protected void checkLeaf(SimulatedArchivalUnit sau) { log.debug("checkLeaf()"); String parent = sau.getUrlRoot() + "/branch1"; CachedUrlSetSpec spec = new RangeCachedUrlSetSpec(parent); CachedUrlSet set = sau.makeCachedUrlSet(spec); Iterator setIt = set.contentHashIterator(); ArrayList childL = new ArrayList(16); while (setIt.hasNext()) { childL.add(((CachedUrlSetNode); } String[] expectedA = new String[] { parent, parent + "/001file.html", parent + "/001file.txt", parent + "/002file.html", parent + "/002file.txt", parent + "/branch1", parent + "/branch1/001file.html", parent + "/branch1/001file.txt", parent + "/branch1/002file.html", parent + "/branch1/002file.txt", parent + "/branch1/index.html", parent + "/branch2", parent + "/branch2/001file.html", parent + "/branch2/001file.txt", parent + "/branch2/002file.html", parent + "/branch2/002file.txt", parent + "/branch2/index.html", parent + "/index.html", }; assertIsomorphic(expectedA, childL); }
/** Create LockssKeystores from config subtree below {@link #PARAM_KEYSTORE} */ void configureKeyStores(Configuration config) { Configuration allKs = config.getConfigTree(PARAM_KEYSTORE); for (Iterator iter = allKs.nodeIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String id = (String); Configuration oneKs = allKs.getConfigTree(id); try { LockssKeyStore lk = createLockssKeyStore(oneKs); String name = lk.getName(); if (name == null) { log.error("KeyStore definition missing name: " + oneKs); continue; } LockssKeyStore old = keystoreMap.get(name); if (old != null && !lk.equals(old)) { log.warning( "Keystore " + name + " redefined. " + "New definition may not take effect until daemon restart"); } log.debug("Adding keystore " + name); keystoreMap.put(name, lk); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Couldn't create keystore: " + oneKs, e); } } }
protected void checkRoot(SimulatedArchivalUnit sau) { log.debug("checkRoot()"); CachedUrlSet set = sau.getAuCachedUrlSet(); Iterator setIt = set.flatSetIterator(); ArrayList childL = new ArrayList(1); CachedUrlSet cus = null; while (setIt.hasNext()) { cus = (CachedUrlSet); childL.add(cus.getUrl()); } String urlRoot = sau.getUrlRoot(); String[] expectedA = new String[1]; expectedA[0] = urlRoot; assertIsomorphic(expectedA, childL); setIt = cus.flatSetIterator(); childL = new ArrayList(7); while (setIt.hasNext()) { childL.add(((CachedUrlSetNode); } expectedA = new String[] { urlRoot + "/001file.html", urlRoot + "/001file.txt", urlRoot + "/002file.html", urlRoot + "/002file.txt", urlRoot + "/branch1", urlRoot + "/branch2", urlRoot + "/index.html" }; assertIsomorphic(expectedA, childL); }
private V3LcapMessage makeTestVoteMessage(Collection voteBlocks) throws IOException { mPollMgr.setStateDir("key", tempDir); V3LcapMessage msg = new V3LcapMessage( "ArchivalID_2", "key", "Plug42", m_testBytes, m_testBytes, V3LcapMessage.MSG_VOTE, 987654321, m_testID, tempDir, theDaemon); // Set msg vote blocks. for (Iterator ix = voteBlocks.iterator(); ix.hasNext(); ) { msg.addVoteBlock((VoteBlock); } msg.setHashAlgorithm(LcapMessage.getDefaultHashAlgorithm()); msg.setArchivalId(m_archivalID); msg.setPluginVersion("PlugVer42"); return msg; }
/** * Converts the form field values in the <tt>ffValuesIter</tt> into a caps string. * * @param ffValuesIter the {@link Iterator} containing the form field values. * @param capsBldr a <tt>StringBuilder</tt> to which the caps string representing the form field * values is to be appended */ private static void formFieldValuesToCaps(Iterator<String> ffValuesIter, StringBuilder capsBldr) { SortedSet<String> fvs = new TreeSet<String>(); while (ffValuesIter.hasNext()) fvs.add(; for (String fv : fvs) capsBldr.append(fv).append('<'); }
