/** Method that will construct a regular bean property setter using the given setter method. */
  protected SettableBeanProperty constructSetterlessProperty(
      DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanDescription beanDesc, BeanPropertyDefinition propDef)
      throws JsonMappingException {
    final AnnotatedMethod getter = propDef.getGetter();
    // need to ensure it is callable now:
    if (ctxt.canOverrideAccessModifiers()) {

    /* 26-Jan-2012, tatu: Alas, this complication is still needed to handle
     *   (or at least work around) local type declarations...
    JavaType type = getter.getType(beanDesc.bindingsForBeanType());
    /* First: does the Method specify the deserializer to use?
     * If so, let's use it.
    JsonDeserializer<Object> propDeser = findDeserializerFromAnnotation(ctxt, getter);
    type = modifyTypeByAnnotation(ctxt, getter, type);
    TypeDeserializer typeDeser = type.getTypeHandler();
    SettableBeanProperty prop =
        new SetterlessProperty(propDef, type, typeDeser, beanDesc.getClassAnnotations(), getter);
    if (propDeser != null) {
      prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(propDeser);
    return prop;
   * Method called to construct fallback {@link SettableAnyProperty} for handling unknown bean
   * properties, given a method that has been designated as such setter.
  protected SettableAnyProperty constructAnySetter(
      DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanDescription beanDesc, AnnotatedMethod setter)
      throws JsonMappingException {
    if (ctxt.canOverrideAccessModifiers()) {
      setter.fixAccess(); // to ensure we can call it
    // we know it's a 2-arg method, second arg is the value
    JavaType type = beanDesc.bindingsForBeanType().resolveType(setter.getGenericParameterType(1));
    BeanProperty.Std property =
        new BeanProperty.Std(setter.getName(), type, beanDesc.getClassAnnotations(), setter);
    type = resolveType(ctxt, beanDesc, type, setter);

    /* AnySetter can be annotated with @JsonClass (etc) just like a
     * regular setter... so let's see if those are used.
     * Returns null if no annotations, in which case binding will
     * be done at a later point.
    JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = findDeserializerFromAnnotation(ctxt, setter);
    if (deser != null) {
      return new SettableAnyProperty(property, setter, type, deser);
    /* Otherwise, method may specify more specific (sub-)class for
     * value (no need to check if explicit deser was specified):
    type = modifyTypeByAnnotation(ctxt, setter, type);
    return new SettableAnyProperty(property, setter, type, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Method for resolving member method information: aggregating all non-static methods and
   * combining annotations (to implement method-annotation inheritance)
   * @param collectIgnored Whether to collect list of ignored methods for later retrieval
  public void resolveMemberMethods(MethodFilter methodFilter, boolean collectIgnored) {
    _memberMethods = new AnnotatedMethodMap();
    AnnotatedMethodMap mixins = new AnnotatedMethodMap();
    // first: methods from the class itself
    _addMemberMethods(_class, methodFilter, _memberMethods, _primaryMixIn, mixins);

    // and then augment these with annotations from super-types:
    for (Class<?> cls : _superTypes) {
      Class<?> mixin = (_mixInResolver == null) ? null : _mixInResolver.findMixInClassFor(cls);
      _addMemberMethods(cls, methodFilter, _memberMethods, mixin, mixins);
    // Special case: mix-ins for Object.class? (to apply to ALL classes)
    if (_mixInResolver != null) {
      Class<?> mixin = _mixInResolver.findMixInClassFor(Object.class);
      if (mixin != null) {
        _addMethodMixIns(methodFilter, _memberMethods, mixin, mixins);

