public Matrix createVector(BitVector selector) { int rows = selector != null ? selector.countOnBits() : frame.size(); Matrix m = new Matrix(rows, 1); for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < frame.size(); j++) { if (selector == null || selector.isOn(j)) { M rowValue = frame.object(j); try { Number numValue = (Number) numericField.get(rowValue); m.set(i, 0, numValue.doubleValue()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Couldn't access field %s: %s", numericField.getName(), e.getMessage())); } i++; } } return m; }
public Matrix matrixAbjoint() { // 求伴随矩阵 int i, j; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix = Matrix.matrixCopy(this); matrix = matrix.matrixReverse().matrixNumMultiply(matrix.determinantValue()); return matrix; }
public Matrix matrixNumMultiply(double x) { // 矩阵乘以一个数 int i, j; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(this); for (i = 0; i < matrix.getLine(); i++) for (j = 0; j < matrix.getRow(); j++) matrix.setElement(i, j, x * matrix.getElement(i, j)); return matrix; }
static void calculateEigenvector(String file, String chr, int binsize) throws IOException { if (!file.endsWith("hic")) { System.err.println("Only 'hic' files are supported"); System.exit(-1); } // Load the expected density function, if it exists. Map<Integer, DensityFunction> zoomToDensityMap = null; String densityFile = file + ".densities"; if (FileUtils.resourceExists(densityFile)) { InputStream is = null; try { is = ParsingUtils.openInputStream(densityFile); zoomToDensityMap = DensityUtil.readDensities(is); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } } else { System.err.println("Densities file doesn't exist"); System.exit(-1); } SeekableStream ss = IGVSeekableStreamFactory.getStreamFor(file); Dataset dataset = (new DatasetReader(ss)).read(); Chromosome[] tmp = dataset.getChromosomes(); Map<String, Chromosome> chromosomeMap = new HashMap<String, Chromosome>(); for (Chromosome c : tmp) { chromosomeMap.put(c.getName(), c); } if (!chromosomeMap.containsKey(chr)) { System.err.println("Unknown chromosome: " + chr); System.exit(-1); } int zoomIdx = 0; boolean found = false; for (; zoomIdx < HiCGlobals.zoomBinSizes.length; zoomIdx++) { if (HiCGlobals.zoomBinSizes[zoomIdx] == binsize) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { System.err.println("Unknown bin size: " + binsize); System.exit(-1); } Matrix matrix = dataset.getMatrix(chromosomeMap.get(chr), chromosomeMap.get(chr)); MatrixZoomData zd = matrix.getObservedMatrix(zoomIdx); final DensityFunction df = zoomToDensityMap.get(zd.getZoom()); double[] eigenvector = zd.computeEigenvector(df, 0); for (double ev : eigenvector) System.out.print(ev + " "); System.out.println(); }
public static Matrix panelToMatrix(JTextField[] jtfMatrix, int line, int row, double accuracy) { int i, j; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(line, row, accuracy); for (i = 0; i < line; i++) for (j = 0; j < row; j++) { if (jtfMatrix[i * row + j].getText().equals("")) return null; matrix.setElement(i, j, Double.parseDouble(jtfMatrix[i * row + j].getText())); } return matrix; }
public static void matrixToPanel(JTextField[] jtfMatrix, Matrix matrix) { int i, j; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(String.valueOf(matrix.getAccuracy()).replace('1', '0')); for (i = 0; i < matrix.getLine(); i++) for (j = 0; j < matrix.getRow(); j++) { jtfMatrix[i * matrix.getRow() + j].setText( String.valueOf(df.format(matrix.getElement(i, j)))); } }
public double[][] Eigenvectors(Matrix m) { EigenvalueDecomposition decomposition = m.eig(); Matrix eigenVectorsMatrix = decomposition.getV(); double[][] eigenvectors = eigenVectorsMatrix.getArray(); // System.out.println("eigenvectors matrix"); // eigenVectorsMatrix.print(2,2); return eigenvectors; }