/** * Remove records telling what entity caps node a contact has. * * @param contact the contact */ public void removeContactCapsNode(Contact contact) { Caps caps = null; String lastRemovedJid = null; Iterator<String> iter = userCaps.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String jid =; if (StringUtils.parseBareAddress(jid).equals(contact.getAddress())) { caps = userCaps.get(jid); lastRemovedJid = jid; iter.remove(); } } // fire only for the last one, at the end the event out // of the protocol will be one and for the contact if (caps != null) { UserCapsNodeListener[] listeners; synchronized (userCapsNodeListeners) { listeners = userCapsNodeListeners.toArray(NO_USER_CAPS_NODE_LISTENERS); } if (listeners.length != 0) { String nodeVer = caps.getNodeVer(); for (UserCapsNodeListener listener : listeners) listener.userCapsNodeRemoved(lastRemovedJid, nodeVer, false); } } }
synchronized TestParameters getTest() { if (failed) { return null; } if (testIterator.hasNext()) { return (TestParameters); } return null; }
List<String> auUrls(ArchivalUnit au) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator iter = au.getAuCachedUrlSet().contentHashIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CachedUrlSetNode cusn = (CachedUrlSetNode); if (cusn.hasContent()) { res.add(cusn.getUrl()); } } return res; }
PKIXValidator(String variant, PKIXBuilderParameters params) { super(TYPE_PKIX, variant); trustedCerts = new HashSet(); for (Iterator t = params.getTrustAnchors().iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { TrustAnchor anchor = (TrustAnchor); X509Certificate cert = anchor.getTrustedCert(); if (cert != null) { trustedCerts.add(cert); } } parameterTemplate = params; initCommon(); }
// Recursive method to walk the tree below a node and set // a new parent logger. void walkAndSetParent(Logger parent) { if (children == null) { return; } Iterator values = children.values().iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { LogNode node = (LogNode); if (node.logger == null) { node.walkAndSetParent(parent); } else { doSetParent(node.logger, parent); } } }
void processIO() { Iterator<SelectionKey> it = mySelector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SelectionKey k =; it.remove(); if (k.isConnectable()) isConnectable(k); else if (k.isAcceptable()) isAcceptable(k); else { if (k.isWritable()) isWritable(k); if (k.isReadable()) isReadable(k); } } }
static String[] getFontList() { init(); ArrayList fontNames = new ArrayList(); Iterator fonts = fontNameMap.keySet().iterator(); int dotidx; while (fonts.hasNext()) { String fontname = (String); if ((dotidx = fontname.indexOf('.')) == -1) dotidx = fontname.length(); fontname = fontname.substring(0, dotidx); if (!fontNames.contains(fontname)) fontNames.add(fontname); } return (String[]) fontNames.toArray(new String[fontNames.size()]); }
// Recursive method to walk the tree below a node and set // a new parent logger. void walkAndSetParent(Logger parent) { if (children == null) { return; } Iterator<LogNode> values = children.values().iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { LogNode node =; LoggerWeakRef ref = node.loggerRef; Logger logger = (ref == null) ? null : ref.get(); if (logger == null) { node.walkAndSetParent(parent); } else { doSetParent(logger, parent); } } }
void delete(SecurityRow securityRow, boolean firstTry) { ConditionalPermissionUpdate update = newConditionalPermissionUpdate(); List rows = update.getConditionalPermissionInfos(); for (Iterator iRows = rows.iterator(); iRows.hasNext(); ) { ConditionalPermissionInfo info = (ConditionalPermissionInfo); if (securityRow.getName().equals(info.getName())) { iRows.remove(); synchronized (lock) { if (!update.commit()) { if (firstTry) // try again delete(securityRow, false); } } break; } } }
private static Bundle createMockBundle(String[] signers) { Map /* <X509Certificate, List<X509Certificate>> */ signersMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < signers.length; i++) { List chain = parseDNchain(signers[i]); List /* <X509Certificate> */ signersList = new ArrayList(); Principal subject = null, issuer = null; X509Certificate first = null; for (Iterator iChain = chain.iterator(); iChain.hasNext(); ) { subject = issuer == null ? new MockPrincipal((String) : issuer; issuer = iChain.hasNext() ? new MockPrincipal((String) : subject; X509Certificate cert = new MockX509Certificate(subject, issuer); if (first == null) first = cert; signersList.add(cert); } if (subject != issuer) signersList.add(new MockX509Certificate(issuer, issuer)); signersMap.put(first, signersList); } return new MockBundle(signersMap); }
