Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void index() throws IOException {
      Enumeration entries = _jar.entries();

      _nameToEntryMap = new HashMap();
      _crcToEntryMap = new HashMap();

      _entries = new ArrayList();
      if (_debug) {
        System.out.println("indexing: " + _jar.getName());
      if (entries != null) {
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
          JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();

          long crc = entry.getCrc();

          Long crcL = new Long(crc);

          if (_debug) {
            System.out.println("\t" + entry.getName() + " CRC " + crc);

          _nameToEntryMap.put(entry.getName(), entry);

          // generate the CRC to entries map
          if (_crcToEntryMap.containsKey(crcL)) {
            // key exist, add the entry to the correcponding
            // linked list

            // get the linked list
            LinkedList ll = (LinkedList) _crcToEntryMap.get(crcL);

            // put in the new entry

            // put it back in the hash map
            _crcToEntryMap.put(crcL, ll);
          } else {
            // create a new entry in the hashmap for the new key

            // first create the linked list and put in the new
            // entry
            LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();

            // create the new entry in the hashmap
            _crcToEntryMap.put(crcL, ll);
 public ArrayList getPointList(long handId) {
   ArrayList curList;
   if (_pointLists.containsKey(handId)) curList = (ArrayList) _pointLists.get(handId);
   else {
     curList = new ArrayList(_maxPoints);
     _pointLists.put(handId, curList);
   return curList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void addTextField(JPanel panel, String key, String label) {
   JLabel lab = new JLabel(label);
   JTextField field = new JTextField();
   field.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, field.getPreferredSize().height));
   fields.put(key, field);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void addTextArea(JPanel panel, String key, String label) {
   JLabel lab = new JLabel(label);
   JTextArea field = new JTextArea();
   fields.put(key, field);
   JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(field);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
   this.config = filterConfig;
   this.encoding = config.getInitParameter("encoding");
   if (encoding == null || encoding.length() == 0) {
     encoding = "GBK";
   expiresMap = new HashMap();
   Enumeration names = config.getInitParameterNames();
   while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
     String paramName = (String) names.nextElement();
     if (!"encoding".equals(paramName)) {
       String paramValue = config.getInitParameter(paramName);
       try {
         Integer expires = Integer.valueOf(config.getInitParameter(paramName));
         expiresMap.put(paramName, expires);
       } catch (Exception ex) {
         // LogUtil.logError( "Filter."+paramValue+"="+paramValue);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  /** Creates a patch from the two passed in files, writing the result to <code>os</code>. */
  public static void createPatch(String oldPath, String newPath, OutputStream os, boolean minimal)
      throws IOException {
    JarFile2 oldJar = new JarFile2(oldPath);
    JarFile2 newJar = new JarFile2(newPath);

    try {
      Iterator entries;
      HashMap moved = new HashMap();
      HashSet visited = new HashSet();
      HashSet implicit = new HashSet();
      HashSet moveSrc = new HashSet();
      HashSet newEntries = new HashSet();

      // FIRST PASS
      // Go through the entries in new jar and
      // determine which files are candidates for implicit moves
      // ( files that has the same filename and same content in old.jar
      // and new.jar )
      // and for files that cannot be implicitly moved, we will either
      // find out whether it is moved or new (modified)
      entries = newJar.getJarEntries();
      if (entries != null) {
        while (entries.hasNext()) {
          JarEntry newEntry = (JarEntry) entries.next();
          String newname = newEntry.getName();

          // Return best match of contents, will return a name match if possible
          String oldname = oldJar.getBestMatch(newJar, newEntry);
          if (oldname == null) {
            // New or modified entry
            if (_debug) {
              System.out.println("NEW: " + newname);
          } else {
            // Content already exist - need to do a move

            // Should do implicit move? Yes, if names are the same, and
            // no move command already exist from oldJar
            if (oldname.equals(newname) && !moveSrc.contains(oldname)) {
              if (_debug) {
                System.out.println(newname + " added to implicit set!");
            } else {
              // The 1.0.1/1.0 JarDiffPatcher cannot handle
              // multiple MOVE command with same src.
              // The work around here is if we are going to generate
              // a MOVE command with duplicate src, we will
              // instead add the target as a new file.  This way
              // the jardiff can be applied by 1.0.1/1.0
              // JarDiffPatcher also.
              if (!minimal && (implicit.contains(oldname) || moveSrc.contains(oldname))) {

