Ejemplo n.º 1
  public Command execute() throws RollBackCommandException {

    try {

      Session sess = this.getSecAdvisor().getReadOnlyHibernateSession(this.getUsername());

      DictionaryHelper dh = DictionaryHelper.getInstance(sess);

      HashMap statusNodeMap = new HashMap();

      if (billingItemFilter.getIdBillingPeriod() != null) {
        BillingPeriod bp = dh.getBillingPeriod(billingItemFilter.getIdBillingPeriod());
        if (bp == null) {
          throw new RollBackCommandException(
              "Unable to find billing period " + billingItemFilter.getIdBillingPeriod());

      StringBuffer buf = billingItemFilter.getBillingNewRequestQuery();
      LOG.info("Query: " + buf.toString());
      List newRequests = sess.createQuery(buf.toString()).list();

      Element statusNode = new Element("Status");

      TreeMap requestToStatusMap = new TreeMap(new RequestNumberBilledComparator());
      HashMap requestNodeMap = new HashMap();
      HashMap statusToLabNodeMap = new HashMap();

      // Query all requests that don't have any billing items.
      // Assign these requests a 'Pending' status.
      if (newRequests.size() > 0) {
        statusNode.setAttribute("label", "Pending");
        statusNode.setAttribute("status", BillingStatus.PENDING);
        statusNodeMap.put(BillingStatus.PENDING, statusNode);

        for (Iterator i = newRequests.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
          Object[] row = (Object[]) i.next();

          Integer idRequest = (Integer) row[0];
          String requestNumber = (String) row[1] == null ? "" : (String) row[1];
          String codeRequestCategory = (String) row[2] == null ? "" : (String) row[2];
          String idBillingAccount = (Integer) row[3] == null ? "" : ((Integer) row[3]).toString();
          String labLastName = (String) row[4] == null ? "" : (String) row[4];
          String labFirstName = (String) row[5] == null ? "" : (String) row[5];
          AppUser submitter = (AppUser) row[6];
          java.util.Date createDate = (java.util.Date) row[7];
          Date completedDate = (Date) row[8];
          BillingAccount billingAcct = (BillingAccount) row[9];
          String labIsExternalPricing = (String) row[10];
          String labIsExternalPricingCommercial = (String) row[11];

          String labName = Lab.formatLabName(labLastName, labFirstName);

          String toolTip = requestNumber + " " + labName;
          if (createDate != null) {
            toolTip += "\nsubmitted " + this.formatDate(createDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH_SHORT);
          if (completedDate != null) {
            toolTip +=
                ", completed  " + this.formatDate(completedDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH_SHORT);

          RequestCategory requestCategory = dh.getRequestCategoryObject(codeRequestCategory);

          Element node = new Element("Request");
          node.setAttribute("idRequest", idRequest.toString());
          node.setAttribute("idProductOrder", "");
          node.setAttribute("requestNumber", requestNumber);
          node.setAttribute("label", requestNumber);
          node.setAttribute("codeRequestCategory", codeRequestCategory);
              requestCategory != null && requestCategory.getIcon() != null
                  ? requestCategory.getIcon()
                  : "");
              requestCategory != null && requestCategory.getType() != null
                  ? requestCategory.getType()
                  : "");
          node.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", idBillingAccount);
          node.setAttribute("labName", labName != null ? labName : "");
          node.setAttribute("toolTip", toolTip);
          node.setAttribute("submitter", submitter != null ? submitter.getDisplayName() : "");
          node.setAttribute("codeBillingStatus", BillingStatus.NEW);
              createDate != null ? this.formatDate(createDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH) : "");
              completedDate != null ? this.formatDate(completedDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH) : "");
              "isExternalPricing", labIsExternalPricing != null ? labIsExternalPricing : "N");
              labIsExternalPricingCommercial != null ? labIsExternalPricingCommercial : "N");
          node.setAttribute("hasBillingItems", "N");

          String labBillingName = labName;
          if (billingAcct != null) {
            labBillingName += " (" + billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber() + ")";

          String requestNumberBilled = requestNumber + DELIM + labBillingName;

          // Hash the status node.
          List statusList = (List) requestToStatusMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
          if (statusList == null) {
            statusList = new ArrayList<String>();
            requestToStatusMap.put(requestNumberBilled, statusList);

          // There can be multiple requests nodes for a given request number when
          // the request's billing items are split among multiple billing
          // accounts.  Keep a hash map of these different request nodes.