    /* Any unmatched mix-ins? Most likely error cases (not matching
     * any method); but there is one possible real use case:
     * exposing Object#hashCode (alas, Object#getClass can NOT be
     * exposed, see [JACKSON-140])
    if (!mixins.isEmpty()) {
      Iterator<AnnotatedMethod> it = mixins.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        AnnotatedMethod mixIn = it.next();
        try {
          Method m = Object.class.getDeclaredMethod(mixIn.getName(), mixIn.getParameterClasses());
          if (m != null) {
            AnnotatedMethod am = _constructMethod(m);
            _addMixOvers(mixIn.getAnnotated(), am, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    /* And last but not least: let's remove all methods that are
     * deemed to be ignorable after all annotations have been
     * properly collapsed.
    Iterator<AnnotatedMethod> it = _memberMethods.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      AnnotatedMethod am = it.next();
      if (_annotationIntrospector.isIgnorableMethod(am)) {
        if (collectIgnored) {
          _ignoredMethods = ArrayBuilders.addToList(_ignoredMethods, am);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** @param addParamAnnotations Whether parameter annotations are to be added as well */
 protected void _addMixOvers(Method mixin, AnnotatedMethod target, boolean addParamAnnotations) {
   for (Annotation a : mixin.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
     if (_annotationIntrospector.isHandled(a)) {
   if (addParamAnnotations) {
     Annotation[][] pa = mixin.getParameterAnnotations();
     for (int i = 0, len = pa.length; i < len; ++i) {
       for (Annotation a : pa[i]) {
         target.addOrOverrideParam(i, a);
  * Method used to locate the method of introspected class that implements {@link
  * sh.calaba.org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnyGetter}. If no such method exists null is
  * returned. If more than one are found, an exception is thrown.
  * @since 1.6
 public AnnotatedMethod findAnyGetter() throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (_anyGetterMethod != null) {
     /* For now let's require a Map; in future can add support for other
      * types like perhaps Iterable<Map.Entry>?
     Class<?> type = _anyGetterMethod.getRawType();
     if (!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "Invalid 'any-getter' annotation on method "
               + _anyGetterMethod.getName()
               + "(): return type is not instance of java.util.Map");
   return _anyGetterMethod;
  * Method that can be called to find if introspected class declares a static "valueOf" factory
  * method that returns an instance of introspected type, given one of acceptable types.
  * @param expArgTypes Types that the matching single argument factory method can take: will also
  *     accept super types of these types (ie. arg just has to be assignable from expArgType)
 public Method findFactoryMethod(Class<?>... expArgTypes) {
   // So, of all single-arg static methods:
   for (AnnotatedMethod am : _classInfo.getStaticMethods()) {
     if (isFactoryMethod(am)) {
       // And must take one of expected arg types (or supertype)
       Class<?> actualArgType = am.getParameterClass(0);
       for (Class<?> expArgType : expArgTypes) {
         // And one that matches what we would pass in
         if (actualArgType.isAssignableFrom(expArgType)) {
           return am.getAnnotated();
   return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Method that will add annotations from specified source method to target method, but only if
  * target does not yet have them.
 protected void _addMixUnders(Method src, AnnotatedMethod target) {
   for (Annotation a : src.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
     if (_annotationIntrospector.isHandled(a)) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
  protected void _addMemberMethods(
      Class<?> cls,
      MethodFilter methodFilter,
      AnnotatedMethodMap methods,
      Class<?> mixInCls,
      AnnotatedMethodMap mixIns) {
    // first, mixIns, since they have higher priority then class methods
    if (mixInCls != null) {
      _addMethodMixIns(methodFilter, methods, mixInCls, mixIns);

    if (cls == null) { // just so caller need not check when passing super-class
    // then methods from the class itself
    for (Method m : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
      if (!_isIncludableMethod(m, methodFilter)) {
      AnnotatedMethod old = methods.find(m);
      if (old == null) {
        AnnotatedMethod newM = _constructMethod(m);
        // Ok, but is there a mix-in to connect now?
        old = mixIns.remove(m);
        if (old != null) {
          _addMixOvers(old.getAnnotated(), newM, false);
      } else {
        /* If sub-class already has the method, we only want to augment
         * annotations with entries that are not masked by sub-class.
        _addMixUnders(m, old);

        /* 06-Jan-2010, tatu: [JACKSON-450] Except that if method we saw first is
         *   from an interface, and we now find a non-interface definition, we should
         *   use this method, but with combination of annotations.
         *   This helps (or rather, is essential) with JAXB annotations and
         *   may also result in faster method calls (interface calls are slightly
         *   costlier than regular method calls)
        if (old.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && !m.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
   * Method for constructing a bean deserializer that uses specified intermediate Builder for
   * binding data, and construction of the value instance. Note that implementation is mostly copied
   * from the regular BeanDeserializer build method.
  protected JsonDeserializer<Object> buildBuilderBasedDeserializer(
      DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType valueType, BeanDescription builderDesc)
      throws JsonMappingException {
    // Creators, anyone? (to create builder itself)
    ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator = findValueInstantiator(ctxt, builderDesc);
    final DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
    BeanDeserializerBuilder builder = constructBeanDeserializerBuilder(ctxt, builderDesc);
    // And then "with methods" for deserializing from JSON Object
    addBeanProps(ctxt, builderDesc, builder);
    addObjectIdReader(ctxt, builderDesc, builder);

    // managed/back reference fields/setters need special handling... first part
    addReferenceProperties(ctxt, builderDesc, builder);
    addInjectables(ctxt, builderDesc, builder);

    JsonPOJOBuilder.Value builderConfig = builderDesc.findPOJOBuilderConfig();
    final String buildMethodName =
        (builderConfig == null) ? "build" : builderConfig.buildMethodName;

