private void relabelToFront() {
   assert (!V.isEmpty()) : "No vertices";
   ListIterator<Vertex> iter = V.listIterator();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     Vertex v =;
     // System.out.println("Considering vertex: " + v);
     int oldHeight = v.getHeight();
     if (v.getHeight() > oldHeight) {
       iter = V.listIterator(1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public String hasSameContent(JarFile2 file, JarEntry entry) throws IOException {

      String thisName = null;

      Long crcL = new Long(entry.getCrc());

      // check if this jar contains files with the passed in entry's crc
      if (_crcToEntryMap.containsKey(crcL)) {
        // get the Linked List with files with the crc
        LinkedList ll = (LinkedList) _crcToEntryMap.get(crcL);
        // go through the list and check for content match
        ListIterator li = ll.listIterator(0);
        if (li != null) {
          while (li.hasNext()) {
            JarEntry thisEntry = (JarEntry);

            // check for content match
            InputStream oldIS = getJarFile().getInputStream(thisEntry);
            InputStream newIS = file.getJarFile().getInputStream(entry);

            if (!differs(oldIS, newIS)) {
              thisName = thisEntry.getName();
              return thisName;

      return thisName;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public static void maxFlow(ListGraph g) {
    ListGraph residualG = g.residualGraph();

    LinkedList<DirEdge> path = residualG.getFlowPath();
    while (path != null) {
      // System.out.println("Got path");
      int minCapacity = ListGraph.minCapacityInPath(path);

      assert minCapacity > 0;
      // augment every edge on the path in the original graph
      int head = g.getSource();
      ListIterator it = path.listIterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        DirEdge rEdge = (DirEdge);
        int tail = rEdge.end;

        DirEdge e = g.getEdge(head, tail);
        e.flow += minCapacity;

        // System.out.println("Augmenting (" + head + "," + tail + ") to be " + e.flow);

        head = tail;

      residualG = g.residualGraph();

      // System.out.println("g:");
      // g.print();

      // System.out.println("Residual graph:");
      // residualG.print();

      path = residualG.getFlowPath();
Ejemplo n.º 4
  /** Sorts the static LinkedList mainlineLinks in the order they appear on the freeway */
  private LinkedList<Link> recursiveLinkSort(LinkedList<Link> links2) {

    if (links2.size() == 1) {

      return links2;

    } else {

      boolean swapMade = false;
      ListIterator<Link> itr1 = links2.listIterator();
      while (itr1.hasNext()) {
        Link temp =;
        int tempindex = itr1.nextIndex();
        // if this loop makes any switches, set the flag to true
        if (links2.getFirst().getUpNode().getNodeID() == temp.getDownNode().getNodeID()) {
          swapMade = true;
          return this.recursiveLinkSort(links2);

      if (!swapMade) {
        // assign last n-1 links to links3
        LinkedList<Link> links3 = new LinkedList<Link>();
        Link temp = links2.getFirst();
        links3 = this.recursiveLinkSort(links2);
        return links3;
      } else {
        return links2;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public static int minCapacityInPath(LinkedList<DirEdge> path) {
    int minCapacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    ListIterator it = path.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      DirEdge e = (DirEdge);
      if (e.capacity < minCapacity) {
        minCapacity = e.capacity;

    return minCapacity;
Ejemplo n.º 6
     * Perform this job - start compilation.
     * @param compiler The compiler to use.
     * @param arguments The compiler arguments to use.
     * @return The result.
    public CompileResult perform(String compiler, ArrayList<String> arguments) {
      Debug.trace("starting job " +;
      // we have some maximum command line length - need to count
      int cmdline_len = 0;

      // used to collect the arguments for executing the compiler
      LinkedList<String> args = new LinkedList<String>(arguments);

        for (String arg : args) {
          cmdline_len += (arg).length() + 1;

      boolean isEclipseCompiler = compiler.equalsIgnoreCase(ECLIPSE_COMPILER_NAME);

      // add compiler in front of arguments
      args.add(0, compiler);
      cmdline_len += compiler.length() + 1;

      // construct classpath argument for compiler
      // - collect all classpaths
      StringBuffer classpath_sb = new StringBuffer();
      for (String cp : this.classpath) {
        if (classpath_sb.length() > 0) {
        classpath_sb.append(new File(cp).getAbsolutePath());

      String classpath_str = classpath_sb.toString();

      // - add classpath argument to command line
      if (classpath_str.length() > 0) {
        cmdline_len += 11;
        cmdline_len += classpath_str.length() + 1;

      // remember how many arguments we have which don't change for the
      // job
      int common_args_no = args.size();
      // remember how long the common command line is
      int common_args_len = cmdline_len;

      // used for execution
      FileExecutor executor = new FileExecutor();
      String output[] = new String[2];

      // used for displaying the progress bar
      String jobfiles = "";
      int fileno = 0;
      int last_fileno = 0;

      // now iterate over all files of this job

      for (File file : this.files) {
        String fpath = file.getAbsolutePath();

        Debug.trace("processing " + fpath);

        // we add the file _first_ to the arguments to have a better
        // chance to get something done if the command line is almost
        // MAX_CMDLINE_SIZE or even above
        jobfiles += file.getName() + " ";
        cmdline_len += fpath.length();

        // start compilation if maximum command line length reached
        if (!isEclipseCompiler && cmdline_len >= MAX_CMDLINE_SIZE) {
          Debug.trace("compiling " + jobfiles);

          // display useful progress bar (avoid showing 100% while
          // still compiling a lot)
          this.listener.progress(last_fileno, jobfiles);
          last_fileno = fileno;

          int retval = runCompiler(executor, output, args);

