Ejemplo n.º 1
  void _pickInitial() throws MongoException {
    if (_curAddress != null) return;

    // we need to just get a server to query for ismaster

    try {
      _logger.info("current address beginning of _pickInitial: " + _curAddress);

      DBObject im = isMasterCmd();
      if (_isMaster(im)) return;

      synchronized (_allHosts) {
        for (ServerAddress a : _allHosts) {
          if (_curAddress == a) continue;

          _logger.info("remote [" + _curAddress + "] -> [" + a + "]");

          im = isMasterCmd();
          if (_isMaster(im)) return;

          _logger.severe("switched to: " + a + " but isn't master");

        throw new MongoException("can't find master");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "can't pick initial master, using random one", e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns all supported capture sizes.
  * @return an array of capture sizes, in bytes, never <code>null</code>.
 public Integer[] getCaptureSizes() {
   final String rawValue = this.properties.get(DEVICE_CAPTURESIZES);
   final String[] values = rawValue.split(",\\s*");
   final List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   for (String value : values) {
       result, NumberUtils.<Integer>createNumberComparator(false /* aSortAscending */));
   return result.toArray(new Integer[result.size()]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   Iterator toInterp = Collections.singleton(desc).iterator();
   JMenuItem jmi = (JMenuItem) e.getSource();
   Iterator marks = mediator.getMarkerModel().getMarkersWithLabel(jmi.getText());
   if (marks.hasNext()) {
     ChronicleMarker marker = (ChronicleMarker) marks.next();
     Instant to = marker.getWhen();
     Instant from = mediator.getMajorMoment();
     mediator.getPropagator().interpolateDescriptors(toInterp, from, to);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  ReplicaSetStatus(Mongo mongo, List<ServerAddress> initial) {
    _mongo = mongo;
    _all = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Node>());
    for (ServerAddress addr : initial) {
      _all.add(new Node(addr));
    _nextResolveTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + inetAddrCacheMS;

    _updater = new Updater();
Ejemplo n.º 5
  static class Holder {

    Holder(MongoOptions options) {
      _options = options;

    DBPortPool get(InetSocketAddress addr) {

      DBPortPool p = _pools.get(addr);

      if (p != null) return p;

      synchronized (_pools) {
        p = _pools.get(addr);
        if (p != null) {
          return p;

        p = new DBPortPool(addr, _options);
        _pools.put(addr, p);
        String name = "com.mongodb:type=ConnectionPool,host=" + addr.toString().replace(':', '_');

        try {
          ObjectName on = new ObjectName(name);
          if (_server.isRegistered(on)) {
                Level.INFO, "multiple Mongo instances for same host, jmx numbers might be off");
          _server.registerMBean(p, on);
        } catch (JMException e) {
          Bytes.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "jmx registration error, continuing", e);
        } catch (java.security.AccessControlException e) {
          Bytes.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "jmx registration error, continuing", e);

      return p;

    void close() {
      synchronized (_pools) {
        for (DBPortPool p : _pools.values()) {

    final MongoOptions _options;
    final Map<InetSocketAddress, DBPortPool> _pools =
        Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<InetSocketAddress, DBPortPool>());
    final MBeanServer _server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * A TaskTracker wants to know the physical locations of completed, but not yet closed, tasks.
   * This exists so the reduce task thread can locate map task outputs.
  public synchronized MapOutputLocation[] locateMapOutputs(
      String taskId, String[][] mapTasksNeeded) {
    ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < mapTasksNeeded.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < mapTasksNeeded[i].length; j++) {
        TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) taskidToTIPMap.get(mapTasksNeeded[i][j]);
        if (tip != null && tip.isComplete(mapTasksNeeded[i][j])) {
          String trackerId = (String) taskidToTrackerMap.get(mapTasksNeeded[i][j]);
          TaskTrackerStatus tracker;
          synchronized (taskTrackers) {
            tracker = (TaskTrackerStatus) taskTrackers.get(trackerId);
          v.add(new MapOutputLocation(mapTasksNeeded[i][j], tracker.getHost(), tracker.getPort()));
    // randomly shuffle results to load-balance map output requests

    return (MapOutputLocation[]) v.toArray(new MapOutputLocation[v.size()]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  private void _pickCurrent() throws MongoException {
    if (_allHosts == null)
      throw new MongoException(
          "got master/slave issue but not in master/slave mode on the client side");

    synchronized (_allHosts) {
      for (int i = 0; i < _allHosts.size(); i++) {
        ServerAddress a = _allHosts.get(i);
        if (a == _curAddress) continue;

        if (_curAddress != null) {
          _logger.info("switching from [" + _curAddress + "] to [" + a + "]");


    throw new MongoException("couldn't find a new host to swtich too");
Ejemplo n.º 8
public class DBPort {

  public static final int PORT = 27017;
  static final boolean USE_NAGLE = false;

  static final long CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS = 15000;

  public DBPort(InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException {
    this(addr, null, new MongoOptions());

