Ejemplo n.º 1
  * This function returns a vector of all the objects momentanly avaiable in the database
  * @return a vector of objects if all goes right, alternativ it returns a MyError
 public static Linea getById(int lineaId, String table_prefix) {
   MySQLiteDBAdapter sqlite = MySQLiteDBAdapter.getInstance(SASAbus.getContext());
   String[] args = {Integer.toString(lineaId)};
   Cursor cursor = sqlite.rawQuery("select * from " + table_prefix + "linee where id = ?", args);
   Linea line = null;
   if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
     line = new Linea(cursor);
   return line;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * This function returns a vector of all the objects momentanly avaiable in the database
  * @return a vector of objects if all goes right, alternativ it returns a MyError
 public static Linea getByNumLin(String linecode, String table_prefix) {
   MySQLiteDBAdapter sqlite = MySQLiteDBAdapter.getInstance(SASAbus.getContext());
   String[] args = {linecode};
   Cursor cursor =
       sqlite.rawQuery("select * from " + table_prefix + "linee where num_lin = ?", args);
   Linea line = null;
   if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
     line = new Linea(cursor);
   return line;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This function returns a vector of all the objects momentanly avaiable in the database
  * @return a vector of objects if all goes right, alternativ it returns a MyError
 public static Vector<DBObject> getList() {
   MySQLiteDBAdapter sqlite = MySQLiteDBAdapter.getInstance(SASAbus.getContext());
   Cursor cursor = sqlite.rawQuery("select * from linee", null);
   Vector<DBObject> list = null;
   if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
     list = new Vector<DBObject>();
     do {
       Linea element = new Linea(cursor);
     } while (cursor.moveToNext());
   return list;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This method returns a vector of linee which are located in the bacino
  * @param bacino is the bacino where we are searching the linee
  * @return a vector of DBObjects with the linee located in the bacino
 public static Vector<DBObject> getList(String table_prefix) {
   MySQLiteDBAdapter sqlite = MySQLiteDBAdapter.getInstance(SASAbus.getContext());
   String[] args = null;
   Cursor cursor =
       sqlite.rawQuery("select * from " + table_prefix + "linee order by num_lin", args);
   Vector<DBObject> list = null;
   if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
     list = new Vector<DBObject>();
     do {
       Linea element = new Linea(cursor);
     } while (cursor.moveToNext());
   return list;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * This method returns a vector of linee which are connecting the departure with the destination
  * @param destinazione is the name of the destination busstop
  * @param partenza is the name of the departure busstop
  * @return a vector of DBObjects which are lines which connect the departure with the destination
 public static Vector<DBObject> getListDestPart(String destinazione, String partenza) {
   MySQLiteDBAdapter sqlite = MySQLiteDBAdapter.getInstance(SASAbus.getContext());
   String[] args = {destinazione, partenza};
    * This is a special query to provide the cases which the departure is
    * yesterday near midnight and the destination is now, for showing non-negativ
    * differences
   Cursor cursor =
           "select distinct l.id as id, l.num_lin as num_lin, l.abbrev as abbrev, "
               + "l.bacinoId as bacinoId, l.descr_it as descr_it, l.descr_de as descr_de "
               + " from linee l, "
               + "(select * from orarii where palinaId IN ("
               + "select id from paline where nome_de = ?"
               + ")) as o1, "
               + "(select * from orarii where palinaId IN ("
               + "select id from paline where nome_de = ?"
               + ")) as o2, "
               + "(select id, lineaId "
               + "from corse "
               + "where  "
               + "substr(corse.effettuazione,round(strftime('%J','now','localtime')) - round(strftime('%J', '"
               + Config.getStartDate()
               + "')) + 1,1)='1' "
               + ") as c "
               + "where c.lineaId = l.id "
               + "and o1.corsaId = o2.corsaId "
               + "and o2.corsaId = c.id "
               + "and o2.progressivo < o1.progressivo "
               + "order by l.abbrev",
   Vector<DBObject> list = null;
   if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
     list = new Vector<DBObject>();
     do {
       Linea element = new Linea(cursor);
       if (!list.contains(element)) list.add(element);
     } while (cursor.moveToNext());
   return list;