          TreeMap requestNodes = (TreeMap) requestNodeMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
          if (requestNodes == null) {
            requestNodes = new TreeMap(new RequestNumberBilledComparator());
            requestNodeMap.put(requestNumberBilled, requestNodes);
          requestNodes.put(requestNumberBilled, node);

      buf = billingItemFilter.getBillingRequestQuery();
      LOG.info("Query: " + buf.toString());
      List billingItemRequests = sess.createQuery(buf.toString()).list();
      String prevCodeBillingStatus = "NEW";
      // Query all requests with billing items.  Determine status by looking
      // at all of billing items for request.
      // Hash nodes for lab/billing account, status.
      for (Iterator i = billingItemRequests.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Object[] row = (Object[]) i.next();

        String codeBillingStatus = (String) row[0] == null ? "" : (String) row[0];
        Integer idRequest = (Integer) row[1];
        String requestNumber = (String) row[2] == null ? "" : (String) row[2];
        String codeRequestCategory = (String) row[3] == null ? "" : (String) row[3];
        Integer idLab = (Integer) row[4];
        String labLastName = (String) row[5] == null ? "" : (String) row[5];
        String labFirstName = (String) row[6] == null ? "" : (String) row[6];
        AppUser submitter = (AppUser) row[7];
        java.util.Date createDate = (java.util.Date) row[8];
        Date completedDate = (Date) row[9];
        BillingAccount billingAcct = (BillingAccount) row[10];
        String labIsExternalPricing = (String) row[11];
        String labIsExternalPricingCommercial = (String) row[12];
        Integer idInvoice = (Integer) row[13];
        String contactEmail = (String) row[14];
        String billingContactEmail = (String) row[15];

        String labName = Lab.formatLabName(labLastName, labFirstName);
        String billingEmail = Lab.formatBillingNotificationEmail(contactEmail, billingContactEmail);

        String toolTip = requestNumber + " " + labName;

        String labBillingName = labName + " (" + billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber() + ")";
        String requestNumberBilled = requestNumber + DELIM + labBillingName;

        if (createDate != null) {
          toolTip += "\nsubmitted " + this.formatDate(createDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH_SHORT);
        if (completedDate != null) {
          toolTip += ", completed  " + this.formatDate(completedDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH_SHORT);

        List statusList = (List) requestToStatusMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        if (statusList == null) {
          statusList = new ArrayList<String>();
          requestToStatusMap.put(requestNumberBilled, statusList);

        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);
        if (labNodeMap == null) {
          labNodeMap = new TreeMap();
          statusToLabNodeMap.put(codeBillingStatus, labNodeMap);
        Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(labBillingName);
        if (labNode == null) {
          labNode = new Element("Lab");
          labNode.setAttribute("label", labBillingName);
          labNode.setAttribute("dataTip", labBillingName);
          labNode.setAttribute("idLab", idLab != null ? idLab.toString() : "");
          labNode.setAttribute("name", labName);
          labNode.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", billingAcct.getIdBillingAccount().toString());
          labNode.setAttribute("billingAccountName", billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber());
          labNode.setAttribute("contactEmail", contactEmail != null ? contactEmail : "");
              "billingNotificationEmail", billingEmail != null ? billingEmail : "");
          if (idInvoice != null) {
            labNode.setAttribute("idInvoice", idInvoice.toString());
          labNodeMap.put(labBillingName, labNode);

        if (!prevCodeBillingStatus.equals(codeBillingStatus)) {
          statusNode = new Element("Status");
          statusNode.setAttribute("label", dh.getBillingStatus(codeBillingStatus));
          statusNode.setAttribute("status", codeBillingStatus);
          statusNodeMap.put(codeBillingStatus, statusNode);

        RequestCategory requestCategory = dh.getRequestCategoryObject(codeRequestCategory);

        Element node = new Element("Request");
        node.setAttribute("idRequest", idRequest.toString());
        node.setAttribute("idProductOrder", "");
        node.setAttribute("label", requestNumber);
        node.setAttribute("requestNumber", requestNumber);
        node.setAttribute("toolTip", toolTip);
        node.setAttribute("codeRequestCategory", codeRequestCategory);
            requestCategory != null && requestCategory.getIcon() != null
                ? requestCategory.getIcon()
                : "");
            requestCategory != null && requestCategory.getType() != null
                ? requestCategory.getType()
                : "");
        node.setAttribute("submitter", submitter != null ? submitter.getDisplayName() : "");
        node.setAttribute("labBillingName", labBillingName);
        node.setAttribute("idLab", idLab != null ? idLab.toString() : "");
        node.setAttribute("labName", labName != null ? labName : "");
        node.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", billingAcct.getIdBillingAccount().toString());
        node.setAttribute("billingAccountName", billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber());
            "isExternalPricing", labIsExternalPricing != null ? labIsExternalPricing : "N");
            labIsExternalPricingCommercial != null ? labIsExternalPricingCommercial : "N");
        node.setAttribute("hasBillingItems", "Y");
        if (idInvoice != null) {
          node.setAttribute("idInvoice", idInvoice.toString());