PKIXValidator(String variant, Collection trustedCerts) { super(TYPE_PKIX, variant); if (trustedCerts instanceof Set) { this.trustedCerts = (Set) trustedCerts; } else { this.trustedCerts = new HashSet(trustedCerts); } Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors = new HashSet<TrustAnchor>(); for (Iterator t = trustedCerts.iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate); trustAnchors.add(new TrustAnchor(cert, null)); } try { parameterTemplate = new PKIXBuilderParameters(trustAnchors, null); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + e.toString(), e); } setDefaultParameters(variant); initCommon(); }
public void testRequestMessageCreation() throws Exception { V3LcapMessage reqMsg = new V3LcapMessage( "ArchivalID_2", "key", "Plug42", m_testBytes, m_testBytes, V3LcapMessage.MSG_REPAIR_REQ, 987654321, m_testID, tempDir, theDaemon); reqMsg.setTargetUrl(""); for (Iterator ix = m_testVoteBlocks.iterator(); ix.hasNext(); ) { reqMsg.addVoteBlock((VoteBlock); } assertEquals(3, reqMsg.getProtocolVersion()); assertEquals("Plug42", reqMsg.getPluginVersion()); assertTrue(m_testID == reqMsg.getOriginatorId()); assertEquals(V3LcapMessage.MSG_REPAIR_REQ, reqMsg.getOpcode()); assertEquals("ArchivalID_2", reqMsg.getArchivalId()); assertEquals("", reqMsg.getTargetUrl()); assertEquals(m_testBytes, reqMsg.getPollerNonce()); assertEquals(m_testBytes, reqMsg.getVoterNonce()); assertEquals(null, reqMsg.getVoterNonce2()); List aBlocks = new ArrayList(); List bBlocks = new ArrayList(); for (VoteBlocksIterator iter = m_testMsg.getVoteBlockIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { aBlocks.add(; } for (VoteBlocksIterator iter = reqMsg.getVoteBlockIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { bBlocks.add(; } assertEquals(aBlocks, bBlocks); // Actual size of test vote blocks is unpredictable assertTrue(reqMsg.getEstimatedEncodedLength() > V3LcapMessage.EST_ENCODED_HEADER_LENGTH); }
static String[] getFontList() { Vector fontNames = new Vector(); Iterator fonts = fontNameMap.keySet().iterator(); int dotidx; while (fonts.hasNext()) { String fontname = (String); if ((dotidx = fontname.indexOf('.')) == -1) dotidx = fontname.length(); fontname = fontname.substring(0, dotidx); if (!fontNames.contains(fontname)) fontNames.add(fontname); } String[] tmpFontNames = new String[fontNames.size()]; System.arraycopy(fontNames.toArray(), 0, tmpFontNames, 0, tmpFontNames.length); return tmpFontNames; }
private void initCommon() { if (TRY_VALIDATOR == false) { return; } trustedSubjects = new HashMap<X500Principal, List<PublicKey>>(); for (Iterator t = trustedCerts.iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate); X500Principal dn = cert.getSubjectX500Principal(); List<PublicKey> keys; if (trustedSubjects.containsKey(dn)) { keys = trustedSubjects.get(dn); } else { keys = new ArrayList<PublicKey>(); trustedSubjects.put(dn, keys); } keys.add(cert.getPublicKey()); } try { factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error", e); } plugin = variant.equals(VAR_PLUGIN_CODE_SIGNING); }
void close() { try { if (mySelector != null) mySelector.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } mySelector = null; // run down open connections and sockets. Iterator<ServerSocketChannel> i = Acceptors.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { } } // 29Sep09: We create an ArrayList of the existing connections, then iterate over // that to call unbind on them. This is because an unbind can trigger a reconnect, // which will add to the Connections HashMap, causing a ConcurrentModificationException. // XXX: The correct behavior here would be to latch the various reactor methods to return // immediately if the reactor is shutting down. ArrayList<EventableChannel> conns = new ArrayList<EventableChannel>(); Iterator<EventableChannel> i2 = Connections.values().iterator(); while (i2.hasNext()) { EventableChannel ec =; if (ec != null) { conns.add(ec); } } Connections.clear(); ListIterator<EventableChannel> i3 = conns.listIterator(0); while (i3.hasNext()) { EventableChannel ec =; eventCallback(ec.getBinding(), EM_CONNECTION_UNBOUND, null); ec.close(); EventableSocketChannel sc = (EventableSocketChannel) ec; if (sc != null && sc.isAttached()) DetachedConnections.add(sc); } ListIterator<EventableSocketChannel> i4 = DetachedConnections.listIterator(0); while (i4.hasNext()) { EventableSocketChannel ec =; ec.cleanup(); } DetachedConnections.clear(); }
