/** * Creates new node ids and recreates updatable index structures. * * @param data data * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild */ public static void ids(final Data data) throws IOException { final MetaData md = data.meta; final int size = md.size; for (int pre = 0; pre < size; ++pre) data.id(pre, pre); md.lastid = size - 1; md.dirty = true; if (data.meta.updindex) { data.idmap = new IdPreMap(md.lastid); if (data.meta.textindex) optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, true, true, true, null); if (data.meta.attrindex) optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, true, true, true, null); } }
public void createExcel(String file) { String filename = createPath(file); System.out.println(filename); /* try { WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings(); ws.setLocale(new Locale("sv", "SE")); WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File(filename), ws); WritableSheet s = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1", 0); //writeDataSheet(s); workbook.write(); workbook.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }**/ try { File newFile = new File(filename); Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(newFile), "UTF8")); // BufferedWrite output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamReader(new // FileInputS§tream(filename), "iso-8859-1")); // FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(newFile.getAbsoluteFile()); // BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); // bw.write("Artikel;Antal/st;Pris/st;Total\n"); out.append("Artikel;Antal/st;Pris/st;Total\n"); for (Data d : dataList) { out.append(d.toString()); out.append("\n"); // bw.write(d.toString()); // bw.write("\n"); } // bw.close(); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unsuppEn) { unsuppEn.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioE) { ioE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void out(Object key, Object value) { List listeners; synchronized (this) { Data data = (Data) map.get(key); if (data == null) map.put(key, (data = new Data(key))); data.add(value); listeners = data.getListeners(); this.notifyAll(); } if (listeners != null) { Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ((SpaceListener) iter.next()).notify(key, value); } } }
public void setType(Class type) { if (type == null || type == Object.class) this.type = null; else if (isEmpty()) this.type = type; else { type = Data.commonType(type, getCommonType()); if (type != null) this.type = type; } }
/** * Lists resources of the specified database. * * @return success flag * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private boolean listDB() throws IOException { final String db = args[0]; final String path = args[1] != null ? args[1] : ""; if (!Databases.validName(db)) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, db); final Table table = new Table(); table.description = RESOURCES; table.header.add(INPUT_PATH); table.header.add(TYPE); table.header.add(MimeTypes.CONTENT_TYPE); table.header.add(SIZE); try { // add xml documents final Data data = Open.open(db, context); final Resources res = data.resources; final IntList il = res.docs(path); final int ds = il.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ds; i++) { final int pre = il.get(i); final TokenList tl = new TokenList(3); final byte[] file = data.text(pre, true); tl.add(file); tl.add(DataText.M_XML); tl.add(MimeTypes.APP_XML); tl.add(data.size(pre, Data.DOC)); table.contents.add(tl); } // add binary resources for (final byte[] file : res.binaries(path)) { final String f = string(file); final TokenList tl = new TokenList(3); tl.add(file); tl.add(DataText.M_RAW); tl.add(MimeTypes.get(f)); tl.add(data.meta.binary(f).length()); table.contents.add(tl); } Close.close(data, context); } catch (final IOException ex) { return error(Util.message(ex)); } out.println(table.sort().finish()); return true; }
