Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected void fireChangeListeners() {
   if (changeListeners == null) return;
   for (int a = 0; a < changeListeners.size(); a++) {
     ChangeListener l = (ChangeListener) changeListeners.get(a);
     try {
       l.stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(this));
     } catch (RuntimeException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  private void init() {
    soundPlayer = new SoundPlayer();

    try {
      emptyCursor =
                  new BufferedImage(16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB), new Point(0, 0), "empty");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {

    // hide cursor, since we're drawing our own one
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public BufferedImage read(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param) throws IOException {

    BufferedImage dst = null;
    try {
      // Calculate and return a Rectangle that identifies the region of
      // the
      // source image that should be read:
      // 1. If param is null, the upper-left corner of the region is (0,
      // 0),
      // and the width and height are specified by the width and height
      // arguments. In other words, the entire image is read.
      // 2. If param is not null
      // 2.1 If param.getSourceRegion() returns a non-null Rectangle, the
      // region is calculated as the intersection of param's Rectangle
      // and the earlier (0, 0, width, height Rectangle).
      // 2.2 param.getSubsamplingXOffset() is added to the region's x
      // coordinate and subtracted from its width.
      // 2.3 param.getSubsamplingYOffset() is added to the region's y
      // coordinate and subtracted from its height.

      int width = getWidth(imageIndex);
      int height = getHeight(imageIndex);

      Rectangle sourceRegion = getSourceRegion(param, width, height);

      // Source subsampling is used to return a scaled-down source image.
      // Default 1 values for X and Y subsampling indicate that a
      // non-scaled
      // source image will be returned.

      int sourceXSubsampling = 1;
      int sourceYSubsampling = 1;

      // The destination offset determines the starting location in the
      // destination where decoded pixels are placed. Default (0, 0)
      // values indicate the upper-left corner.

      Point destinationOffset = new Point(0, 0);

      // If param is not null, override the source subsampling, and
      // destination offset defaults.

      if (param != null) {
        sourceXSubsampling = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
        sourceYSubsampling = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
        destinationOffset = param.getDestinationOffset();

      // Obtain a BufferedImage into which decoded pixels will be placed.
      // This destination will be returned to the application.
      // 1. If param is not null
      // 1.1 If param.getDestination() returns a BufferedImage
      // 1.1.1 Return this BufferedImage
      // Else
      // 1.1.2 Invoke param.getDestinationType ().
      // 1.1.3 If the returned ImageTypeSpecifier equals
      // getImageTypes (0) (see below), return its BufferedImage.
      // 2. If param is null or a BufferedImage has not been obtained
      // 2.1 Return getImageTypes (0)'s BufferedImage.

      dst = getDestination(param, getImageTypes(0), width, height);

      // Create a WritableRaster for the destination.

      WritableRaster wrDst = dst.getRaster();

      JBIG2Bitmap bitmap =
              .getSlice(sourceRegion.x, sourceRegion.y, sourceRegion.width, sourceRegion.height);

      BufferedImage image = bitmap.getBufferedImage();

      int newWidth = (int) (image.getWidth() * (1 / (double) sourceXSubsampling));
      int newHeight = (int) (image.getHeight() * (1 / (double) sourceYSubsampling));

      BufferedImage scaledImage = scaleImage(image.getRaster(), newWidth, newHeight, 1, 1);

      Raster raster = null;

      if (scaledImage != null) {
        raster = scaledImage.getRaster();
      } else raster = image.getRaster();

      wrDst.setRect(destinationOffset.x, destinationOffset.y, raster);

    } catch (RuntimeException e) {

    return dst;