Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param path path to first element
  * @param pathTo path to second element
  * @return environment in which the generic parameters in the path to the first element are bound
  *     to those in the path to the second element, or null type on error
 public static ResolvedName mapGenericParameters(
     final Deque<? extends INamedElement> path, final Deque<? extends INamedElement> pathTo) {
   // Construct an environment in which the current function's generic parameters
   // are bound to those of the eventual override.
   final Deque<List<? extends ResolvedName>> tableau =
       new LinkedList<>(ResolvedName.fromNamedElement(path.getLast()).tableau());
   final Iterator<? extends INamedElement> pathIt = path.descendingIterator();
   while (pathIt.hasNext()) {
   CachedIterator<? extends INamedElement> itPathTo = null;
   CachedIterator<? extends IGenericParameter> itGPTo = null;
   boolean end = false;
     // Initialise iterators into direct override's generic parameters.
     boolean foundValid = false;
     itPathTo = Iterators.cached(pathTo.iterator());
     while (!foundValid && itPathTo.hasItem()) {
       itGPTo = Iterators.cached(itPathTo.item().genericParameters().iterator());
       while (!foundValid && itGPTo.hasItem()) {
         foundValid = true;
         if (!foundValid) itGPTo.next();
       if (!foundValid) itPathTo.next();
     if (!foundValid) end = true;
   for (final INamedElement elt : path) {
     final List<ResolvedName> row = new ArrayList<>();
     for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
     final IGenericParameter genericParameter : elt.genericParameters()) {
       if (end) return null;
         // Increment iterators into direct override's generic parameters.
         boolean init = true;
         boolean foundValid = false;
         if (!init) itPathTo = Iterators.cached(pathTo.iterator());
         while (!foundValid && itPathTo.hasItem()) {
           if (!init) itGPTo = Iterators.cached(itPathTo.item().genericParameters().iterator());
           while (!foundValid && itGPTo.hasItem()) {
             if (!init) foundValid = true;
             init = false;
             if (!foundValid) itGPTo.next();
           if (!foundValid) itPathTo.next();
         if (!foundValid) end = true;
   if (!end) return null;
   return ResolvedName.newNameReference(path.getLast(), tableau);
 // Here are the details of the matching. We track the current brace depth, and we artificially
 // consider that the whole file is at brace depth 1 inside a pseudo-class whose name is the
 // name of the package. When we see a class definition, we push the fully-qualified name of the
 // class on a stack so that we can associate abstract methods we find with the possibly-nested
 // class they belong to. A class definition must occur at brace depth one more than the class
 // containing it, which is equivalent to saying that the brace depth must be the same as the
 // class stack depth. This check excludes local class definitions within methods and
 // initializers. If we meet these constraints and we see the word "class" followed by an
 // identifier Foo, then we consider that we are entering the definition of class Foo. We determine
 // the fully-qualified name of Foo, which is container.Foo, where container is the current top of
 // the class stack (initially, the package name). We push this new fully-qualified name on the
 // class stack. We have not yet seen the left brace with the class definition so at this point the
 // class stack depth is one more than the brace depth. When we subsequently see a right brace that
 // takes us back to this situation then we know we have completed the definition of Foo and we can
 // pop it from the class stack.
 // We check that the token after "class" is indeed an identifier to avoid confusion
 // with Foo.class. Even though the tokenizer does not distinguish between identifiers and
 // keywords, it is enough to exclude the single word "instanceof" because that is the only word
 // that can legally appear after Foo.class (though in a legal program the resultant expression
 // will always be true).
 // Again, we are at the top level of a class when the brace depth is equal to the class stack
 // depth. If we then see the word "abstract" then that is the start either of an abstract class
 // definition or of an abstract method. We record that we have seen "abstract" and we cancel
 // that indication as soon as we see a left brace, to exclude the abstract class case, and also
 // the case of interfaces or @interfaces redundantly declared abstract. Now, when
 // we see an identifier that is preceded by an uncanceled "abstract" and followed by a left paren
 // then we have found an abstract method of the class on the top of the class stack. We record it
 // in the list of abstract methods of the class on the top of the class stack. We don't bother
 // checking that the method has no parameters, because an @AutoValue class will cause a compiler
 // error if there are abstract methods with parameters, since the @AutoValue processor doesn't
 // know how to implement them in the concrete subclass it generates.
 Map<String, List<String>> abstractMethods(JavaTokenizer tokenizer, String packageName) {
   Map<String, List<String>> abstractMethods = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
   Deque<String> classStack = new ArrayDeque<String>();
   int braceDepth = 1;
   boolean sawAbstract = false;
   String className = null;
   for (String previousToken = "", token = tokenizer.nextToken();
       token != null;
       previousToken = token, token = tokenizer.nextToken()) {
     boolean topLevel = (braceDepth == classStack.size());
     if (className != null) {
       // get last term in fully-qualified class name (e.g. "class some.package.Bar { ...")
       if (token.equals(".")) {
         className = tokenizer.nextToken();
       } else {
         if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(className.charAt(0))
             && !className.equals("instanceof")) {
           String container = classStack.getLast();
           // container might be empty in the case of a packageless class
           classStack.add(container.isEmpty() ? className : container + "." + className);
         className = null;
     if (token.equals("{")) {
       sawAbstract = false;
     } else if (token.equals("}")) {
       if (topLevel) {
     } else if (topLevel) {
       if (token.equals("class") || token.equals("interface")) {
         className = tokenizer.nextToken();
       } else if (token.equals("abstract")) {
         sawAbstract = true;
       } else if (token.equals("(")) {
         if (sawAbstract && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(previousToken.charAt(0))) {
           List<String> methods = abstractMethods.get(classStack.getLast());
           if (methods == null) {
             methods = new ArrayList<String>();
             abstractMethods.put(classStack.getLast(), methods);
         sawAbstract = false;
   return abstractMethods;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
   if (path(categoryPath)) {
     currentText.addCategory(new StringCategory(String.valueOf(elementContentStack.getLast())));
   if (path(textPath)) {
   if (path(rootPath)) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public TempReading getMinTemp(LocalDateTime userBeginDate, LocalDateTime userEndDate) {

