  private String getAsString(
      FacesContext context, UIInput input, DateTimeConverter converter, Object value) {
    if (value instanceof Date) {
      Date dateValue = (Date) value;

      // Adjust the date to the desired timezone
      // Dojo expect the the date already formatted within the desired time zone
      // As the SimpleFormat uses the default timezone, we offset the difference so it is
      // correctly formatted for dojo.
      long offset = 0;
      TimeZone clientTimeZone = converter.getTimeZone();
      TimeZone serverTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
      if (!serverTimeZone.equals(clientTimeZone)) {
        // SPR#MKEE9HYGXB cannot use timeZone.getRawOffset()
        // because client timezone is-summerTime-ness and the
        // server timezone is-summerTime-ness may be different,
        // so using the raw offset leads to problems during the
        // period where one timezone has changed to summer time
        // but the other timezone has not.
        Date serverNow = new Date();
        Date clientNow = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(clientTimeZone).getTime();
        offset =
                - clientTimeZone.getOffset(clientNow.getTime());
      dateValue = new Date(dateValue.getTime() - offset);

      int type = getValueType(input);
      return formatValueAsType(dateValue, type);
    // TODO should probably not fall through to the non-ISO date converter.
    if (null == value || "".equals(value)) {
      return "";
    return value.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 26
 private void displayTZ(TimeZone... timezone) {
       "%32s, %5s \t,%15s\t,%15s,%6s\n", "Time Zone", "inDST", "offset", "DSTSavings", "useDST");
   Date date = new Date();
   for (TimeZone tz : timezone) {
         "%32s, %5s \t,%15d(%d)\t,%15d,%6s\n",
         tz.getOffset(date.getTime()) / (60 * 60 * 1000),
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private static Object getValue(AtomicValue value, CommandContext context) throws XPathException {
   if (value instanceof CalendarValue) {
     CalendarValue cv = (CalendarValue) value;
     if (!cv.hasTimezone()) {
       TimeZone tz = context.getServerTimeZone();
       int tzMin = tz.getRawOffset() / 60000;
       if (tz.getDSTSavings() > 0) {
         tzMin = tz.getOffset(cv.getCalendar().getTimeInMillis()) / 60000;
       Calendar cal = cv.getCalendar();
       return new Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime());
   return SequenceTool.convertToJava(value);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Constructor.
  * @param start_time Timestamp of the start time of the graph.
  * @param end_time Timestamp of the end time of the graph.
  * @param tz Timezone to use to render the timestamps. If {@code null} the current timezone as of
  *     when the JVM started is used.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either timestamp is 0 or negative.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code start_time >= end_time}.
  * @since 1.1
 public Plot(final long start_time, final long end_time, TimeZone tz) {
   if ((start_time & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) != 0) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start time: " + start_time);
   } else if ((end_time & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) != 0) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid end time: " + end_time);
   } else if (start_time >= end_time) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "start time (" + start_time + ") is greater than or equal to end time: " + end_time);
   this.start_time = (int) start_time;
   this.end_time = (int) end_time;
   if (tz == null) {
     tz = DEFAULT_TZ;
   this.utc_offset = (short) (tz.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  public void testGetOffset() {

    TimeZone l_tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
    Date today = new Date();
    long actual = l_tz.getOffset(today.getTime());
    long expected = 0;
    if (l_tz.getDSTSavings() > 0) {
      expected = -25200000;
    } else {
      expected = -28800000;
    // expected = l_tz.get

    assertEquals(expected, actual);
 public void testParseTimeZoneEndToEnd() {
   TimeZone tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(AMERICA_DAWSON_TIME);
   assertEquals("America/Dawson", tz.getID());
   tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(ASIA_CALCUTTA_TIME);
   assertEquals("Asia/Calcutta", tz.getID());
   tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(AUSTRALIA_ACT_TIME);
   assertEquals("Australia/ACT", tz.getID());
   tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(EUROPE_MOSCOW_TIME);
   assertEquals("Europe/Moscow", tz.getID());
   tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(GMT_UNKNOWN_DAYLIGHT_TIME);
   int bias = tz.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis());
   assertEquals(0, bias);
   // Make sure non-DST TZ's work properly
   tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(ARIZONA_TIME);
   assertEquals("America/Phoenix", tz.getID());