Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** check for flow mappings; does not allow flow mapping through CoordinateSystem */
 private String findFlow(
     ShadowTupleType shadow,
     DisplayImpl display,
     DisplayTupleType[] tuples,
     int[] flowToComponent) {
   ShadowRealType[] components = shadow.getRealComponents();
   for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
     int num_flow_per_real = 0;
     Enumeration maps = components[i].getSelectedMapVector().elements();
     while (maps.hasMoreElements()) {
       ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) maps.nextElement();
       DisplayRealType dreal = map.getDisplayScalar();
       DisplayTupleType tuple = dreal.getTuple();
       if (Display.DisplayFlow1Tuple.equals(tuple) || Display.DisplayFlow2Tuple.equals(tuple)) {
         if (tuples[0] != null) {
           if (!tuples[0].equals(tuple)) {
             return multipleFlowTuples;
         } else {
           tuples[0] = tuple;
         if (num_flow_per_real > 1) {
           return multipleFlowMapping;
         int index = dreal.getTupleIndex();
         flowToComponent[index] = i;
         directMap[index] = map;
       } else if (Display.DisplayFlow1SphericalTuple.equals(tuple)
           || Display.DisplayFlow2SphericalTuple.equals(tuple)) {
         if (tuples[0] != null) {
           if (!tuples[0].equals(tuple)) {
             return multipleFlowTuples;
         } else {
           tuples[0] = tuple;
           coord = tuple.getCoordinateSystem();
         if (num_flow_per_real > 1) {
           return multipleFlowMapping;
         int index = dreal.getTupleIndex();
         flowToComponent[index] = i;
         directMap[index] = map;
     } // while (maps.hasMoreElements())
   return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** ensure that non-Manual components of flow_tuple have equal dataRanges symmetric about 0.0 */
  public static void equalizeFlow(Vector mapVector, DisplayTupleType flow_tuple)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    double[] range = new double[2];
    double low = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double hi = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
    boolean anyAuto = false;

    Enumeration maps = mapVector.elements();
    while (maps.hasMoreElements()) {
      ScalarMap map = ((ScalarMap) maps.nextElement());
      DisplayRealType dtype = map.getDisplayScalar();
      DisplayTupleType tuple = dtype.getTuple();
      if (flow_tuple.equals(tuple) && !map.isManual && !map.badRange()) {
        anyAuto = true;
        low = Math.min(low, map.dataRange[0]);
        hi = Math.max(hi, map.dataRange[1]);
    if (!anyAuto) return;
    hi = Math.max(hi, -low);
    low = -hi;
    maps = mapVector.elements();
    while (maps.hasMoreElements()) {
      ScalarMap map = ((ScalarMap) maps.nextElement());
      DisplayRealType dtype = map.getDisplayScalar();
      DisplayTupleType tuple = dtype.getTuple();
      if (flow_tuple.equals(tuple) && !map.isManual && !map.badRange()) {
        map.setRange(null, low, hi, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * prepare for transforming Data into scene graph depictions, including possible auto-scaling of
   * ScalarMaps
   * @param temp Vector of DataRenderers
   * @param tmap Vector of ScalarMaps
   * @param go flag indicating whether Data transforms are requested
   * @param initialize flag indicating whether auto-scaling is requested
   * @throws VisADException a VisAD error occurred
   * @throws RemoteException an RMI error occurred
  public void prepareAction(Vector temp, Vector tmap, boolean go, boolean initialize)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    DataShadow shadow = null;
    Enumeration renderers = temp.elements();
    while (renderers.hasMoreElements()) {
      DataRenderer renderer = (DataRenderer) renderers.nextElement();
      shadow = renderer.prepareAction(go, initialize, shadow);

    if (shadow != null) {
      // apply RealType ranges and animationSampling
      Enumeration maps = tmap.elements();
      while (maps.hasMoreElements()) {
        ScalarMap map = ((ScalarMap) maps.nextElement());

