Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void exportXMLTemplate(
     StringBuffer sb_header, StringBuffer sb_body, HashSet<String> hs, String indent) {
   // write in opening tag, put in there the attributes (and also to sb_header), then close, then
   // call the children (indented), then closing tag.
   // 0 - ELEMENT and ATTLIST
   if (!hs.contains(type)) {
     sb_header.append("\t<!ELEMENT ").append(type);
     if (null != al_children && 0 != al_children.size()) {
       sb_header.append(" (");
       int c = 0;
       for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
         if (0 != c) sb_header.append(", ");
     } else {
       sb_header.append(" EMPTY");
     sb_header.append("\t<!ATTLIST ").append(type).append(" id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>\n");
   // 1 - opening tag with attributes:
   sb_body.append(indent).append("<").append(type).append(" id=\"").append(id).append("\"");
   // 2 - list of children:
   if (null != al_children && 0 != al_children.size()) {
     for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
       child.exportXMLTemplate(sb_header, sb_body, hs, indent + "\t");
   // 3 - closing tag:
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the list of parents to reach a particular child, starting at this, and including the
  * child. Only the first path is reported, others are ignored.
 protected ArrayList<TemplateThing> getTemplatePathTo(String type, ArrayList<TemplateThing> al) {
   if (null == al_children) return al;
   for (final TemplateThing tt : al_children) {
     if (tt.type.equals(type)) {
       // end. Return the list of parents to get here, plus the found type at the end as a means of
       // signal
       // Utils.log2("found " + tt);
       return al;
     } else {
       // scan its children, if any
       // Utils.log2("looking at " + tt);
       ArrayList<TemplateThing> al2 = tt.getTemplatePathTo(type, new ArrayList<TemplateThing>(al));
       String all = "";
       for (int i=0; i<al2.size(); i++) all += " " + al2.get(i);
       Utils.log2("al2: " + all);
       if (al2.size() > 0 && ((TemplateThing) al2.get(al2.size() - 1)).type.equals(type)) {
         return al2;
   return al;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /** Recursive into children. */
 public ArrayList<TemplateThing> collectAllChildren(final ArrayList<TemplateThing> al) {
   if (null == al_children) return al;
   for (final TemplateThing tt : al_children) {
   return al;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** Recursive into children! Will add the attributes as well and grab an id for this instance. */
 public void addToDatabase(Project project) {
   this.project = project;
   this.id = project.getLoader().getNextId();
   if (null == al_children || al_children.isEmpty()) return;
   for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Find things of the same type, even if their parents are different, recusively into children.
 public HashSet<TemplateThing> collectThingsOfEqualType(
     final TemplateThing tt, final HashSet<TemplateThing> hs) {
   if (type.equals(tt.type)) hs.add(this);
   if (null == al_children || al_children.isEmpty()) return hs;
   for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
     child.collectThingsOfEqualType(tt, hs);
   return hs;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Recursive into children. The parent of each stored TemplateThing are not meaningful for a tree;
  * only the children are meaningful.
 public HashMap<String, TemplateThing> getUniqueTypes(final HashMap<String, TemplateThing> ht) {
   if (ht.containsKey(this.type)) return ht;
   ht.put(this.type, this);
   if (null == al_children || al_children.isEmpty()) return ht;
   for (final TemplateThing tt : al_children) {
   return ht;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /** For reconstruction purposes. */
 public void setup(ArrayList<TemplateThing> al_children) {
   if (null == al_children || 0 == al_children.size()) {
     this.al_children = null;
   } else {
     this.al_children = al_children;
     // set parent
     for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
       child.parent = this;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Recursive into children, find those of the given type that have the same immediate parent type
  * as the given TemplateThing.
 public HashSet<TemplateThing> collectSimilarThings(
     final TemplateThing tt, final HashSet<TemplateThing> hs) {
   if (type.equals(tt.type) && parent.type.equals(tt.parent.type)) {
   if (null == al_children || al_children.isEmpty()) return hs;
   for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
     child.collectSimilarThings(tt, hs);
   return hs;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Recursive into children, find those of the same type as the given TemplateThing and whose
  * number of children is the same to those of the given TemplateThing (to exclude nested types).