    // and lastly, find build method to use:
    AnnotatedMethod buildMethod = builderDesc.findMethod(buildMethodName, null);
    if (buildMethod != null) { // note: can't yet throw error; may be given build method
      if (config.canOverrideAccessModifiers()) {
    builder.setPOJOBuilder(buildMethod, builderConfig);
    // this may give us more information...
    if (_factoryConfig.hasDeserializerModifiers()) {
      for (BeanDeserializerModifier mod : _factoryConfig.deserializerModifiers()) {
        builder = mod.updateBuilder(config, builderDesc, builder);
    JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer = builder.buildBuilderBased(valueType, buildMethodName);

    // [JACKSON-440]: may have modifier(s) that wants to modify or replace serializer we just built:
    if (_factoryConfig.hasDeserializerModifiers()) {
      for (BeanDeserializerModifier mod : _factoryConfig.deserializerModifiers()) {
        deserializer = mod.modifyDeserializer(config, builderDesc, deserializer);
    return (JsonDeserializer<Object>) deserializer;
  protected boolean isFactoryMethod(AnnotatedMethod am) {
    /* First: return type must be compatible with the introspected class
     * (i.e. allowed to be sub-class, although usually is the same
     * class)
    Class<?> rt = am.getRawType();
    if (!getBeanClass().isAssignableFrom(rt)) {
      return false;

    /* Also: must be a recognized factory method, meaning:
     * (a) marked with @JsonCreator annotation, or
     * (a) "valueOf" (at this point, need not be public)
    if (_annotationIntrospector.hasCreatorAnnotation(am)) {
      return true;
    if ("valueOf".equals(am.getName())) {
      return true;
    return false;
  * Method used to locate the method of introspected class that implements {@link
  * sh.calaba.org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnySetter}. If no such method exists null is
  * returned. If more than one are found, an exception is thrown. Additional checks are also made
  * to see that method signature is acceptable: needs to take 2 arguments, first one String or
  * Object; second any can be any type.
 public AnnotatedMethod findAnySetter() throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (_anySetterMethod != null) {
     /* Also, let's be somewhat strict on how field name is to be
      * passed; String, Object make sense, others not
      * so much.
     /* !!! 18-May-2009, tatu: how about enums? Can add support if
      *  requested; easy enough for devs to add support within
      *  method.
     Class<?> type = _anySetterMethod.getParameterClass(0);
     if (type != String.class && type != Object.class) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "Invalid 'any-setter' annotation on method "
               + _anySetterMethod.getName()
               + "(): first argument not of type String or Object, but "
               + type.getName());
   return _anySetterMethod;
 public Object findInjectableValueId(AnnotatedMember m) {
   JacksonInject ann = _findAnnotation(m, JacksonInject.class);
   if (ann == null) {
     return null;
   /* Empty String means that we should use name of declared
    * value class.
   String id = ann.value();
   if (id.length() == 0) {
     // slight complication; for setters, type
     if (!(m instanceof AnnotatedMethod)) {
       return m.getRawType().getName();
     AnnotatedMethod am = (AnnotatedMethod) m;
     if (am.getParameterCount() == 0) {
       return m.getRawType().getName();
     return am.getRawParameterType(0).getName();
   return id;
   * Method called to figure out settable properties for the bean deserializer to use.
   * <p>Note: designed to be overridable, and effort is made to keep interface similar between
   * versions.
  protected void addBeanProps(
      DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanDescription beanDesc, BeanDeserializerBuilder builder)
      throws JsonMappingException {
    final SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps =

    // Things specified as "ok to ignore"? [JACKSON-77]
    AnnotationIntrospector intr = ctxt.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    boolean ignoreAny = false;
      Boolean B = intr.findIgnoreUnknownProperties(beanDesc.getClassInfo());
      if (B != null) {
        ignoreAny = B.booleanValue();
    // Or explicit/implicit definitions?
    Set<String> ignored =
    for (String propName : ignored) {
    // Also, do we have a fallback "any" setter?
    AnnotatedMethod anySetter = beanDesc.findAnySetter();
    if (anySetter != null) {
      builder.setAnySetter(constructAnySetter(ctxt, beanDesc, anySetter));
    // NOTE: we do NOT add @JsonIgnore'd properties into blocked ones if there's any setter
    // Implicit ones via @JsonIgnore and equivalent?
    if (anySetter == null) {
      Collection<String> ignored2 = beanDesc.getIgnoredPropertyNames();
      if (ignored2 != null) {
        for (String propName : ignored2) {
          // allow ignoral of similarly named JSON property, but do not force;
          // latter means NOT adding this to 'ignored':
    final boolean useGettersAsSetters =
            && ctxt.isEnabled(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS));

