Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Prompt to confirm that the user wants to delete the JShellItem from the file system. If so,
   * remove it. If -f is supplied, do not prompt and confirm. If the root directory is specified,
   * its contents but not itself will be subject to deletion.
   * @param paths the JShellItem to be removed.
  public void rm(List<String> paths) throws Exception {
    // Loop through the user inputs.
    for (String path : paths) {
      // Initialize the current JShellItem.
      JShellItem item = getItemAtPath(path, 0);
      if (item == null) {
        System.out.printf("%s: does not exist.\n", path);
      } else {
        // Keep track of the size of that JShellItem.
        int size = item.getSize();

        if (size > 0) {
          List<String> recursiveList = recurseOnPath(path, true);
          rm(recursiveList.subList(0, size + 1));

          if (item.getSize() == 0) {
            rm(recursiveList.subList(size + 1, size + 2));

        } else {
          if (item.getPath().equals("/")) {
          // Check the -f option.
          if (!currentOptions_.equals("f")) {
                "Really remove %s from %s? (y/n) ",
                item.getName(), item.getParentDirectory().getPath());

            // Read the user input.
            ArrayList<String> in = readInput();

            // If 'y'
            if (in.toString().equals("[y]")) {
              // if not 'n', ask again.
            } else if (!in.toString().equals("[n]")) {
              List<String> tempStore = new ArrayList<String>();

            // If -f is specified.
          } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Gets the JShellItem located numFoldersUp numbers of folders up from the item located at path;
  * path can be a full path or a path relative to the current directory; if there is no such item,
  * returns null.
  * <p>Call JShellItem(path, 0) to get the item located at path.
  * @param path is a string that represents the full path to the JShellItem.
  * @param numFoldersUp
  * @return the JShellItem found at path or null if the item doesn't exist.
 public JShellItem getItemAtPath(String path, int numFoldersUp) throws Exception {
   JShellItem item = currentDirectory_;
   int startIndex = 0;
   if (path.startsWith("/")) {
     startIndex = 1;
     item = rootDirectory_;
   String[] directories = path.split("/");
   while (startIndex < directories.length - numFoldersUp) {
     if (directories[startIndex].equals("..")) {
       item = item.getParentDirectory();
     } else if (((Directory) item).contains(directories[startIndex])) {
       if (item instanceof File) {
         throw new ClassCastException(item.getPath() + "is not a Directory");
       item = ((Directory) item).getItem(directories[startIndex]);
     } else if (!directories[startIndex].equals(".")) {
       return null;
     } else {
   return item;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  // TODO: Make ln fit the 30 line
  public void ln(String firstPath, String secondPath) throws Exception {
    // Initialize the variables.
    JShellItem targetItem;
    JShellItem aliasItem;
    String newName;
    Directory destinationDirectory;

    // Find and reference the target item. Throw Exception if the path
    // doesn't exist.
    targetItem = getItemAtPath(firstPath, 0);
    if (targetItem == null) {
      throw new Exception(firstPath + ": doesn't exist.");

    // Find and reference the destination Directory.
    if (secondPath.endsWith("/")) {
      destinationDirectory = (Directory) getItemAtPath(secondPath, 0);
      newName = targetItem.getName();
    } else {
      destinationDirectory = (Directory) getItemAtPath(secondPath, 1);
      newName = secondPath.substring(secondPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

    // If the Directory destination is not found.
    if (destinationDirectory == null) {
      throw new Exception(secondPath + " is an invalid destination path.");

    // Throw Exception when there is a JShellItem that already exist within
    // the destination Directory.
    if (destinationDirectory.contains(newName)) {
      throw new Exception(secondPath + ": already exists.");

    // If the target item is a Directory object.
    if (targetItem instanceof Directory)
      // Create a new Directory object that will references it's contents
      // from the target item.
      aliasItem =
          new DirectoryAlias(
              destinationDirectory.getPath() + newName + "/",
              (Directory) targetItem);

    // If the target item is a File object.
      // Create a new FileAlias object that will reference it's contents
      // from the target item.
      aliasItem =
          new FileAlias(
              destinationDirectory.getPath() + newName,
              (File) targetItem);

