Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Compare the value to another dateTime value, following the XPath comparison semantics
  * @param other The other dateTime value
  * @param context XPath dynamic evaluation context
  * @return negative value if this one is the earler, 0 if they are chronologically equal, positive
  *     value if this one is the later. For this purpose, dateTime values with an unknown timezone
  *     are considered to be values in the implicit timezone (the Comparable interface requires a
  *     total ordering).
  * @throws ClassCastException if the other value is not a DateTimeValue (the parameter is declared
  *     as CalendarValue to satisfy the interface)
  * @throws NoDynamicContextException if the implicit timezone is needed and is not available
 public int compareTo(CalendarValue other, XPathContext context) throws NoDynamicContextException {
   if (!(other instanceof DateTimeValue)) {
     throw new ClassCastException("DateTime values are not comparable to " + other.getClass());
   DateTimeValue v2 = (DateTimeValue) other;
   if (getTimezoneInMinutes() == v2.getTimezoneInMinutes()) {
     // both values are in the same timezone (explicitly or implicitly)
     if (year != v2.year) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(year - v2.year);
     if (month != v2.month) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(month - v2.month);
     if (day != v2.day) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(day - v2.day);
     if (hour != v2.hour) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(hour - v2.hour);
     if (minute != v2.minute) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(minute - v2.minute);
     if (second != v2.second) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(second - v2.second);
     if (microsecond != v2.microsecond) {
       return IntegerValue.signum(microsecond - v2.microsecond);
     return 0;
   return normalize(context).compareTo(v2.normalize(context), context);