private void getnegphase() { /* * It does the negative phase of unsupervised RBM training algorithm * * For details, please refer to Dr. Hinton's paper: * Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks. Science, Vol. 313. no. 5786, pp. 504 - 507, 28 July 2006. */ // start calculate the negative phase // calculate the curved value of v1,h1 // find the vector of v1 Matrix negdata = poshidstates.times(vishid.transpose()); // (1 * numhid) * (numhid * numdims) = (1 * numdims) negdata.plusEquals(visbiases); // poshidstates*vishid' + visbiases double[][] tmp1 = negdata.getArray(); int i1 = 0; while (i1 < numdims) { tmp1[0][i1] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-tmp1[0][i1])); i1++; } // find the vector of h1 neghidprobs = negdata.times(vishid); // (1 * numdims) * (numdims * numhid) = (1 * numhid) neghidprobs.plusEquals(hidbiases); double[][] tmp2 = neghidprobs.getArray(); int i2 = 0; while (i2 < numhid) { tmp2[0][i2] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-tmp2[0][i2])); i2++; } negprods = negdata.transpose().times(neghidprobs); // (numdims * 1) *(1 * numhid) = (numdims * numhid) }
public Matrix matrixTranspose() { // 矩阵转置 int i, j; Matrix trans_matrix = new Matrix(); for (i = 0; i < getLine(); i++) for (j = 0; j < getRow(); j++) trans_matrix.setElement(j, i, this.getElement(i, j)); trans_matrix.setLine(getLine()); trans_matrix.setRow(getRow()); trans_matrix.setAccuracy(getAccuracy()); return trans_matrix; }
private void prepareMatrices(String statusMatrixFile) { wrs = new WeightedRandomSelection<Id<Zone>>(); Matrix avestatus = MatrixUtils.readMatrices(statusMatrixFile).getMatrix("avg"); for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Entry>> fromLOR : avestatus.getFromLocations().entrySet()) { if (BerlinZoneUtils.isInBerlin(fromLOR.getKey())) { wrs.add( Id.create(fromLOR.getKey(), Zone.class), MatrixUtils.calculateTotalValue(fromLOR.getValue())); } } }
public int matrixRank() // 矩阵的秩 { int rank = 0, i, j; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix = matrixLineSimplify(); for (i = 0; i < matrix.getLine(); i++) for (j = 0; j < matrix.getRow(); j++) if (Math.abs(matrix.getElement(i, j)) > matrix.getAccuracy()) { rank++; break; } return rank; }
public void map( LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<IntWritable, DoubleWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { /* * It implements the mapper. It outputs the numbers of weight and updated weights. * * Note that the format of intermediate output is <IntWritable, DoubleWritable>, * because the key is the number of weight (an integer), and the value is the weight's value (double) */ inputData = value.toString(); // go through the process initialize(); getposphase(); getnegphase(); update(); // output the intermediate data // The <key, value> pairs are <weightID, weightUpdate> double[][] vishidinc_array = vishidinc.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < numdims; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numhid; j++) { weightPos.set(i * numhid + j); weightValue.set(vishidinc_array[i][j]); output.collect(weightPos, weightValue); } } }
long[][] initMatrix(int n, int start) { long[][] m = Matrix.unit(n); for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) { m[i][start] = 1; } return m; }
public Matrix(double[][] matrixArray, int line, int row, double accuracy, String name) { this.matrixArray = Matrix.matrixArrayCopy(matrixArray); this.line = line; this.row = row; this.accuracy = accuracy; = name; }
public Matrix matrixPower(int n) { // 矩阵的幂 int i; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(this); for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) matrix = Matrix.matrixMultiply(matrix, this); return matrix; }
private void prop2nextLayer() { /* * It computes the forward propagation algorithm. */ poshidprobs = data.times(vishid); // (1 * numdims) * (numdims * numhid) poshidprobs.plusEquals(hidbiases); // data*vishid + hidbiases double[][] product_tmp2 = poshidprobs.getArray(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < numhid; i2++) { /* * compute the updated input, and write them to newinput */ product_tmp2[0][i2] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-product_tmp2[0][i2])); newinput[i2] = (int) (product_tmp2[0][i2] * 255.0); } }
/** toy example */ public static void test2() { int N = 500; double[][] m1 = new double[N][N]; double[][] m2 = new double[N][N]; double[][] m3 = new double[N][N]; // init Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { m1[i][j] = 10 * (rand.nextDouble() - 0.2); m2[i][j] = 20 * (rand.nextDouble() - 0.8); } // inverse System.out.println("Start"); Matrix mat1 = new Matrix(m1); Matrix mat2 = mat1.inverse(); Matrix mat3 = mat1.times(mat2); double[][] m4 = mat3.getArray(); /* for (int i = 0; i < m4.length; i++) { int ss = 10; for (int j = 0; j < ss; j++) { System.out.printf("%f ", m4[i][j]); } System.out.print("\n"); } */ System.out.println("Done"); /* // matrix * System.out.println("Start"); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { double cell = 0; for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) cell += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]; // System.out.printf("%f ", cell); m3[i][j] = cell; } System.out.println("Done"); */ }
