public void showAtts() { if (ds == null) return; if (attTable == null) { // global attributes attTable = new BeanTableSorted( AttributeBean.class, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("AttributeBeans"), false); PopupMenu varPopup = new ucar.nc2.ui.widget.PopupMenu(attTable.getJTable(), "Options"); varPopup.addAction( "Show Attribute", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AttributeBean bean = (AttributeBean) attTable.getSelectedBean(); if (bean != null) { infoTA.setText(bean.att.toString()); infoTA.gotoTop();; } } }); attWindow = new IndependentWindow("Global Attributes", BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI"), attTable); attWindow.setBounds( (Rectangle) prefs.getBean("AttWindowBounds", new Rectangle(300, 100, 500, 800))); } List<AttributeBean> attlist = new ArrayList<AttributeBean>(); for (Attribute att : ds.getGlobalAttributes()) { attlist.add(new AttributeBean(att)); } attTable.setBeans(attlist);; }
private void hideNestedTable(int level) { int n = nestedTableList.size(); for (int i = n - 1; i >= level; i--) { NestedTable ntable = nestedTableList.get(i); ntable.hide(); } }
public List<VariableBean> getVariableBeans(NetcdfFile ds) { List<VariableBean> vlist = new ArrayList<VariableBean>(); for (Variable v : ds.getVariables()) { vlist.add(new VariableBean(v)); } return vlist; }
public List<VariableBean> getStructureVariables(Structure s) { List<VariableBean> vlist = new ArrayList<VariableBean>(); for (Variable v : s.getVariables()) { vlist.add(new VariableBean(v)); } return vlist; }
// check if sudo password is correct (so sudo can be used in all other scripts, even without // password, lasts for 5 minutes) private void doSudoCmd() { String pass = passwordField.getText(); File file = null; try { // write file in /tmp file = new File("/tmp/"); // ""c:/temp/run.bat"" FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write("echo $password | sudo -S ls\nexit $?".getBytes()); // "echo $password > pipo.txt" fos.close(); // execute HashMap vars = new HashMap(); vars.put("password", pass); List oses = new ArrayList(); oses.add( new OsConstraint( "unix", null, null, null)); // "windows",System.getProperty(""),System.getProperty("os.version"),System.getProperty("os.arch"))); ArrayList plist = new ArrayList(); ParsableFile pf = new ParsableFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), null, null, oses); plist.add(pf); ScriptParser sp = new ScriptParser(plist, new VariableSubstitutor(vars)); sp.parseFiles(); ArrayList elist = new ArrayList(); ExecutableFile ef = new ExecutableFile( file.getAbsolutePath(), ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL, ExecutableFile.ABORT, oses, false); elist.add(ef); FileExecutor fe = new FileExecutor(elist); int retval = fe.executeFiles(ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL, this); if (retval == 0) { idata.setVariable("password", pass); isValid = true; } // else is already showing dialog // { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Cannot execute 'sudo' cmd, check your password", // "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // } } catch (Exception e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Cannot execute 'sudo' cmd, check your password", // "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); e.printStackTrace(); isValid = false; } try { if (file != null && file.exists()) file.delete(); // you don't want the file with password tobe arround, in case of error } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == add) { // int sel = userTable.getSelectedRow(); // if (sel < 0) // sel = 0; nameTf.setText(""); abbrTf.setText(""); if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( dialog, journalEditPanel, Localization.lang("Edit journal"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { journals.add(new JournalEntry(nameTf.getText(), abbrTf.getText())); // setValueAt(nameTf.getText(), sel, 0); // setValueAt(abbrTf.getText(), sel, 1); Collections.sort(journals); fireTableDataChanged(); } } else if (e.getSource() == remove) { int[] rows = userTable.getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length > 0) { for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { journals.remove(rows[i]); } fireTableDataChanged(); } } }
@Override public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { if (col == 0) { return journals.get(row).name; } else { return journals.get(row).abbreviation; } }
private static AttachingConnector getAttachingConnectorFor(String transport) { List acs = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager().attachingConnectors(); AttachingConnector ac; int i, k = acs.size(); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) if ((ac = (AttachingConnector) acs.get(i)).transport().name().equals(transport)) return ac; return null; }