    double tMin = MAX_TEMP;
    TempReading minTemp = new TempReading(MAX_TEMP);

    if (this.queEmpty()) return minTemp;

    LocalDateTime qBeginDate, qEndDate;
    qBeginDate = qTemp.getFirst().getTempTime();
    qEndDate = qTemp.getLast().getTempTime();

    // Test some end conditions
    if (userEndDate.isBefore(qBeginDate) || userBeginDate.isAfter(qEndDate)) {
      return minTemp;
    TempReading tArray[] = this.toArray();
    int len = this.queSize();
    LocalDateTime tArrayValue;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      tArrayValue = tArray[i].getTempTime();
      if ((tArrayValue.isAfter(userBeginDate) || tArrayValue.equals(userBeginDate))
          && (tArrayValue.isBefore(userEndDate)
              || tArrayValue.equals(
                  userEndDate))) { // the test or "equals" is a bit overkill, but it made testing
        // easier
        if (tMin > tArray[i].getTemp()) {
          tMin = tArray[i].getTemp();
          minTemp = tArray[i];
    return minTemp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void buildSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementTree tree) {
   // FIXME useless node created for default cases.
   SwitchStatementTree switchStatementTree = tree;
   Block switchSuccessor = currentBlock;
   // process condition
   currentBlock = createBlock();
   currentBlock.terminator = switchStatementTree;
   // process body
   currentBlock = createBlock(switchSuccessor);
   if (!switchStatementTree.cases().isEmpty()) {
     CaseGroupTree firstCase = switchStatementTree.cases().get(0);
     for (CaseGroupTree caseGroupTree : Lists.reverse(switchStatementTree.cases())) {
       if (!caseGroupTree.equals(firstCase)) {
         // No block predecessing the first case group.
         currentBlock = createBlock(currentBlock);
   // process condition
   currentBlock = switches.removeLast();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void prune() {
   // Remove all values that are too old
   TimeInterval periodAllowed = cachedPeriod.before(buffer.getLast().getTimestamp());
   while (!buffer.isEmpty() && !periodAllowed.contains(buffer.getFirst().getTimestamp())) {
     // Discard value
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private ExpressionType getOnType(TreeNode on) {
   if (on != null) {
     return on.getExpressionType();
   } else {
     String fqn = cip.getFullName(containingClasses.getLast());
     return new ExpressionType(fqn);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void unread(int character) throws IOException {
   if (character == '\n') {
   if (pureTextFromFile.getLast() == character) {
 // Here are the details of the matching. We track the current brace depth, and we artificially
 // consider that the whole file is at brace depth 1 inside a pseudo-class whose name is the
 // name of the package. When we see a class definition, we push the fully-qualified name of the
 // class on a stack so that we can associate abstract methods we find with the possibly-nested
 // class they belong to. A class definition must occur at brace depth one more than the class
 // containing it, which is equivalent to saying that the brace depth must be the same as the
 // class stack depth. This check excludes local class definitions within methods and
 // initializers. If we meet these constraints and we see the word "class" followed by an
 // identifier Foo, then we consider that we are entering the definition of class Foo. We determine
 // the fully-qualified name of Foo, which is container.Foo, where container is the current top of
 // the class stack (initially, the package name). We push this new fully-qualified name on the
 // class stack. We have not yet seen the left brace with the class definition so at this point the
 // class stack depth is one more than the brace depth. When we subsequently see a right brace that