public Matrix createVector() { int rows = frame.size(); Matrix m = new Matrix(rows, 1); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { M rowValue = frame.object(i); try { Number numValue = (Number) numericField.get(rowValue); m.set(i, 0, numValue.doubleValue()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Couldn't access field %s: %s", numericField.getName(), e.getMessage())); } } return m; }
public double[] Eigenvalues(Matrix m) { EigenvalueDecomposition decomposition = m.eig(); double[] eigenvalues = decomposition.getRealEigenvalues(); // System.out.println("eigenvalues: "); // for(int i=0;i<eigenvalues.length;i++) // System.out.println(""+eigenvalues[i]); return eigenvalues; }
private void getposphase() { /* * It does the positive phase of unsupervised RBM training algorithm * * For details, please refer to Dr. Hinton's paper: * Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks. Science, Vol. 313. no. 5786, pp. 504 - 507, 28 July 2006. */ // Start calculate the positive phase // calculate the cured value of h0 poshidprobs = data.times(vishid); // (1 * numdims) * (numdims * numhid) poshidprobs.plusEquals(hidbiases); // data*vishid + hidbiases double[][] product_tmp2 = poshidprobs.getArray(); int i2 = 0; while (i2 < numhid) { product_tmp2[0][i2] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-product_tmp2[0][i2])); i2++; } posprods = data.transpose().times(poshidprobs); // (numdims * 1) * (1 * numhid) // end of the positive phase calculation, find the binary presentation of h0 int i3 = 0; double[][] tmp1 = poshidprobs.getArray(); double[][] tmp2 = new double[1][numhid]; Random randomgenerator = new Random(); while (i3 < numhid) { /* * a sampling according to possiblity given by poshidprobs */ if (tmp1[0][i3] > randomgenerator.nextDouble()) tmp2[0][i3] = 1; else tmp2[0][i3] = 0; i3++; } // poshidstates is a binary sampling according to possiblity given by poshidprobs poshidstates = new Matrix(tmp2); }
/** * Transition function. Currently, we only get the list of probabilities of each item. * * @param current - The current state * @param action - The action * @param possible - The possible state * @return The list of probabilities where each index refers to the probability of that item */ private List<Double> transition(State current, Action action, State possible) { List<Double> probs = new ArrayList<Double>(); // Probabilities Map<Integer, Integer> currentStock, purchase, possibleStock; // Maps double currentProb; // The current probability Matrix currentMatrix; // The current probability matrix int row, column; // The row and column for (int i = 0; i < current.getState().size(); ++i) { currentProb = 0.0; currentStock = current.getState(); purchase = action.getPurchases(); possibleStock = possible.getState(); row = currentStock.get(i) + purchase.get(i); column = row - possible.getState().get(i); currentMatrix = this.probabilities.get(i); if (column < 0 || column >= currentMatrix.getNumCols() || row >= currentMatrix.getNumRows()) { // Invalid state probs.add(0.0); continue; } if (possibleStock.get(i) > 0 || (possibleStock.get(i) == 0 && column == 0)) { // Sufficiently provided currentProb = currentMatrix.get(row, column); } else if (possibleStock.get(i) == 0 && column > 0) { // Range of probabilities because user could have eaten plenty for (int j = column; j < currentMatrix.getNumCols(); ++j) { currentProb += currentMatrix.get(row, j); } } probs.add(currentProb); } return probs; }
double calculateMSEOnValidationSet(Matrix featuresValidationSet, Matrix labelsValidationSet) throws Exception { double sumSquaredError = 0; for (int instance = 0; instance < featuresValidationSet.rows(); instance++) { double errorAcrossOutputNodes = 0; double[] predictedLabel = labelsValidationSet.row(instance); // this is the target predict(featuresValidationSet.row(instance), labelsValidationSet.row(instance)); for (int col = 0; col < globalStoredOutputNodeFNetValues.length; col++) { errorAcrossOutputNodes += (globalStoredOutputNodeTargetValues[col] - globalStoredOutputNodeFNetValues[col]); } sumSquaredError += (errorAcrossOutputNodes * errorAcrossOutputNodes); } double MSE = (sumSquaredError / (featuresValidationSet.rows() * globalStoredOutputNodeFNetValues.length)); return MSE; }
