Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Read a simple or bulk string response from the server, throwing an exception if the result is
   * not one of those two types.
   * <p>This is a blocking operation.
   * @return The response as a string
   * @throws BajaTypeMismatchException If the response was not a simple or bulk string
   * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error reading from the stream
   * @throws BajaProtocolErrorException If the server responded with an error result
  public String readSimpleOrBulkString() {
    final Set<RespType> expected = new HashSet<>();

    final RespType type = verifyResponseType(expected);
    if (type == RespType.BULK_STRING) {
      return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readBulkString(inputStream));

    return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readSimpleString(inputStream));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // VisibleForTesting
  RespType verifyResponseType(Set<RespType> expected) {
    final RespType type = IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.findType(inputStream));

    if (type == RespType.ERROR) {
      final RespErrResponse err = IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readError(inputStream));
      throw new BajaProtocolErrorException(err.getMessage());

    if (!expected.contains(type)) {
      throw new BajaTypeMismatchException(
          "Unexpected type. Expected one of " + expected + ", got " + type);

    return type;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static <R> R runCommand(IOFunction<R> func) {
   try {
     return func.call();
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new BajaResourceException(e);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Read an "array" response from the server and convert each entry to a string using the default
  * string representation ({@link String#valueOf}), throwing an exception if the result is not an
  * array type.
  * <p>Null values in the array will be preserved as {@code null}s.
  * <p>This is a blocking operation.
  * @return The response as a {@code List} of strings
  * @throws BajaTypeMismatchException If the response was not an array
  * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error reading from the stream
  * @throws BajaProtocolErrorException If the server responded with an error result
 public List<String> readStringArray() {
   return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readArray(inputStream))
       .map(i -> i == null ? null : String.valueOf(i))
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Encode and send multiple commands and arguments to the Redis Server
   * <p>This is a blocking operation.
   * @param commands Multiple commands and associated arguments to send as strings
   * @return fluent interface
   * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error writing to the output stream
  public RedisConnection writeMultiCommand(List<List<String>> commands) {
        () -> {
          return null;

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Read any type of response from the server, throwing an exception if the result is an Redis
   * error.
   * <p>This might be useful for Redis commands that return different types based on the arguments
   * supplied to them. In this case, the caller will have to inspect the type of the result
   * afterwards to determine the appropriate course of action.
   * <p>This is a blocking operation.
   * @return The response as an Object
   * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error reading from the stream
   * @throws BajaProtocolErrorException If the server responded with an error result
  public Object readAnyType() {
    final Set<RespType> expected = new HashSet<>();

    final RespType type = verifyResponseType(expected);
    switch (type) {
      case BULK_STRING:
        return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readBulkString(inputStream));
      case SIMPLE_STRING:
        return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readSimpleString(inputStream));
      case INTEGER:
        return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readLong(inputStream));
      case ARRAY:
        return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readArray(inputStream));

    throw new IllegalStateException("Got unexpected result type " + type);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Read an "array" response from the server, throwing an exception if the result is not an array
  * type.
  * <p>It is the responsibility of the caller to know the expected types of each entry in the list.
  * <p>This is a blocking operation.
  * @return The response as a {@code List} of objects
  * @throws BajaTypeMismatchException If the response was not an array
  * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error reading from the stream
  * @throws BajaProtocolErrorException If the server responded with an error result
 public List<Object> readArray() {
   return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readArray(inputStream));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Read a 64 bit integer response from the server, throwing an exception if the result is not a 64
  * bit integer type.
  * <p>This is a blocking operation.
  * @return The response as a {@code long}
  * @throws BajaTypeMismatchException If the response was not a 64 bit integer
  * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error reading from the stream
  * @throws BajaProtocolErrorException If the server responded with an error result
 public long readLong() {
   return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readLong(inputStream));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Read a bulk string response from the server, throwing an exception if the response is not a
  * bulk string type.
  * <p>This is a blocking operation.
  * @return The response as a string
  * @throws BajaTypeMismatchException If the response was not a bulk string
  * @throws BajaResourceException If there was an error reading from the stream
  * @throws BajaProtocolErrorException If the server responded with an error result
 public String readBulkString() {
   return IOFunction.runCommand(() -> parser.readBulkString(inputStream));