 // takes us back to this situation then we know we have completed the definition of Foo and we can
 // pop it from the class stack.
 // We check that the token after "class" is indeed an identifier to avoid confusion
 // with Foo.class. Even though the tokenizer does not distinguish between identifiers and
 // keywords, it is enough to exclude the single word "instanceof" because that is the only word
 // that can legally appear after Foo.class (though in a legal program the resultant expression
 // will always be true).
 // Again, we are at the top level of a class when the brace depth is equal to the class stack
 // depth. If we then see the word "abstract" then that is the start either of an abstract class
 // definition or of an abstract method. We record that we have seen "abstract" and we cancel
 // that indication as soon as we see a left brace, to exclude the abstract class case, and also
 // the case of interfaces or @interfaces redundantly declared abstract. Now, when
 // we see an identifier that is preceded by an uncanceled "abstract" and followed by a left paren
 // then we have found an abstract method of the class on the top of the class stack. We record it
 // in the list of abstract methods of the class on the top of the class stack. We don't bother
 // checking that the method has no parameters, because an @AutoCursor class will cause a compiler
 // error if there are abstract methods with parameters, since the @AutoCursor processor doesn't
 // know how to implement them in the concrete subclass it generates.
 ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> abstractMethods(
     JavaTokenizer tokenizer, String packageName) {
   ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, String> abstractMethods = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
   Deque<String> classStack = new ArrayDeque<String>();
   int braceDepth = 1;
   boolean sawAbstract = false;
   String className = null;
   for (String previousToken = "", token = tokenizer.nextToken();
       token != null;
       previousToken = token, token = tokenizer.nextToken()) {
     boolean topLevel = (braceDepth == classStack.size());
     if (className != null) {
       if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(className.charAt(0))
           && !className.equals("instanceof")) {
         String container = classStack.getLast();
         // container might be empty in the case of a packageless class
         classStack.add(container.isEmpty() ? className : container + "." + className);
       className = null;
     if (token.equals("{")) {
       sawAbstract = false;
     } else if (token.equals("}")) {
       if (topLevel) {
     } else if (topLevel) {
       if (token.equals("class") || token.equals("interface")) {
         className = tokenizer.nextToken();
       } else if (token.equals("abstract")) {
         sawAbstract = true;
       } else if (token.equals("(")) {
         if (sawAbstract && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(previousToken.charAt(0))) {
           abstractMethods.put(classStack.getLast(), previousToken);
         sawAbstract = false;
   return abstractMethods.build();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void buildContinueStatement(ContinueStatementTree tree) {
   if (tree.label() == null) {
     if (continueTargets.isEmpty()) {
       throw new IllegalStateException("'continue' statement not in loop or switch statement");
     currentBlock = createUnconditionalJump(tree, continueTargets.getLast());
   } else {
     currentBlock = createUnconditionalJump(tree, null);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  private void reloadGame() {
    if (!isReload) return;

    score = 0;
    isReload = false;
    isEnd = false;
    feedCounter1 = 0;
    feedCounter2 = 0;

    List<Rectangle> rectangleList = new ArrayList<>(rectangles);
    for (Rectangle r : rectangleList) group.getChildren().remove(r);