/** Called externally when the underlying corpus has changed. */ private void dataChanged() { List<String> newDocs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (corpus != null) { newDocs.addAll(corpus.getDocumentNames()); } List<String> oldDocs = documentNames; documentNames = newDocs; oldDocs.clear(); }
public List<FormItem> getExtraEditItems(ActionListener onSave) { List<FormItem> items = new ArrayList(); items.add(new FormItem("Web Page", this.urlEdit)); UIUtils.addDoActionOnReturnPressed(this.urlEdit, onSave); return items; }
public synchronized List<Element> getRestriccionColored() { List<Element> resp = new ArrayList(); for (Element e : restriccion) { if (!e.getCol().equals(WHITE)) { resp.add(e); } } return resp; }
public void initComponents() { /** ******************** The main container *************************** */ Container container = this.getContentPane(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); container.setBackground(; this.setSize(650, 600); this.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {} }); /** ************************* MAIN PANEL ******************************* */ mainPanel = new JPanel(); // If put to False: we see the container's background mainPanel.setOpaque(false); mainPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); container.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); allmessagesTextArea = new TextArea(); allmessagesTextArea.setEditable(false); allmessagesTextArea.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 12)); allmessagesTextArea.setForeground(; allmessagesTextArea.append("Select a session in the list to view its messages"); mainPanel.add(allmessagesTextArea, BorderLayout.CENTER); sessionsList = new List(); sessionsList.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { showMessages(e); } }); sessionsList.setForeground(; sessionsList.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 14)); mainPanel.add(sessionsList, BorderLayout.WEST); okButton = new JButton(" OK "); okButton.setToolTipText("Returns to the main frame"); okButton.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 16)); okButton.setFocusPainted(false); okButton.setBackground(Color.lightGray); okButton.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED)); okButton.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); okButton.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); container.add(okButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); okButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { setVisible(false); } }); }
@Override protected void doOKAction() { final String errorString = myComponent.canCreateAllFilesForAllLocales(); if (errorString != null) { Messages.showErrorDialog(getContentPanel(), errorString); } else { final List<PsiFile> createFiles = myComponent.createPropertiesFiles(); myCreatedFiles = createFiles.toArray(new PsiElement[createFiles.size()]); super.doOKAction(); } }
// masuda$ // ChartEventListener @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) { if (tableModel == null) { return; } ChartEventModel evt = (ChartEventModel) pce.getNewValue(); int sRow = -1; long ptPk = evt.getPtPk(); List<PatientModel> list = tableModel.getDataProvider(); // minagawa^ // ChartEventModel.EVENT eventType = evt.getEventType(); int eventType = evt.getEventType(); // minagawa$ switch (eventType) { case ChartEventModel.PVT_STATE: for (int row = 0; row < list.size(); ++row) { PatientModel pm = list.get(row); if (ptPk == pm.getId()) { sRow = row; pm.setOwnerUUID(evt.getOwnerUUID()); break; } } break; case ChartEventModel.PM_MERGE: for (int row = 0; row < list.size(); ++row) { PatientModel pm = list.get(row); if (ptPk == pm.getId()) { sRow = row; // pm = msg.getPatientModel(); list.set(row, evt.getPatientModel()); break; } } break; case ChartEventModel.PVT_MERGE: for (int row = 0; row < list.size(); ++row) { PatientModel pm = list.get(row); if (ptPk == pm.getId()) { sRow = row; // pm = msg.getPatientVisitModel().getPatientModel(); list.set(row, evt.getPatientVisitModel().getPatientModel()); break; } } break; default: break; } if (sRow != -1) { tableModel.fireTableRowsUpdated(sRow, sRow); } }
public void init() { List actionList = new List(3); // makes a list to choose from actionList.add("wave"); actionList.add("think"); actionList.add("write"); actionList.addActionListener(this); // tell Java to listen for user input add(actionList); myDuke = new Dukes(); // make an instance of Duke action = myDuke.getActionImage(); // see what Duke's current action is }
public List getOpenGroups() { List tempList = new LinkedList(); JIDStatusTree tree = ((JIDStatusTree) getModel().getRoot()); if (tree == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < tree.getSize(); i++) { TreePath path = new TreePath(new Object[] {tree, tree.get(i)}); if (isExpanded(path)) { tempList.add(tree.get(i).toString()); } } return tempList; }
