Ejemplo n.º 1
 public IItemCollection getMilestones(String numexp) throws ISPACException {
   DbCnt cnt = null;
   try {
     cnt = mcontext.getConnection();
     return TXHitoDAO.getMilestones(cnt, numexp).disconnect();
   } catch (ISPACException ie) {
     throw new ISPACException("Error en invesflowAPI:getMilestones(" + numexp + ")", ie);
   } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public IItemCollection getMilestones(
     int nIdProc, int stagePcdId, int taskPcdId, int taskId, int milestone) throws ISPACException {
   DbCnt cnt = null;
   String query =
       "ID_FASE = "
           + stagePcdId
           + " AND ID_TRAMITE = "
           + taskPcdId
           + " AND HITO = "
           + milestone
           + " AND INFO LIKE '%<id_tramite>"
           + taskId
           + "</id_tramite>%'";
   try {
     cnt = mcontext.getConnection();
     return TXHitoDAO.getMilestones(cnt, nIdProc, query).disconnect();
   } catch (ISPACException ie) {
     throw new ISPACException("Error en invesflowAPI:getMilestones(" + nIdProc + ")", ie);
   } finally {