 public HashSet<TemplateThing> collectSimilarThings2(
     final TemplateThing tt, final HashSet<TemplateThing> hs) {
   if (type.equals(tt.type)
       && (al_children == tt.al_children /*if both are null*/
           || (null != al_children
               && null != tt.al_children
               && al_children.size() == tt.al_children.size()))) hs.add(this);
   if (null == al_children || al_children.isEmpty()) return hs;
   for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
     child.collectSimilarThings2(tt, hs);
   return hs;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void debug(String indent) {
   System.out.println(indent + this.type + " (id)");
   if (null != al_children) {
     if (isNested()) {
       System.out.println(indent + "-- Nested type.");
     if (indent.length() > 20) {
       System.out.println("INDENT OVER 20 !");
     for (final TemplateThing tt : al_children) {
       tt.debug(indent + "\t");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public boolean remove(boolean check) {
   if (check) {
     if (!Utils.check(
         "Really delete "
             + this.toString()
             + (null == al_children || 0 == al_children.size() ? "" : " and all its children?")))
       return false;
   // remove the children, recursively
   if (null != al_children) {
     Object[] children = new Object[al_children.size()];
         children); // can't delete directly from the al_children because the child will call
                    // removeChild on its parent
     for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
       Object ob = children[i];
       if (ob instanceof DBObject) {
         if (!((DBObject) ob).remove(false)) {
           Utils.showMessage("Deletion incomplete, check database, for child: " + ob.toString());
           return false;
   // remove the Thing itself
   if (null != parent && !parent.removeChild(this)) {
         "Deletion incomplete, check database, for parent of TemplateThing id=" + id);
     return false;
   return removeFromDatabase();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /** Only the header !ELEMENT and !ATTLIST. */
 public void exportDTD(
     final StringBuilder sb_header, final HashSet<String> hs, final String indent) {
   final String tag = type.replace(' ', '_');
   if (hs.contains(tag)) return;
   sb_header.append(indent).append("<!ELEMENT ").append(tag);
   if (null != al_children && 0 != al_children.size()) {
     sb_header.append(" (");
     int c = 0;
     for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
       if (0 != c) sb_header.append(", ");
   } else {
     sb_header.append(" EMPTY");
       .append("<!ATTLIST ")
       .append(" id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>\n"); // 'id' exists separate from the other attributes
   // if it's a basic type it can contain a DBObject
   if (Project.isBasicType(type)) {
     sb_header.append(indent).append("<!ATTLIST ").append(tag).append(" oid NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>\n");
   // node expanded state
       .append("<!ATTLIST ")
           " expanded NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>\n"); // TODO should not say #REQUIRED but optional, in
                                              // XMLese
   // recurse into children
   if (null != al_children && 0 != al_children.size()) {
     for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
       child.exportDTD(sb_header, hs, indent);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 // recursive
 private ArrayList<TemplateThing> scanChildTrees(
     final String type, ArrayList<TemplateThing> al, HashSet<TemplateThing> hs_done) {
   if (null == al) al = new ArrayList<TemplateThing>();
   if (null == al_children) return al;
   for (final TemplateThing tt : al_children) {
     if (tt.type.equals(type)) {
       // don't look any further down for this found Thing
     } else {
       if (!hs_done.contains(
           tt)) { // don't recurse into TemplateThing instances that have been visited already
                  // (TODO future: this could be a limitation that may have to be addressed)
         hs_done.add(tt); // important! Before!
         al = tt.scanChildTrees(type, al, hs_done);
   return al;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /** Recursive into children: clones the whole tree from this node downward. */
 public TemplateThing clone(final Project pr, final boolean copy_id) {
   final long nid = copy_id ? this.id : pr.getLoader().getNextId();
   final TemplateThing copy = new TemplateThing(this.type, pr, nid);
   copy.project = pr;
   // clone children
   if (null == al_children) return copy;
   for (final TemplateThing child : al_children) {
     copy.addChild(child.clone(pr, copy_id));
   return copy;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /** Compares the String type, for sorting purposes. */
 public int compareTo(final TemplateThing o) {
   return this.type.compareTo(o.getType());