private void setupExternals() { List<String> externalFiles = Globals.prefs.getStringList(JabRefPreferences.EXTERNAL_JOURNAL_LISTS); if (externalFiles.isEmpty()) { ExternalFileEntry efe = new ExternalFileEntry(); externals.add(efe); } else { for (String externalFile : externalFiles) { ExternalFileEntry efe = new ExternalFileEntry(externalFile); externals.add(efe); } } }
private void storeSettings() throws FileNotFoundException { File f = null; if (newFile.isSelected()) { if (!newNameTf.getText().isEmpty()) { f = new File(newNameTf.getText()); } // else { // return; // Nothing to do. // } } else { f = new File(personalFile.getText()); } if (f != null) { if (!f.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(f.getAbsolutePath()); } try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f, false)) { for (JournalEntry entry : tableModel.getJournals()) { fw.write(; fw.write(" = "); fw.write(entry.abbreviation); fw.write(Globals.NEWLINE); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Problem writing abbreviation file", e); } String filename = f.getPath(); if ("".equals(filename)) { filename = null; } Globals.prefs.put(JabRefPreferences.PERSONAL_JOURNAL_LIST, filename); } // Store the list of external files set up: List<String> extFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExternalFileEntry efe : externals) { if (!"".equals(efe.getValue())) { extFiles.add(efe.getValue()); } } Globals.prefs.putStringList(JabRefPreferences.EXTERNAL_JOURNAL_LISTS, extFiles); Abbreviations.initializeJournalNames(Globals.prefs); // Update the autocompleter for the "journal" field in all base panels, // so added journal names are available: for (int i = 0; i < frame.getBasePanelCount(); i++) { frame.getBasePanelAt(i).getAutoCompleters().addJournalListToAutoCompleter(); } }
private void mouseMethod(AWTGLAutoDrawable window, int modifiers, boolean isPress, int x, int y) { if ((modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) { WindowInfo info = (WindowInfo) windowToInfoMap.get(window); if (isPress) { // Compute ray in 3D Vec3f rayStart = new Vec3f(); Vec3f rayDirection = new Vec3f(); computeRay(info.params, x, y, rayStart, rayDirection); // Compute all hits List hits = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = info.manips.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((Manip), rayDirection, hits); } // Find closest one HitPoint hp = null; for (Iterator iter = hits.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { HitPoint cur = (HitPoint); if ((hp == null) || (cur.intPt.getT() < hp.intPt.getT())) { hp = cur; } } if (hp != null) { if (info.curHighlightedManip != null) { info.curHighlightedManip.clearHighlight(); fireUpdate(info.curHighlightedManip); info.curHighlightedManip = null; } if ((modifiers & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) { hp.shiftDown = true; } hp.manipulator.makeActive(hp); info.curManip = hp.manipulator; info.dragging = true; fireUpdate(info.curManip); } } else { if (info.curManip != null) { info.curManip.makeInactive(); info.dragging = false; fireUpdate(info.curManip); info.curManip = null; // Check to see where mouse is passiveMotionMethod(window, x, y); } } } }
public void setTracesSessions(TracesSessions tracesSessions) { sessionsList.removeAll(); this.tracesSessions = tracesSessions; for (int i = 0; i < tracesSessions.size(); i++) { TracesSession tracesSession = tracesSessions.elementAt(i); String name = tracesSession.getName(); // System.out.println("name:"+name); if (name.equals("No available session yet, click on refresh")) sessionsList.add(name); else { String trueName = getTrueName(name); sessionsList.add("Trace " + (i + 1) + " from " + trueName); } } if (tracesSessions.size() != 0); }
private void ListValueChanged( javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_ListValueChanged // TODO add your handling code here: // String part=partno.getText(); try { String sql = "SELECT TYPE,ITEM_NAME,QUANTITY,MRP FROM MOTORS WHERE ITEM_NAME='" + List.getSelectedValue() + "'"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bharatmotors", "root", ""); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { partno.setText(rs.getString("TYPE")); name.setText(rs.getString("ITEM_NAME")); qty.setText(rs.getString("QUANTITY")); rate.setText(rs.getString("MRP")); } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.toString()); } } // GEN-LAST:event_ListValueChanged
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent E) { // The 'log chat' checkbox if (E.getSource() == logChat) { server.logChats = logChat.getState(); // Loop through all of the chat rooms, and set the logging // state to be the same as the value of the checkbox for (int count = 0; count < server.chatRooms.size(); count++) { babylonChatRoom tmp = (babylonChatRoom) server.chatRooms.elementAt(count); try { tmp.setLogging(server.logChats); } catch (IOException e) { server.serverOutput( server.strings.get(thisClass, "togglelogerror") + " " + + "\n"); } } } // The user list if (E.getSource() == userList) { // If anything is selected, enable the 'disconnect user' // button, otherwise disable it synchronized (userList) { disconnect.setEnabled(userList.getSelectedItem() != null); } } }