                // generate non-minimal jardiff
                // for backward compatibility

                if (_debug) {

                  System.out.println("NEW: " + newname);
              } else {
                // Use newname as key, since they are unique
                if (_debug) {
                  System.err.println("moved.put " + newname + " " + oldname);
                moved.put(newname, oldname);
              // Check if this disables an implicit 'move <oldname> <oldname>'
              if (implicit.contains(oldname) && minimal) {

                if (_debug) {
                  System.err.println("implicit.remove " + oldname);

                  System.err.println("moved.put " + oldname + " " + oldname);
                moved.put(oldname, oldname);
      } // if (entries != null)

      // SECOND PASS: <deleted files> = <oldjarnames> - <implicitmoves> -
      // <source of move commands> - <new or modified entries>
      ArrayList deleted = new ArrayList();
      entries = oldJar.getJarEntries();
      if (entries != null) {
        while (entries.hasNext()) {
          JarEntry oldEntry = (JarEntry) entries.next();
          String oldName = oldEntry.getName();
          if (!implicit.contains(oldName)
              && !moveSrc.contains(oldName)
              && !newEntries.contains(oldName)) {
            if (_debug) {
              System.err.println("deleted.add " + oldName);

      // DEBUG
      if (_debug) {
        // DEBUG:  print out moved map
        entries = moved.keySet().iterator();
        if (entries != null) {
          System.out.println("MOVED MAP!!!");
          while (entries.hasNext()) {
            String newName = (String) entries.next();
            String oldName = (String) moved.get(newName);
            System.out.println("key is " + newName + " value is " + oldName);

        // DEBUG:  print out IMOVE map
        entries = implicit.iterator();
        if (entries != null) {
          System.out.println("IMOVE MAP!!!");
          while (entries.hasNext()) {
            String newName = (String) entries.next();
            System.out.println("key is " + newName);

      JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(os);

      // Write out all the MOVEs and REMOVEs
      createIndex(jos, deleted, moved);

      // Put in New and Modified entries
      entries = newEntries.iterator();
      if (entries != null) {

        while (entries.hasNext()) {
          String newName = (String) entries.next();
          if (_debug) {
            System.out.println("New File: " + newName);
          writeEntry(jos, newJar.getEntryByName(newName), newJar);


    } catch (IOException ioE) {
      throw ioE;
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e1) {
        // ignore
      try {
      } catch (IOException e1) {
        // ignore
    } // finally
Ejemplo n.º 7
  private void readRecord(int recordSize) throws IOException {
    int uid = PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);
    if (uid == 1) {
      myCompressionVersion = (short) PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);
    } else {
      int paragraphs = PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);

      int size = PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);
      // TODO ??????
      int type = myStream.read();

      int flags = myStream.read();

      switch (type) {
        case 0: // text (TODO: found sample file and test this code)
        case 1: // compressed text
            ArrayList /*<Integer>*/ pars = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs; ++i) {
              int pSize = PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);