    // Ok: let's then filter out property definitions
    List<BeanPropertyDefinition> propDefs =
        filterBeanProps(ctxt, beanDesc, builder, beanDesc.findProperties(), ignored);

    // After which we can let custom code change the set
    if (_factoryConfig.hasDeserializerModifiers()) {
      for (BeanDeserializerModifier mod : _factoryConfig.deserializerModifiers()) {
        propDefs = mod.updateProperties(ctxt.getConfig(), beanDesc, propDefs);

    // At which point we still have all kinds of properties; not all with mutators:
    for (BeanPropertyDefinition propDef : propDefs) {
      SettableBeanProperty prop = null;
      if (propDef.hasConstructorParameter()) {
        /* [JACKSON-700] If property is passed via constructor parameter, we must
         *   handle things in special way. Not sure what is the most optimal way...
         *   for now, let's just call a (new) method in builder, which does nothing.
        // but let's call a method just to allow custom builders to be aware...
        final String name = propDef.getName();
        for (SettableBeanProperty cp : creatorProps) {
          if (name.equals(cp.getName())) {
            prop = cp;
        if (prop == null) {
          throw ctxt.mappingException("Could not find creator property with name '" + name + "'");
      if (propDef.hasSetter()) {
        Type propertyType = propDef.getSetter().getGenericParameterType(0);
        prop = constructSettableProperty(ctxt, beanDesc, propDef, propertyType);
      } else if (propDef.hasField()) {
        Type propertyType = propDef.getField().getGenericType();
        prop = constructSettableProperty(ctxt, beanDesc, propDef, propertyType);
      } else if (useGettersAsSetters && propDef.hasGetter()) {
        /* As per [JACKSON-88], may also need to consider getters
         * for Map/Collection properties; but with lowest precedence
        AnnotatedMethod getter = propDef.getGetter();
        // should only consider Collections and Maps, for now?
        Class<?> rawPropertyType = getter.getRawType();
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawPropertyType)
            || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawPropertyType)) {
          prop = constructSetterlessProperty(ctxt, beanDesc, propDef);
      if (prop != null) {
        Class<?>[] views = propDef.findViews();
        if (views == null) {
          // one more twist: if default inclusion disabled, need to force empty set of views
          if (!ctxt.isEnabled(MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION)) {
            views = NO_VIEWS;
        // one more thing before adding to builder: copy any metadata
  public JsonDeserializer<Object> buildThrowableDeserializer(
      DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType type, BeanDescription beanDesc)
      throws JsonMappingException {
    final DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
    // first: construct like a regular bean deserializer...
    BeanDeserializerBuilder builder = constructBeanDeserializerBuilder(ctxt, beanDesc);
    builder.setValueInstantiator(findValueInstantiator(ctxt, beanDesc));

    addBeanProps(ctxt, beanDesc, builder);
    // (and assume there won't be any back references)

    // But then let's decorate things a bit
    /* To resolve [JACKSON-95], need to add "initCause" as setter
     * for exceptions (sub-classes of Throwable).
    AnnotatedMethod am = beanDesc.findMethod("initCause", INIT_CAUSE_PARAMS);
    if (am != null) { // should never be null
      SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition propDef = new SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition(am, "cause");
      SettableBeanProperty prop =
          constructSettableProperty(ctxt, beanDesc, propDef, am.getGenericParameterType(0));
      if (prop != null) {
        /* 21-Aug-2011, tatus: We may actually have found 'cause' property
         *   to set (with new 1.9 code)... but let's replace it just in case,
         *   otherwise can end up with odd errors.
        builder.addOrReplaceProperty(prop, true);

    // And also need to ignore "localizedMessage"
    // [JACKSON-794]: JDK 7 also added "getSuppressed", skip if we have such data:
    /* As well as "message": it will be passed via constructor,
     * as there's no 'setMessage()' method

    // [JACKSON-440]: update builder now that all information is in?
    if (_factoryConfig.hasDeserializerModifiers()) {
      for (BeanDeserializerModifier mod : _factoryConfig.deserializerModifiers()) {
        builder = mod.updateBuilder(config, beanDesc, builder);
    JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer = builder.build();

    /* At this point it ought to be a BeanDeserializer; if not, must assume
     * it's some other thing that can handle deserialization ok...
    if (deserializer instanceof BeanDeserializer) {
      deserializer = new ThrowableDeserializer((BeanDeserializer) deserializer);

    // [JACKSON-440]: may have modifier(s) that wants to modify or replace serializer we just built:
    if (_factoryConfig.hasDeserializerModifiers()) {
      for (BeanDeserializerModifier mod : _factoryConfig.deserializerModifiers()) {
        deserializer = mod.modifyDeserializer(config, beanDesc, deserializer);
    return (JsonDeserializer<Object>) deserializer;