          // update progress bar: compilation of fileno files done
          this.listener.progress(fileno, jobfiles);

          if (retval != 0) {
            CompileResult result =
                new CompileResult(
                    this.langpack.getString("CompilePanel.error"), args, output[0], output[1]);
            if (!result.isContinue()) {
              return result;
          } else {
            // verify that all files have been compiled successfully
            // I found that sometimes, no error code is returned
            // although compilation failed.
            Iterator<String> arg_it = args.listIterator(common_args_no);
            while (arg_it.hasNext()) {
              File java_file = new File(;

              String basename = java_file.getName();
              int dotpos = basename.lastIndexOf('.');
              basename = basename.substring(0, dotpos) + ".class";
              File class_file = new File(java_file.getParentFile(), basename);

              if (!class_file.exists()) {
                CompileResult result =
                    new CompileResult(
                            + java_file.getAbsolutePath(),
                if (!result.isContinue()) {
                  return result;
                // don't continue any further

          // clean command line: remove files we just compiled
          for (int i = args.size() - 1; i >= common_args_no; i--) {

          cmdline_len = common_args_len;
          jobfiles = "";

      if (cmdline_len > common_args_len) {
        this.listener.progress(last_fileno, jobfiles);

        int retval = runCompiler(executor, output, args);

        if (!isEclipseCompiler) {
          this.listener.progress(fileno, jobfiles);

        if (retval != 0) {
          CompileResult result =
              new CompileResult(
                  this.langpack.getString("CompilePanel.error"), args, output[0], output[1]);
          if (!result.isContinue()) {
            return result;
        } else {
          // verify that all files have been compiled successfully
          // I found that sometimes, no error code is returned
          // although compilation failed.
          Iterator<String> arg_it = args.listIterator(common_args_no);
          while (arg_it.hasNext()) {
            File java_file = new File(;

            String basename = java_file.getName();
            int dotpos = basename.lastIndexOf('.');
            basename = basename.substring(0, dotpos) + ".class";
            File class_file = new File(java_file.getParentFile(), basename);

            if (!class_file.exists()) {
              CompileResult result =
                  new CompileResult(
                          + java_file.getAbsolutePath(),
              if (!result.isContinue()) {
                return result;
              // don't continue any further

      Debug.trace("job " + + " done (" + fileno + " files compiled)");

      return new CompileResult();
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void run() {
      Date now = new Date();
      if (!done) flout("INTERRUPTED\n");
      flout("START:  " + start + "\n");
      flout("FINISH: " + now + "\n");

      flout("N: " + n_files + "\n");
      flout("Subject id: " + subject_id + "\n");
      flout("Sample id:  " + sample_id + "\n");
      flout("total files: " + total_files + "\n");
      flout("total bytes: " + total_bytes + "\n");
      flout("retrieve failures: " + retrieve_failures + "\n");
      flout("metadata retrieve failures: " + md_retrieve_failures + "\n");
      flout("bad files retrieved: " + bad_file_errors + "\n");
      flout("bad metadata retrieved: " + bad_md_errors + "\n");


      flout("store retries:    " + store_retries + "\n");
      flout("retrieve retries: " + retrieve_retries + "\n");
      flout("md retrieve retries: " + md_retrieve_retries + "\n");
      if (md_retrieve_time > 0)
        flout("md retrieve rate (ms/record): " + (md_retrieve_time / md_retrieves) + "\n");
      if (total_store_time > 0)
        flout("total store rate (bytes/sec): " + ((total_bytes * 1000) / total_store_time) + "\n");
      if (total_retrieve_time > 0)
            "total retrieve rate (bytes/sec): "
                + ((total_bytes * 1000) / total_retrieve_time)
                + "\n");
      if (time_store_30M > 0)
        flout("30 MB store (bytes/sec): " + (1000 * bytes_30M / time_store_30M) + "\n");
      if (time_retrv_30M > 0)
        flout("30 MB retrieve (bytes/sec): " + (1000 * bytes_30M / time_retrv_30M) + "\n");
      if (time_store_3M > 0)
        flout("3 MB store (bytes/sec): " + (1000 * bytes_30M / time_store_3M) + "\n");
      if (time_retrv_3M > 0)
        flout("3 MB retrieve (bytes/sec): " + (1000 * bytes_3M / time_retrv_3M) + "\n");
      if (time_store_300K > 0)
        flout("300 KB store (bytes/sec): " + (1000 * bytes_300K / time_store_300K) + "\n");
      if (time_retrv_300K > 0)
        flout("300 KB retrieve (bytes/sec): " + (1000 * bytes_300K / time_retrv_300K) + "\n");
      if (update) {

        flout("update oid query retries: " + query_retries + "\n");
        flout("update retries: " + update_retries + "\n");
        if (oid_query_time > 0) flout("query-oid's time (ms): " + oid_query_time + "\n");
        if (update_time > 0) flout("update time (ms/record): " + (update_time / updates) + "\n");
        if (updating && updates != n_files * 3)
          flout("files saved: " + (n_files * 3) + " updates: " + updates + "\n");

      if (failed_rtrv.size() > 0) {
        ListIterator li = failed_rtrv.listIterator(0);
        while (li.hasNext()) flout("lost data: " + (String) + "\n");
      if (failed_md_rtrv.size() > 0) {
        ListIterator li = failed_md_rtrv.listIterator(0);
        while (li.hasNext()) flout("lost mdata: " + (String) + "\n");

      // long deltat = now.getTime() - start.getTime();
      // if (deltat > 0)
      // flout("total thruput (bytes/sec rdwr): " +
      // (2000 * total_bytes / deltat) + "\n");
      try {
        new File(lastfile).delete();
      } catch (Exception e) {