    Deque<Block> blocksTemp = new ArrayDeque<>();
    Deque<Rectangle> rectanglesTemp = new ArrayDeque<>();

    head = new Block(100, 150);
    tale = new Block(90, 150);

    if (inputDirection != 3) {

      rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(tale.getX(), tale.getY(), 10, 10));
      rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10));
    } else {

      rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10));
      rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(tale.getX(), tale.getY(), 10, 10));

    blocks = blocksTemp;
    rectangles = rectanglesTemp;


    timer = null;
    timer = new Timer();

        new TimerTask() {
          public void run() {
            Platform.runLater(() -> play());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 // leaders log differently
 void setLeaderState(boolean isLeader) {
   m_isLeader = isLeader;
   // The leader doesn't truncate its own SP log; if promoted,
   // wipe out the SP portion of the existing log. This promotion
   // action always happens after repair is completed.
   if (m_isLeader) {
     if (!m_logSP.isEmpty()) {
       truncate(m_logSP.getLast().getHandle(), IS_SP);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    private Tree unwind(Operator operator) {
      int prec0 = operator != null ? operator.getPrecedence() : -1;
      Operator op;
      Tree tree;

      while ((op = (tree = list.getLast()).getOperator()) != null) {
        int prec1 = op.getPrecedence();
        if (prec0 < prec1 || operator.getAssoc() == Assoc.LEFT && prec0 == prec1) pop();
        else break;
      return tree;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static Deque<BuildingWithHeight> examineBuildingsWithSunset(Iterator<Integer> sequence) {
   int buildingIdx = 0;
   Deque<BuildingWithHeight> buildingsWithSunset = new LinkedList<>();
   while (sequence.hasNext()) {
     Integer buildingHeight = sequence.next();
     while (!buildingsWithSunset.isEmpty()
         && (Integer.compare(buildingHeight, buildingsWithSunset.getLast().height) >= 0)) {
     buildingsWithSunset.addLast(new BuildingWithHeight(buildingIdx++, buildingHeight));
   return buildingsWithSunset;
Ejemplo n.º 15
   * Set to a specific value.
   * <p>This searches for the displayed value, and sets the enum to that particular one. It used to
   * work off an index, but now it looks for the value.
   * <p>If the value is larger than any defined, a new one is created.
   * @param value
  protected void selectValue(int value) {
    for (int i = 0; i < _valueArray.length; i++) {
      if (_valueArray[i] == value) {
        // found it, select it

        // now select in the tree
        TreePath path = _pathArray[i];
        for (JTree tree : trees) {
          // ensure selection is in visible portion of JScrollPane

    // We can be commanded to a number that hasn't been defined.
    // But that's OK for certain applications.  Instead, we add them as needed
        "Create new item with value "
            + value
            + " count was "
            + _value.getItemCount()
            + " in "
            + label());
    // lengthen arrays
    _valueArray = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_valueArray, _valueArray.length + 1);
    _valueArray[_valueArray.length - 1] = value;

    _itemArray = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_itemArray, _itemArray.length + 1);
    _itemArray[_itemArray.length - 1] = "Reserved value " + value;

    _pathArray = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_pathArray, _pathArray.length + 1);
    TreeLeafNode node = new TreeLeafNode(_itemArray[_itemArray.length - 1], _itemArray.length - 1);
    _pathArray[_itemArray.length - 1] = new TreePath(node.getPath());

    _value.addItem(_itemArray[_itemArray.length - 1]);
    _value.setSelectedItem(_itemArray[_itemArray.length - 1]);

    // tell trees to redisplay & select
    for (JTree tree : trees) {
      ((DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel()).reload();
      tree.setSelectionPath(_pathArray[_itemArray.length - 1]);
      // ensure selection is in visible portion of JScrollPane
      tree.scrollPathToVisible(_pathArray[_itemArray.length - 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 16
   * Returns all values since last check and removes values from the queue.
   * @return a new array with the value; never null
  public List<T> getValue() {
    synchronized (buffer) {
      if (buffer.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList();

      // period allowed time = latest - msCache / 1000
      TimeInterval periodAllowed =
      while (!buffer.isEmpty()
          && !periodAllowed.contains(
              TimeStamp.asTimestamp(TimeSupport.timestampOf(buffer.getFirst())))) {
        // Discard value
      return new ArrayList<T>(buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private void clean(Date date) {
   long difference;
   boolean delete;
   if (deque.size() == 0) {
   delete = false;
   do {
     Event e = deque.getLast();
     difference = date.getTime() - e.getDate().getTime();
     if (difference > 10000) {
       System.out.printf("Cleaner: %s\n", e.getEvent());
       delete = true;
   } while (difference > 10000);
   if (delete) {
     System.out.printf("Cleaner: Size of the queue: %d\n", deque.size());
Ejemplo n.º 18
  public List<List<Integer>> zigzagLevelOrder(TreeNode root) {
    List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
    if (root == null) {
      return res;
    int curh = 1;
    // double ended queue
    Deque<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
    TreeNode head = root, tail = null;
    List<Integer> path = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      TreeNode cur = queue.peek();
      if (cur == head) {
        if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
          tail = queue.getLast();
      if (cur.left != null) {
      if (cur.right != null) {

