Ejemplo n.º 1
  public static void killAWTThreads(ThreadGroup threadGroup) {
    Thread[] threadList = new Thread[threadGroup.activeCount()];


    for (int i = 0; i < threadList.length; i++) {

      Thread t = threadList[i];

      if (t != null) {

        String name = t.getName();

        if (name.startsWith("AWT")) {

          out("Interrupting thread '".concat(t.toString()).concat("'"));


    if (threadGroup.getParent() != null) {

Ejemplo n.º 2
  private static void showThreads(PrintStream pw, ThreadGroup g, Thread current) {
    int nthreads = g.activeCount();
    pw.println("\nThread Group = " + g.getName() + " activeCount= " + nthreads);
    Thread[] tarray = new Thread[nthreads];
    int n = g.enumerate(tarray, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      Thread thread = tarray[i];
      ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader();
      String loaderName = (loader == null) ? "Default" : loader.getClass().getName();
      Thread.State state = thread.getState();
      long id = thread.getId();
      pw.print("   " + id + " " + thread.getName() + " " + state + " " + loaderName);
      if (thread == current) pw.println(" **** CURRENT ***");
      else pw.println();

    int ngroups = g.activeGroupCount();
    ThreadGroup[] garray = new ThreadGroup[ngroups];
    int ng = g.enumerate(garray, false);
    for (int i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
      ThreadGroup nested = garray[i];
      showThreads(pw, nested, current);
 public static void printThreads() {
   Thread[] threads = getAllThreads();
   for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
     Thread t = threads[i];
     if (t != null) {
 synchronized Object WaitForResponse(Thread t) {
   while (!response_set) {
     try {
       InlineJavaUtils.debug(3, "waiting for callback response in " + t.getName() + "...");
     } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
       // Do nothing, return and wait() some more...
   InlineJavaUtils.debug(3, "got callback response");
   Object resp = response;
   response = null;
   response_set = false;
   return resp;
 public boolean runMacroTool(String name) {
   for (int i = 0; i < nMacros; i++) {
     if (macroNames[i].startsWith(name)) {
       if (macroToolThread != null
           && macroToolThread.getName().indexOf(name) != -1
           && macroToolThread.isAlive())
         return false; // do nothing if this tool is already running
       MacroRunner mw = new MacroRunner(pgm, macroStarts[i], name, (String) null);
       macroToolThread = mw.getThread();
       // IJ.log("runMacroTool: "+macroToolThread);
       return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static void dumptg(ThreadGroup tg, PrintWriter out, int indent) {
   for (int o = 0; o < indent; o++) out.print("\t");
   out.println("G: \"" + tg.getName() + "\"");
   Thread[] ths = new Thread[tg.activeCount() * 2];
   ThreadGroup[] tgs = new ThreadGroup[tg.activeGroupCount() * 2];
   int nt = tg.enumerate(ths, false);
   int ng = tg.enumerate(tgs, false);
   for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
     Thread ct = ths[i];
     for (int o = 0; o < indent + 1; o++) out.print("\t");
     out.println("T: \"" + ct.getName() + "\"");
   for (int i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
     ThreadGroup cg = tgs[i];
     dumptg(cg, out, indent + 1);
 synchronized void NotifyOfResponse(Thread t) {
   InlineJavaUtils.debug(3, "notifying that callback has completed in " + t.getName());
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public boolean isTimerThread(Thread thread) {
   return THREAD_NAME.equals(thread.getName());
  private void loadState(Element parentNode) {
    Element versionElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_VERSION);
    if (versionElement != null) {
      myMajorVersion = versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_MAJOR);
      myMinorVersion = versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_MINOR);
      myMicroVersion = versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_MICRO);
      myPatchVersion = versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_PATCH);
      myFullVersionFormat = versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_FULL);
      myCodeName = versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_CODENAME);
      myEAP = Boolean.parseBoolean(versionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_EAP));

    Element companyElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_COMPANY);
    if (companyElement != null) {
      myCompanyName = companyElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, myCompanyName);
      myShortCompanyName =
          companyElement.getAttributeValue("shortName", shortenCompanyName(myCompanyName));
      myCompanyUrl = companyElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL, myCompanyUrl);

    Element buildElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_BUILD);
    if (buildElement != null) {
      myBuildNumber = buildElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER);
      myApiVersion = buildElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_API_VERSION);
      setBuildNumber(myApiVersion, myBuildNumber);

      String dateString = buildElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_DATE);
      if (dateString.equals("__BUILD_DATE__")) {
        myBuildDate = new GregorianCalendar();
        try {
          final JarFile bootJar =
              new JarFile(
                  PathManager.getHomePath() + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "boot.jar");
          try {
            final JarEntry jarEntry =
                bootJar.entries().nextElement(); // /META-INF is always updated on build
            myBuildDate.setTime(new Date(jarEntry.getTime()));
          } finally {
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
      } else {
        myBuildDate = parseDate(dateString);
      String majorReleaseDateString = buildElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_MAJOR_RELEASE_DATE);
      if (majorReleaseDateString != null) {
        myMajorReleaseBuildDate = parseDate(majorReleaseDateString);

    Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
            + " "
            + myMajorVersion
            + "."
            + myMinorVersion
            + "#"
            + myBuildNumber
            + " "
            + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getProductName()
            + ", eap:"
            + myEAP
            + ", os:"
            + SystemInfoRt.OS_NAME
            + " "
            + SystemInfoRt.OS_VERSION
            + ", java-version:"
            + SystemProperties.getJavaVendor()
            + " "
            + SystemInfo.JAVA_RUNTIME_VERSION);

    Element logoElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_LOGO);
    if (logoElement != null) {
      mySplashImageUrl = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);
      mySplashTextColor = parseColor(logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_COLOR));
      String v = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROGRESS_COLOR);
      if (v != null) {
        myProgressColor = parseColor(v);

      v = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROGRESS_TAIL_ICON);
      if (v != null) {
        myProgressTailIconName = v;

      v = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROGRESS_HEIGHT);
      if (v != null) {
        myProgressHeight = Integer.parseInt(v);

      v = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROGRESS_X);
      if (v != null) {
        myProgressX = Integer.parseInt(v);

      v = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROGRESS_Y);
      if (v != null) {
        myProgressY = Integer.parseInt(v);

      v = logoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_LICENSE_TEXT_OFFSET_Y);
      if (v != null) {
        myLicenseOffsetY = Integer.parseInt(v);

    Element aboutLogoElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_ABOUT);
    if (aboutLogoElement != null) {
      myAboutImageUrl = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);

      String v = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ABOUT_FOREGROUND_COLOR);
      if (v != null) {
        myAboutForeground = parseColor(v);
      v = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT_FOREGROUND_COLOR);
      if (v != null) {
        myCopyrightForeground = parseColor(v);

      String c = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ABOUT_LINK_COLOR);
      if (c != null) {
        myAboutLinkColor = parseColor(c);

      String logoX = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue("logoX");
      String logoY = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue("logoY");
      String logoW = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue("logoW");
      String logoH = aboutLogoElement.getAttributeValue("logoH");
      if (logoX != null && logoY != null && logoW != null && logoH != null) {
        try {
          myAboutLogoRect =
              new Rectangle(
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
          // ignore

    Element iconElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_ICON);
    if (iconElement != null) {
      myIconUrl = iconElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SIZE32);
      mySmallIconUrl = iconElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SIZE16);
      myBigIconUrl = iconElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SIZE128, (String) null);
      final String toolWindowIcon = iconElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SIZE12);
      if (toolWindowIcon != null) {
        myToolWindowIconUrl = toolWindowIcon;

    Element packageElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_PACKAGE);
    if (packageElement != null) {
      myPackageCode = packageElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_CODE);

    Element showLicensee = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_LICENSEE);
    if (showLicensee != null) {
      myShowLicensee =

    Element welcomeScreen = parentNode.getChild(WELCOME_SCREEN_ELEMENT_NAME);
    if (welcomeScreen != null) {
      myWelcomeScreenLogoUrl = welcomeScreen.getAttributeValue(LOGO_URL_ATTR);

    Element wizardSteps = parentNode.getChild(CUSTOMIZE_IDE_WIZARD_STEPS);
    if (wizardSteps != null) {
      myCustomizeIDEWizardStepsProvider = wizardSteps.getAttributeValue(STEPS_PROVIDER);

    Element editor = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_EDITOR);
    if (editor != null) {
      myEditorBackgroundImageUrl = editor.getAttributeValue(BACKGROUND_URL_ATTR);

    Element helpElement = parentNode.getChild(HELP_ELEMENT_NAME);
    if (helpElement != null) {
      myHelpFileName = helpElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_HELP_FILE);
      myHelpRootName = helpElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_HELP_ROOT);
      final String webHelpUrl = helpElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_WEBHELP_URL);
      if (webHelpUrl != null) {
        myWebHelpUrl = webHelpUrl;

      String attValue = helpElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_HAS_HELP);
      myHasHelp = attValue == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(attValue); // Default is true

      attValue = helpElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_HAS_CONTEXT_HELP);
      myHasContextHelp = attValue == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(attValue); // Default is true

    Element updateUrls = parentNode.getChild(UPDATE_URLS_ELEMENT_NAME);
    myUpdateUrls = new UpdateUrlsImpl(updateUrls);

    Element documentationElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION);
    if (documentationElement != null) {
      myDocumentationUrl = documentationElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);

    Element supportElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_SUPPORT);
    if (supportElement != null) {
      mySupportUrl = supportElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);