    // Add the alias object to the destination Directory.
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Display the content of File in the shell.
  * @param file the full path or the name of a File in current directory.
  * @return the contents of the specified File object.
 public String cat(String file) throws Exception {
   // The file name given by the parameter is used to grab the file.
   JShellItem targetFile = getItemAtPath(file, 0);
   // If the file exists, then it returns the getContent method which
   // contains all of the files contents.
   if (targetFile != null) {
     return targetFile.getContent();
   } else {
     return "The file was not found.";
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Return the names of the contained items, if path leads to a Directory. Or, return the path
   * provided, if it leads to a File.
   * @param paths a list of Strings containing the desired paths.
   * @return a String containing the relevant contents.
  public String ls(List<String> paths) throws Exception {
    // If ls is called without parameters.
    if (paths.isEmpty()) {
      if (!currentOptions_.equals("R")) {
        if (currentDirectory_.getSize() == 0) {
          return "";
        } else {
          return currentDirectory_.ls().substring(2);
      return ls(paths);

      // If ls is called with paramters.
    } else {
      String lsOutput = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
        JShellItem target = getItemAtPath(paths.get(i), 0);
        if (!lsOutput.isEmpty()) {
          lsOutput += "\n";
        lsOutput += paths.get(i);
        if (target == null) {
          lsOutput += ": No such file or directory";
        } else {

          if (target instanceof Directory
              && currentOptions_.equals("R")
              && ((Directory) target).getNumDirectories() > 0
              && !(target instanceof DirectoryAlias)) {
            List<String> recursivePath = recurseOnPath(paths.get(i), false);
            lsOutput += target.ls();
            lsOutput += "\n";
            lsOutput += ls(recursivePath.subList(1, recursivePath.size()));
          } else {
            // list paths separately
            lsOutput += target.ls();

            // if there are more paths, print a blank line
            if (i < paths.size() - 1) {
              lsOutput += "\n";
            // notify user if there is an error in the path
            // specified
      return lsOutput;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * If there's an operator and filename in the list of parameters, then if operator is '>',
   * overwrites the contents of outFile with the string text; if the operator is '>>', appends text
   * to the contents of outFile; If outFile doesn't exist, creates a new file outFile and appends
   * text to its contents.
   * @param params A list of parameters which must include a string and may optionally include an
   *     operator and a filename.
  public String echo(List<String> params) throws Exception {
    // The content to be output in retrieved
    String content = getContent(params);
    // The last index of the string, if it exists, in the List params.
    int last_index = getLastIndex(params);
    // If content is a valid string and the correct syntax is used to write
    // to a file, then this code is executed.
    if (params.size() > last_index + 2
        && content.startsWith("\"")
        && content.endsWith("\"")
        && content.startsWith("\"")
        && params.get(last_index + 1).startsWith(">")) {

      // The file name and parameter for writing is retrieved.
      String file_name = params.get(last_index + 2);
      String param = params.get(last_index + 1);
      // The quotations are striped from the string to be used.
      content = content.substring(1, content.length() - 1);

      // The file is retrieved if it exists.
      JShellItem targetFile = getItemAtPath(file_name, 0);

      // The file is deleted if it exists and is to be overwritten.
      // Otherwise the file is created.
      if (!(param.equals(">>") & targetFile != null)) {
        if (targetFile != null) {
        targetFile = getItemAtPath(file_name, 0);

      // The file's contents are appended to either a blank (new) file
      // or an old file, depending on the user's input.
      ((File) targetFile).setContent(((File) targetFile).getContent() + content);

      return "";
      // If the string is valid but the syntax is incorrect, then this
      // code is
      // executed.
    } else if (content.endsWith("\"") & content.startsWith("\"")) {
      if (content.substring(1, content.length() - 1).isEmpty()) {
        return content.substring(1, content.length() - 1);
      return content.substring(1, content.length() - 1) + "\n";
      // If the string is not valid, this code is executed.
    } else {
      return "Echo requires a string with \" & \" surrounding the words" + "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * @param path
   * @param includeFiles
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public List<String> recurseOnPath(String path, boolean includeFiles) throws Exception {