        // There can be multiple requests nodes for a given request number when
        // the request's billing items are split among multiple billing
        // accounts.  Keep a hash map of these different request nodes.
        TreeMap requestNodes = (TreeMap) requestNodeMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        if (requestNodes == null) {
          requestNodes = new TreeMap(new RequestNumberBilledComparator());
          requestNodeMap.put(requestNumberBilled, requestNodes);
        requestNodes.put(requestNumberBilled, node);

        prevCodeBillingStatus = codeBillingStatus;

      buf = billingItemFilter.getBillingDiskUsageQuery();
      LOG.info("Query: " + buf.toString());
      List billingItemDiskUsage = sess.createQuery(buf.toString()).list();
      prevCodeBillingStatus = "NEW";
      // Query all disk usage rows with billing items.  Determine status by looking
      // at all of billing items for disk usage (should only be one but...)
      // Hash nodes for lab/billing account, status.
      for (Iterator i = billingItemDiskUsage.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Object[] row = (Object[]) i.next();

        String codeBillingStatus = (String) row[0] == null ? "" : (String) row[0];
        Integer idDiskUsage = (Integer) row[1];
        Integer idLab = (Integer) row[2];
        String labLastName = (String) row[3] == null ? "" : (String) row[3];
        String labFirstName = (String) row[4] == null ? "" : (String) row[4];
        java.util.Date asOfDate = (java.util.Date) row[5];
        BillingAccount billingAcct = (BillingAccount) row[6];
        String labIsExternalPricing = (String) row[7];
        String labIsExternalPricingCommercial = (String) row[8];
        Integer idInvoice = (Integer) row[9];
        String contactEmail = (String) row[10];

        String labName = Lab.formatLabName(labLastName, labFirstName);

        String toolTip = "Disk Usage Charge for " + labName;

        String labBillingName = labName + " (" + billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber() + ")";
        String requestNumberBilled =
            DISK_USAGE_PREFIX + idDiskUsage.toString() + DELIM + labBillingName;

        if (asOfDate != null) {
          toolTip += "\ncomputed as of " + this.formatDate(asOfDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH_SHORT);

        List statusList = (List) requestToStatusMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        if (statusList == null) {
          statusList = new ArrayList<String>();
          requestToStatusMap.put(requestNumberBilled, statusList);

        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);
        if (labNodeMap == null) {
          labNodeMap = new TreeMap();
          statusToLabNodeMap.put(codeBillingStatus, labNodeMap);
        Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(labBillingName);
        if (labNode == null) {
          labNode = new Element("Lab");
          labNode.setAttribute("label", labBillingName);
          labNode.setAttribute("dataTip", labBillingName);
          labNode.setAttribute("idLab", idLab != null ? idLab.toString() : "");
          labNode.setAttribute("name", labName);
          labNode.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", billingAcct.getIdBillingAccount().toString());
          labNode.setAttribute("billingAccountName", billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber());
          labNode.setAttribute("contactEmail", contactEmail != null ? contactEmail : "");
          if (idInvoice != null) {
            labNode.setAttribute("idInvoice", idInvoice.toString());
          labNodeMap.put(labBillingName, labNode);

        if (!prevCodeBillingStatus.equals(codeBillingStatus)) {
          if (!statusNodeMap.containsKey(codeBillingStatus)) {
            statusNode = new Element("Status");
            statusNode.setAttribute("label", dh.getBillingStatus(codeBillingStatus));
            statusNode.setAttribute("status", codeBillingStatus);
            statusNodeMap.put(codeBillingStatus, statusNode);
          } else {
            statusNode = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);

        Element node = new Element("Request");
        node.setAttribute("idRequest", idDiskUsage.toString());
        node.setAttribute("idProductOrder", "");
        node.setAttribute("label", "Disk Usage");
        node.setAttribute("requestNumber", "Disk Usage");
        node.setAttribute("toolTip", toolTip);
        node.setAttribute("codeRequestCategory", DiskUsageByMonth.DISK_USAGE_REQUEST_CATEGORY);
        node.setAttribute("icon", DiskUsageByMonth.DISK_USAGE_ICON);
        node.setAttribute("type", "Disk Usage");
        node.setAttribute("submitter", "");
        node.setAttribute("labBillingName", labBillingName);
        node.setAttribute("idLab", idLab != null ? idLab.toString() : "");
        node.setAttribute("labName", labName != null ? labName : "");
        node.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", billingAcct.getIdBillingAccount().toString());
        node.setAttribute("billingAccountName", billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber());
            "isExternalPricing", labIsExternalPricing != null ? labIsExternalPricing : "N");
            labIsExternalPricingCommercial != null ? labIsExternalPricingCommercial : "N");
        node.setAttribute("hasBillingItems", "Y");
        if (idInvoice != null) {
          node.setAttribute("idInvoice", idInvoice.toString());