    Element feedbackElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_FEEDBACK);
    if (feedbackElement != null) {
      myEAPFeedbackUrl = feedbackElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_EAP_URL);
      myReleaseFeedbackUrl = feedbackElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_RELEASE_URL);

    Element whatsnewElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_WHATSNEW);
    if (whatsnewElement != null) {
      myWhatsNewUrl = whatsnewElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);

    Element pluginsElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_PLUGINS);
    if (pluginsElement != null) {
      String url = pluginsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);
      myPluginManagerUrl = url != null ? url : DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST;
      boolean closed = StringUtil.endsWith(myPluginManagerUrl, "/");

      String listUrl = pluginsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_LIST_URL);
      myPluginsListUrl =
          listUrl != null ? listUrl : myPluginManagerUrl + (closed ? "" : "/") + "plugins/list/";

      String channelListUrl = pluginsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL_LIST_URL);
      myChannelsListUrl =
          channelListUrl != null
              ? channelListUrl
              : myPluginManagerUrl + (closed ? "" : "/") + "channels/list/";

      String downloadUrl = pluginsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_DOWNLOAD_URL);
      myPluginsDownloadUrl =
          downloadUrl != null
              ? downloadUrl
              : myPluginManagerUrl + (closed ? "" : "/") + "pluginManager/";

      if (!getBuild().isSnapshot()) {
        myBuiltinPluginsUrl = pluginsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_BUILTIN_URL);
    } else {
      myPluginManagerUrl = DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST;
      myPluginsListUrl = DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST + "/plugins/list/";
      myChannelsListUrl = DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST + "/channels/list/";
      myPluginsDownloadUrl = DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST + "/pluginManager/";

    final String pluginsHost = System.getProperty("idea.plugins.host");
    if (pluginsHost != null) {
      myPluginsListUrl = myPluginsListUrl.replace(DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST, pluginsHost);
      myChannelsListUrl = myChannelsListUrl.replace(DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST, pluginsHost);
      myPluginsDownloadUrl = myPluginsDownloadUrl.replace(DEFAULT_PLUGINS_HOST, pluginsHost);

    Element keymapElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_KEYMAP);
    if (keymapElement != null) {
      myWinKeymapUrl = keymapElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_WINDOWS_URL);
      myMacKeymapUrl = keymapElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_MAC_URL);

    myPluginChooserPages = new ArrayList<PluginChooserPage>();
    final List children = parentNode.getChildren(PLUGINS_PAGE_ELEMENT_NAME);
    for (Object child : children) {
      myPluginChooserPages.add(new PluginChooserPageImpl((Element) child));

    List<Element> essentialPluginsElements = JDOMUtil.getChildren(parentNode, ESSENTIAL_PLUGIN);
    Collection<String> essentialPluginsIds =
            new Function<Element, String>() {
              public String fun(Element element) {
                String id = element.getTextTrim();
                return StringUtil.isNotEmpty(id) ? id : null;
    myEssentialPluginsIds = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(essentialPluginsIds);

    Element statisticsElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_STATISTICS);
    if (statisticsElement != null) {
      myStatisticsSettingsUrl = statisticsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_STATISTICS_SETTINGS);
      myStatisticsServiceUrl = statisticsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_STATISTICS_SERVICE);
      myStatisticsServiceKey =
    } else {
      myStatisticsSettingsUrl = "https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/statistics/stat-assistant.xml";
      myStatisticsServiceUrl = "https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/statistics/index.jsp";
      myStatisticsServiceKey = null;

    Element thirdPartyElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_THIRD_PARTY);
    if (thirdPartyElement != null) {
      myThirdPartySoftwareUrl = thirdPartyElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);

    Element tvElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_JB_TV);
    if (tvElement != null) {
      myJetbrainsTvUrl = tvElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_URL);

    Element evaluationElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_EVALUATION);
    if (evaluationElement != null) {
      final String url = evaluationElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_EVAL_LICENSE_URL);
      if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) {
        myEvalLicenseUrl = url.trim();

    Element licensingElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_LICENSING);
    if (licensingElement != null) {
      final String url = licensingElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_KEY_CONVERSION_URL);
      if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) {
        myKeyConversionUrl = url.trim();