    ScalarMap.equalizeFlow(tmap, Display.DisplayFlow1Tuple);
    ScalarMap.equalizeFlow(tmap, Display.DisplayFlow2Tuple);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Set <CODE>Vector</CODE> of <CODE>String</CODE>s describing the cursor location from the cursor
   * location; this is invoked when the cursor location changes or the cursor display status changes
  public void setCursorStringVector() {
    synchronized (cursorStringVector) {
      float[][] cursor = new float[3][1];
      double[] cur = getCursor();
      cursor[0][0] = (float) cur[0];
      cursor[1][0] = (float) cur[1];
      cursor[2][0] = (float) cur[2];
      Enumeration maps = display.getMapVector().elements();
      while (maps.hasMoreElements()) {
        try {
          ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) maps.nextElement();
          DisplayRealType dreal = map.getDisplayScalar();
          DisplayTupleType tuple = dreal.getTuple();
          int index = dreal.getTupleIndex();
          if (tuple != null
              && (tuple.equals(Display.DisplaySpatialCartesianTuple)
                  || (tuple.getCoordinateSystem() != null
                      && tuple
                          .equals(Display.DisplaySpatialCartesianTuple)))) {
            float[] fval = new float[1];
            if (tuple.equals(Display.DisplaySpatialCartesianTuple)) {
              fval[0] = cursor[index][0];
            } else {
              float[][] new_cursor = tuple.getCoordinateSystem().fromReference(cursor);
              fval[0] = new_cursor[index][0];
            float[] dval = map.inverseScaleValues(fval);
            RealType real = (RealType) map.getScalar();

            // WLH 31 Aug 2000
            Real r = new Real(real, dval[0]);
            Unit overrideUnit = map.getOverrideUnit();
            Unit rtunit = real.getDefaultUnit();
            // units not part of Time string
            // DRM 2003-08-19: don't check for equality since toString
            // may be different
            if (overrideUnit != null
                && // !overrideUnit.equals(rtunit) &&
                (!Unit.canConvert(rtunit, CommonUnit.secondsSinceTheEpoch)
                    || rtunit.getAbsoluteUnit().equals(rtunit))) {
              dval[0] = (float) overrideUnit.toThis((double) dval[0], rtunit);
              r = new Real(real, dval[0], overrideUnit);
            String valueString = r.toValueString();

            // WLH 27 Oct 2000
            String s = map.getScalarName() + " = " + valueString;
            // String s = real.getName() + " = " + valueString;

          } // end if (tuple != null && ...)
        } catch (VisADException e) {
      } // end while(maps.hasMoreElements())
    } // end synchronized (cursorStringVector)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected void copy(ScalarMap map) throws VisADException, RemoteException {
   map.isScaled = isScaled;
   map.isManual = isManual;
   map.dataRange[0] = dataRange[0];
   map.dataRange[1] = dataRange[1];
   map.defaultUnitRange[0] = defaultUnitRange[0];
   map.defaultUnitRange[1] = defaultUnitRange[1];
   map.displayRange[0] = displayRange[0];
   map.displayRange[1] = displayRange[1];
   map.scale = scale;
   map.offset = offset;
   map.axisScale = (axisScale != null) ? axisScale.clone(map) : null;
   map.scale_flag = scale_flag;
   map.back_scale_flag = back_scale_flag;
   if (map.display != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Compares this ScalarMap with another ScalarMap. The ScalarType-s are first compared; if they
  * compare equal, then the DisplayRealType-s are compared.
  * @param that The other ScalarMap.
  * @return A value that is negative, zero, or positive depending on whether this ScalarMap is
  *     considered less than, equal to, or greater than the other ScalarMap, respectively.
 protected int compareTo(ScalarMap that) {
   int comp = getScalar().compareTo(that.getScalar());
   if (comp == 0) comp = getDisplayScalar().compareTo(that.getDisplayScalar());
   return comp;
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * transform data into a (Java3D or Java2D) scene graph; add generated scene graph components as
   * children of group; group is Group (Java3D) or VisADGroup (Java2D); value_array are inherited
   * valueArray values; default_values are defaults for each display.DisplayRealTypeVector; return
   * true if need post-process
  public boolean doTransform(
      Object group,
      Data data,
      float[] value_array,
      float[] default_values,
      DataRenderer renderer,
      ShadowType shadow_api)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {

    if (data.isMissing()) return false;
    if (LevelOfDifficulty == NOTHING_MAPPED) return false;

    if (!(data instanceof Text)) {
      throw new DisplayException("data must be Text: " + "ShadowTextType.doTransform");

    // get some precomputed values useful for transform
    // length of ValueArray
    int valueArrayLength = display.getValueArrayLength();
    // mapping from ValueArray to DisplayScalar
    int[] valueToScalar = display.getValueToScalar();
    // mapping from ValueArray to MapVector
    int[] valueToMap = display.getValueToMap();
    Vector MapVector = display.getMapVector();

    // array to hold values for various mappings
    float[][] display_values = new float[valueArrayLength][];

    // ????
    // get values inherited from parent;
    // assume these do not include SelectRange, SelectValue
    // or Animation values - see temporary hack in
    // DataRenderer.isTransformControl
    int[] inherited_values = getInheritedValues();
    for (int i = 0; i < valueArrayLength; i++) {
      if (inherited_values[i] > 0) {
        display_values[i] = new float[1];
        display_values[i][0] = value_array[i];

    boolean[][] range_select =
            display_values, 1, valueArrayLength, valueToScalar, display, shadow_api);

    if (range_select[0] != null && !range_select[0][0]) {
      // data not selected
      return false;

