@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<DICOMSupportDTO> getDICOMSupportDTO( DICOMParameters params, List<String> extraFields) { List<DICOMSupportDTO> returnValues = new ArrayList<DICOMSupportDTO>(); try { String user = NCIAConfig.getGuestUsername(); String queryString = DICOM_QUERY; List<String> parameterList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (params.getPatientName() != null) { queryString = queryString + " and p.patient_name like ?"; parameterList.add(params.getPatientName()); log.info("added patient name to query : " + params.getPatientName()); } if (params.getPatientID() != null) { queryString = queryString + " and p.patient_id like ?"; parameterList.add(params.getPatientID()); log.info("added patient id to query : " + params.getPatientID()); } if (params.getStudyInstanceUID() != null) { queryString = queryString + " and gs.study_instance_uid like ?"; parameterList.add(params.getStudyInstanceUID()); log.info("added study instance uid to query : " + params.getStudyInstanceUID()); } if (params.getSeriesInstanceUID() != null) { queryString = queryString + " and gs.series_instance_uid like ?"; parameterList.add(params.getSeriesInstanceUID()); log.info("added series instance uid to query : " + params.getSeriesInstanceUID()); } if (params.getStudyDescription() != null) { queryString = queryString + " and s.study_description like ?"; parameterList.add(params.getStudyDescription()); log.info("added study description to query : " + params.getStudyDescription()); } SQLQuery query = this.getHibernateTemplate() .getSessionFactory() .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery(queryString); int p = 0; for (String param : parameterList) { query.setString(p, param.trim()); p++; } List<Object[]> images = query.list(); if (images.size() == 0) { log.error("images not found"); // returnValue.setErrors("images not found"); return returnValues; } List<SiteData> authorizedSites; UserObject uo = userTable.get(user); if (uo != null) { authorizedSites = uo.getAuthorizedSites(); if (authorizedSites == null) { AuthorizationManager manager = new AuthorizationManager(user); authorizedSites = manager.getAuthorizedSites(); uo.setAuthorizedSites(authorizedSites); } } else { System.out.println("the user is " + user); AuthorizationManager manager = new AuthorizationManager(user); authorizedSites = manager.getAuthorizedSites(); uo = new UserObject(); uo.setAuthorizedSites(authorizedSites); userTable.put(user, uo); } for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { String collection = (String) images.get(0)[0]; String site = (String) images.get(0)[1]; boolean isAuthorized = false; for (SiteData siteData : authorizedSites) { if (siteData.getCollection().equals(collection)) { if (siteData.getSiteName().equals(site)) { isAuthorized = true; break; } } } if (!isAuthorized) { System.out.println("User: "******" not authorized"); continue; // not authorized } String filePath = (String) images.get(0)[2]; String patientName = (String) images.get(0)[3]; String patientID = (String) images.get(0)[4]; String modality = (String) images.get(0)[5]; String studyDate = null; try { studyDate = ((Date) images.get(0)[6]).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // its null } String studyTime = null; try { studyTime = ((java.math.BigDecimal) images.get(0)[7]).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // its null } String accessionNumber = null; try { accessionNumber = ((java.math.BigDecimal) images.get(0)[8]).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // its null } String studyID = (String) images.get(0)[9]; String studyDescription = (String) images.get(0)[10]; String seriesNumber = ((Object) images.get(0)[11]).toString(); String seriesInstanceUID = (String) images.get(0)[12]; String seriesDescription = (String) images.get(0)[13]; String referringPhysicianName = "not implemented"; String patientBirthDate = null; try { patientBirthDate = ((Date) images.get(0)[14]).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // its null } String modalitiesInStudy = (String) images.get(0)[15]; String studyInstanceUID = (String) images.get(0)[16]; String sOPInstanceUID = (String) images.get(0)[17]; File imageFile = new File(filePath); if (!imageFile.exists()) { log.error("File " + filePath + " does not exist"); // returnValue.setErrors("File does not exist"); // return returnValue; } else { DICOMSupportDTO returnItem = new DICOMSupportDTO(); returnItem.setFilePath(imageFile.getPath()); returnItem.setFileName(imageFile.getName()); returnItem.setFileSize(new Long(imageFile.length()).toString()); Hashtable<String, String> extraFieldMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); extraFieldMap.put("PatientName", stringForNull(patientName)); extraFieldMap.put("PatientID", stringForNull(patientID)); extraFieldMap.put("Modality", stringForNull(modality)); extraFieldMap.put("StudyDate", stringForNull(studyDate)); extraFieldMap.put("StudyTime", stringForNull(studyTime)); extraFieldMap.put("AccessionNumber", stringForNull(accessionNumber)); extraFieldMap.put("StudyID", stringForNull(studyID)); extraFieldMap.put("StudyDescription", stringForNull(studyDescription)); extraFieldMap.put("SeriesNumber", stringForNull(seriesNumber)); extraFieldMap.put("SeriesInstanceUID", stringForNull(seriesInstanceUID)); extraFieldMap.put("SeriesDescription", stringForNull(seriesDescription)); extraFieldMap.put("ReferringPhysicianName", stringForNull(referringPhysicianName)); extraFieldMap.put("PatientBirthDate", stringForNull(patientBirthDate)); extraFieldMap.put("ModalitiesInStudy", stringForNull(modalitiesInStudy)); extraFieldMap.put("StudyInstanceUID", stringForNull(studyInstanceUID)); extraFieldMap.put("SOPInstanceUID", stringForNull(sOPInstanceUID)); returnItem.setFieldMap(extraFieldMap); returnValues.add(returnItem); log.info("added