      if (cur == tail) {
        if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
          head = queue.getFirst();
        if ((curh & 1) == 0) {
        res.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(path));
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 19
   * @return The list of all basic block in this control flow graph in reversed depth-first
   *     postorder sequence.
   *     <p>Blocks may appear more than once in the sequence.
  public List<Block> getDepthFirstOrderedBlocks() {
    List<Block> dfsOrderResult = new LinkedList<>();
    Set<Block> visited = new HashSet<>();
    Deque<Block> worklist = new LinkedList<>();
    while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
      Block cur = worklist.getLast();
      if (visited.contains(cur)) {
      } else {
        Deque<Block> successors = getSuccessors(cur);

    return dfsOrderResult;
Ejemplo n.º 20
   * Runs the server. The server will wait for some match info (which specifies the teams and set of
   * maps to run) and then begin running matches.
  public void run() {
    int aWins = 0, bWins = 0;

    while (!matches.isEmpty()) {
      Match match = matches.peek();
      if (!finished.isEmpty())

      try {
        debug("running match " + match);
        runMatch(match, proxyWriter);

        if (match.getWinner() == Team.A) aWins++;
        else if (match.getWinner() == Team.B) bWins++;


        // Allow best of three scrimmages -- single game scrims should still work fine
        // TODO:This "win mode" should probably be something from the database
        if (mode == Mode.TOURNAMENT || mode == Mode.SCRIMMAGE) {
          if (aWins == 2 || bWins == 2) break;

      } catch (Exception e) {
        error("couldn't run match: ");

        this.state = State.ERROR;

Ejemplo n.º 21
  private static void renderLayoutBox(List<DisplayCommand> displayList, LayoutBox layoutBox) {
    switch (layoutBox.getType()) {
      case BLOCK_NODE:
        renderBackground(displayList, layoutBox);
        renderBorders(displayList, layoutBox);
        for (LayoutBox child : layoutBox.getChildren()) {
          renderLayoutBox(displayList, child);
      case INLINE_NODE:
        InlineBox box = (InlineBox) layoutBox;
        Optional<Color> colorVal = getColor(layoutBox, "border-color");
        Dimensions dims = layoutBox.getDimensions();
        Rect borderBox = dims.borderBox();
        Deque<LineBox> lines = box.getLines();

        if (colorVal.isPresent()) {
          Color color = colorVal.get();
          LineBox firstLine = lines.getFirst();
          float boxHeight = firstLine.getBoxHeight();
          float lineHeight = firstLine.getLineHeight();
          float borderHeight = lineHeight + dims.border.top + dims.border.bottom;

          // left border
              new SolidColor(
                  new Rect(
                      borderBox.y + boxHeight - lineHeight,

          LineBox lastLine = lines.getLast();
          // right border
              new SolidColor(
                  new Rect(
                          + lastLine.getFilledWidth()
                          + dims.border.left
                          + dims.border.right,
                      borderBox.y + borderHeight * (lines.size() - 1),

          float lineX = dims.content.x - dims.border.left;
          float lineY = dims.content.y;

          for (LineBox line : box.getLines()) {
            // TODO proper line-height calculations
            float lineWidth = line.getFilledWidth() + dims.border.left + dims.border.right;

            // top border
                new SolidColor(
                    color, new Rect(lineX, lineY - dims.border.top, lineWidth, dims.border.top)));
            // bottom border
                new SolidColor(
                    color, new Rect(lineX, lineY + lineHeight, lineWidth, dims.border.bottom)));

