private String getCIJobPath(ApplicationInfo appInfo) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(Utility.getProjectHome()); builder.append(appInfo.getAppDirName()); builder.append(File.separator); builder.append(FOLDER_DOT_PHRESCO); builder.append(File.separator); builder.append(CI_JOB_INFO_NAME); return builder.toString(); }
private void setSvnCredential(CIJob job) throws JDOMException, IOException { S_LOGGER.debug("Entering Method CIManagerImpl.setSvnCredential"); try { String jenkinsTemplateDir = Utility.getJenkinsTemplateDir(); String credentialFilePath = jenkinsTemplateDir + job.getRepoType() + HYPHEN + CREDENTIAL_XML; if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.debug("credentialFilePath ... " + credentialFilePath); } File credentialFile = new File(credentialFilePath); SvnProcessor processor = new SvnProcessor(credentialFile); // DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(credentialFile)); // while (in.available() != 0) { // System.out.println(in.readLine()); // } // in.close(); processor.changeNodeValue("credentials/entry//userName", job.getUserName()); processor.changeNodeValue("credentials/entry//password", job.getPassword()); processor.writeStream(new File(Utility.getJenkinsHome() + File.separator + job.getName())); // jenkins home location String jenkinsJobHome = System.getenv(JENKINS_HOME); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(jenkinsJobHome); builder.append(File.separator); processor.writeStream(new File(builder.toString() + CI_CREDENTIAL_XML)); } catch (Exception e) { S_LOGGER.error( "Entered into the catch block of CIManagerImpl.setSvnCredential " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
private BusinessPartnerCategoryData getEditVariables(Connection con, VariablesSecureApp vars) throws IOException, ServletException { BusinessPartnerCategoryData data = new BusinessPartnerCategoryData(); ServletException ex = null; try { data.adOrgId = vars.getRequiredGlobalVariable("inpadOrgId", windowId + "|AD_Org_ID"); data.adOrgIdr = vars.getStringParameter("inpadOrgId_R"); data.cBpGroupId = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpcBpGroupId", windowId + "|C_BP_Group_ID"); data.value = vars.getStringParameter("inpvalue"); = vars.getRequiredStringParameter("inpname"); data.description = vars.getStringParameter("inpdescription"); data.isactive = vars.getStringParameter("inpisactive", "N"); data.isdefault = vars.getStringParameter("inpisdefault", "N"); data.adClientId = vars.getRequiredGlobalVariable("inpadClientId", windowId + "|AD_Client_ID"); data.createdby = vars.getUser(); data.updatedby = vars.getUser(); data.adUserClient = Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", windowId, accesslevel); data.adOrgClient = Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#AccessibleOrgTree", windowId, accesslevel); data.updatedTimeStamp = vars.getStringParameter("updatedTimestamp"); if (data.value.equals("")) data.value = Utility.getDocumentNoConnection(con, this, vars.getClient(), "C_BP_Group", true); } catch (ServletException e) { vars.setEditionData(tabId, data); throw e; } // Behavior with exception for numeric fields is to catch last one if we have multiple ones if (ex != null) { vars.setEditionData(tabId, data); throw ex; } return data; }
public boolean tryDamageSkill(String rem, String cut, String output) { if (cut.length() > 0) if (rem.indexOf(cut) == 0) { rem = rem.substring(cut.length(), rem.length()); rem = Utility.clearWhiteSpace(rem); } target = owner.getRoom().findEntity(owner, rem); if ((target == null) && (owner.getPlayerState() == Utility.PSTATE_FIGHTING)) target = owner.getTarget(); if (target == null) { owner.echo(output); return false; } if (!Combat.canAttack(owner, target, false, true)) return false; tn = target.getName(); Tn = target.getPName(); ty = Utility.possessive(tn); Ty = Utility.possessive(Tn); return true; }
public void printVariable() { Utility.Dprintc("VARIABLE " + varID + " ", 0); for (int j = 0; j < domain.length; j++) { Utility.Dprintc(domain[j].toString() + " ", 0); } Utility.Dprint("", 0); }