/** called when we reach the end of entry in one of the read() methods. */ private void processEntry(ManifestEntryVerifier mev) throws IOException { if (!parsingBlockOrSF) { JarEntry je = mev.getEntry(); if ((je != null) && (je.signers == null)) { je.signers = mev.verify(verifiedSigners, sigFileSigners); je.certs = mapSignersToCertArray(je.signers); } } else { try { parsingBlockOrSF = false; if (debug != null) { debug.println("processEntry: processing block"); } String uname = mev.getEntry().getName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (uname.endsWith(".SF")) { String key = uname.substring(0, uname.length() - 3); byte bytes[] = baos.toByteArray(); // add to sigFileData in case future blocks need it sigFileData.put(key, bytes); // check pending blocks, we can now process // anyone waiting for this .SF file Iterator it = pendingBlocks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SignatureFileVerifier sfv = (SignatureFileVerifier); if (sfv.needSignatureFile(key)) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("processEntry: processing pending block"); } sfv.setSignatureFile(bytes); sfv.process(sigFileSigners, manifestDigests); } } return; } // now we are parsing a signature block file String key = uname.substring(0, uname.lastIndexOf(".")); if (signerCache == null) signerCache = new ArrayList(); if (manDig == null) { synchronized (manifestRawBytes) { if (manDig == null) { manDig = new ManifestDigester(manifestRawBytes); manifestRawBytes = null; } } } SignatureFileVerifier sfv = new SignatureFileVerifier(signerCache, manDig, uname, baos.toByteArray()); if (sfv.needSignatureFileBytes()) { // see if we have already parsed an external .SF file byte[] bytes = (byte[]) sigFileData.get(key); if (bytes == null) { // put this block on queue for later processing // since we don't have the .SF bytes yet // (uname, block); if (debug != null) { debug.println("adding pending block"); } pendingBlocks.add(sfv); return; } else { sfv.setSignatureFile(bytes); } } sfv.process(sigFileSigners, manifestDigests); } catch (IOException ioe) { // e.g. if (debug != null) debug.println("processEntry caught: " + ioe); // ignore and treat as unsigned } catch (SignatureException se) { if (debug != null) debug.println("processEntry caught: " + se); // ignore and treat as unsigned } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { if (debug != null) debug.println("processEntry caught: " + nsae); // ignore and treat as unsigned } catch (CertificateException ce) { if (debug != null) debug.println("processEntry caught: " + ce); // ignore and treat as unsigned } } }
/** * Creates an organization, its classification, and its services, and saves it to the registry. */ public String executePublish(String username, String password, String endpoint) { String id = null; RegistryService rs = null; BusinessLifeCycleManager blcm = null; BusinessQueryManager bqm = null; try { rs = connection.getRegistryService(); blcm = rs.getBusinessLifeCycleManager(); bqm = rs.getBusinessQueryManager(); System.out.println("Got registry service, query " + "manager, and life cycle manager"); // Get authorization from the registry PasswordAuthentication passwdAuth = new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray()); Set creds = new HashSet(); creds.add(passwdAuth); connection.setCredentials(creds); System.out.println("Established security credentials"); // Get hardcoded strings from a ResourceBundle ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.sun.cb.CoffeeRegistry"); // Create organization name and description Organization org = blcm.createOrganization(bundle.getString("")); InternationalString s = blcm.createInternationalString(bundle.getString("org.description")); org.setDescription(s); // Create