            lineY += borderHeight;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 private CommitLogSegment currentSegment() {
   return segments.getLast();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private InternalTestBlockBuilder getCurrentDescribeBlock() {
   return stack.getLast();
 public Expression(String s) throws Exception {
   Deque<Elem> op = new ArrayDeque<Elem>(100);
   int l = 0;
   String cur = null;
   boolean isNum = true;
   for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
     char ch = s.charAt(i);
     if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
       add(cur, isNum);
       cur = null;
       isNum = true;
       while (!op.isEmpty() && op.getLast().level == l) {
       op.add(new Elem(ElemType.FUNC, "" + ch, l));
     } else if (ch == '*' || ch == '/') {
       add(cur, isNum);
       cur = null;
       isNum = true;
       while (!op.isEmpty()
           && op.getLast().level == l
           && !op.getLast().value.equals("+")
           && !op.getLast().value.equals("-")) {
       op.add(new Elem(ElemType.FUNC, "" + ch, l));
     } else if (ch == ' ') {
     } else if (ch == '(') {
       if (cur != null) {
         op.add(new Elem(ElemType.FUNC, cur, l));
         cur = null;
         isNum = true;
     } else if (ch == ')') {
       if (cur != null) {
         add(cur, isNum);
         cur = null;
         isNum = false;
       while (!op.isEmpty() && op.getLast().level == l) {
       while (!op.isEmpty()
           && op.getLast().level == l
           && !op.getLast().value.equals("+")
           && !op.getLast().value.equals("-")) {
     } else {
       if (!Character.isDigit(ch) && ch != '.') {
         isNum = false;
       if (cur == null) {
         cur = "" + ch;
       } else {
         cur += ch;
   if (cur != null) {
     add(cur, isNum);
     cur = null;
     isNum = true;
   while (!op.isEmpty() && op.getLast().level == l) {
Ejemplo n.º 25
 protected Hints getCurrent() {
   final Deque<Hints> allHints = _hintStack.get();
   return allHints != null && !allHints.isEmpty() ? allHints.getLast() : _superHints;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public <T> T decode(BitBuffer bitbuffer, Class<T> classOfT, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) {
   AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(classOfT.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations);
   T result = UperEncoder.instantiate(classOfT);
   Asn1ContainerFieldSorter sorter = new Asn1ContainerFieldSorter(classOfT);
   boolean extensionPresent = false;
   if (UperEncoder.hasExtensionMarker(annotations)) {
     extensionPresent = bitbuffer.get();
         "with extension marker, extension {}", extensionPresent ? "present!" : "absent");
   // Bitmask for optional fields.
   Deque<Boolean> optionalFieldsMask = new ArrayDeque<>(sorter.optionalOrdinaryFields.size());
   for (Field f : sorter.optionalOrdinaryFields) {
         "with optional field {} {}",
         optionalFieldsMask.getLast() ? "present" : "absent");
   // All ordinary fields (fields within extension root).
   for (Field f : sorter.ordinaryFields) {
     if (!UperEncoder.isTestInstrumentation(f)
         && (UperEncoder.isMandatory(f)
             || (UperEncoder.isOptional(f) && optionalFieldsMask.pop()))) {
       UperEncoder.logger.debug("Field : {}", f.getName());
       try {
         f.set(result, UperEncoder.decode2(bitbuffer, f.getType(), f.getAnnotations()));
       } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
             "can't access 'set method' for field " + f + " of class " + classOfT + " " + e, e);
   // Extension fields.
   if (UperEncoder.hasExtensionMarker(annotations) && extensionPresent) {
     // Number of extensions.
     int numExtensions = (int) UperEncoder.decodeLengthOfBitmask(bitbuffer);
     UperEncoder.logger.debug("sequence has {} extension(s)", numExtensions);
     // Bitmask for extensions.
     boolean[] bitmaskValueIsPresent = new boolean[numExtensions];
     for (int i = 0; i < numExtensions; i++) {
       bitmaskValueIsPresent[i] = bitbuffer.get();
           "extension {} is {}", i, bitmaskValueIsPresent[i] ? "present" : "absent");
     // Values.
     UperEncoder.logger.debug("decoding extensions values...");
     for (int i = 0; i < numExtensions; i++) {
           "sequence extension {} {}", i, bitmaskValueIsPresent[i] ? "present" : "absent");
       if (bitmaskValueIsPresent[i]) {
         UperEncoder.logger.debug("decoding extension {}...", i);
         Field field = sorter.extensionFields.size() > i ? sorter.extensionFields.get(i) : null;
         Class<?> classOfElement = field != null ? field.getType() : null;
         try {
           Object decodedValue =
               UperEncoder.decodeAsOpenType(bitbuffer, classOfElement, field.getAnnotations());
           if (field != null) {
             field.set(result, decodedValue);
         } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't decode " + classOfT, e);
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
   elementContentStack.getLast().append(ch, start, length);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public double getCurrentTemp() {
   return (!queEmpty() ? qTemp.getLast().getTemp() : MIN_TEMP);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public ExecutionInfo getExecutionInfo() {
   return infos.getLast();