private static DialogFeatureConfig parseDialogConfig(JSONObject dialogConfigJSON) { String dialogNameWithFeature = dialogConfigJSON.optString(DIALOG_CONFIG_NAME_KEY); if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(dialogNameWithFeature)) { return null; } String[] components = dialogNameWithFeature.split(DIALOG_CONFIG_DIALOG_NAME_FEATURE_NAME_SEPARATOR); if (components.length != 2) { // We expect the format to be dialogName|FeatureName, where both components are // non-empty. return null; } String dialogName = components[0]; String featureName = components[1]; if (isNullOrEmpty(dialogName) || isNullOrEmpty(featureName)) { return null; } String urlString = dialogConfigJSON.optString(DIALOG_CONFIG_URL_KEY); Uri fallbackUri = null; if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(urlString)) { fallbackUri = Uri.parse(urlString); } JSONArray versionsJSON = dialogConfigJSON.optJSONArray(DIALOG_CONFIG_VERSIONS_KEY); int[] featureVersionSpec = parseVersionSpec(versionsJSON); return new DialogFeatureConfig(dialogName, featureName, fallbackUri, featureVersionSpec); }
private void refreshSessionNew(VariablesSecureApp vars) throws IOException, ServletException { BusinessPartnerCategoryData[] data = BusinessPartnerCategoryData.selectEdit( this, vars.getSessionValue("#AD_SqlDateTimeFormat"), vars.getLanguage(), vars.getStringParameter("inpcBpGroupId", ""), Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", windowId), Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#AccessibleOrgTree", windowId, accesslevel)); if (data == null || data.length == 0) return; refreshSessionEdit(vars, data); }
/** * Utility method that converts a class reference in the constant pool, i.e., an index to a * string. */ static String referenceClass(int index) { String str = constant_pool.getConstantString(index, CONSTANT_Class); str = Utility.compactClassName(str); str = Utility.compactClassName(str, class_package + ".", true); return "<A HREF=\"" + class_name + "_cp.html#cp" + index + "\" TARGET=ConstantPool>" + str + "</A>"; }
public void init(Entity Owner, int Level) { owner = Owner; level = Level; if (Owner != null) { mn = owner.getName(); Mn = owner.getPName(); my = Utility.possessive(mn); My = Utility.possessive(Mn); } }
private void writeDoCommand(PrintWriter pw, String indent) { String str = indent + "fCommandStatus =" + fCmdDef.getCmdName() + "("; str += Utility.makeFieldString((String) fCmdDef.getReturnData().get("NAME")); str += ", userID"; Iterator itr = fCmdDef.getArgList().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { HashMap argInfo = (HashMap); String argName = Utility.makeFieldString((String) argInfo.get("NAME")); str += ", " + argName; } str += ");"; pw.println(str); }
private void writeSendingHashMap(PrintWriter pw, String indent, HashMap item, String hashName) { String coreClassName = "UC" + fCmdDef.getCmdName() + "Core"; String type = (String) item.get("TYPE"); ArrayList contents = (ArrayList) item.get("CONTENTS"); Iterator itr = contents.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { HashMap item2 = (HashMap); String type2 = (String) item2.get("TYPE"); String name2 = (String) item2.get("NAME"); String key2 = Utility.makeKeyString(type2, name2); String comment2 = (String) item2.get("COMMENT"); String localVariableName = Utility.makeLocalVariable(name2); if (type2.equals("HashMap")) { pw.print( indent + "HashMap " + localVariableName + " = (HashMap)" + hashName + ".get(" + coreClassName + "." + key2 + ");"); pw.println(" // " + comment2); writeSendingHashMap(pw, indent, item2, localVariableName); } else if (type2.equals("ArrayList")) { pw.print( indent + "ArrayList " + localVariableName + " = (ArrayList)" + hashName + ".get(" + coreClassName + "." + key2 + ");"); pw.println(" // " + comment2); writeSendingArrayList(pw, indent, item2, localVariableName); } else { String str = indent + "fAgent.sendMessage(" + hashName + ".get("; str += "UC" + fCmdDef.getCmdName() + "Core." + key2 + ").toString());"; pw.print(str); pw.println(" // " + comment2); } } }
@Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { Element el = doc.getCharacterElement(viewToModel(me.getPoint())); if (el == null) return; AttributeSet as = el.getAttributes(); if (as.isDefined("ip")) { String ip = (String) as.getAttribute("ip"); ScriptException se = (ScriptException) as.getAttribute("exception"); Node node = net.getAtIP(ip); if (node == null) { Utility.displayError("Error", "Computer does not exist"); return; } String errorString = "--ERROR--\n" + "Error at line number " + se.getLineNumber() + " and column number " + se.getColumnNumber() + "\n" + se.getMessage(); new ScriptDialog( parentFrame, str -> { if (str != null) { node.setScript(str); } }, node.getScript(), errorString) .setVisible(true); } }
/** * Override this method to create you own classes on the fly. The name contains the special token * $$BCEL$$. Everything before that token is consddered to be a package name. You can encode you * own arguments into the subsequent string. You must regard however not to use any "illegal" * characters, i.e., characters that may not appear in a Java class name too<br> * The default implementation interprets the string as a encoded compressed Java class, unpacks * and decodes it with the Utility.decode() method, and parses the resulting byte array and * returns the resulting JavaClass object. * * @param class_name compressed byte code with "$$BCEL$$" in it */ protected JavaClass createClass(String class_name) { int index = class_name.indexOf("$$BCEL$$"); String real_name = class_name.substring(index + 8); JavaClass clazz = null; try { byte[] bytes = Utility.decode(real_name, true); ClassParser parser = new ClassParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), "foo"); clazz = parser.parse(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } // Adapt the class name to the passed value ConstantPool cp = clazz.getConstantPool(); ConstantClass cl = (ConstantClass) cp.getConstant(clazz.getClassNameIndex(), Constants.CONSTANT_Class); ConstantUtf8 name = (ConstantUtf8) cp.getConstant(cl.getNameIndex(), Constants.CONSTANT_Utf8); name.setBytes(class_name.replace('.', '/')); return clazz; }
// 获得文件长度 public long getFileSize() { int nFileLength = -1; try { URL url = new URL(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL()); HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "NetFox"); int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode >= 400) { processErrorCode(responseCode); return -2; // -2 represent access is error } String sHeader; for (int i = 1; ; i++) { // DataInputStream in = new // DataInputStream(httpConnection.getInputStream ()); // Utility.log(in.readLine()); sHeader = httpConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(i); if (sHeader != null) { if (sHeader.equals("Content-Length")) { nFileLength = Integer.parseInt(httpConnection.getHeaderField(sHeader)); break; } } else break; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Utility.log(nFileLength); return nFileLength; }
public static Skill createSkill(String sName, Entity ENT, int lev) { Ability A = null; Class C = null; sName = Utility.getProperClassName(sName); try { C = Class.forName(sName); A = (Ability) C.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } catch (Throwable t) { return null; } try { Skill Sk = (Skill) A; Sk.init(ENT, lev); return Sk; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } catch (Throwable t) { return null; } }
public static DialogFeatureConfig getDialogFeatureConfig( String applicationId, String actionName, String featureName) { if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(actionName) || Utility.isNullOrEmpty(featureName)) { return null; } FetchedAppSettings settings = fetchedAppSettings.get(applicationId); if (settings != null) { Map<String, DialogFeatureConfig> featureMap = settings.getDialogConfigurations().get(actionName); if (featureMap != null) { return featureMap.get(featureName); } } return null; }
/* Get value with given name */ public Value getValue(String val) { for (int i = 0; i < domain.length; i++) if (domain[i].toString().equals(val)) return domain[i]; Utility.Dprint("Variable.getValue(): Unknown Value: " + val, Utility.TRACE_FUNCTION_LEVEL); return null; }
public static File createTmpFile() { try { return File.createTempFile("Utility_temp_file-" + String.valueOf(Utility.tic()), ".tmp"); } catch (IOException ex) { mylogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: Can not create temp file ", ex); return null; } }