    List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
    JShellItem item = getItemAtPath(path, 0);
    if (!(item instanceof DirectoryAlias) && (includeFiles || item instanceof Directory)) {
    if (item instanceof File) {
      return paths;
    } else {
      for (JShellItem cont : ((Directory) item).getContents().values()) {
        paths.addAll(0, recurseOnPath(cont.getPath(), includeFiles));
    return paths;
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Copy file or directory oldFile to newFile;
   * @param oldFile a full path to a JShellItem or the name of a JShellItem in the current directory
   *     which needs to be copied.
   * @param newFile a full path to a directory or the name of a directory in the current directory
   *     to which oldFile needs to be copied.
  public void cp(String oldPath, String newPath) throws Exception {
    Directory destinationParent;
    String newName;
    if (oldPath.equals(newPath)) {
    JShellItem oldItem = getItemAtPath(oldPath, 0);
    if (oldItem == null) {
      throw new Exception(oldItem + " does not exist.");
    if (newPath.endsWith("/")) {
      destinationParent = (Directory) getItemAtPath(newPath, 0);
      newName = oldItem.getName();
    } else {
      destinationParent = (Directory) getItemAtPath(newPath, 1);
      newName = newPath.substring(newPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

    if (destinationParent == null) {
      throw new Exception(newPath + " is an invalid destination path.");
    if (destinationParent.contains(newName)) {
      throw new Exception(destinationParent.getPath() + newName + " already exists.");
    if (oldItem instanceof File) {
      File newItem =
          new File(
              destinationParent.getPath() + "/" + newName,
              ((File) oldItem).getContent());
    } else {
      if (destinationParent.isChildOf((Directory) oldItem)) {
        throw new Exception(
            String.format("cp: cannot copy '%s' into itself, '%s'", oldPath, newPath));
      Directory newItem =
          new Directory(newName, destinationParent.getPath() + newName + "/", destinationParent);
      for (JShellItem item : ((Directory) oldItem).getContents().values()) {
        cp(item.getPath(), newItem.getPath());
Ejemplo n.º 9
   * Prints the path of the files specified by the paths argument that contain a string that matches
   * regex, followed by the particular line.
   * @param regex is a String regular expression.
   * @param paths is a List of paths.
  public String grep(String regex, List<String> paths) throws Exception {
    if (regex.startsWith("\"")) {
      int i = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < paths.size() && !regex.endsWith("\""); i++) regex += " " + paths.get(i);
      regex = regex.substring(1, regex.length() - 1);
      paths = paths.subList(i, paths.size());
    if (paths.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...");
    String results = "";

    for (String path : paths) {

      JShellItem item = getItemAtPath(path, 0);
      if (item.getSize() > 0 && currentOptions_.equals("R")) {

        results += grep(regex, recurseOnPath(path, true).subList(0, item.getSize()));
      } else if (item instanceof File) {
        String content = ((File) item).getContent();
        if (content.contains(regex)) {
          if (!results.isEmpty()) results += "\n";
          results += item.getPath() + ":\n";
          for (String line : content.split("\\n")) {
            if (line.contains(regex)) {
              results += line + "\n";
          results = results.substring(0, results.length() - 1);
      } else if (item instanceof Directory && !currentOptions_.equals("R")) {
        results += "Cannot call grep on a directory without -R.";
      } else {
        results += "";
    return results;
Ejemplo n.º 10
   * Move file or directory oldFile to newFile;
   * @param oldFile a full path to a JShellItem or the name of a JShellItem in the current directory
   *     which needs to be moved.
   * @param newFile a full path to a directory or the name of a directory in the current directory
   *     to which oldFile needs to be moved.
  public void mv(String oldFile, String newFile) throws Exception {
    JShellItem source = getItemAtPath(oldFile, 0);
    if (source == null) {
      throw new Exception(oldFile + ": doesn't exist.");
    Directory sourceParent = source.getParentDirectory();
    Directory destinationParent;
    String newName;

    if (newFile.endsWith("/")) {
      destinationParent = (Directory) getItemAtPath(newFile, 0);
      newName = source.getName();

    } else {
      destinationParent = (Directory) getItemAtPath(newFile, 1);
      newName = newFile.substring(newFile.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

    if (destinationParent == null) {
      throw new Exception(newFile + ": invalid destination path.");
    if (destinationParent.contains(newName)) {
      throw new Exception(newFile + ": already exists.");
    if (source instanceof Directory) {
      if (destinationParent.isChildOf((Directory) source)) {
        throw new Exception(
                "mv: cannot move '%s' to a subdirectory of itself, '%s'", oldFile, newFile));
    source.setPath(destinationParent.getPath() + newName);