private Data dereference(XMLCryptoContext context) throws XMLSignatureException { Data data = null; // use user-specified URIDereferencer if specified; otherwise use deflt URIDereferencer deref = context.getURIDereferencer(); if (deref == null) { deref = DOMURIDereferencer.INSTANCE; } try { data = deref.dereference(this, context); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "URIDereferencer class name: " + deref.getClass().getName()); log.log(Level.FINE, "Data class name: " + data.getClass().getName()); } } catch (URIReferenceException ure) { throw new XMLSignatureException(ure); } return data; }
/** * Finds the closest namespace node for the specified pre value. * * @param pre pre value * @param data data reference * @return node */ NSNode find(final int pre, final Data data) { final int s = find(pre); // no match found: return current node if (s == -1) return this; final NSNode ch = children[s]; final int cp = ch.pr; // return exact hit if (cp == pre) return ch; // found node is preceding sibling if (cp + data.size(cp, Data.ELEM) <= pre) return this; // continue recursive search return children[s].find(pre, data); }
public Class getCommonType() { Class t = null; Iterator i = iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Object e = i.next(); if (e == null) continue; else if (t == null) t = e.getClass(); else { t = Data.commonType(t, e.getClass()); if (t == null || t == Object.class) return null; } } return t; }
@Override protected boolean run() { final boolean create = context.user.has(Perm.CREATE); String path = MetaData.normPath(args[0]); if (path == null || path.endsWith(".")) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, args[0]); if (in == null) { final IO io = IO.get(args[1]); if (!io.exists() || io.isDir()) return error(RES_NOT_FOUND_X, create ? io : args[1]); in = io.inputSource(); // set/add name of document if ((path.isEmpty() || path.endsWith("/")) && !(io instanceof IOContent)) path += io.name(); } // ensure that the final name is not empty if (path.isEmpty()) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, path); // ensure that the name is not empty and contains no trailing dots final Data data = context.data(); if (data.inMemory()) return error(NO_MAINMEM); final IOFile file = data.meta.binary(path); if (path.isEmpty() || path.endsWith(".") || file == null || file.isDir()) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, create ? path : args[0]); // start update if (!data.startUpdate()) return error(DB_PINNED_X, data.meta.name); try { store(in, file); return info(QUERY_EXECUTED_X_X, "", perf); } catch (final IOException ex) { return error(FILE_NOT_STORED_X, Util.message(ex)); } finally { data.finishUpdate(); } }
/** Inserts an attribute with namespace. */ @Test public void insertAttributeWithNs() { create(1); query("insert node attribute { QName('ns', 'pref:local') } { } into /*"); final Data data = context.data(); assertEquals(false, data.nsFlag(0)); assertEquals(true, data.nsFlag(1)); assertEquals(false, data.nsFlag(2)); assertEquals(0, data.uriId(1, data.kind(1))); assertEquals(1, data.uriId(2, data.kind(2))); assertEquals("ns", string(data.nspaces.uri(1))); }
/** * Optimizes the structures of a database. * * @param data data * @param enforceText enforce creation or deletion of text index * @param enforceAttr enforce creation or deletion of attribute index * @param enforceToken enforce creation or deletion of token index * @param enforceFt enforce creation or deletion of full-text index * @param cmd calling command instance (may be {@code null}) * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild */ public static void optimize( final Data data, final boolean enforceText, final boolean enforceAttr, final boolean enforceToken, final boolean enforceFt, final Optimize cmd) throws IOException { // initialize structural indexes final MetaData md = data.meta; if (!md.uptodate) { data.paths.init(); data.elemNames.init(); data.attrNames.init(); md.dirty = true; final IntList pars = new IntList(), elms = new IntList(); int n = 0; for (int pre = 0; pre < md.size; ++pre) { final byte kind = (byte) data.kind(pre); final int par = data.parent(pre, kind); while (!pars.isEmpty() && pars.peek() > par) { pars.pop(); elms.pop(); } final int level = pars.size(); if (kind == Data.DOC) { data.paths.put(0, Data.DOC, level); pars.push(pre); elms.push(0); ++n; } else if (kind == Data.ELEM) { final int id = data.nameId(pre); data.elemNames.index(data.elemNames.key(id), null, true); data.paths.put(id, Data.ELEM, level); pars.push(pre); elms.push(id); } else if (kind == Data.ATTR) { final int id = data.nameId(pre); final byte[] val = data.text(pre, false); data.attrNames.index(data.attrNames.key(id), val, true); data.paths.put(id, Data.ATTR, level, val, md); } else { final byte[] val = data.text(pre, true); if (kind == Data.TEXT && level > 1) data.elemNames.index(elms.peek(), val); data.paths.put(0, kind, level, val, md); } if (cmd != null) cmd.pre = pre; } md.ndocs = n; md.uptodate = true; } // rebuild value indexes optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, md.createtext, md.textindex, enforceText, cmd); optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, md.createattr, md.attrindex, enforceAttr, cmd); optimize(IndexType.TOKEN, data, md.createtoken, md.tokenindex, enforceToken, cmd); optimize(IndexType.FULLTEXT, data, md.createft, md.ftindex, enforceFt, cmd); }
public synchronized Object inp(Object key) { Data data = (Data) map.get(key); if (data == null) map.put(key, (data = new Data(key))); return data.remove(); }
public synchronized int size(Object key) { Data data = (Data) map.get(key); if (data == null) map.put(key, (data = new Data(key))); return data.size(); }
public synchronized void removeListener(Object key, SpaceListener listener) { Data data = (Data) map.get(key); if (data != null) data.removeListener(listener); }
/** * Process an HTML get or post. * * @exception ServletException From inherited class. * @exception IOException From inherited class. */ public void scanOutXML( PrintWriter out, String strDirectory, String strFilename, String[] strPlus, String[] strMinus, boolean bExcludeParams, boolean bAnalyzeParams) throws IOException { File dir = new File(strDirectory + '/' + strFilename); if (dir.isDirectory()) return; try { FileReader is = new FileReader(strDirectory + '/' + strFilename); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(is); String string = null; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); Set setstrExtensions = new HashSet(); int iCount = 0; int iBytes = 0; while ((string = r.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(string, " \"", false); Data data = new Data(); int iTokenCount = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { iTokenCount++; string = st.nextToken(); if (iTokenCount == IP) data.m_IP = string; if (iTokenCount == URL) { if (bExcludeParams) if (string.indexOf('?') != -1) string = string.substring(0, string.indexOf('?')); if (bAnalyzeParams) if (string.indexOf('?') != -1) string = string.substring(string.indexOf('?') + 1); data.m_URL = string; } if (iTokenCount == PROTOCOL) if (!string.startsWith("HTTP")) { data.m_URL += " " + string; iTokenCount--; } if (iTokenCount == BYTES) data.m_iBytes = Integer.parseInt(string); } if (!this.filterURL(data.m_URL, strPlus, strMinus, setstrExtensions)) continue; iCount++; iBytes += data.m_iBytes; if (ht.get(data.m_URL) == null) ht.put(data.m_URL, data); else { int iThisBytes = data.m_iBytes; data = (Data) ht.get(data.m_URL); data.m_iCount++; data.m_iBytes += iThisBytes; } } Comparator comparator = new Test(); TreeMap tm = new TreeMap(comparator); Iterator iterator = ht.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Data data = (Data) iterator.next(); tm.put(new Integer(data.m_iCount), data); } out.println("<file>"); this.printXML(out, "directory", strDirectory); this.printXML(out, "name", strFilename); iterator = tm.