private NestedTable setNestedTable(int level, Structure s) { NestedTable ntable; if (nestedTableList.size() < level + 1) { ntable = new NestedTable(level); nestedTableList.add(ntable); } else { ntable = nestedTableList.get(level); } if (s != null) // variables inside of records ntable.table.setBeans(getStructureVariables(s));; return ntable; }
public PlayerPanel(ActionListener listener) { Dimension size; Insets in = this.getInsets(); this.numberOfPlayersButtons = new ArrayList<JButton>(this.possiblePlayersAmount); this.colorButtons = new LinkedList<JButton>(); label = new JLabel("Escolha a quantidade de jogadores:"); this.add(label); size = label.getPreferredSize(); label.setBounds(90, 5 +, size.width, size.height); for (int i = 0; i < this.possiblePlayersAmount; i++) { JButton tempButton = new JButton(String.format("%d", i + 3)); numberOfPlayersButtons.add(tempButton); size = tempButton.getPreferredSize(); tempButton.setBounds(45 + 75 * i + in.left, 80 +, size.width, size.height); tempButton.addActionListener(listener); this.add(tempButton); } this.setSize(this.getPreferredSize()); this.setLayout(null); this.listener = listener; }
public void setDataset(NetcdfFile ds) { this.ds = ds; NestedTable nt = nestedTableList.get(0); nt.table.setBeans(getVariableBeans(ds)); hideNestedTable(1); datasetTree.setFile(ds); }
protected void control(List nodes) { Iterator sel_nodes = nodes.iterator(); double mid = (X_min + ((X_max - X_min) / 2)); while (sel_nodes.hasNext()) { ((NodeView); } }
public void go() { f = new Frame("좋아하는 선수 고르기"); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { f.setVisible(false); f.dispose(); System.exit(0); } }); lstSunsu = new List(4, true); // 4개 보여주고,여러명 선택가능 lstSunsu.addItemListener(this); // 2. step lstSunsu.add("==선수선택=="); lstSunsu.add("조오련"); lstSunsu.add("박찬호"); lstSunsu.add("박세리"); lstSunsu.add("안정환"); lstSunsu.add("이천수"); lstSunsu.add("이영표"); lstSunsu.add("차범근"); lstSunsu.add("김남일"); lstSunsu.add("차두리"); tf = new TextField(); f.add(new Label("좋아하는 선수를 여러명 선택하세요"), "North"); f.add(lstSunsu, "Center"); f.add(tf, "South"); f.setSize(200, 300); f.setVisible(true); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { List<Resource> loadedDocuments; try { // get all the documents loaded in the system loadedDocuments = Gate.getCreoleRegister().getAllInstances("gate.Document"); } catch (GateException ge) { // gate.Document is not registered in creole.xml....what is!? throw new GateRuntimeException( "gate.Document is not registered in the creole register!\n" + "Something must be terribly wrong...take a vacation!"); } Vector<String> docNames = new Vector<String>(); for (Resource loadedDocument : new ArrayList<Resource>(loadedDocuments)) { if (corpus.contains(loadedDocument)) { loadedDocuments.remove(loadedDocument); } else { docNames.add(loadedDocument.getName()); } } JList docList = new JList(docNames); docList.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(0, docNames.size() - 1); docList.setCellRenderer(renderer); final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane( new JScrollPane(docList), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); final JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(CorpusEditor.this, "Add document(s) to this corpus"); docList.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { optionPane.setValue(JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); dialog.dispose(); } } }); dialog.setVisible(true); if (optionPane.getValue().equals(JOptionPane.OK_OPTION)) { int[] selectedIndices = docList.getSelectedIndices(); for (int selectedIndice : selectedIndices) { corpus.add((Document) loadedDocuments.get(selectedIndice)); } } changeMessage(); }
private List<Node> getSelectedNodes() { List<Node> selectedNodes = new Vector<Node>(); NodeStatusTableModel myTableModel = (NodeStatusTableModel) getModel(); ListSelectionModel lsm = getSelectionModel(); int minIndex = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex(); int maxIndex = lsm.getMaxSelectionIndex(); for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) { if (lsm.isSelectedIndex(i)) { // System.out.println("row " + i + " is selected"); Node currNode = myTableModel.getNode(i); if (currNode != null) selectedNodes.add(currNode); } } return selectedNodes; }
@Override public void setValueAt(Object object, int row, int col) { JournalEntry entry = journals.get(row); if (col == 0) { = (String) object; } else { entry.abbreviation = (String) object; } }