ISourceContainer[] getSourceContainers(String location, String id) throws CoreException {

    ISourceContainer[] containers = (ISourceContainer[]) fSourceContainerMap.get(location);
    if (containers != null) {
      return containers;

    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
    ModelEntry entry = MonitorRegistry.findEntry(id);

    boolean match = false;

    IMonitorModelBase[] models = entry.getWorkspaceModels();
    for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
      if (isPerfectMatch(models[i], new Path(location))) {
        IResource resource = models[i].getUnderlyingResource();
        // if the plug-in matches a workspace model,
        // add the project and any libraries not coming via a container
        // to the list of source containers, in that order
        if (resource != null) {
          addProjectSourceContainers(resource.getProject(), result);
        match = true;

    if (!match) {
      File file = new File(location);
      if (file.isFile()) {
        // in case of linked plug-in projects that map to an external JARd plug-in,
        // use source container that maps to the library in the linked project.
        ISourceContainer container = getArchiveSourceContainer(location);
        if (container != null) {
          containers = new ISourceContainer[] {container};
          fSourceContainerMap.put(location, containers);
          return containers;

      models = entry.getExternalModels();
      for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
        if (isPerfectMatch(models[i], new Path(location))) {
          // try all source zips found in the source code locations
          IClasspathEntry[] entries = MDEClasspathContainer.getExternalEntries(models[i]);
          for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
            IRuntimeClasspathEntry rte = convertClasspathEntry(entries[j]);
            if (rte != null) result.add(rte);

    IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries =
        (IRuntimeClasspathEntry[]) result.toArray(new IRuntimeClasspathEntry[result.size()]);
    containers = JavaRuntime.getSourceContainers(entries);
    fSourceContainerMap.put(location, containers);
    return containers;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  private void createBuildPathChange(IResource[] sourceResources, CompositeChange rootChange)
      throws ModelException {
    IResource[] uniqueSourceResources = removeDuplicateResources(sourceResources);
    for (IResource element : uniqueSourceResources) {
      // only container need handle build/include path.
      if (element instanceof IContainer) {
        IProject project = element.getProject();

        // if moving to another project
        if (RefactoringUtility.getResource(fMainDestinationPath).getProject() != project) {
          removeBuildPath(element, project);
          IPath path = element.getFullPath().removeLastSegments(1);
          RenameBuildAndIcludePathChange biChange =
              new RenameBuildAndIcludePathChange(
                  oldBuildEntries, //$NON-NLS-1$

          if (newBuildEntries.size() > 0 || newIncludePathEntries.size() > 0) {

        } else {
          updateBuildPath(element, project);
          RenameBuildAndIcludePathChange biChange =
              new RenameBuildAndIcludePathChange(
          if (newBuildEntries.size() > 0 || newIncludePathEntries.size() > 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  /* Return the list of projects for which it requires a resource delta. This builder's project
   * is implicitly included and need not be specified. Builders must re-specify the list
   * of interesting projects every time they are run as this is not carried forward
   * beyond the next build. Missing projects should be specified but will be ignored until
   * they are added to the workspace.
  private IProject[] getRequiredProjects(boolean includeBinaryPrerequisites) {
    if (this.javaProject == null || this.workspaceRoot == null) return new IProject[0];