  DBPort(InetSocketAddress addr, DBPortPool pool, MongoOptions options) throws IOException {
    _options = options;
    _addr = addr;
    _pool = pool;

    _hashCode = _addr.hashCode();

    _logger = Logger.getLogger(_rootLogger.getName() + "." + addr.toString());

  /** @param response will get wiped */
  DBMessage call(DBMessage msg, ByteDecoder decoder) throws IOException {
    return go(msg, decoder);

  void say(DBMessage msg) throws IOException {
    go(msg, null);

  private synchronized DBMessage go(DBMessage msg, ByteDecoder decoder) throws IOException {

    if (_sock == null) _open();

      ByteBuffer out = msg.prepare();
      while (out.remaining() > 0) _sock.write(out);

    if (_pool != null) _pool._everWorked = true;

    if (decoder == null) return null;

    ByteBuffer response = decoder._buf;

    if (response.position() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    int read = 0;
    while (read < DBMessage.HEADER_LENGTH) read += _read(response);

    int len = response.getInt(0);
    if (len <= DBMessage.HEADER_LENGTH)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("db sent invalid length: " + len);

    if (len > response.capacity())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "db message size is too big (" + len + ") " + "max is (" + response.capacity() + ")");

    while (read < len) read += _read(response);

    if (read != len) throw new RuntimeException("something is wrong");

    return new DBMessage(response);

  public synchronized void ensureOpen() throws IOException {

    if (_sock != null) return;


  void _open() throws IOException {

    long sleepTime = 100;

    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (true) {

      IOException lastError = null;

      try {
        _sock = SocketChannel.open();
        _socket = _sock.socket();
        _socket.connect(_addr, _options.connectTimeout);

        _in = _socket.getInputStream();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        //  TODO  - erh to fix                lastError = new IOException( "couldn't connect to [" +
        // _addr + "] bc:" + lastError , lastError );
        lastError = new IOException("couldn't connect to [" + _addr + "] bc:" + ioe);
        _logger.log(Level.INFO, "connect fail to : " + _addr, ioe);

      if (!_options.autoConnectRetry || (_pool != null && !_pool._everWorked)) throw lastError;

      long sleptSoFar = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

      if (sleptSoFar >= CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS) throw lastError;

      if (sleepTime + sleptSoFar > CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS) sleepTime = CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS - sleptSoFar;

          "going to sleep and retry.  total sleep time after = "
              + (sleptSoFar + sleptSoFar)
              + "ms  this time:"
              + sleepTime
              + "ms");
      sleepTime *= 2;

  public int hashCode() {
    return _hashCode;

  public String host() {
    return _addr.toString();

  public String toString() {
    return "{DBPort  " + host() + "}";

  protected void finalize() {
    if (_sock != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // don't care

      _in = null;
      _socket = null;
      _sock = null;

  void checkAuth(DB db) {
    if (db._username == null) return;
    if (_authed.containsKey(db)) return;

    if (_inauth) return;

    _inauth = true;
    try {
      if (db.reauth()) {
        _authed.put(db, true);
    } finally {
      _inauth = false;

    throw new MongoInternalException("can't reauth!");

  private int _read(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
    int x = _in.read(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining());
    if (x < 0) throw new IOException("connection to server closed unexpectedly");
    buf.position(buf.position() + x);
    return x;

  final int _hashCode;
  final InetSocketAddress _addr;
  final DBPortPool _pool;
  final MongoOptions _options;
  final Logger _logger;

  private SocketChannel _sock;
  private Socket _socket;
  private InputStream _in;

  private boolean _inauth = false;
  private Map<DB, Boolean> _authed = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<DB, Boolean>());

  private static Logger _rootLogger = Logger.getLogger("com.mongodb.port");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   Iterator toInterp = Collections.singleton(desc).iterator();
   ViperViewMediator m = getMediator();
   InterpQuery iq = new InterpQuery(toInterp, m);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  class Node {

    Node(ServerAddress addr) {
      _addr = addr;
      _port = new DBPort(addr, null, _mongoOptions);

    private void updateAddr() {
      try {
        if (_addr.updateInetAddr()) {
          // address changed, need to use new ports
          _port = new DBPort(_addr, null, _mongoOptions);
      } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
        _logger.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex);

    synchronized void update() {

    synchronized void update(Set<Node> seenNodes) {
      try {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        CommandResult res = _port.runCommand(_mongo.getDB("admin"), _isMasterCmd);
        _lastCheck = System.currentTimeMillis();
        _pingTime = _lastCheck - start;

        if (res == null) {
          _ok = false;

