Ejemplo n.º 1
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Name: AddControls
  // Abstract: Add all the controls  to the frame
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public void AddControls() {
    try {
      // Clear the layout manager so we can manually size and position controls

      // Add a label to dialog and save the label to m_lblTeam
      m_lblTeam = CUtilities.AddLabel(this, "Team:*", 25, 20);

      // Add a textbox and save it to m_txtTeam
      m_txtTeam = CUtilities.AddTextBox(this, 20, 80, 20, 185, 50);

      // Add a label to the frame
      m_lblMascot = CUtilities.AddLabel(this, "Mascot:*", 55, 20);

      // Add a textbox and save it to m_txtTeam
      m_txtMascot = CUtilities.AddTextBox(this, 50, 80, 20, 185, 50);

      m_lblRequiredFieldLabel = CUtilities.AddRequiredFieldLabel(this, 70, 75);

      // add button and save to m_btnOK
      m_btnOK = CUtilities.AddButton(this, this, "OK", 100, 25, 30, 110);

      // Add button and save to m_btnCancel
      m_btnCancel = CUtilities.AddButton(this, this, "Cancel", 100, 150, 30, 110);

    } catch (Exception excError) {
      // Save log to disk