    Element subscriptionsElement = parentNode.getChild(ELEMENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS);
    if (subscriptionsElement != null) {
      mySubscriptionFormId =
      mySubscriptionNewsKey =
      mySubscriptionNewsValue =
          subscriptionsElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_NEWS_VALUE, "yes");
      mySubscriptionTipsKey =
      mySubscriptionTipsAvailable =
      mySubscriptionAdditionalFormData =
  * Returns a string identifying this lock, as well as its lock state. The state, in brackets,
  * includes either the String &quot;Unlocked&quot; or the String &quot;Locked by&quot; followed by
  * the {@link Thread#getName} of the owning thread.
  * @return a string identifying this lock, as well as its lock state.
 public String toString() {
   Thread o = getOwner();
   return super.toString()
       + ((o == null) ? "[Unlocked]" : "[Locked by thread " + o.getName() + "]");
Ejemplo n.º 11
  public void checkHealth() {
    long lastDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - (5 * TimeManager.MILI_MINUTE);
    long longerDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - (120 * TimeManager.MILI_MINUTE);

    thread.status("checking tick groups.");
    DVector orderedDeaths = new DVector(3);
    try {
      Tick almostTock = null;
      for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) {
        almostTock = e.next();
        if ((almostTock.awake) && (almostTock.lastStop < lastDateTime)) {
          TockClient client = almostTock.lastClient;
          if (client == null)
                "LOCKED GROUP " + almostTock.getCounter() + "! No further information.",
          else if ((!CMath.bset(client.tickID, Tickable.TICKID_LONGERMASK))
              || (almostTock.lastStop < longerDateTime)) {
            if (client.clientObject == null)
                  "LOCKED GROUP "
                      + almostTock.getCounter()
                      + ": NULL @"
                      + CMLib.time().date2String(client.lastStart)
                      + ", tickID "
                      + client.tickID,
            else {
              StringBuffer str = null;
              Tickable obj = client.clientObject;
              long code = client.clientObject.getTickStatus();
              String codeWord = CMLib.threads().getTickStatusSummary(client.clientObject);
              String msg = null;
              if (obj instanceof Environmental)
                str =
                    new StringBuffer(
                        "LOCKED GROUP "
                            + almostTock.getCounter()
                            + " : "
                            + obj.name()
                            + " ("
                            + ((Environmental) obj).ID()
                            + ") @"
                            + CMLib.time().date2String(client.lastStart)
                            + ", status("
                            + code
                            + " ("
                            + codeWord
                            + "), tickID "
                            + client.tickID);
                str =
                    new StringBuffer(
                        "LOCKED GROUP "
                            + almostTock.getCounter()
                            + ": "
                            + obj.name()
                            + ", status("
                            + code
                            + " ("
                            + codeWord
                            + ") @"
                            + CMLib.time().date2String(client.lastStart)
                            + ", tickID "
                            + client.tickID);

              if ((obj instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) obj).location() != null))
                msg = str.toString() + " in " + ((MOB) obj).location().roomID();
              else if ((obj instanceof Item)
                  && (((Item) obj).owner() != null)
                  && (((Item) obj).owner() instanceof Room))
                msg = str.toString() + " in " + ((Room) ((Item) obj).owner()).roomID();
              else if ((obj instanceof Item)
                  && (((Item) obj).owner() != null)
                  && (((Item) obj).owner() instanceof MOB))
                msg = str.toString() + " owned by " + ((MOB) ((Item) obj).owner()).name();
              else if (obj instanceof Room) msg = str.toString() + " is " + ((Room) obj).roomID();
              else msg = str.toString();
              insertOrderDeathInOrder(orderedDeaths, client.lastStart, msg, almostTock);
          // no isDEBUGGING check -- just always let her rip.
    } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
    for (int i = 0; i < orderedDeaths.size(); i++)
      Log.errOut(thread.getName(), (String) orderedDeaths.elementAt(i, 2));

    thread.status("killing tick groups.");
    for (int x = 0; x < orderedDeaths.size(); x++) {
      Tick almostTock = (Tick) orderedDeaths.elementAt(x, 3);
      Vector objs = new Vector();
      try {
        for (Iterator e = almostTock.tickers(); e.hasNext(); ) objs.addElement(e.next());
      } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      if (CMLib.threads() instanceof ServiceEngine)
        ((ServiceEngine) CMLib.threads()).delTickGroup(almostTock);
      for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
        TockClient c = (TockClient) objs.elementAt(i);
        CMLib.threads().startTickDown(c.clientObject, c.tickID, c.reTickDown);

    thread.status("Checking mud threads");
    for (int m = 0; m < CMLib.hosts().size(); m++) {
      Vector badThreads = ((MudHost) CMLib.hosts().elementAt(m)).getOverdueThreads();
      if (badThreads.size() > 0) {
        for (int b = 0; b < badThreads.size(); b++) {
          Thread T = (Thread) badThreads.elementAt(b);
          String threadName = T.getName();
          if (T instanceof Tickable)
            threadName =
                ((Tickable) T).name()
                    + " ("
                    + ((Tickable) T).ID()
                    + "): "
                    + ((Tickable) T).getTickStatus();
          thread.status("Killing " + threadName);
          Log.errOut("Killing stray thread: " + threadName);
          CMLib.killThread(T, 100, 1);

    thread.status("Done checking threads");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void checkWorkerContext() {
   Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
   if (!t.getName().startsWith("vert.x-worker-thread")) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Not a worker thread");