    // get any text String and TextControl inherited from parent
    String text_value = shadow_api.getParentText();
    TextControl text_control = shadow_api.getParentTextControl();
    boolean anyText = getAnyText();
    if (anyText && text_value == null) {
      // get any text String and TextControl from this
      Vector maps = getSelectedMapVector();
      if (!maps.isEmpty()) {
        text_value = ((Text) data).getValue();
        ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) maps.firstElement();
        text_control = (TextControl) map.getControl();

    // never renders text ????

    // add values to value_array according to SelectedMapVector
    if (getIsTerminal()) {
      // ????
      return terminalTupleOrScalar(
    } else {
      // nothing to render at a non-terminal TextType
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  /** test BarbManipulationRendererJ3D */
  public static void main(String args[]) throws VisADException, RemoteException {


    // construct RealTypes for wind record components
    RealType lat = RealType.Latitude;
    RealType lon = RealType.Longitude;
    RealType windx = RealType.getRealType("windx", CommonUnit.meterPerSecond);
    RealType windy = RealType.getRealType("windy", CommonUnit.meterPerSecond);
    RealType red = RealType.getRealType("red");
    RealType green = RealType.getRealType("green");

    // EarthVectorType extends RealTupleType and says that its
    // components are vectors in m/s with components parallel
    // to Longitude (positive east) and Latitude (positive north)
    EarthVectorType windxy = new EarthVectorType(windx, windy);

    RealType wind_dir = RealType.getRealType("wind_dir", CommonUnit.degree);
    RealType wind_speed = RealType.getRealType("wind_speed", CommonUnit.meterPerSecond);
    RealTupleType windds = null;
    if (args.length > 0) {
      System.out.println("polar winds");
      windds =
          new RealTupleType(
              new RealType[] {wind_dir, wind_speed}, new WindPolarCoordinateSystem(windxy), null);

    // construct Java3D display and mappings that govern
    // how wind records are displayed
    DisplayImpl display = new DisplayImplJ3D("display1", new TwoDDisplayRendererJ3D());
    ScalarMap lonmap = new ScalarMap(lon, Display.XAxis);
    ScalarMap latmap = new ScalarMap(lat, Display.YAxis);

    FlowControl flow_control;
    if (args.length > 0) {
      ScalarMap winds_map = new ScalarMap(wind_speed, Display.Flow1Radial);
      winds_map.setRange(0.0, 1.0); // do this for barb rendering
      ScalarMap windd_map = new ScalarMap(wind_dir, Display.Flow1Azimuth);
      windd_map.setRange(0.0, 360.0); // do this for barb rendering
      flow_control = (FlowControl) windd_map.getControl();
      flow_control.setFlowScale(0.15f); // this controls size of barbs
    } else {
      ScalarMap windx_map = new ScalarMap(windx, Display.Flow1X);
      windx_map.setRange(-1.0, 1.0); // do this for barb rendering
      ScalarMap windy_map = new ScalarMap(windy, Display.Flow1Y);
      windy_map.setRange(-1.0, 1.0); // do this for barb rendering
      flow_control = (FlowControl) windy_map.getControl();
      flow_control.setFlowScale(0.15f); // this controls size of barbs

    display.addMap(new ScalarMap(red, Display.Red));
    display.addMap(new ScalarMap(green, Display.Green));
    display.addMap(new ConstantMap(1.0, Display.Blue));

    DataReferenceImpl[] refs = new DataReferenceImpl[N * N];
    int k = 0;
    // create an array of N by N winds
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
        double u = 2.0 * i / (N - 1.0) - 1.0;
        double v = 2.0 * j / (N - 1.0) - 1.0;

        // each wind record is a Tuple (lon, lat, (windx, windy), red, green)
        // set colors by wind components, just for grins
        Tuple tuple;
        double fx = 30.0 * u;
        double fy = 30.0 * v;
        if (args.length > 0) {
          double fd = Data.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * Math.atan2(-fx, -fy);
          double fs = Math.sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);
          tuple =
              new Tuple(
                  new Data[] {
                    new Real(lon, 10.0 * u),
                    new Real(lat, 10.0 * v - 40.0),
                    new RealTuple(windds, new double[] {fd, fs}),
                    new Real(red, u),
                    new Real(green, v)
        } else {
          tuple =
              new Tuple(
                  new Data[] {
                    new Real(lon, 10.0 * u),
                    new Real(lat, 10.0 * v - 40.0),
                    new RealTuple(windxy, new double[] {fx, fy}),
                    new Real(red, u),
                    new Real(green, v)