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { out.println("<data>"); Data data = (Data) iterator.next(); this.printXML(out, "url", data.m_URL); this.printXML(out, "count", Integer.toString(data.m_iCount)); out.println("</data>"); } this.printXML(out, "hits", Integer.toString(iCount)); this.printXML(out, "bytes", Integer.toString(iBytes)); this.printXML(out, "unique", Integer.toString(tm.size())); iterator = setstrExtensions.iterator(); out.println("<extensions>"); while (iterator.hasNext()) { this.printXML(out, "extension", (String) iterator.next()); } out.println("</extensions>"); out.println("</file>"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int n; String aux[] = new String[32]; int linie, coloana; Data.setACC(10); Data.setBRK(10); Data.setMaxSPD(100); Data.setgetSteeringCar(0.5); try { // create socket socket = new Socket("", 6666); // we attempt to bypass nagle's algorithm socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); // initialize our communication class comm = new NetworkCommunication(socket); comm.initStreams(); // send initial packet, aka the team's name comm.writeInt(H_TEAM_NAME); comm.writeInt(1); comm.writeString(args[0]); // comm.writeString("void"); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println("could not connect to server"); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("No I/O"); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Sent team name....entering main loop"); while (true) { try { int header = comm.readInt(); switch (header) { case H_MAP_DIM: // 2 { Data.setMapWidth(comm.readInt()); Data.setMapHeigh(comm.readInt()); Data.Map = new int[Data.getMapHeigh()][Data.getMapWidth()]; int nr_data_recieve = Data.getMapHeigh() * Data.getMapWidth() / 32 + 1; for (int i = 0; i < nr_data_recieve; i++) { n = comm.readInt(); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if ((n & (1 << j)) == 0) aux[31 - j] = "0"; else aux[31 - j] = "1"; } for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { linie = (32 * i + k) / Data.getMapWidth(); coloana = (32 * i + k) - (linie * Data.getMapWidth()); if (Data.getMapHeigh() > linie && Data.getMapWidth() > coloana) Data.Map[linie][coloana] = Integer.parseInt(aux[k]); } } System.out.println("Received map dimentions packet"); } ; break; case H_INITIAL_INFO: // 3 { Data.setStartPointX(comm.readInt()); Data.setStartPointY(comm.readInt()); Data.setWidth_meters(comm.readInt()); Data.setHeight_meters(comm.readInt()); Data.setDirection(comm.readInt()); Data.setNumberOfLaps(comm.readInt()); Data.setMaximumLapTime(comm.readInt()); Data.setCarAngle(comm.readDouble()); // trimite-m la server car configuration comm.writeInt(H_CAR_CONFIG); comm.writeInt(Data.getACC()); comm.writeInt(Data.getBRK()); comm.writeInt(Data.getMaxSPD()); comm.writeDouble(Data.getSteeringCar()); System.out.println("Received initial information packet"); } ; break; case H_CAR_CONFIRM: // 4 { Data.setACC(comm.readInt()); Data.setBRK(comm.readInt()); Data.setMaxSPD(comm.readInt()); Data.setgetSteeringCar(comm.readDouble()); System.out.println("Received car confirm packet"); // System.out.println(Data.getACC()+" "+Data.getBRK()+" "+Data.getSteeringCar()); // pornim masina :)) Engine.StartPosition(100, 0, Data.getCarAngle()); comm.writeInt(H_DRIVE_INFO); comm.writeDouble(Data.getAccelerationPercentage()); comm.writeDouble(Data.getBrakePercentage()); comm.writeDouble(Data.getWantedAngle()); comm.writeInt(0); // drop queue System.out.println("Send driving info1"); } ; break; case H_POS_CONFIRM: // 6 { Data.setCurrent_X_Meters(comm.readDouble()); Data.setCurrent_Y_Meters(comm.readDouble()); Data.setCurrentSpeed(comm.readDouble()); Data.setCurrentAngleInRadians(comm.readDouble()); Data.setCurrentDirection(comm.readInt()); System.out.println("Received position confirmation packet"); // System.out.println(Data.getCurrent_X_Meters()+"-"+Data.getCurrent_Y_Meters()+"pozitia masinii"); // System.out.println(Data.getCurrentSpeed()+"-"+Data.getCurrentDirection()+"-"+Engine.FromRadiusToAngle(Data.getCurrentAngleInRadians())); Engine.evalPosition(); comm.writeInt(H_DRIVE_INFO); comm.writeDouble(Data.getAccelerationPercentage()); comm.writeDouble(Data.getBrakePercentage()); comm.writeDouble(Data.getWantedAngle()); comm.writeInt(0); // drop queue // System.out.println("Send driving info2"); } ; break; case H_END_RACE: { System.out.println("Received end race packet"); } ; break; default: { System.out.println("Unknown packet"); // System.out.println(header); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("No I/O"); System.exit(1); } } }
public synchronized void addListener(Object key, SpaceListener listener) { Data data = (Data) map.get(key); if (data == null) map.put(key, (data = new Data(key))); data.addListener(listener); }