            boolean doProcess = false;
            if (type == 0) { // ?
              byte[] buf = new byte[size];
              doProcess = myStream.read(buf, 0, (int) size) == size;
              if (doProcess) {
                // TODO: use encoding!!!!
                // TODO: don't create any new objects!!!!
                myCharBuffer = new String(buf).toCharArray();
            } else if (myCompressionVersion == 1) {
              byte[] buf = new byte[size];
              doProcess =
                  DocDecompressor.decompress(myStream, buf, recordSize - 8 - 4 * paragraphs)
                      == size;
              if (doProcess) {
                myCharBuffer = new String(buf).toCharArray();
            } else if (myCompressionVersion == 2) {
              byte input[] = new byte[(int) (recordSize - 10 - 4 * paragraphs)];
              final int inputSize = myStream.read(input);
              Inflater decompressor = new Inflater();
              decompressor.setInput(input, 0, inputSize);
              byte output[] = new byte[size];
              try {
                doProcess = decompressor.inflate(output) == size;
                myCharBuffer = new String(output, 0, size).toCharArray();
              } catch (DataFormatException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                //	e.printStackTrace();
              // doProcess =
              // ZLZDecompressor(recordSize - 10 - 4 * paragraphs).
              // decompress(myStream, myCharBuffer, size) == size;
            if (doProcess) {
              myParagraphMap.put(uid, new ArrayList());
              myParagraphVector = (ArrayList) myParagraphMap.get(uid);
              processTextRecord(size, pars);
              if ((flags & 0x1) == 0) {
                //							insertEndOfTextParagraph();
                // setNewTextModel();
        case 2: // image
        case 3: // compressed image
            final String mime = "image/palm";
            ZLImage image = null;
            if (type == 2) {
              System.out.println("non-compressed image");
              image = new PluckerFileImage(mime, myFile, myStream.offset(), recordSize - 8);
            } else if (myCompressionVersion == 1) {
              image = new DocCompressedFileImage(mime, myFile, myStream.offset(), recordSize - 8);
            } else if (myCompressionVersion == 2) {
              image =
                  new ZCompressedFileImage(mime, myFile, myStream.offset() + 2, recordSize - 10);
            if (image != null) {
              addImage(fromNumber(uid), image);
        case 9: // category record is ignored
        case 10:
          short typeCode = (short) PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);
        case 11: // style sheet record is ignored
        case 12: // font page record is ignored
        case 13: // TODO: process tables
        case 14: // TODO: process tables
        case 15: // multiimage
            short columns = (short) PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);
            short rows = (short) PdbUtil.readShort(myStream);
            /*PluckerMultiImage image = new PluckerMultiImage(rows, columns, Model.getImageMap());
            for (int i = 0; i < size / 2 - 2; ++i) {
            	short us = (short)myStream.read();
            	PdbUtil.readShort(myStream, us);
            addImage(fromNumber(uid), image);
            */ break;
          // std::cerr << "type = " << (int)type << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 8
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  This method:
  	--	Takes in three paramters:
  		1. array - this is the byte array that actually holds the document contents
  		2. md5Hases - holds the entire hash values of the document
  		3. Divisor1/Divisor2 - main and back up divisor
  		5. The remainder we are looking for
  		6/7. min/max boundaries
  		8. blockFreq - store the block sizes and how many time's they occur

  	-- We are simply choping up the first file
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  private static int chopDocument(
      byte[] array,
      ArrayList<Long> md5Hashes,
      long divisor1,
      long divisor2,
      long divisor3,
      long remainder,
      long minBoundary,
      long maxBoundary,
      HashMap<Integer, Integer> blockFreq) {

    int documentStart = 0; // used to keep track of where the boundaries are
    boolean match = false; // used to ck if we encountered a match
    int backUpBreakPoint = -1; // used to store the backup breakpoint
    int secondBackUpBreakPoint = -1; // this is the second backup point with the divisor3
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    int counter = 0;
    int i = documentStart + (int) minBoundary - 1; // so we start at the minimum
    // loop through all the values in the document
    for (; i < md5Hashes.size(); ++i) {

      if (md5Hashes.get(i) % divisor1 == remainder) // ck if this equals the mod value
        int size = i - documentStart + 1; // we only care about the size
        if (blockFreq.get(size) == null) // if not in there, then simply store it
        blockFreq.put(size, 1);
        else // increment it's integer count
        blockFreq.put(size, blockFreq.get(size) + 1); // increment the count
        counter++; // increment the block count
        documentStart = i + 1; // set this as the beginning of the new boundary
        backUpBreakPoint = -1; // reset this
        secondBackUpBreakPoint = -1; // second backup point reset it!
        i = i + (int) minBoundary - 1; // skip all the way here
      } else if (md5Hashes.get(i) % divisor2 == remainder) { //  check if this is the backup point
        backUpBreakPoint = i; // this is the backup breakpoint
      } else if (md5Hashes.get(i) % divisor3 == remainder) {
        secondBackUpBreakPoint = i; // we found a second backup point with divisor3
      if ((i - documentStart + 1) >= maxBoundary) { // we have reached the maximum
        // ck if we have a backUpbreakpoint
        int point;
        if (backUpBreakPoint != -1) // if we do, set this as the boundary
        point = backUpBreakPoint;
        else if (secondBackUpBreakPoint != -1)
          point = secondBackUpBreakPoint; // if we don't have a first backup, ck if we have a second
        else point = i; // else this current value of i is the breakpoint