public Matrix matrixAccuralize() { // 精确化矩阵 int i, j; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(this); for (i = 0; i < matrix.getLine(); i++) for (j = 0; j < matrix.getRow(); j++) if (Math.abs(matrix.getElement(i, j)) <= matrix.getAccuracy()) matrix.setElement(i, j, 0.0); return matrix; }
public static Matrix scanMatrix() { // 输入矩阵 int i, j; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; matrix.setLine(scanner.nextInt()); matrix.setRow(scanner.nextInt()); matrix.setAccuracy(scanner.nextDouble()); for (i = 0; i < matrix.getLine(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < matrix.getRow(); j++) matrix.setElement(i, j, scanner.nextDouble()); } return matrix; }
// update the weights and biases // This serves as a reducer private void update() { /* * It computes the update of weights using previous results and parameters * * For details, please refer to Dr. Hinton's paper: * Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks. Science, Vol. 313. no. 5786, pp. 504 - 507, 28 July 2006. */ double momentum; // if (epoch > 5) // momentum = finalmomentum; // else // momentum = initialmomentum; // vishidinc = momentum*vishidinc + epsilonw*( (posprods-negprods)/numcases - // weightcost*vishid); // vishidinc.timesEquals(momentum); Matrix temp1 = posprods.minus(negprods); Matrix temp2 = vishid.times(weightcost); temp1.minusEquals(temp2); temp1.timesEquals(epsilonw); // the final updates of weights are written in vishidinc vishidinc.plusEquals(temp1); }
public int solve(long coins_sum, long[] values) { int n = values.length; long[][][] step = new long[n][][]; step[0] = Matrix.unit(n); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { long div = values[i] / values[i - 1]; step[i] = Matrix.mul(initMatrix(n, i), Matrix.pow(step[i - 1], div, MOD), MOD); } long[][] total = Matrix.unit(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { long length = coins_sum / values[i]; coins_sum %= values[i]; total = Matrix.mul(Matrix.pow(step[i], length, MOD), total, MOD); } long res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res += total[0][i]; } return (int) (res % MOD); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; Matrix o = Matrix.load(scanner); System.out.println(o.solve()); }
public void initFrame(double time) { // add animation here!!!!!! boolean rotate = false; rotate = true; // fundation m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(0, foundPosition, 0); m.scale(foundW, foundH, foundW); m.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[0], t[0]); // largest ball m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(ballLX, ballLPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(ballLR, ballLR, ballLR); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[1], t[1]); // middle ball m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(ballLX, ballMPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(ballMR, ballMR, ballMR); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[2], t[2]); // head ball m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(ballLX, ballHPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(ballHR, ballHR, ballHR); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[3], t[3]); // hat m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(ballLX, ballHPosition, ballLZ); m.rotateZ(-Math.PI / 18); m.translate(0, hatPosition - ballHPosition, 0); m.scale(hatR, hatR, hatR); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[4], t[4]); // hat bottom m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(ballLX, ballHPosition, ballLZ); m.rotateZ(-Math.PI / 18); m.translate(0, hatBPosition - ballHPosition, 0); m.scale(hatBR, hatBH, hatBR); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[5], t[5]); // eye m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(eyeX, eyeY, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ballHR, 2) - Math.pow(eyeX, 2) - Math.pow(eyeY, 2))); m.translate(ballLX, ballHPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(eyeW, eyeH, eyeT); m.rotateZ(Math.PI / 18); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[6], t[6]); // eye m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate( -eyeX, eyeY, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ballHR, 2) - Math.pow(eyeX, 2) - Math.pow(eyeY, 2))); m.translate(ballLX, ballHPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(eyeW, eyeH, eyeT); m.rotateZ(-Math.PI / 18); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[7], t[7]); // nose m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(ballLX, ballHPosition, ballLZ + ballHR); m.scale(noseR, noseR, noseL); m.transform(g[8], t[8]); // botton 1 m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(0, bottonY, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ballMR, 2) - Math.pow(bottonY, 2))); m.translate(ballLX, ballMPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(bottonR, bottonR, bottonT); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[9], t[9]); // botton 2 m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(0, -bottonY / 2, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ballMR, 2) - Math.pow(bottonY / 2, 2))); m.translate(ballLX, ballMPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(bottonR, bottonR, bottonT); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[10], t[10]); // botton 3 m.identity(); if (rotate) m.rotateY(time * speed); m.translate(0, bottonY, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ballLR, 2) - Math.pow(bottonY, 2))); m.translate(ballLX, ballLPosition, ballLZ); m.scale(bottonR, bottonR, bottonT); m.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); m.transform(g[11], t[11]); }
@Override protected void applyModelviewTransform(DrawContext dc, SurfaceTileDrawContext sdc) { // Apply the geographic to surface tile coordinate transform. Matrix modelview = sdc.getModelviewMatrix(); dc.getGL().glMultMatrixd(modelview.toArray(new double[16], 0, false), 0); }
protected int computeCartesianPolygon( Globe globe, List<? extends LatLon> locations, List<Boolean> edgeFlags, Vec4[] points, Boolean[] edgeFlagArray, Matrix[] transform) { if (globe == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (locations == null) { String message = "nullValue.LocationsIsNull"; Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (points == null) { String message = "nullValue.LocationsIsNull"; Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (points.length < (1 + locations.size())) { String message = Logging.getMessage( "generic.ArrayInvalidLength", "points.length < " + (1 + locations.size())); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (transform == null) { String message = "nullValue.TransformIsNull"; Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (transform.length < 1) { String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ArrayInvalidLength", "transform.length < 1"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } // Allocate space to hold the list of locations and location vertices. int locationCount = locations.size(); // Compute the cartesian points for each location. for (int i = 0; i < locationCount; i++) { LatLon ll = locations.get(i); points[i] = globe.computePointFromPosition(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude(), 0.0); if (edgeFlagArray != null) edgeFlagArray[i] = (edgeFlags != null) ? edgeFlags.get(i) : true; } // Compute the average of the cartesian points. Vec4 centerPoint = Vec4.computeAveragePoint(Arrays.asList(points)); // Test whether the polygon is closed. If it is not closed, repeat the first vertex. if (!points[0].equals(points[locationCount - 1])) { points[locationCount] = points[0]; if (edgeFlagArray != null) edgeFlagArray[locationCount] = edgeFlagArray[0]; locationCount++; } // Compute a transform that will map the cartesian points to a local coordinate system centered // at the average // of the points and oriented with the globe surface. Position centerPos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(centerPoint); Matrix tx = globe.computeSurfaceOrientationAtPosition(centerPos); Matrix txInv = tx.getInverse(); // Map the cartesian points to a local coordinate space. for (int i = 0; i < locationCount; i++) { points[i] = points[i].transformBy4(txInv); } transform[0] = tx; return locationCount; }