primary contact, set name User primaryContact = blcm.createUser(); PersonName pName = blcm.createPersonName(bundle.getString("")); primaryContact.setPersonName(pName); // Set primary contact phone number TelephoneNumber tNum = blcm.createTelephoneNumber(); tNum.setNumber(bundle.getString("phone.number")); Collection phoneNums = new ArrayList(); phoneNums.add(tNum); primaryContact.setTelephoneNumbers(phoneNums); // Set primary contact email address EmailAddress emailAddress = blcm.createEmailAddress(bundle.getString("email.address")); Collection emailAddresses = new ArrayList(); emailAddresses.add(emailAddress); primaryContact.setEmailAddresses(emailAddresses); // Set primary contact for organization org.setPrimaryContact(primaryContact); // Set classification scheme to NAICS ClassificationScheme cScheme = bqm.findClassificationSchemeByName(null, bundle.getString("classification.scheme")); // Create and add classification Classification classification = (Classification) blcm.createClassification( cScheme, bundle.getString(""), bundle.getString("classification.value")); Collection classifications = new ArrayList(); classifications.add(classification); org.addClassifications(classifications); // Create services and service Collection services = new ArrayList(); Service service = blcm.createService(bundle.getString("")); InternationalString is = blcm.createInternationalString(bundle.getString("service.description")); service.setDescription(is); // Create service bindings Collection serviceBindings = new ArrayList(); ServiceBinding binding = blcm.createServiceBinding(); is = blcm.createInternationalString(bundle.getString("service.binding")); binding.setDescription(is); binding.setValidateURI(false); binding.setAccessURI(endpoint); serviceBindings.add(binding); // Add service bindings to service service.addServiceBindings(serviceBindings); // Add service to services, then add services to organization services.add(service); org.addServices(services); // Add organization and submit to registry // Retrieve key if successful Collection orgs = new ArrayList(); orgs.add(org); BulkResponse response = blcm.saveOrganizations(orgs); Collection exceptions = response.getExceptions(); if (exceptions == null) { System.out.println("Organization saved"); Collection keys = response.getCollection(); Iterator keyIter = keys.iterator(); if (keyIter.hasNext()) { javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key orgKey = (javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key); id = orgKey.getId(); System.out.println("Organization key is " + id); } } else { Iterator excIter = exceptions.iterator(); Exception exception = null; while (excIter.hasNext()) { exception = (Exception); System.err.println("Exception on save: " + exception.toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (JAXRException je) { System.err.println("Connection close failed"); } } } return id; }
/** * Calculates the <tt>String</tt> for a specific <tt>DiscoverInfo</tt> which is to be hashed in * order to compute the ver string for that <tt>DiscoverInfo</tt>. * * @param discoverInfo the <tt>DiscoverInfo</tt> for which the <tt>String</tt> to be hashed in * order to compute its ver string is to be calculated * @return the <tt>String</tt> for <tt>discoverInfo</tt> which is to be hashed in order to compute * its ver string */ private static String calculateEntityCapsString(DiscoverInfo discoverInfo) { StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder(); // Add identities { Iterator<DiscoverInfo.Identity> identities = discoverInfo.getIdentities(); SortedSet<DiscoverInfo.Identity> is = new TreeSet<DiscoverInfo.Identity>( new Comparator<DiscoverInfo.Identity>() { public int compare(DiscoverInfo.Identity i1, DiscoverInfo.Identity i2) { int category = i1.getCategory().compareTo(i2.getCategory()); if (category != 0) return category; int type = i1.getType().compareTo(i2.getType()); if (type != 0) return type; /* * TODO Sort by xml:lang. * * Since sort by xml:lang is currently missing, * use the last supported sort criterion i.e. * type. */ return type; } }); if (identities != null) while (identities.hasNext()) is.add(; for (DiscoverInfo.Identity i : is) { bldr.append(i.getCategory()) .append('/') .append(i.getType()) .append("//") .append(i.getName()) .append('<'); } } // Add features { Iterator<DiscoverInfo.Feature> features = getDiscoverInfoFeatures(discoverInfo); SortedSet<String> fs = new TreeSet<String>(); if (features != null) while (features.hasNext()) fs.add(; for (String f : fs) bldr.append(f).append('<'); } DataForm extendedInfo = (DataForm) discoverInfo.