public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
   // User has pressed the mouse.  Find the shape that the user has clicked on, if
   // any.  If there is a shape at the position when the mouse was clicked, then
   // start dragging it.  If the user was holding down the shift key, then bring
   // the dragged shape to the front, in front of all the other shapes.
   int x = evt.getX(); // x-coordinate of point where mouse was clicked
   int y = evt.getY(); // y-coordinate of point
   for (int i = shapes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // check shapes from front to back
     Shape s = (Shape) shapes.get(i);
     if (s.containsPoint(x, y)) {
       shapeBeingDragged = s;
       prevDragX = x;
       prevDragY = y;
       if (evt.isShiftDown()) { // Bring the shape to the front by moving it to
         shapes.remove(s); //       the end of the list of shapes.
         repaint(); // repaint canvas to show shape in front of other shapes