Ejemplo n.º 1
  /** Add the UI components for the given file sequence to the panel. */
  private void addFileSeqPanel(FileSeq fseq) {
    boolean isPresentInWorking = false;
    if ((pStatus != null) && pStatus.hasLightDetails()) {
      NodeDetailsLight details = pStatus.getLightDetails();
      NodeMod mod = details.getWorkingVersion();
      if (mod != null) {
        if (mod.getPrimarySequence().equals(fseq)) isPresentInWorking = true;
        else {
          for (FileSeq sfseq : mod.getSecondarySequences()) {
            if (sfseq.equals(fseq)) {
              isPresentInWorking = true;

    /* collate the row information */
    ArrayList<VersionID> vids = new ArrayList<VersionID>();
    ArrayList<FileSeq> singles = new ArrayList<FileSeq>();
    TreeSet<FileSeq> enabled = new TreeSet<FileSeq>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, FileState> fstates = new TreeMap<FileSeq, FileState>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, NativeFileInfo> finfos = new TreeMap<FileSeq, NativeFileInfo>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, QueueState> qstates = new TreeMap<FileSeq, QueueState>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, Boolean[]> novel = new TreeMap<FileSeq, Boolean[]>();
      TreeMap<FileSeq, Integer> wsingles = new TreeMap<FileSeq, Integer>();
      if ((pStatus != null) && pStatus.hasLightDetails()) {
        if (isPresentInWorking) {
          if (pStatus.hasHeavyDetails()) {
            NodeDetailsHeavy details = pStatus.getHeavyDetails();

            FileState[] fs = details.getFileStates(fseq);
            QueueState[] qs = details.getQueueStates();
            NativeFileInfo[] infos = details.getFileInfos(fseq);
            if ((fs != null) && (qs != null) && (infos != null)) {
              int wk;
              for (wk = 0; wk < fs.length; wk++) {
                FileSeq sfseq = new FileSeq(fseq, wk);
                wsingles.put(sfseq, wk);

                fstates.put(sfseq, fs[wk]);
                finfos.put(sfseq, infos[wk]);
                qstates.put(sfseq, qs[wk]);

                if (fs[wk] != FileState.CheckedIn) enabled.add(sfseq);
          } else {
            NodeDetailsLight details = pStatus.getLightDetails();

            int wk;
            for (wk = 0; wk < fseq.numFrames(); wk++) {
              FileSeq sfseq = new FileSeq(fseq, wk);
              wsingles.put(sfseq, wk);

              if (details.getVersionState() == VersionState.CheckedIn) {
                fstates.put(sfseq, FileState.CheckedIn);
                qstates.put(sfseq, QueueState.Undefined);
              } else {


          int idx = 0;
          for (VersionID vid : vids) {
            TreeMap<FileSeq, boolean[]> table = pNovelty.get(vid);
            for (FileSeq nfseq : table.keySet()) {
              if (fseq.similarTo(nfseq)) {
                boolean[] flags = table.get(nfseq);

                int wk;
                for (wk = 0; wk < flags.length; wk++) {
                  FileSeq sfseq = new FileSeq(nfseq, wk);
                  if (!wsingles.containsKey(sfseq)) wsingles.put(sfseq, null);

                  Boolean[] rflags = novel.get(sfseq);
                  if (rflags == null) {
                    rflags = new Boolean[pNovelty.size()];
                    novel.put(sfseq, rflags);

                  rflags[idx] = new Boolean(flags[wk]);



      TreeMap<Integer, FileSeq> order = new TreeMap<Integer, FileSeq>();
      for (FileSeq sfseq : wsingles.keySet()) {
        int frame = -1;
        if (sfseq.hasFrameNumbers()) frame = sfseq.getFrameRange().getStart();

        order.put(frame, sfseq);


    /* add the panel */
      JFileSeqPanel panel =
          new JFileSeqPanel(

      if (pIsListLayout) pFileSeqsBox.add(panel);
      else pFileSeqsTab.addTab(fseq.getFilePattern().toString(), sTabIcon, panel);

      pFileSeqPanels.put(fseq, panel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Construct a {@link SubProcessHeavy SubProcessHeavy} instance which when executed will fulfill
   * the given action agenda.
   * <p>
   * @param agenda The agenda to be accomplished by the action.
   * @param outFile The file to which all STDOUT output is redirected.
   * @param errFile The file to which all STDERR output is redirected.
   * @return The SubProcess which will fulfill the agenda.
   * @throws PipelineException If unable to prepare a SubProcess due to illegal, missing or
   *     imcompatable information in the action agenda or a general failure of the prep method code.
  public SubProcessHeavy prep(ActionAgenda agenda, File outFile, File errFile)
      throws PipelineException {
    NodeID nodeID = agenda.getNodeID();

