   * create a 1-d String array from a network, for easy transmission to R. triples (source,
   * edgeType, target) are filled in to an array of length 3 * # of interactions
   * @param network a gaggle network
   * @return the edge attributes of the network as a string array
  protected String[] networkEdgeAttributesToStringArray(Network network) {
    Interaction[] interactions = network.getInteractions();
    String source, target, type;
    String[] attributeNames = network.getEdgeAttributeNames();
    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (Interaction interaction : interactions) {
      source = interaction.getSource();
      type = interaction.getType();
      target = interaction.getTarget();
      String edgeName = source + " (" + type + ") " + target;
      String terseEdgeName = source + "::" + target + "::" + type;
      for (String name : attributeNames) {
        HashMap hash = network.getEdgeAttributes(name);
        if (hash.containsKey(edgeName)) {
          Object value = hash.get(edgeName);
          StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        } else {
          System.out.println("no " + name + " attribute for " + edgeName);
      } // for a
    } // for r

    return list.toArray(new String[0]);
  } // networkEdgeAttributesToStringArray
   * create a 1-d String array from a network, for easy transmission to R. each element in the array
   * is a string, with format sourceNode::targetNode::edgeType
   * @param network the network to convert to a string
   * @return an array of strings representing a network
  protected String[] networkToStringArray(Network network) {
    Interaction[] interactions = network.getInteractions();
    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    // System.out.println ("networkToStringArray, interaction ount: " + interactions.length);
    for (Interaction interaction : interactions) {
      String source = interaction.getSource();
      String target = interaction.getTarget();
      String type = interaction.getType();
      String combined = source + "::" + target + "::" + type;
      // System.out.println ("   interaction: " + combined);
    } // for i

    String[] orphanNodes = network.getOrphanNodes();
    // System.out.println ("networkToStringArray, orphanCount: " + orphanNodes.length);
    for (String orphanNode : orphanNodes) {
      // System.out.println ("    orphan: " + orphanNodes [i]);

    return list.toArray(new String[0]);
  } // networkToStringArray