        // Hash all the values in the range (documentStart,point
        // Remember we only want to hash the original VALUES from the array that contains the
        // original
        // content of the file. Not the hash values in the md5Hash Array
        int size = point - documentStart + 1; // we only care about the size
        if (blockFreq.get(size) == null) // if not in there, then simply store it
        blockFreq.put(size, 1);
        else // increment it's integer count
        blockFreq.put(size, blockFreq.get(size) + 1); // increment the count
        counter++; // increment the block count
        documentStart = point + 1; // set this as the beginning of the new boundary
        backUpBreakPoint = -1; // reset this
        secondBackUpBreakPoint = -1; // reset second backup break point
        i = point + (int) minBoundary - 1; // so we start at the minimum
    } // end of the for loop

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  we are missing the last boundary, so hash that last value
    //	We will also check against our values of the strings we already have, and if we encountered
    // this
    //	already, then we will simply increment the counter, otherwise we will insert it in the
    // hashtable
    //	and increase our miss counter
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    int size = array.length - documentStart; // we start from the point
    if (blockFreq.get(size) == null) // if not in there, then simply store it
    blockFreq.put(size, 1);
    else // increment it's integer count
    blockFreq.put(size, blockFreq.get(size) + 1); // increment the count
    return ++counter; // increment the block count
  } // end of the method
  /** Update or add a sprite to the client side game. */
  public void addPacket(HacktendoPacket Packet) {
    while (!getInitialized()) { // Make sure things have loaded before we start mucking with stuff.
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {

    do {
      Sprite S = (Sprite) Sprites.get(new Integer(Packet.getID()));
      boolean setRenderType = false;
      if (S == null) {
        S = new Sprite(this);
        setRenderType = true;
        S.setParameter("destroy", new TypeBoolean(false));
        S.setParameter("globalID", new TypeInteger(Packet.getID()));
        S.setParameter("id", new TypeInteger(Packet.getID()));
        Sprites.put(new Integer(Packet.getID()), S);

      if (S.getSpriteID() != playerID || setRenderType) { // Allow the sprite to move client side.
        S.setParameter("xTarget", new TypeInteger(Packet.getTargetX()));
        S.setParameter("yTarget", new TypeInteger(Packet.getTargetY()));
        S.setParameter("newTarget", new TypeBoolean(true));

      if (Packet.getExplodeSprite()) S.explode();
      if (Packet.getDestroySprite()) S.setParameter("destroy", new TypeBoolean(true));

      S.setZOffset(Packet.getZOffset() * -1);

      if (setRenderType) S.setRenderType(Packet.getRenderType());

    } while (Packet.next() > 0);

    // Takes the form Object[]{ID,IP,Name,NPC,BODY_ID}
    if (Packet.getReferenceArray() != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < Packet.getReferenceArray().size(); i++) {
        Object O[] = (Object[]) Packet.getReferenceArray().get(i);
        Sprite S = (Sprite) Sprites.get((Integer) O[0]);

        System.out.println("ID: " + O[0]);
        if (S != null) {
          String ip = (String) O[1];
          String name = (String) O[2];
          boolean npc = (Boolean) O[3];

          S.setParameter("ip", new TypeString(ip));
          S.setParameter("name", new TypeString(name));
          S.setParameter("npc", new TypeBoolean(npc));

          if (S.getScriptID() == SPRITE_SCRIPT) {
            Sprite S2 = (Sprite) Sprites.get((Integer) O[4]);
            S.setParameter("body", new TypeInteger(S2.getSpriteID()));

          if (ip.equals(MyHacker.getIP())) {
            if (S.getScriptID() == SPRITE_SCRIPT) {
              playerSprite = S;
            playerID = S.getSpriteID();
                "We are setting the player to equal : "
                    + S.getSpriteID()
                    + " This Is Sprite ID: "
                    + O[0]);
            HacktendoLinker.addGlobal("player", new TypeInteger(S.getSpriteID()));