    /* sanity checks */
    File targetScene = null;
    ArrayList<File> sourceScenes = new ArrayList<File>();
    ArrayList<String> mergePatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
    File preBuild = null;
    File postBuild = null;
    File preScene = null;
    File postScene = null;
      DoubleMap<Integer, String, TreeSet<FileSeq>> sources =
          new DoubleMap<Integer, String, TreeSet<FileSeq>>();

      for (String sname : agenda.getSourceNames()) {
        if (hasSourceParams(sname)) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
          Integer order = (Integer) getSourceParamValue(sname, "Order");
          addSourceSeq(order, sname, fseq, sources);

        for (FileSeq fseq : agenda.getSecondarySources(sname)) {
          FilePattern fpat = fseq.getFilePattern();
          if (hasSecondarySourceParams(sname, fpat)) {
            Integer order = (Integer) getSecondarySourceParamValue(sname, fpat, "Order");
            addSourceSeq(order, sname, fseq, sources);

      for (Integer order : sources.keySet()) {
        for (String sname : sources.get(order).keySet()) {
          for (FileSeq fseq : sources.get(order).get(sname)) {
            String pattern = null;
            if (fseq.equals(agenda.getPrimarySource(sname)))
              pattern = (String) getSourceParamValue(sname, "MergePattern");
            else {
              FilePattern fpat = fseq.getFilePattern();
              pattern = (String) getSecondarySourceParamValue(sname, fpat, "MergePattern");

            if ((pattern == null) || (pattern.length() == 0))
              throw new PipelineException(
                  "The Merge Pattern for file sequence ("
                      + fseq
                      + ") of source node "
                      + "("
                      + sname
                      + ") was not specified!");

            NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
            File sfile =
                new File(PackageInfo.sProdDir, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));


      /* generate the name of the Houdini scene to save */
        FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimaryTarget();
        String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
        if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !suffix.equals("hip"))
          throw new PipelineException(
              "The HfsBuild Action requires that the primary target file sequence must "
                  + "be a single Houdini scene file!");

        targetScene =
            new File(PackageInfo.sProdDir, nodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));

      /* command script files */
        String sname = (String) getSingleParamValue("PreBuildScript");
        if (sname != null) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
          if (fseq == null)
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Somehow the Pre Build Script node ("
                    + sname
                    + ") was not one of the "
                    + "source nodes!");

          String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
          if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !(suffix.equals("cmd")))
            throw new PipelineException(
                "The HfsBuild Action requires that the source node specified by the Pre "
                    + "Build Script parameter ("
                    + sname
                    + ") must have a single command "
                    + "script (.cmd) as its primary file sequence!");

          NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
          preBuild =
              new File(PackageInfo.sProdDir, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));

        String sname = (String) getSingleParamValue("PostBuildScript");
        if (sname != null) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
          if (fseq == null)
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Somehow the Post Build Script node ("
                    + sname
                    + ") was not one of the "
                    + "source nodes!");

          String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
          if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !(suffix.equals("cmd")))
            throw new PipelineException(
                "The HfsBuild Action requires that the source node specified by the Post "
                    + "Build Script parameter ("
                    + sname
                    + ") must have a single command "
                    + "script (.cmd) as its primary file sequence!");

          NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
          postBuild =
              new File(PackageInfo.sProdDir, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));

        String sname = (String) getSingleParamValue("PreSceneScript");
        if (sname != null) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
          if (fseq == null)
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Somehow the Pre Scene Script node ("
                    + sname
                    + ") was not one of the "
                    + "source nodes!");

          String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
          if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !(suffix.equals("cmd")))
            throw new PipelineException(
                "The HfsBuild Action requires that the source node specified by the Pre "
                    + "Scene Script parameter ("
                    + sname
                    + ") must have a single command script "
                    + "(.cmd) as its primary file sequence!");

          NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
          preScene =
              new File(PackageInfo.sProdDir, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));

        String sname = (String) getSingleParamValue("PostSceneScript");
        if (sname != null) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
          if (fseq == null)
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Somehow the Post Scene Script node ("
                    + sname
                    + ") was not one of the "
                    + "source nodes!");

          String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
          if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !(suffix.equals("cmd")))
            throw new PipelineException(
                "The HfsBuild Action requires that the source node specified by the Post "
                    + "Scene Script parameter ("
                    + sname
                    + ") must have a single command script "
                    + "(.cmd) as its primary file sequence!");

          NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
          postScene =
              new File(PackageInfo.sProdDir, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));

    /* create the temporary Houdini command script */
    File hscript = createTemp(agenda, 0644, "cmd");
    try {
      FileWriter out = new FileWriter(hscript);

      if (preBuild != null) out.write("source " + preBuild + "\n");

      /* load the source scenes */
      int wk;
      for (wk = 0; wk < sourceScenes.size(); wk++) {
        File sourceScene = sourceScenes.get(wk);
        String pattern = mergePatterns.get(wk);

        if (preScene != null) out.write("source " + preScene + "\n");

        if (wk > 0) out.write(" -o -m " + pattern);
        out.write(" " + sourceScene + "\n");

        if (postScene != null) out.write("source " + postScene + "\n");

      if (postBuild != null) out.write("source " + postBuild + "\n");

      /* save the file */
      out.write("mwrite " + targetScene + "\n");

    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new PipelineException(
          "Unable to write temporary command file ("
              + hscript
              + ") for Job "
              + "("
              + agenda.getJobID()
              + ")!\n"
              + ex.getMessage());

    /* create the wrapper shell script */
    File script = createTemp(agenda, 0755, "bash");
    try {
      FileWriter out = new FileWriter(script);
      out.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n" + "cat " + hscript + " | hscript");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new PipelineException(
          "Unable to write temporary script file ("
              + script
              + ") for Job "
              + "("
              + agenda.getJobID()
              + ")!\n"
              + ex.getMessage());

    try {
      return new SubProcessHeavy(
          getName() + "-" + agenda.getJobID(),
          new ArrayList<String>(),
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new PipelineException(
          "Unable to generate the SubProcess to perform this Action!\n" + ex.getMessage());