Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Construct a schema that vinculates an entity to be a generic variable. Note that there are no
   * different types of variable as it happens for concepts (e.g. Person, Address...), IREs (e.g.
   * IOTA, ANY, ALL...) and the like. Therefore there is no VariableSchema constructor that takes a
   * String parameter. Not also that the type of the values that can be assumed by the variable is
   * another story and is defined by the VARIABLE_VALUE_TYPE slot of the VariableSchema
  private VariableSchema() {

    try {
      add(NAME, BasicOntology.getInstance().getSchema(BasicOntology.STRING));
    } catch (OntologyException oe) {
/** @author Federico Bergenti - Universita` di Parma */
public class PeopleOntology extends Ontology {
  // A symbolic constant, containing the name of this ontology.
  public static final String ONTOLOGY_NAME = "PEOPLE_ONTOLOGY";

  // Concepts
  public static final String PERSON = "PERSON";
  public static final String MAN = "MAN";
  public static final String WOMAN = "WOMAN";
  public static final String ADDRESS = "ADDRESS";

  // Slots
  public static final String NAME = "NAME";
  public static final String STREET = "STREET";
  public static final String NUMBER = "NUMBER";
  public static final String CITY = "CITY";

  // Predicates
  public static final String FATHER_OF = "FATHER_OF";
  public static final String MOTHER_OF = "MOTHER_OF";

  // Roles in predicates
  public static final String FATHER = "FATHER";
  public static final String MOTHER = "MOTHER";
  public static final String CHILDREN = "CHILDREN";

  // Actions
  public static final String MARRY = "MARRY";

  // Arguments in actions
  public static final String HUSBAND = "HUSBAND";
  public static final String WIFE = "WIFE";

  private static PeopleOntology theInstance = new PeopleOntology(BasicOntology.getInstance());

  public static PeopleOntology getInstance() {
    return theInstance;

  public PeopleOntology(Ontology base) {
    super(ONTOLOGY_NAME, base, new ReflectiveIntrospector());

    try {
      PrimitiveSchema stringSchema = (PrimitiveSchema) getSchema(BasicOntology.STRING);
      PrimitiveSchema integerSchema = (PrimitiveSchema) getSchema(BasicOntology.INTEGER);

      ConceptSchema addressSchema = new ConceptSchema(ADDRESS);
      addressSchema.add(STREET, stringSchema, ObjectSchema.OPTIONAL);
      addressSchema.add(NUMBER, integerSchema, ObjectSchema.OPTIONAL);
      addressSchema.add(CITY, stringSchema);

      ConceptSchema personSchema = new ConceptSchema(PERSON);
      personSchema.add(NAME, stringSchema);
      personSchema.add(ADDRESS, addressSchema, ObjectSchema.OPTIONAL);

      ConceptSchema manSchema = new ConceptSchema(MAN);

      ConceptSchema womanSchema = new ConceptSchema(WOMAN);

      add(personSchema, Person.class);
      add(manSchema, Man.class);
      add(womanSchema, Woman.class);
      add(addressSchema, Address.class);

      AggregateSchema childrenSchema = new AggregateSchema(BasicOntology.SEQUENCE);

      PredicateSchema fatherOfSchema = new PredicateSchema(FATHER_OF);
      fatherOfSchema.add(FATHER, manSchema);
      fatherOfSchema.add(CHILDREN, childrenSchema);

      PredicateSchema motherOfSchema = new PredicateSchema(MOTHER_OF);
      motherOfSchema.add(MOTHER, womanSchema);
      motherOfSchema.add(CHILDREN, childrenSchema);

      add(fatherOfSchema, FatherOf.class);
      add(motherOfSchema, MotherOf.class);

      AgentActionSchema marrySchema = new AgentActionSchema(MARRY);
      marrySchema.add(HUSBAND, manSchema);
      marrySchema.add(WIFE, womanSchema);

    } catch (OntologyException oe) {