dicom dto " + returnItem.toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); // returnValue.setErrors("unable to process request"); return returnValues; } return returnValues; }
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public WADOSupportDTO getWADOSupportDTO(String study, String series, String image, String user) { WADOSupportDTO returnValue = new WADOSupportDTO(); log.info("Study-" + study + " series-" + series + " image-" + image); try { List<Object[]> images = this.getHibernateTemplate() .getSessionFactory() .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery(WADO_QUERY) .setParameter("study", study) .setParameter("series", series) .setParameter("image", image) .list(); if (images.size() == 0) { log.info("image not found"); return null; // nothing to do } List<SiteData> authorizedSites; UserObject uo = userTable.get(user); if (uo != null) { authorizedSites = uo.getAuthorizedSites(); if (authorizedSites == null) { AuthorizationManager manager = new AuthorizationManager(user); authorizedSites = manager.getAuthorizedSites(); uo.setAuthorizedSites(authorizedSites); } } else { AuthorizationManager manager = new AuthorizationManager(user); authorizedSites = manager.getAuthorizedSites(); uo = new UserObject(); uo.setAuthorizedSites(authorizedSites); userTable.put(user, uo); } returnValue.setCollection((String) images.get(0)[0]); returnValue.setSite((String) images.get(0)[1]); boolean isAuthorized = false; for (SiteData siteData : authorizedSites) { if (siteData.getCollection().equals(returnValue.getCollection())) { if (siteData.getSiteName().equals(returnValue.getSite())) { isAuthorized = true; break; } } } if (!isAuthorized) { System.out.println("User: "******" not authorized"); return null; // not authorized } String filePath = (String) images.get(0)[2]; File imageFile = new File(filePath); if (!imageFile.exists()) { log.error("File " + filePath + " does not exist"); return null; } returnValue.setImage(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(imageFile)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return returnValue; }
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public WADOSupportDTO getWADOSupportDTO(WADOParameters params, String user) { WADOSupportDTO returnValue = new WADOSupportDTO(); log.info( "Study-" + params.getStudyUID() + " series-" + params.getSeriesUID() + " image-" + params.getObjectUID()); try { List<Object[]> images = this.getHibernateTemplate() .getSessionFactory() .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery(WADO_QUERY) .setParameter("study", params.getStudyUID()) .setParameter("series", params.getSeriesUID()) .setParameter("image", params.getObjectUID()) .list(); if (images.size() == 0) { log.error("image not found"); returnValue.setErrors("image not found"); return returnValue; } List<SiteData> authorizedSites; UserObject uo = userTable.get(user); if (uo != null) { authorizedSites = uo.getAuthorizedSites(); if (authorizedSites == null) { AuthorizationManager manager = new AuthorizationManager(user); authorizedSites = manager.getAuthorizedSites(); uo.setAuthorizedSites(authorizedSites); } } else { System.out.println("the user is " + user); AuthorizationManager manager = new AuthorizationManager(user); authorizedSites = manager.getAuthorizedSites(); uo = new UserObject(); uo.setAuthorizedSites(authorizedSites); userTable.put(user, uo); } returnValue.setCollection((String) images.get(0)[0]); returnValue.setSite((String) images.get(0)[1]); boolean isAuthorized = false; for (SiteData siteData : authorizedSites) { if (siteData.getCollection().equals(returnValue.getCollection())) { if (siteData.getSiteName().equals(returnValue.getSite())) { isAuthorized = true; break; } } } if (!isAuthorized) { System.out.println("User: "******" not authorized"); return null; // not authorized } String filePath = (String) images.get(0)[2]; File imageFile = new File(filePath); if (!imageFile.exists()) { log.error("File " + filePath + " does not exist"); returnValue.setErrors("File does not exist"); return returnValue; } if (params.getContentType().equals(("application/dicom"))) { returnValue.setImage(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(imageFile)); } else { JPEGResult result = DCMUtils.getJPGFromFile(imageFile, params); if (result.getErrors() != null) { returnValue.setErrors(result.getErrors()); return returnValue; } returnValue.setImage(result.getImages()); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); returnValue.setErrors("unable to process request"); return returnValue; } return returnValue; }