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:data"); if (extendedInfo != null) { synchronized (extendedInfo) { SortedSet<FormField> fs = new TreeSet<FormField>( new Comparator<FormField>() { public int compare(FormField f1, FormField f2) { return f1.getVariable().compareTo(f2.getVariable()); } }); FormField formType = null; for (Iterator<FormField> fieldsIter = extendedInfo.getFields(); fieldsIter.hasNext(); ) { FormField f =; if (!f.getVariable().equals("FORM_TYPE")) fs.add(f); else formType = f; } // Add FORM_TYPE values if (formType != null) formFieldValuesToCaps(formType.getValues(), bldr); // Add the other values for (FormField f : fs) { bldr.append(f.getVariable()).append('<'); formFieldValuesToCaps(f.getValues(), bldr); } } } return bldr.toString(); }
@Override public Action[] getActions(boolean context) { if (actions == null) { List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>(20); RADComponent topComp = component.getFormModel().getTopRADComponent(); if (component.isReadOnly()) { if (component == topComp) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(TestAction.class)); actions.add(null); } Event[] events = component.getKnownEvents(); for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (events[i].hasEventHandlers()) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(EventsAction.class)); actions.add(null); break; } } actions.add(SystemAction.get(CopyAction.class)); } else { if (InPlaceEditLayer.supportsEditingFor(component.getBeanClass(), false)) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(InPlaceEditAction.class)); } if (javax.swing.JTable.class.isAssignableFrom(component.getBeanClass())) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(CustomizeTableAction.class)); } if (component != topComp) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(ChangeVariableNameAction.class)); } else { actions.add(SystemAction.get(TestAction.class)); } if (FormEditor.getBindingSupport(component.getFormModel()) != null) { // zxb:删除掉绑定菜单项。 // actions.add(SystemAction.get(BindAction.class)); } actions.add(SystemAction.get(EventsAction.class)); actions.add(null); java.util.List actionProps = component.getActionProperties(); Iterator iter = actionProps.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final RADProperty prop = (RADProperty); Action action = PropertyAction.createIfEditable(prop); if (action != null) { actions.add(action); } } addSeparator(actions); if (component instanceof ComponentContainer) { addContainerActions(actions); addLayoutActions(actions); } else { addLayoutActions(actions); addContainerActions(actions); } if (component != topComp) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(MoveUpAction.class)); actions.add(SystemAction.get(MoveDownAction.class)); } if (component instanceof ComponentContainer) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(ReorderAction.class)); } addSeparator(actions); if (component != topComp) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(CutAction.class)); } actions.add(SystemAction.get(CopyAction.class)); if (component instanceof ComponentContainer) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(PasteAction.class)); } if (component != topComp) { actions.add(SystemAction.get(DuplicateAction.class)); actions.add(SystemAction.get(DeleteAction.class)); } actions.add(null); // zxb:删除掉自定义代码菜单项。 // actions.add(SystemAction.get(CustomCodeAction.class)); } actions.add(null); javax.swing.Action[] superActions = super.getActions(context); for (int i = 0; i < superActions.length; i++) actions.add(superActions[i]); this.actions = new Action[actions.size()]; actions.toArray(this.actions); } return actions; }