        // construct reference for wind record
        refs[k] = new DataReferenceImpl("ref_" + k);

        // link wind record to display via BarbManipulationRendererJ3D
        // so user can change barb by dragging it
        // drag with right mouse button and shift to change direction
        // drag with right mouse button and no shift to change speed
        BarbManipulationRendererJ3D renderer = new BarbManipulationRendererJ3D();
        display.addReferences(renderer, refs[k]);

        // link wind record to a CellImpl that will listen for changes
        // and print them
        WindGetterJ3D cell = new WindGetterJ3D(flow_control, refs[k]);


    // instead of linking the wind record "DataReferenceImpl refs" to
    // the WindGetterJ3Ds, you can have some user interface event (e.g.,
    // the user clicks on "DONE") trigger code that does a getData() on
    // all the refs and stores the records in a file.

    // create JFrame (i.e., a window) for display and slider
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("test BarbManipulationRendererJ3D");
        new WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    // create JPanel in JFrame
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

    // add display to JPanel

    // set size of JFrame and make it visible
    frame.setSize(500, 500);
Ejemplo n.º 9
   * run 'java FlowTest middle_latitude' to test with (lat, lon) run 'java FlowTest middle_latitude
   * x' to test with (lon, lat) adjust middle_latitude for south or north
  public static void main(String args[]) throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    double mid_lat = -10.0;
    if (args.length > 0) {
      try {
        mid_lat = Double.valueOf(args[0]).doubleValue();
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    boolean swap = (args.length > 1);
    RealType lat = RealType.Latitude;
    RealType lon = RealType.Longitude;
    RealType[] types;
    if (swap) {
      types = new RealType[] {lon, lat};
    } else {
      types = new RealType[] {lat, lon};
    RealTupleType earth_location = new RealTupleType(types);
    System.out.println("earth_location = " + earth_location + " mid_lat = " + mid_lat);

    RealType flowx = RealType.getRealType("flowx", CommonUnit.meterPerSecond);
    RealType flowy = RealType.getRealType("flowy", CommonUnit.meterPerSecond);
    RealType red = RealType.getRealType("red");
    RealType green = RealType.getRealType("green");
    EarthVectorType flowxy = new EarthVectorType(flowx, flowy);
    TupleType range = null;

    range = new TupleType(new MathType[] {flowxy, red, green});
    FunctionType flow_field = new FunctionType(earth_location, range);

    DisplayImpl display = new DisplayImplJ3D("display1", new TwoDDisplayRendererJ3D());
    ScalarMap xmap = new ScalarMap(lon, Display.XAxis);
    ScalarMap ymap = new ScalarMap(lat, Display.YAxis);
    ScalarMap flowx_map = new ScalarMap(flowx, Display.Flow1X);
    flowx_map.setRange(-10.0, 10.0);
    ScalarMap flowy_map = new ScalarMap(flowy, Display.Flow1Y);
    flowy_map.setRange(-10.0, 10.0);
    FlowControl flow_control = (FlowControl) flowy_map.getControl();
    display.addMap(new ScalarMap(red, Display.Red));
    display.addMap(new ScalarMap(green, Display.Green));
    display.addMap(new ConstantMap(1.0, Display.Blue));

    double lonlow = -10.0;
    double lonhi = 10.0;
    double latlow = mid_lat - 10.0;
    double lathi = mid_lat + 10.0;
    Linear2DSet set;
    if (swap) {
      set = new Linear2DSet(earth_location, lonlow, lonhi, N, latlow, lathi, N);
    } else {
      set = new Linear2DSet(earth_location, latlow, lathi, N, lonlow, lonhi, N);
    double[][] values = new double[4][N * N];
    int m = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
        int k = i;
        int l = j;
        if (swap) {
          k = j;
          l = i;
        double u = (N - 1.0) / 2.0 - l;
        double v = k - (N - 1.0) / 2.0;
        // double u = 2.0 * k / (N - 1.0) - 1.0;
        // double v = 2.0 * l / (N - 1.0);
        double fx = 6.0 * u;
        double fy = 6.0 * v;
        values[0][m] = fx;
        values[1][m] = fy;
        values[2][m] = u;
        values[3][m] = v;
    FlatField field = new FlatField(flow_field, set);
    DataReferenceImpl ref = new DataReferenceImpl("ref");

    // create JFrame (i.e., a window) for display and slider
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("test FlowTest");
        new WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    // create JPanel in JFrame
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

    // add display to JPanel

    // set size of JFrame and make it visible
    frame.setSize(500, 500);