Ejemplo n.º 1
  protected void initChildren(Element eThis) throws OmException {
    Node nPrevious = eThis.getPreviousSibling();
    if (nPrevious != null && nPrevious instanceof Text) {
      String sText = ((Text) nPrevious).getData();
      if (sText.length() > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(sText.charAt(sText.length() - 1)))
        bSpaceBefore = true;
    Node nAfter = eThis.getNextSibling();
    if (nAfter != null && nAfter instanceof Text) {
      String sText = ((Text) nAfter).getData();
      if (sText.length() > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(sText.charAt(0))) bSpaceAfter = true;

    List<Place> lPlaces = new LinkedList<Place>();
    int iPlace = 0;
    StringBuffer sbText = new StringBuffer();
    for (Node n = eThis.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) {
      if (n instanceof Element) {
        Element eplace = (Element) n;
        if (!eplace.getTagName().equals("eplace"))
          throw new OmFormatException("<equation> may only contain text and <eplace> tags");
        Element[] aeChildren = XML.getChildren(eplace);
        QComponent qcChild;
        boolean bImplicit = false;
        if (aeChildren.length != 1) // Treats more than one child as inside <t>
          qcChild = getQDocument().build(this, eplace, "t");
          bImplicit = true;
        } else // Treats single child as specific component (auto-sizing works)
        qcChild = getQDocument().build(this, aeChildren[0], null);
        addChild(qcChild); // Must be stored in standard child array so it
        // can be found etc.

        // See if width/height is specified
        int iWidth, iHeight;
        if (eplace.hasAttribute("width") && eplace.hasAttribute("height")) {
          try {
            iWidth = Integer.parseInt(eplace.getAttribute("width"));
            iHeight = Integer.parseInt(eplace.getAttribute("height"));
          } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new OmFormatException("<equation> <eplace>: width= and height= must be integers");
        } else {
          Dimension d = qcChild.getApproximatePixelSize();
          if (d == null)
            throw new OmFormatException(
                "<equation> <eplace>: Except for components that support automatic "
                    + "size estimation and fixing, <eplace> must include width= and height=");
          iWidth = d.width;
          iHeight = d.height;

        Place p = new Place();
        p.sID = "p" + (iPlace++);
        p.qc = qcChild;
        p.iWidth = iWidth;
        p.iHeight = iHeight;
        p.bImplicit = bImplicit;
        if (!eplace.hasAttribute("label"))
          throw new OmFormatException("<equation> <eplace>: Must include label=");
        if (eplace.hasAttribute("label")) p.sLabel = eplace.getAttribute("label");
        else p.sLabel = null;
        if (eplace.hasAttribute("for")) p.sLabelFor = eplace.getAttribute("for");
        else if (qcChild instanceof Labelable) p.sLabelFor = qcChild.getID();

        // Add in the equation format text representing the placeholder
        sbText.append("\\placeholder{" + p.sID + "}{" + p.iWidth + "," + p.iHeight + "}");
      } else if (n instanceof Text) {
    sEquation = sbText.toString();
    apPlaces = lPlaces.toArray(new Place[0]);