void setLookAndFeel() { Properties p2 = new Properties(); p2 = loadProperties(PROP_FILE); String skin = p2.getProperty("Skin"); if (skin == null) { skin = "0"; } int skinInt = Integer.valueOf(skin).intValue(); try { if (skinInt == 0) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel"); } else if (skinInt == 1) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel"); } else { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } }
/** * Constructs and initializes this object * * @param viewerPanel the <code>JImageViewerPanel</code> this action is linked to * @param imageType */ public ImageViewerPanelSaveAction(JImageViewerPanel viewerPanel, int imageType) { super(messagesBundle.getString("ImageViewerPanelSaveAction.Save_1")); // $NON-NLS-1$ assert viewerPanel != null; this.imageType = imageType; this.viewerPanel = viewerPanel; putValue( SHORT_DESCRIPTION, messagesBundle.getString("ImageViewerPanelSaveAction.Save_image_to_file_2")); //$NON-NLS-1$ putValue(SMALL_ICON, UIManager.getIcon("FileView.floppyDriveIcon")); // $NON-NLS-1$ }
/** Set the font used to display today's date as text. */ protected void setupTodayFont() { Font font; if (todaysLabel == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (todayFont != null) { todaysLabel.setFont(todayFont); } else { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); todaysLabel.setFont(font); } }
/** Set the time spinner's font. */ protected void setupTimeFont() { Font font; if (spinner == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (timeFont != null) { spinner.setFont(timeFont); } else { font = UIManager.getFont("Spinner.font"); spinner.setFont(font); } }
/** Applet initialization */ public void init() { // Get the port to be used String port_str = getParameter("port"); if (port_str != null) { port = Integer.parseInt(port_str); } // Try to use the system look and feel try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } // Create main panel to hold notebook main_panel = new JPanel(); main_panel.setBackground(Color.white); main_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setContentPane(main_panel); // Create the notebook tabbed_pane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); main_panel.add(tabbed_pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Add notebook page for default host connection pages = new Vector(); addPage(new SOAPMonitorPage(getCodeBase().getHost())); }
/** Set the title's font. */ protected void setupTitleFont() { Font font; if (monthYearLabel == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us if (titleFont != null) { monthYearLabel.setFont(titleFont); } // Otherwise, use the L&F default for a label else { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); monthYearLabel.setFont(font); } }
/** Set the day-of-week labels' font. */ protected void setupDayOfWeekFonts() { Font font; if (dayOfWeekLabels == null) return; // If not null, use what the user gave us font = dayOfWeekFont; // Otherwise, use 9/11 of the L&F default for a label if (font == null) { font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); font = font.deriveFont((float) (font.getSize2D() * 9.0 / 11.0)); } // Set the day of week labels' font for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { dayOfWeekLabels[day].setFont(font); } }
/** Set the day labels' font. */ protected void setupDayFonts() { Font font; if (dayButtons == null) return; // If null, use what the user gave us font = dayFont; // Otherwise, use 9/11 of the L&F default for a button if (font == null) { font = UIManager.getFont("Button.font"); font = font.deriveFont((float) (font.getSize2D() * 9.0 / 11.0)); } // Set the day labels' font for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { dayButtons[row][day].setFont(font); } } }