        _ok = true;
        _isMaster = res.getBoolean("ismaster", false);
        _isSecondary = res.getBoolean("secondary", false);
        _lastPrimarySignal = res.getString("primary");

        if (res.containsField("hosts")) {
          for (Object x : (List) res.get("hosts")) {
            String host = x.toString();
            Node node = _addIfNotHere(host);
            if (node != null && seenNodes != null) seenNodes.add(node);

        if (res.containsField("passives")) {
          for (Object x : (List) res.get("passives")) {
            String host = x.toString();
            Node node = _addIfNotHere(host);
            if (node != null && seenNodes != null) seenNodes.add(node);

        if (_isMaster) {
          // max size was added in 1.8
          if (res.containsField("maxBsonObjectSize"))
            maxBsonObjectSize = ((Integer) res.get("maxBsonObjectSize")).intValue();
          else maxBsonObjectSize = Bytes.MAX_OBJECT_SIZE;

      } catch (MongoException e) {
        Throwable root = e;
        if (e.getCause() != null) root = e.getCause();
        _logger.log(Level.FINE, "node down: " + _addr + " " + root);
        _ok = false;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "can't update node: " + _addr, e);
        _ok = false;

      if (!_isMaster) return;

      try {
        DB db = _mongo.getDB("local");
        DBObject config = _port.findOne(db, "system.replset", new BasicDBObject());
        if (config == null) {
          // probably a replica pair
          // TODO: add this in when pairs are really gone
          // _logger.log( Level.SEVERE , "no replset config!" );
        } else if (config.get("$err") != null
            && UNAUTHENTICATED_ERROR_CODE == (Integer) config.get("code")) {
              "Replica Set updater cannot get results, call authenticate on 'local' or 'admin' db");
        } else {

          String setName = config.get("_id").toString();
          if (_setName == null) {
            _setName = setName;
            _logger = Logger.getLogger(_rootLogger.getName() + "." + setName);
          } else if (!_setName.equals(setName)) {
            _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "mis match set name old: " + _setName + " new: " + setName);

          // TODO: look at members
      } catch (MongoException e) {
        if (_setName != null) {
          // this probably means the master is busy, so going to ignore
        } else {
          _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "can't get initial config from node: " + _addr, e);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error getting config from node: " + _addr, e);

    public boolean master() {
      return _ok && _isMaster;

    public boolean secondary() {
      return _ok && _isSecondary;

    public String toString() {
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      buf.append("Replica Set Node: ").append(_addr).append("\n");
      buf.append("\t ok \t").append(_ok).append("\n");
      buf.append("\t ping \t").append(_pingTime).append("\n");

      buf.append("\t master \t").append(_isMaster).append("\n");
      buf.append("\t secondary \t").append(_isSecondary).append("\n");

      buf.append("\t priority \t").append(_priority).append("\n");

      return buf.toString();

    final ServerAddress _addr;
    final Set<String> _names = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
    DBPort _port; // we have our own port so we can set different socket options and don't have to
    // owrry about the pool

    boolean _ok = false;
    long _lastCheck = 0;
    long _pingTime = 0;

    boolean _isMaster = false;
    boolean _isSecondary = false;

    double _priority = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  // make sure Vects are disposed
  private static class TestVect extends ArrayVect1 {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    /** Visible only for tests. */
    public static int max = 0;
    /** Visible only for tests. */
    public static int total = 0;
    /** Visible only for tests. */
    public static Map<Object, String> undisposed =
        Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Object, String>());

    /** Visible only for tests. */
    public String identity = "default";

    public void add(double scaleThis, double scaleOther, VectConst other) {
      super.add(scaleThis, scaleOther, other);

    public void project(double scaleThis, double scaleOther, VectConst other) {
      TestVect tv = (TestVect) other;
      if (!identity.equals(tv.identity)) {
        projectWasTested = true;
      super.add(scaleThis, scaleOther, other);

    public double dot(VectConst other) {
      return super.dot(other);

    private void assertSameType(VectConst other) {
      TestVect tv = (TestVect) other;
      if (!identity.equals(tv.identity)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("different types");

     * Constructor.
     * @param data
     * @param variance
     * @param identity
    public TestVect(double[] data, double variance, String identity) {
      super(data, variance);
      this.identity = identity;

    public TestVect clone() {
      TestVect result = (TestVect) super.clone();
      return result;

    private void remember(Object tv) { // remember where allocated
      synchronized (undisposed) {
        java.io.StringWriter sw = new java.io.StringWriter();
        java.io.PrintWriter pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(sw);
        new Exception("This vector was never disposed").printStackTrace(pw);
        undisposed.put(tv, sw.toString());
        // LOG.info("**********************************************");
        // LOG.info(sw.toString());
        max = Math.max(max, undisposed.size());
        total += 1;
        if (undisposed.size() > 12 && !printedUndisposed) {
          printedUndisposed = true;

    public void dispose() {
      synchronized (undisposed) {
     * View traces for debugging
     * @return printable version of traces
    public static String getTraces() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      for (String s : undisposed.values()) {
      return sb.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /** Gets the list of parsed symbols. */
 public List<String> getSymbols() {
   return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.symbols);