private String getDisplayLogicContext(VariablesSecureApp vars, boolean isNew) throws IOException, ServletException { log4j.debug("Output: Display logic context fields"); String result = "var strShowAudit=\"" + (isNew ? "N" : Utility.getContext(this, vars, "ShowAudit", windowId)) + "\";\n"; return result; }
static final String referenceType(String type) { String short_type = Utility.compactClassName(type); short_type = Utility.compactClassName(short_type, class_package + ".", true); int index = type.indexOf('['); // Type is an array? if (index > -1) type = type.substring(0, index); // Tack of the `[' // test for basic type if (type.equals("int") || type.equals("short") || type.equals("boolean") || type.equals("void") || type.equals("char") || type.equals("byte") || type.equals("long") || type.equals("double") || type.equals("float")) return "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">" + type + "</FONT>"; else return "<A HREF=\"" + type + ".html\" TARGET=_top>" + short_type + "</A>"; }
int getStatus(Exception e) { if (e instanceof JavaScriptException) { JavaScriptException je = (JavaScriptException) e; Object value = ((ScriptableObject) je.getValue()).get("message", null); if (value != null) { String status = Utility.find(value.toString(), "^\\d\\d\\d\\b"); if (status != null) return Integer.parseInt(status); } } return 500; }
/* Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as v1 is less than, equal to, or greater v2. NOTE: assume values are ints. */ public static int compareIntValues(Value val1, Value val2) { try { int vval1 = new Integer(val1.toString()).intValue(); int vval2 = new Integer(val2.toString()).intValue(); if (vval1 > vval2) return 1; else if (vval2 > vval1) return -1; return 0; } catch (Exception e) { Utility.Dprint(" Error in Variable.compareValues(): Vals are not ints." + e, 0); } return 0; }
/** @return String representation, i.e., a list of thrown exceptions. */ public final String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); String str; for (int i = 0; i < number_of_exceptions; i++) { str = constant_pool.getConstantString(exception_index_table[i], Constants.CONSTANT_Class); buf.append(Utility.compactClassName(str, false)); if (i < number_of_exceptions - 1) buf.append(", "); } return buf.toString(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { test_email te1 = new test_email(123, "HI test"); System.out.println("Test Serializalbe."); System.out.println("The original email is: " + te1.title + " " + te1.content); String file_n = "test_email1"; try { Utility.write_to(te1, file_n); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } test_email te2 = new test_email(); try { te2 = (test_email) Utility.read_from(file_n); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("The readout email is: " + te2.title + " " + te2.content); }
private void writeSendingArrayList( PrintWriter pw, String indent, HashMap item, String arrayName) { String type = (String) item.get("TYPE"); HashMap contents = (HashMap) item.get("CONTENTS"); String name = Utility.makeLocalVariable((String) item.get("NAME")); String type2 = (String) contents.get("TYPE"); String name2 = Utility.makeLocalVariable((String) contents.get("NAME")); String comment2 = (String) contents.get("COMMENT"); pw.println(indent + "Iterator itr = " + arrayName + ".iterator();"); pw.println(indent + "while ( itr.hasNext() ) {"); if (type2.equals("HashMap")) { pw.println(indent + " HashMap " + name2 + " = " + "(HashMap);"); writeSendingHashMap(pw, indent, contents, name2); } else if (type2.equals("ArrayList")) { pw.print(indent + " ArrayList " + name2 + " = (ArrayList);"); writeSendingArrayList(pw, indent, contents, name2); } else { pw.print(indent + " fAgent.sendMassage(" + name2 + ".toString());"); pw.println(" // " + comment2); } pw.println(indent + "}"); }
/** @return string representation. */ public final String toString() { String name = getName(), signature = Utility.signatureToString(getSignature()); return "LocalVariable(start_pc = " + start_pc + ", length = " + length + ", index = " + index + ":" + signature + " " + name + ")"; }