    ArrayList projects = new ArrayList();
    ExternalFoldersManager externalFoldersManager = JavaModelManager.getExternalManager();
    try {
      IClasspathEntry[] entries = this.javaProject.getExpandedClasspath();
      for (int i = 0, l = entries.length; i < l; i++) {
        IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
        IPath path = entry.getPath();
        IProject p = null;
        switch (entry.getEntryKind()) {
          case IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT:
            p =
                    path.lastSegment()); // missing projects are considered too
            if (((ClasspathEntry) entry).isOptional()
                && !JavaProject.hasJavaNature(p)) // except if entry is optional
            p = null;
          case IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY:
            if (includeBinaryPrerequisites && path.segmentCount() > 0) {
              // some binary resources on the class path can come from projects that are not
              // included in the project references
              IResource resource = this.workspaceRoot.findMember(path.segment(0));
              if (resource instanceof IProject) {
                p = (IProject) resource;
              } else {
                resource = externalFoldersManager.getFolder(path);
                if (resource != null) p = resource.getProject();
        if (p != null && !projects.contains(p)) projects.add(p);
    } catch (JavaModelException e) {
      return new IProject[0];
    IProject[] result = new IProject[projects.size()];
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void setCharsetFor(IPath resourcePath, String newCharset) throws CoreException {
   // for the workspace root we just set a preference in the instance scope
   if (resourcePath.segmentCount() == 0) {
     IEclipsePreferences resourcesPreferences =
     if (newCharset != null) resourcesPreferences.put(ResourcesPlugin.PREF_ENCODING, newCharset);
     else resourcesPreferences.remove(ResourcesPlugin.PREF_ENCODING);
     try {
     } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
       IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(resourcePath.segment(0));
       String message = Messages.resources_savingEncoding;
       throw new ResourceException(
           IResourceStatus.FAILED_SETTING_CHARSET, project.getFullPath(), message, e);
   // for all other cases, we set a property in the corresponding project
   IResource resource = workspace.getRoot().findMember(resourcePath);
   if (resource != null) {
     try {
       // disable the listener so we don't react to changes made by ourselves
       Preferences encodingSettings =
               resource.getProject(), true, resource.isDerived(IResource.CHECK_ANCESTORS));
       if (newCharset == null || newCharset.trim().length() == 0)
       else encodingSettings.put(getKeyFor(resourcePath), newCharset);
       flushPreferences(encodingSettings, true);
     } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
       IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(resourcePath.segment(0));
       String message = Messages.resources_savingEncoding;
       throw new ResourceException(
           IResourceStatus.FAILED_SETTING_CHARSET, project.getFullPath(), message, e);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void processEntryChanges(
     IResourceDelta projectDelta, Map<IProject, Boolean> projectsToSave) {
   // check each resource with user-set encoding to see if it has
   // been moved/deleted or if derived state has been changed
   IProject currentProject = (IProject) projectDelta.getResource();
   Preferences projectRegularPrefs = getPreferences(currentProject, false, false, true);
   Preferences projectDerivedPrefs = getPreferences(currentProject, false, true, true);
   Map<Boolean, String[]> affectedResourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
   try {
     // no regular preferences for this project
     if (projectRegularPrefs == null) affectedResourcesMap.put(Boolean.FALSE, new String[0]);
     else affectedResourcesMap.put(Boolean.FALSE, projectRegularPrefs.keys());
     // no derived preferences for this project
     if (projectDerivedPrefs == null) affectedResourcesMap.put(Boolean.TRUE, new String[0]);
     else affectedResourcesMap.put(Boolean.TRUE, projectDerivedPrefs.keys());
   } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
     // problems with the project scope... we will miss the changes (but will log)
     String message = Messages.resources_readingEncoding;
         new ResourceStatus(
             IResourceStatus.FAILED_GETTING_CHARSET, currentProject.getFullPath(), message, e));
   for (Iterator<Boolean> it = affectedResourcesMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     Boolean isDerived =;
     String[] affectedResources = affectedResourcesMap.get(isDerived);
     Preferences projectPrefs =
         isDerived.booleanValue() ? projectDerivedPrefs : projectRegularPrefs;
     for (int i = 0; i < affectedResources.length; i++) {
       IResourceDelta memberDelta = projectDelta.findMember(new Path(affectedResources[i]));
       // no changes for the given resource
       if (memberDelta == null) continue;
       if (memberDelta.getKind() == IResourceDelta.REMOVED) {
         boolean shouldDisableCharsetDeltaJobForCurrentProject = false;
         // remove the setting for the original location - save its value though
         String currentValue = projectPrefs.get(affectedResources[i], null);
         if ((memberDelta.getFlags() & IResourceDelta.MOVED_TO) != 0) {
           IPath movedToPath = memberDelta.getMovedToPath();
           IResource resource = workspace.getRoot().findMember(movedToPath);
           if (resource != null) {
             Preferences encodingSettings =
                     resource.getProject(), true, resource.isDerived(IResource.CHECK_ANCESTORS));
             if (currentValue == null || currentValue.trim().length() == 0)
             else encodingSettings.put(getKeyFor(movedToPath), currentValue);
             IProject targetProject = workspace.getRoot().getProject(movedToPath.segment(0));
             if (targetProject.equals(currentProject))
               // if the file was moved inside the same project disable charset listener
               shouldDisableCharsetDeltaJobForCurrentProject = true;
             else projectsToSave.put(targetProject, Boolean.FALSE);
             currentProject, Boolean.valueOf(shouldDisableCharsetDeltaJobForCurrentProject));
     if (moveSettingsIfDerivedChanged(
         projectDelta, currentProject, projectPrefs, affectedResources)) {
       // if settings were moved between preferences files disable charset listener so we don't
       // react to changes made by ourselves
       projectsToSave.put(currentProject, Boolean.TRUE);