public Set<String> resolveParticipantIds(String anyID) { Set<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Participant p : resolveParticipants(anyID)) { idSet.add(p.getID()); } return idSet; }
public String resolveParticipantIdsAsXML(String anyID) { XNode node = new XNode("participantids"); for (Participant p : resolveParticipants(anyID)) { node.addChild("id", p.getID()); } return node.toString(); }
public Set<Participant> getOrgGroupMembers(OrgGroup o) { Set<Participant> result = new HashSet<Participant>(); for (Participant p : participantMap.values()) { if (p.isOrgGroupMember(o)) result.add(p); } return result; }
public String getParticipantsAsXML() { List<Participant> pList = sortFullParticipantListByName(); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<participants>"); for (Participant p : pList) xml.append(p.toXML()); xml.append("</participants>"); return xml.toString(); }
public Participant getParticipantFromUserID(String userID) { for (Participant p : getParticipants()) { if (p.getUserID().equals(userID)) { return p; } } return null; }
// @return a csv listing of the full name of each participant public String getParticipantNames() { List<Participant> pList = sortFullParticipantListByName(); StringBuilder csvList = new StringBuilder(); for (Participant p : pList) { if (csvList.length() > 0) csvList.append(","); csvList.append(p.getFullName()); } return csvList.toString(); }
private synchronized void disconnectResources(AbstractResourceAttribute attrib) { Set<AbstractResource> resources = attrib.getResources(); // get ids to avoid ConcurrentModificationException List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AbstractResource resource : resources) ids.add(resource.getID()); for (String id : ids) { Participant p = getParticipant(id); if (attrib instanceof Role) p.removeRole((Role) attrib); else if (attrib instanceof Capability) p.removeCapability((Capability) attrib); else if (attrib instanceof Position) p.removePosition((Position) attrib); updateParticipant(p); } }
/** ********************************* */ public String addParticipant(Participant p) { if (isDataEditable(ResUnit.Participant)) { String newID = getDataSource(ResUnit.Participant).insert(p); if (!hasDefaultDataSource(ResUnit.Participant)) p.setID(newID); putParticipant(p); // add it to the data set return newID; } else return fail("External Participant dataset is read-only"); }
/** ********************************* */ public synchronized boolean removeParticipant(Participant p) { boolean editable = isDataEditable(ResUnit.Participant); if (editable) { p.removeAttributeReferences(); getDataSource(ResUnit.Participant).delete(p); delParticipant(p); } return editable; }
/** Handles XEP-0337 "log" extensions. */ private void handleLogRequest(LogPacketExtension log, String jid) { JitsiMeetConference conference = getConferenceForMucJid(jid); if (conference == null) { logger.debug("Room not found for JID: " + jid); return; } Participant participant = conference.findParticipantForRoomJid(jid); if (participant == null) {"Ignoring log request from an unknown JID: " + jid); return; } EventAdmin eventAdmin = FocusBundleActivator.getEventAdmin(); if (eventAdmin == null) return; if (LogUtil.LOG_ID_PC_STATS.equals(log.getID())) { String content = LogUtil.getContent(log); if (content != null) { ColibriConference colibriConference = conference.getColibriConference(); if (colibriConference != null) { Event event = EventFactory.peerConnectionStats( colibriConference.getConferenceId(), participant.getEndpointId(), content); if (event != null) eventAdmin.sendEvent(event); } else { logger.warn("Unhandled log request" + " - no valid Colibri conference"); } } } else if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Ignoring log request with an unknown ID:" + log.getID()); } }
/** * Gets the immediate supervisor of a participant. If the participant holds multiple positions, * and therefore has multiple supervisors, one is returned as a random selection. * * @param p the participant to get the supervisor of * @return the Participant who is the supervisor of the pid passed, or null if there is no * supervisor. */ public Participant getImmediateSupervisor(Participant p) { if (p != null) { for (Position position : p.getPositions()) { Position superPosition = position.getReportsTo(); if (superPosition != null) { Set<AbstractResource> resources = superPosition.getResources(); if (!resources.isEmpty()) { return (Participant) resources.iterator().next(); } } } } return null; }
public Map<String, String> getParticipantIdentifiers(Identifier idType) { Map<String, String> idMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); for (Participant p : getParticipants()) { String nameValue; switch (idType) { case FullName: nameValue = p.getFullName(); break; case ReverseFullName: nameValue = p.getLastName() + ", " + p.getFirstName(); break; case LastName: nameValue = p.getLastName(); break; default: nameValue = p.getUserID(); } idMap.put(p.getID(), nameValue); } return idMap; }
/** ********************************* */ public void delParticipant(Participant p) { participantMap.remove(p.getID()); setChangeStamp(ResUnit.Participant); }
/** ********************************* */ public void putParticipant(Participant p) { participantMap.put(p.getID(), p); setChangeStamp(ResUnit.Participant); }
public void rollback() { for (Participant participant : participants) { participant.rollback(); } }
public Set<Capability> getParticipantCapabilities(String pid) { Participant p = participantMap.get(pid); return (p != null) ? p.getCapabilities() : null; }
public Set<Position> getParticipantPositions(String pid) { Participant p = participantMap.get(pid); return (p != null) ? p.getPositions() : null; }
public Set<Role> getParticipantRoles(String pid) { Participant p = participantMap.get(pid); return (p != null) ? p.getRoles() : null; }
public boolean isKnownParticipant(Participant p) { return isKnownParticipant(p.getID()); }
private String participantSetToXML(Set<Participant> pSet, String header) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(header); for (Participant p : pSet) xml.append(p.toXML()); xml.append("</participants>"); return xml.toString(); }
/** * Handles presence stanzas * * @param presence */ private void handlePresence(Presence presence) { // unavailable is sent when user leaves the room if (!presence.isAvailable()) { return; } String from = presence.getFrom(); JitsiMeetConference conference = getConferenceForMucJid(from); if (conference == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Room not found for JID: " + from); } return; } ChatRoomMemberRole role = conference.getRoleForMucJid(from); if (role != null && role.compareTo(ChatRoomMemberRole.MODERATOR) < 0) { StartMutedPacketExtension ext = (StartMutedPacketExtension) presence.getExtension( StartMutedPacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME, StartMutedPacketExtension.NAMESPACE); if (ext != null) { boolean[] startMuted = {ext.getAudioMuted(), ext.getVideoMuted()}; conference.setStartMuted(startMuted); } } Participant participant = conference.findParticipantForRoomJid(from); ColibriConference colibriConference = conference.getColibriConference(); if (participant != null && colibriConference != null) { // Check if this conference is valid String conferenceId = colibriConference.getConferenceId(); if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(conferenceId)) { logger.error("Unable to send DisplayNameChanged event" + " - no conference id"); return; } // Check for changes to the display name String oldDisplayName = participant.getDisplayName(); String newDisplayName = null; for (PacketExtension pe : presence.getExtensions()) { if (pe instanceof Nick) { newDisplayName = ((Nick) pe).getName(); break; } } if (!Objects.equals(oldDisplayName, newDisplayName)) { participant.setDisplayName(newDisplayName); EventAdmin eventAdmin = FocusBundleActivator.getEventAdmin(); if (eventAdmin != null) { // Prevent NPE when adding to event hashtable if (newDisplayName == null) { newDisplayName = ""; } eventAdmin.sendEvent( EventFactory.endpointDisplayNameChanged( conferenceId, participant.getEndpointId(), newDisplayName)); } } } }
public void commit() { for (Participant participant : participants) { participant.commit(); } }