private void setMailCredential(CIJob job) { if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.debug("Entering Method CIManagerImpl.setMailCredential"); } try { String jenkinsTemplateDir = Utility.getJenkinsTemplateDir(); String mailFilePath = jenkinsTemplateDir + MAIL + HYPHEN + CREDENTIAL_XML; if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.debug("configFilePath ... " + mailFilePath); } File mailFile = new File(mailFilePath); SvnProcessor processor = new SvnProcessor(mailFile); // DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(mailFile)); // while (in.available() != 0) { // System.out.println(in.readLine()); // } // in.close(); // Mail have to go with jenkins running email address InetAddress ownIP = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); processor.changeNodeValue( CI_HUDSONURL, HTTP_PROTOCOL + PROTOCOL_POSTFIX + ownIP.getHostAddress() + COLON + job.getJenkinsPort() + FORWARD_SLASH + CI + FORWARD_SLASH); processor.changeNodeValue("smtpAuthUsername", job.getSenderEmailId()); processor.changeNodeValue("smtpAuthPassword", job.getSenderEmailPassword()); processor.changeNodeValue("adminAddress", job.getSenderEmailId()); // jenkins home location String jenkinsJobHome = System.getenv(JENKINS_HOME); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(jenkinsJobHome); builder.append(File.separator); processor.writeStream(new File(builder.toString() + CI_MAILER_XML)); } catch (Exception e) { S_LOGGER.error( "Entered into the catch block of CIManagerImpl.setMailCredential " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
public static Map<String, Integer> queryTF( String word, Map<String, TokenCatalogBean> tokenCatBean, Map<String, DocBean> docCatBean, Utility u, String folder) throws IOException { Map<String, Integer> results = new HashMap<>(); long startOffset = 0; long endOffset = 0; word = word.toLowerCase().trim(); if (tokenCatBean.containsKey(word)) { // System.out.println("tokenCatBeanContains the word "+word); startOffset = tokenCatBean.get(word).getStartOffset(); endOffset = tokenCatBean.get(word).getEndOffset(); // System.out.println("StartOffset:: "+startOffset); // System.out.println("EndOffset:: "+endOffset); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("C:\\Users\\Nitin\\Assign2\\" + folder + "\\TermsHash84.txt", "r");; byte[] termLine = new byte[(int) (endOffset - startOffset)];; String term = new String(termLine); // System.out.println("Term Fetched:::: "+term); String[] termOutput = term.split(" "); // System.out.println("last splitTerm"+ // termOutput[termOutput.length-1]); for (int i = 1; i < termOutput.length - 1; i++) { String s = termOutput[i]; // System.out.println("String output:: "+s); String[] docDetail = s.split(":"); int docId = Integer.parseInt(docDetail[0]); int endIndex = docDetail[1].indexOf("-"); int tF = Integer.parseInt(docDetail[1].substring(0, endIndex)); results.put(u.getDocKey(docId), tF); } raf.close(); } return results; }
@Test public void new_fieldsTest() { int length = 10; String name = "td"; Tuple t = new Tuple(Utility.getTupleDesc(length, name)); Iterator<Field> fs = t.fields(); int i = 0; while (fs.hasNext()) { i++;; } assertEquals(length, i); }
public static void main(String[] args) { TreeMap<String, ArrayList<String>> topicToQuestionMap = Utility.getTopicToQuestionMap(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); PrintStream old = System.out; System.setOut(ps); JsonObject info = new JsonObject(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : topicToQuestionMap.entrySet()) { String topic = entry.getKey(); ArrayList<String> questions = entry.getValue(); JsonObject quesToSol = new JsonObject(); for (String question : questions) { baos.reset(); question = question.split("\\.")[0]; Class cls = null; try { cls = Class.forName(topic + "." + question); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { Method method = cls.getMethod("main", String[].class); method.invoke(null, new Object[] {new String[] {}}); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("This is a helper class to be used by other programs."); } System.out.flush(); String solution = baos.toString(); quesToSol.addProperty(question, solution); } info.addProperty(topic, gson.toJson(quesToSol)); } System.setOut(old); System.out.println(info); try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(OUTPUT_FILE))) { writer.write(info.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }