Ejemplo n.º 1
 void loadTransformation(String filename, ResultsTable res) {
   try {
     String line;
     FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);
     BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
     if (!br.readLine().equals(" 	Z-Step	Raw Width minus Heigh	Calibration Width minus Height")) {
       IJ.error("File does not seam to be an Astigmatism calibration file");
     // java.lang.String [] elements = new java.lang.String [3];
     java.lang.String[] elements;
     int counter = 1;
     while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
       IJ.showStatus("Loading element " + counter + "... sit back and relax.");
       elements = line.split("\t");
       res.addValue("Z-Step", Double.parseDouble(elements[1]));
       res.addValue("Raw Width minus Heigh", Double.parseDouble(elements[2]));
       res.addValue("Calibration Width minus Height", Double.parseDouble(elements[3]));
   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     IJ.error("File not found exception" + e);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     IJ.error("IOException exception" + e);
   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     IJ.error("Number format exception" + e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void openDirectory(File f, String path) {
   if (path == null) return;
   if (!(path.endsWith(File.separator) || path.endsWith("/"))) path += File.separator;
   String[] names = f.list();
   names = (new FolderOpener()).trimFileList(names);
   if (names == null) return;
   String msg = "Open all " + names.length + " images in \"" + f.getName() + "\" as a stack?";
   GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Open Folder");
   gd.setInsets(10, 5, 0);
   gd.setInsets(15, 35, 0);
   gd.addCheckbox("Convert to RGB", convertToRGB);
   gd.setInsets(0, 35, 0);
   gd.addCheckbox("Use Virtual Stack", virtualStack);
   if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
   if (gd.wasOKed()) {
     convertToRGB = gd.getNextBoolean();
     virtualStack = gd.getNextBoolean();
     String options = " sort";
     if (convertToRGB) options += " convert_to_rgb";
     if (virtualStack) options += " use";
     IJ.run("Image Sequence...", "open=[" + path + "]" + options);
   } else {
     for (int k = 0; k < names.length; k++) {
       if (!names[k].startsWith(".")) (new Opener()).open(path + names[k]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /** Handle menu events. */
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   if ((e.getSource() instanceof MenuItem)) {
     MenuItem item = (MenuItem) e.getSource();
     String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
     commandName = cmd;
     ImagePlus imp = null;
     if (item.getParent() == Menus.getOpenRecentMenu()) {
       new RecentOpener(cmd); // open image in separate thread
     } else if (item.getParent() == Menus.getPopupMenu()) {
       Object parent = Menus.getPopupMenu().getParent();
       if (parent instanceof ImageCanvas) imp = ((ImageCanvas) parent).getImage();
     int flags = e.getModifiers();
     hotkey = false;
     actionPerformedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     long ellapsedTime = actionPerformedTime - keyPressedTime;
     if (cmd != null && (ellapsedTime >= 200L || !cmd.equals(lastKeyCommand))) {
       if ((flags & Event.ALT_MASK) != 0) IJ.setKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_ALT);
       if ((flags & Event.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) IJ.setKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT);
       new Executer(cmd, imp);
     lastKeyCommand = null;
     if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("actionPerformed: time=" + ellapsedTime + ", " + e);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** Called by ImageJ when the user selects Quit. */
 public void quit() {
   quitMacro = IJ.macroRunning();
   Thread thread = new Thread(this, "Quit");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent e) {
   if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("DragOver: " + e.getLocation());
   Point loc = e.getLocation();
   int buttonSize = Toolbar.getButtonSize();
   int width = IJ.getInstance().getSize().width;
   openAsVirtualStack = width - loc.x <= buttonSize;
   if (openAsVirtualStack) IJ.showStatus("<<Open as Virtual Stack>>");
   else IJ.showStatus("<<Drag and Drop>>");
Ejemplo n.º 6
  public boolean beadCalibration3d() {
    imp = IJ.getImage();
    if (imp == null) {
      return false;
    } else if (imp.getStackSize() == 1) {
      IJ.error("Stack required");
      return false;
    } else if (imp.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY8 && imp.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY16) {
      // In order to support 32bit images, pict[] must be changed to float[], and  getPixel(x, y);
      // requires a Float.intBitsToFloat() conversion
      IJ.error("8 or 16 bit greyscale image required");
      return false;
    width = imp.getWidth();
    height = imp.getHeight();
    nslices = imp.getStackSize();
    imtitle = imp.getTitle();

    models[0] = "*None*";
    models[1] = "line";
    models[2] = "2nd degree polynomial";
    models[3] = "3rd degree polynomial";
    models[4] = "4th degree polynomial";

    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("3D PALM calibration");
    gd.addNumericField("Maximum FWHM (in px)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_fwhm", 20), 0);
        "Particle local threshold (% maximum intensity)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.pthrsh", 20), 0);
    gd.addNumericField("Z-spacing (nm)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.z-step", 10), 2);
    gd.addNumericField("Calibration Z-smoothing (radius)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.window", 1), 0);
    gd.addChoice("Model", models, prefs.get("QuickPALM.model", models[3]));
        "Show divergence of bead positions against model",
        prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showDivergence", false));
    gd.addCheckbox("Show extra particle info", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showExtraInfo", false));
    gd.addMessage("\n\nDon't forget to save the table in the end...");
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
    fwhm = gd.getNextNumber();
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.QuickPALM.3Dcal_fwhm", fwhm);
    pthrsh = gd.getNextNumber() / 100;
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.pthrsh", pthrsh * 100);
    cal_z = gd.getNextNumber();
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.z-step", cal_z);
    window = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.window", window);
    model = gd.getNextChoice();
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.model", model);
    part_divergence = gd.getNextBoolean();
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showDivergence", part_divergence);
    part_extrainfo = gd.getNextBoolean();
    prefs.set("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showExtraInfo", part_extrainfo);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private String displayRanges(ImagePlus imp) {
   LUT[] luts = imp.getLuts();
   if (luts == null) return "";
   String s = "Display ranges\n";
   int n = luts.length;
   if (n > 7) n = 7;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     double min = luts[i].min;
     double max = luts[i].max;
     int digits = (int) min == min && (int) max == max ? 0 : 2;
     s += "  " + (i + 1) + ": " + IJ.d2s(min, digits) + "-" + IJ.d2s(max, digits) + "\n";
   return s;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /** Quit using a separate thread, hopefully avoiding thread deadlocks. */
 public void run() {
   quitting = true;
   boolean changes = false;
   int[] wList = WindowManager.getIDList();
   if (wList != null) {
     for (int i = 0; i < wList.length; i++) {
       ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(wList[i]);
       if (imp != null && imp.changes == true) {
         changes = true;
   Frame[] frames = WindowManager.getNonImageWindows();
   if (frames != null) {
     for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
       if (frames[i] != null && (frames[i] instanceof Editor)) {
         if (((Editor) frames[i]).fileChanged()) {
           changes = true;
   if (windowClosed
       && !changes
       && Menus.window.getItemCount() > Menus.WINDOW_MENU_ITEMS
       && !(IJ.macroRunning() && WindowManager.getImageCount() == 0)) {
     GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("ImageJ", this);
     gd.addMessage("Are you sure you want to quit ImageJ?");
     quitting = !gd.wasCanceled();
     windowClosed = false;
   if (!quitting) return;
   if (!WindowManager.closeAllWindows()) {
     quitting = false;
   // IJ.log("savePreferences");
   if (applet == null) {
   // setVisible(false);
   // IJ.log("dispose");
   if (exitWhenQuitting) System.exit(0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde) {
   DataFlavor[] flavors = null;
   try {
     Transferable t = dtde.getTransferable();
     iterator = null;
     flavors = t.getTransferDataFlavors();
     if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("DragAndDrop.drop: " + flavors.length + " flavors");
     for (int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++) {
       if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("  flavor[" + i + "]: " + flavors[i].getMimeType());
       if (flavors[i].isFlavorJavaFileListType()) {
         Object data = t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor);
         iterator = ((List) data).iterator();
       } else if (flavors[i].isFlavorTextType()) {
         Object ob = t.getTransferData(flavors[i]);
         if (!(ob instanceof String)) continue;
         String s = ob.toString().trim();
         if (IJ.isLinux() && s.length() > 1 && (int) s.charAt(1) == 0) s = fixLinuxString(s);
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
         if (s.indexOf("href=\"") != -1 || s.indexOf("src=\"") != -1) {
           s = parseHTML(s);
           if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("  url: " + s);
           this.iterator = list.iterator();
         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(s));
         String tmp;
         while (null != (tmp = br.readLine())) {
           tmp = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(tmp.replaceAll("\\+", "%2b"), "UTF-8");
           if (tmp.startsWith("file://")) tmp = tmp.substring(7);
           if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("  content: " + tmp);
           if (tmp.startsWith("http://")) list.add(s);
           else list.add(new File(tmp));
         this.iterator = list.iterator();
     if (iterator != null) {
       Thread thread = new Thread(this, "DrawAndDrop");
       thread.setPriority(Math.max(thread.getPriority() - 1, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY));
   } catch (Exception e) {
   if (flavors == null || flavors.length == 0) {
     if (IJ.isMacOSX())
           "First drag and drop ignored. Please try again. You can avoid this\n"
               + "problem by dragging to the toolbar instead of the status bar.");
     else IJ.error("Drag and drop failed");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void run(String arg) {
   ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance();
   new DropTarget(ij, this);
   new DropTarget(Toolbar.getInstance(), this);
   new DropTarget(ij.getStatusBar(), this);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  public boolean checkBeads() {
    rmanager = RoiManager.getInstance();
    if (IJ.versionLessThan("1.26i")) return false;
    else if (rmanager == null) {
      IJ.error("Add bead ROIs to the RoiManager first (select region then press [t]).");
      return false;

    nrois = rmanager.getCount();
    if (nrois == 0) {
      IJ.error("Add bead ROIs to the RoiManager first (select region then press [t]).");
      return false;
    rois = rmanager.getRoisAsArray();
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private String getExifData(ImagePlus imp) {
   FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo();
   if (fi == null) return null;
   String directory = fi.directory;
   String name = fi.fileName;
   if (directory == null) return null;
   if ((name == null || name.equals("")) && imp.getStack().isVirtual())
     name = imp.getStack().getSliceLabel(imp.getCurrentSlice());
   if (name == null || !(name.endsWith("jpg") || name.endsWith("JPG"))) return null;
   String path = directory + name;
   String metadata = null;
   try {
     Class c = IJ.getClassLoader().loadClass("Exif_Reader");
     if (c == null) return null;
     String methodName = "getMetadata";
     Class[] argClasses = new Class[1];
     argClasses[0] = methodName.getClass();
     Method m = c.getMethod("getMetadata", argClasses);
     Object[] args = new Object[1];
     args[0] = path;
     Object obj = m.invoke(null, args);
     metadata = obj != null ? obj.toString() : null;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
   if (metadata != null && !metadata.startsWith("Error:")) return metadata;
   else return null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public String getInfo() {
   return version()
       + System.getProperty("os.name")
       + " "
       + System.getProperty("os.version")
       + "; "
       + IJ.freeMemory();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private String version() {
   return "ImageJ "
       + VERSION
       + BUILD
       + "; "
       + "Java "
       + System.getProperty("java.version")
       + (IJ.is64Bit() ? " [64-bit]; " : " [32-bit]; ");
Ejemplo n.º 15
  // Input/Output options
  void io() {
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("I/O Options");
    gd.addNumericField("JPEG quality (0-100):", FileSaver.getJpegQuality(), 0, 3, "");
    gd.addNumericField("GIF and PNG transparent index:", Prefs.getTransparentIndex(), 0, 3, "");
        "File extension for tables (.txt, .xls or .csv):", Prefs.get("options.ext", ".csv"), 4);
    gd.addCheckbox("Use JFileChooser to open/save", Prefs.useJFileChooser);
    if (!IJ.isMacOSX())
      gd.addCheckbox("Use_file chooser to import sequences", Prefs.useFileChooser);
    gd.addCheckbox("Save TIFF and raw in Intel byte order", Prefs.intelByteOrder);
    gd.addCheckbox("Skip dialog when opening .raw files", Prefs.skipRawDialog);

    gd.setInsets(15, 20, 0);
    gd.addMessage("Results Table Options");
    gd.setInsets(3, 40, 0);
    gd.addCheckbox("Copy_column headers", Prefs.copyColumnHeaders);
    gd.setInsets(0, 40, 0);
    gd.addCheckbox("Copy_row numbers", !Prefs.noRowNumbers);
    gd.setInsets(0, 40, 0);
    gd.addCheckbox("Save_column headers", !Prefs.dontSaveHeaders);
    gd.setInsets(0, 40, 0);
    gd.addCheckbox("Save_row numbers", !Prefs.dontSaveRowNumbers);

    if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
    int quality = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    if (quality < 0) quality = 0;
    if (quality > 100) quality = 100;
    int transparentIndex = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    String extension = gd.getNextString();
    if (!extension.startsWith(".")) extension = "." + extension;
    Prefs.set("options.ext", extension);
    Prefs.useJFileChooser = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (!IJ.isMacOSX()) Prefs.useFileChooser = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.intelByteOrder = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.skipRawDialog = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.copyColumnHeaders = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.noRowNumbers = !gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.dontSaveHeaders = !gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.dontSaveRowNumbers = !gd.getNextBoolean();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 byte[] download(File f) {
   if (!f.exists()) {
     IJ.error("Plugin Installer", "File not found: " + f);
     return null;
   byte[] data = null;
   try {
     int len = (int) f.length();
     InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
     DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in);
     data = new byte[len];
   } catch (Exception e) {
     IJ.error("Plugin Installer", "" + e);
     data = null;
   return data;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 boolean savePlugin(File f, byte[] data) {
   try {
     FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
     out.write(data, 0, data.length);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     IJ.error("Plugin Installer", "" + e);
     return false;
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void run(String arg) {
   OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Install Plugin, Macro or Script...", arg);
   String directory = od.getDirectory();
   String name = od.getFileName();
   if (name == null) return;
   if (!validExtension(name)) {
     IJ.error("Plugin Installer", errorMessage());
   String path = directory + name;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Open a file. If it's a directory, ask to open all images as a sequence in a stack or
  * individually.
 public void openFile(File f) {
   if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("DragAndDrop.openFile: " + f);
   try {
     if (null == f) return;
     String path = f.getCanonicalPath();
     if (f.exists()) {
       if (f.isDirectory()) openDirectory(f, path);
       else {
         if (openAsVirtualStack && (path.endsWith(".tif") || path.endsWith(".TIF")))
           (new FileInfoVirtualStack()).run(path);
         else (new Opener()).openAndAddToRecent(path);
         OpenDialog.setLastDirectory(f.getParent() + File.separator);
     } else {
       IJ.log("File not found: " + path);
   } catch (Throwable e) {
     if (!Macro.MACRO_CANCELED.equals(e.getMessage())) IJ.handleException(e);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  public void run(String arg) {
    if (IJ.versionLessThan("1.49d")) return;

    if (!showDialog()) return;

    SaveDialog sd = new SaveDialog("Save as Bricks...", "", "");
    basename = sd.getFileName();
    directory = sd.getDirectory();
    if (basename == null || directory == null) return;

Ejemplo n.º 21
 void abortPluginOrMacro(ImagePlus imp) {
   if (imp != null) {
     ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
     if (win != null) {
       win.running = false;
       win.running2 = false;
   if (Interpreter.getInstance() != null) IJ.beep();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 // Conversion Options
 void conversions() {
   double[] weights = ColorProcessor.getWeightingFactors();
   boolean weighted = !(weights[0] == 1d / 3d && weights[1] == 1d / 3d && weights[2] == 1d / 3d);
   // boolean weighted = !(Math.abs(weights[0]-1d/3d)<0.0001 && Math.abs(weights[1]-1d/3d)<0.0001
   // && Math.abs(weights[2]-1d/3d)<0.0001);
   GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Conversion Options");
   gd.addCheckbox("Scale when converting", ImageConverter.getDoScaling());
   String prompt = "Weighted RGB conversions";
   if (weighted)
     prompt +=
         " (" + IJ.d2s(weights[0]) + "," + IJ.d2s(weights[1]) + "," + IJ.d2s(weights[2]) + ")";
   gd.addCheckbox(prompt, weighted);
   if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
   Prefs.weightedColor = gd.getNextBoolean();
   if (!Prefs.weightedColor) ColorProcessor.setWeightingFactors(1d / 3d, 1d / 3d, 1d / 3d);
   else if (Prefs.weightedColor && !weighted)
     ColorProcessor.setWeightingFactors(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
  public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {

    dimz = stack.getSize();
    dimy = stack.getWidth();
    dimx = stack.getHeight();

    SaveDialog sd = new SaveDialog("Save Measurements as Text...", "res", ".dat");
    String name = sd.getFileName();
    if (name == null) return;

    String directory = sd.getDirectory();

    nb = calculnb(stack); // -1;
    IJ.showStatus("Measure parameters for the " + nb + " objects ...");
    if (nb < 1) {
      IJ.showMessage("volume must be labeled");
    } else {
      double[] volume_m = new double[nb];
      int[] volume_p = new int[nb];
      double[] surface = new double[nb];
      double[] surfacenb = new double[nb];
      double[][][] I = new double[3][3][nb];
      double[][] J = new double[3][nb];
      double[][][] dir = new double[3][3][nb];
      double[] xg = new double[nb];
      double[] yg = new double[nb];
      double[] zg = new double[nb];
      byte[] bord = new byte[nb];
      //       		double[] a = new double[nb];
      //       		double[] b = new double[nb];
      //       		double[] c = new double[nb];
      //       		double[] Fab = new double[nb];
      //       		double[] Fac = new double[nb];
      //       		double[] Fbc = new double[nb];
      //       		double[] sp = new double[nb];
      double[][] lmin = new double[nb][3];
      double[][] lmax = new double[nb][3];
      IJ.showStatus("Measure surfaces ...");
      calculmarchsurfstack(stack, nb, surface, volume_m);
      calculmarchsurfstacknb(stack, nb, surfacenb);
      // calculvolumestack(stack,nb,volume_p);
      IJ.showStatus("Measure volumes and inertia ...");
      calculcgstack(stack, nb, volume_p, xg, yg, zg);
      calculinertiestack(stack, nb, xg, yg, zg, I);
      inertie(nb, I, J, dir);
      IJ.showStatus("Measure bounding boxes ...");
      boitestack(stack, nb, xg, yg, zg, dir, lmin, lmax);
      borderstack(stack, nb, bord);
      IJ.showStatus("Save results ...");
          volume_p, volume_m, surface, surfacenb, xg, yg, zg, J, dir, nb, bord, lmin, lmax,
          directory, name);
      volume_m = null;
      volume_p = null;
      surface = null;
      xg = null;
      yg = null;
      zg = null;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 void lineWidth() {
   int width = (int) IJ.getNumber("Line Width:", Line.getWidth());
   if (width == IJ.CANCELED) return;
   ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
   if (imp != null && imp.isProcessor()) {
     ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
     Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
     if (roi != null && roi.isLine()) imp.draw();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private String parseHTML(String s) {
   if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("parseHTML:\n" + s);
   int index1 = s.indexOf("src=\"");
   if (index1 >= 0) {
     int index2 = s.indexOf("\"", index1 + 5);
     if (index2 > 0) return s.substring(index1 + 5, index2);
   index1 = s.indexOf("href=\"");
   if (index1 >= 0) {
     int index2 = s.indexOf("\"", index1 + 6);
     if (index2 > 0) return s.substring(index1 + 6, index2);
   return s;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Point getPreferredLocation() {
   if (!IJ.isJava14()) return new Point(0, 0);
   GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
   Rectangle maxBounds = ge.getMaximumWindowBounds();
   int ijX = Prefs.getInt(IJ_X, -99);
   int ijY = Prefs.getInt(IJ_Y, -99);
   if (ijX >= 0 && ijY > 0 && ijX < (maxBounds.x + maxBounds.width - 75))
     return new Point(ijX, ijY);
   Dimension tbsize = toolbar.getPreferredSize();
   int ijWidth = tbsize.width + 10;
   double percent = maxBounds.width > 832 ? 0.8 : 0.9;
   ijX = (int) (percent * (maxBounds.width - ijWidth));
   if (ijX < 10) ijX = 10;
   return new Point(ijX, maxBounds.y);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
   char keyChar = e.getKeyChar();
   int flags = e.getModifiers();
   if (IJ.debugMode)
         "keyTyped: char=\""
             + keyChar
             + "\" ("
             + (int) keyChar
             + "), flags= "
             + Integer.toHexString(flags)
             + " ("
             + KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(flags)
             + ")");
   if (keyChar == '\\' || keyChar == 171 || keyChar == 223) {
     if (((flags & Event.ALT_MASK) != 0)) doCommand("Animation Options...");
     else doCommand("Start Animation [\\]");
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public static byte[] download(String urlString, String name) {
   int maxLength = 52428800; // 50MB
   URL url = null;
   boolean unknownLength = false;
   byte[] data = null;
   int n = 0;
   try {
     url = new URL(urlString);
     if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("PluginInstaller: " + urlString + "  " + url);
     if (url == null) return null;
     URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
     int len = uc.getContentLength();
     unknownLength = len < 0;
     if (unknownLength) len = maxLength;
     if (name != null) IJ.showStatus("Downloading " + url.getFile());
     InputStream in = uc.getInputStream();
     data = new byte[len];
     int lenk = len / 1024;
     while (n < len) {
       int count = in.read(data, n, len - n);
       if (count < 0) break;
       n += count;
       if (name != null)
         IJ.showStatus("Downloading " + name + " (" + (n / 1024) + "/" + lenk + "k)");
       IJ.showProgress(n, len);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     String msg = "" + e;
     if (!msg.contains("://")) msg += "\n   " + urlString;
     IJ.error("Plugin Installer", msg);
     return null;
   } finally {
   if (name != null) IJ.showStatus("");
   if (unknownLength) {
     byte[] data2 = data;
     data = new byte[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = data2[i];
   return data;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  // Miscellaneous Options
  void miscOptions() {
    String key = IJ.isMacintosh() ? "command" : "control";
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Miscellaneous Options", IJ.getInstance());
    gd.addStringField("Divide by zero value:", "" + FloatBlitter.divideByZeroValue, 10);
    gd.addCheckbox("Use pointer cursor", Prefs.usePointerCursor);
    gd.addCheckbox("Hide \"Process Stack?\" dialog", IJ.hideProcessStackDialog);
    gd.addCheckbox("Require " + key + " key for shortcuts", Prefs.requireControlKey);
    gd.addCheckbox("Move isolated plugins to Misc. menu", Prefs.moveToMisc);
    if (!IJ.isMacOSX()) gd.addCheckbox("Run single instance listener", Prefs.runSocketListener);
    gd.addCheckbox("Enhanced line tool", Prefs.enhancedLineTool);
    gd.addCheckbox("Reverse CZT order of \">\" and \"<\"", Prefs.reverseNextPreviousOrder);
    gd.addCheckbox("Debug mode", IJ.debugMode);
    gd.addHelp(IJ.URL + "/docs/menus/edit.html#misc");
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;

    String divValue = gd.getNextString();
    if (divValue.equalsIgnoreCase("infinity") || divValue.equalsIgnoreCase("infinite"))
      FloatBlitter.divideByZeroValue = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    else if (divValue.equalsIgnoreCase("NaN")) FloatBlitter.divideByZeroValue = Float.NaN;
    else if (divValue.equalsIgnoreCase("max")) FloatBlitter.divideByZeroValue = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    else {
      Float f;
      try {
        f = new Float(divValue);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        f = null;
      if (f != null) FloatBlitter.divideByZeroValue = f.floatValue();

    Prefs.usePointerCursor = gd.getNextBoolean();
    IJ.hideProcessStackDialog = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.requireControlKey = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.moveToMisc = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (!IJ.isMacOSX()) Prefs.runSocketListener = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.enhancedLineTool = gd.getNextBoolean();
    Prefs.reverseNextPreviousOrder = gd.getNextBoolean();
Ejemplo n.º 30
  String getInfo(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
    String s = new String("\n");
    s += "Title: " + imp.getTitle() + "\n";
    Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
    int stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
    int channels = imp.getNChannels();
    int slices = imp.getNSlices();
    int frames = imp.getNFrames();
    int digits = imp.getBitDepth() == 32 ? 4 : 0;
    if (cal.scaled()) {
      String unit = cal.getUnit();
      String units = cal.getUnits();
      s +=
          "Width:  "
              + IJ.d2s(imp.getWidth() * cal.pixelWidth, 2)
              + " "
              + units
              + " ("
              + imp.getWidth()
              + ")\n";
      s +=
          "Height:  "
              + IJ.d2s(imp.getHeight() * cal.pixelHeight, 2)
              + " "
              + units
              + " ("
              + imp.getHeight()
              + ")\n";
      if (slices > 1)
        s += "Depth:  " + IJ.d2s(slices * cal.pixelDepth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + slices + ")\n";
      double xResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelWidth;
      double yResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelHeight;
      int places = Tools.getDecimalPlaces(xResolution, yResolution);
      if (xResolution == yResolution)
        s += "Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
      else {
        s += "X Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
        s += "Y Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(yResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
    } else {
      s += "Width:  " + imp.getWidth() + " pixels\n";
      s += "Height:  " + imp.getHeight() + " pixels\n";
      if (stackSize > 1) s += "Depth:  " + slices + " pixels\n";
    if (stackSize > 1)
      s +=
          "Voxel size: "
              + d2s(cal.pixelWidth)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelHeight)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelDepth)
              + " "
              + cal.getUnit()
              + "\n";
      s +=
          "Pixel size: "
              + d2s(cal.pixelWidth)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelHeight)
              + " "
              + cal.getUnit()
              + "\n";

    s += "ID: " + imp.getID() + "\n";
    String zOrigin = stackSize > 1 || cal.zOrigin != 0.0 ? "," + d2s(cal.zOrigin) : "";
    s += "Coordinate origin:  " + d2s(cal.xOrigin) + "," + d2s(cal.yOrigin) + zOrigin + "\n";
    int type = imp.getType();
    switch (type) {
      case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 8 ";
        String lut = "LUT";
        if (imp.getProcessor().isColorLut()) lut = "color " + lut;
        else lut = "grayscale " + lut;
        if (imp.isInvertedLut()) lut = "inverting " + lut;
        s += "(" + lut + ")\n";
        if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp);
        else s += "Display range: " + (int) ip.getMin() + "-" + (int) ip.getMax() + "\n";
      case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
      case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
        if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16) {
          String sign = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? "signed" : "unsigned";
          s += "Bits per pixel: 16 (" + sign + ")\n";
        } else s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (float)\n";
        if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp);
        else {
          s += "Display range: ";
          double min = ip.getMin();
          double max = ip.getMax();
          if (cal.calibrated()) {
            min = cal.getCValue((int) min);
            max = cal.getCValue((int) max);
          s += IJ.d2s(min, digits) + " - " + IJ.d2s(max, digits) + "\n";
      case ImagePlus.COLOR_256:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 8 (color LUT)\n";
      case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (RGB)\n";
    double interval = cal.frameInterval;
    double fps = cal.fps;
    if (stackSize > 1) {
      ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
      int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice();
      String number = slice + "/" + stackSize;
      String label = stack.getShortSliceLabel(slice);
      if (label != null && label.length() > 0) label = " (" + label + ")";
      else label = "";
      if (interval > 0.0 || fps != 0.0) {
        s += "Frame: " + number + label + "\n";
        if (fps != 0.0) {
          String sRate =
              Math.abs(fps - Math.round(fps)) < 0.00001 ? IJ.d2s(fps, 0) : IJ.d2s(fps, 5);
          s += "Frame rate: " + sRate + " fps\n";
        if (interval != 0.0)
          s +=
              "Frame interval: "
                  + ((int) interval == interval ? IJ.d2s(interval, 0) : IJ.d2s(interval, 5))
                  + " "
                  + cal.getTimeUnit()
                  + "\n";
      } else s += "Image: " + number + label + "\n";
      if (imp.isHyperStack()) {
        if (channels > 1) s += "  Channel: " + imp.getChannel() + "/" + channels + "\n";
        if (slices > 1) s += "  Slice: " + imp.getSlice() + "/" + slices + "\n";
        if (frames > 1) s += "  Frame: " + imp.getFrame() + "/" + frames + "\n";
      if (imp.isComposite()) {
        if (!imp.isHyperStack() && channels > 1) s += "  Channels: " + channels + "\n";
        String mode = ((CompositeImage) imp).getModeAsString();
        s += "  Composite mode: \"" + mode + "\"\n";

    if (ip.getMinThreshold() == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) s += "No Threshold\n";
    else {
      double lower = ip.getMinThreshold();
      double upper = ip.getMaxThreshold();
      int dp = digits;
      if (cal.calibrated()) {
        lower = cal.getCValue((int) lower);
        upper = cal.getCValue((int) upper);
        dp = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? 0 : 4;
      s += "Threshold: " + IJ.d2s(lower, dp) + "-" + IJ.d2s(upper, dp) + "\n";
    ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas();
    double mag = ic != null ? ic.getMagnification() : 1.0;
    if (mag != 1.0) s += "Magnification: " + IJ.d2s(mag, 2) + "\n";

    if (cal.calibrated()) {
      s += " \n";
      int curveFit = cal.getFunction();
      s += "Calibration Function: ";
      if (curveFit == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) s += "Uncalibrated OD\n";
      else if (curveFit == Calibration.CUSTOM) s += "Custom lookup table\n";
      else s += CurveFitter.fList[curveFit] + "\n";
      double[] c = cal.getCoefficients();
      if (c != null) {
        s += "  a: " + IJ.d2s(c[0], 6) + "\n";
        s += "  b: " + IJ.d2s(c[1], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 3) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[2], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 4) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[3], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 5) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[4], 6) + "\n";
      s += "  Unit: \"" + cal.getValueUnit() + "\"\n";
    } else s += "Uncalibrated\n";

    FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo();
    if (fi != null) {
      if (fi.url != null && !fi.url.equals("")) s += "URL: " + fi.url + "\n";
      else if (fi.directory != null && fi.fileName != null)
        s += "Path: " + fi.directory + fi.fileName + "\n";

    ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
    if (win != null) {
      Point loc = win.getLocation();
      Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize();
      s +=
          "Screen location: "
              + loc.x
              + ","
              + loc.y
              + " ("
              + screen.width
              + "x"
              + screen.height
              + ")\n";

    Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay();
    if (overlay != null) {
      String hidden = imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : " ";
      int n = overlay.size();
      String elements = n == 1 ? " element" : " elements";
      s += "Overlay: " + n + elements + (imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : "") + "\n";
    } else s += "No Overlay\n";

    Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
    if (roi == null) {
      if (cal.calibrated()) s += " \n";
      s += "No Selection\n";
    } else if (roi instanceof EllipseRoi) {
      s += "\nElliptical Selection\n";
      double[] p = ((EllipseRoi) roi).getParams();
      double dx = p[2] - p[0];
      double dy = p[3] - p[1];
      double major = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
      s += "  Major: " + IJ.d2s(major, 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Minor: " + IJ.d2s(major * p[4], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  X1: " + IJ.d2s(p[0], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Y1: " + IJ.d2s(p[1], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  X2: " + IJ.d2s(p[2], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Y2: " + IJ.d2s(p[3], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Aspect ratio: " + IJ.d2s(p[4], 2) + "\n";
    } else {
      s += " \n";
      s += roi.getTypeAsString() + " Selection";
      String points = null;
      if (roi instanceof PointRoi) {
        int npoints = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates();
        String suffix = npoints > 1 ? "s)" : ")";
        points = " (" + npoints + " point" + suffix;
      String name = roi.getName();
      if (name != null) {
        s += " (\"" + name + "\")";
        if (points != null) s += "\n " + points;
      } else if (points != null) s += points;
      s += "\n";
      Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
      if (roi instanceof Line) {
        Line line = (Line) roi;
        s += "  X1: " + IJ.d2s(line.x1d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n";
        s += "  Y1: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y1d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n";
        s += "  X2: " + IJ.d2s(line.x2d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n";
        s += "  Y2: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y2d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n";
      } else if (cal.scaled()) {
        s += "  X: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getX(r.x)) + " (" + r.x + ")\n";
        s += "  Y: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getY(r.y, imp.getHeight())) + " (" + r.y + ")\n";
        s += "  Width: " + IJ.d2s(r.width * cal.pixelWidth) + " (" + r.width + ")\n";
        s += "  Height: " + IJ.d2s(r.height * cal.pixelHeight) + " (" + r.height + ")\n";
      } else {
        s += "  X: " + r.x + "\n";
        s += "  Y: " + yy(r.y, imp) + "\n";
        s += "  Width: " + r.width + "\n";
        s += "  Height: " + r.height + "\n";

    return s;