Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Create a common SAMFileWriter from a factory for use with GATK tools. Assumes that if the
   * factory has been set to create an index, the header must be set to coordinate sorted.
   * @param outputFile if this file has a .cram extension then a reference is required. Can not be
   *     null.
   * @param referenceFile the reference source to use. Can not be null if a output file has a .cram
   *     extension.
   * @param header header to be used for the output writer
   * @param preSorted if true then records must already be sorted to match the header sort order
   * @param factory SAMFileWriterFactory factory to use
   * @return SAMFileWriter
  public static SAMFileWriter createCommonSAMWriterFromFactory(
      final SAMFileWriterFactory factory,
      final File outputFile,
      final File referenceFile,
      final SAMFileHeader header,
      final boolean preSorted) {

    if (null == referenceFile && outputFile.getName().endsWith(CramIO.CRAM_FILE_EXTENSION)) {
      throw new UserException("A reference file is required for writing CRAM files");

    return factory.makeWriter(header.clone(), preSorted, outputFile, referenceFile);