        // There can be multiple requests nodes for a given request number when
        // the request's billing items are split among multiple billing
        // accounts.  This should never happen for disk usage, but keeping the code anyway.
        TreeMap requestNodes = (TreeMap) requestNodeMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        if (requestNodes == null) {
          requestNodes = new TreeMap(new RequestNumberBilledComparator());
          requestNodeMap.put(requestNumberBilled, requestNodes);
        requestNodes.put(requestNumberBilled, node);

        prevCodeBillingStatus = codeBillingStatus;

      buf = billingItemFilter.getBillingProductOrderQuery();
      LOG.info("Query: " + buf.toString());
      List billingItemProductOrder = sess.createQuery(buf.toString()).list();
      prevCodeBillingStatus = "NEW";
      List labNames = new ArrayList();
      // Query all product order rows with billing items.  Determine status by looking
      // at all of billing items for product order (should only be one but...)
      // Hash nodes for lab/billing account, status.
      for (Iterator i = billingItemProductOrder.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Object[] row = (Object[]) i.next();

        String codeBillingStatus = (String) row[0] == null ? "" : (String) row[0];
        String productOrderNumber = (String) row[1] == null ? "" : (String) row[1];
        Integer idProductOrder = (Integer) row[2];
        Integer idLab = (Integer) row[3];
        String labLastName = (String) row[4] == null ? "" : (String) row[4];
        String labFirstName = (String) row[5] == null ? "" : (String) row[5];
        java.util.Date submitDate = (java.util.Date) row[6];
        BillingAccount billingAcct = (BillingAccount) row[7];
        String labIsExternalPricing = (String) row[8];
        String labIsExternalPricingCommercial = (String) row[9];
        Integer idInvoice = (Integer) row[10];
        String contactEmail = (String) row[11];
        Integer idCoreFacility = (Integer) row[12];

        String labName = Lab.formatLabName(labLastName, labFirstName);

        String toolTip = "Product Order Charge for " + labName;

        String labBillingName = labName + " (" + billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber() + ")";
        String requestNumberBilled =
            PRODUCT_ORDER_PREFIX + idProductOrder.toString() + DELIM + labBillingName;

        if (submitDate != null) {
          toolTip += "\nsubmitted on " + this.formatDate(submitDate, this.DATE_OUTPUT_DASH_SHORT);

        List statusList = (List) requestToStatusMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        if (statusList == null) {
          statusList = new ArrayList<String>();
          requestToStatusMap.put(requestNumberBilled, statusList);

        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);
        if (labNodeMap == null) {
          labNodeMap = new TreeMap();
          statusToLabNodeMap.put(codeBillingStatus, labNodeMap);
        Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(labBillingName);
        if (labNode == null) {
          labNode = new Element("Lab");
          labNode.setAttribute("label", labBillingName);
          labNode.setAttribute("dataTip", labBillingName);
          labNode.setAttribute("idLab", idLab != null ? idLab.toString() : "");
          labNode.setAttribute("name", labName);
          labNode.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", billingAcct.getIdBillingAccount().toString());
          labNode.setAttribute("billingAccountName", billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber());
          labNode.setAttribute("contactEmail", contactEmail != null ? contactEmail : "");
          if (idInvoice != null) {
            labNode.setAttribute("idInvoice", idInvoice.toString());
          labNodeMap.put(labBillingName, labNode);

        if (!prevCodeBillingStatus.equals(codeBillingStatus)) {
          if (!statusNodeMap.containsKey(codeBillingStatus)) {
            statusNode = new Element("Status");
            statusNode.setAttribute("label", dh.getBillingStatus(codeBillingStatus));
            statusNode.setAttribute("status", codeBillingStatus);
            statusNodeMap.put(codeBillingStatus, statusNode);
          } else {
            statusNode = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);

        Element node = new Element("Request");
        node.setAttribute("idRequest", idProductOrder.toString());
        node.setAttribute("idProductOrder", idProductOrder.toString());
        node.setAttribute("idCoreFacility", idCoreFacility.toString());
            "Product Order "
                + (productOrderNumber.equals("") ? idProductOrder.toString() : productOrderNumber));
            productOrderNumber.equals("") ? idProductOrder.toString() : productOrderNumber);
        node.setAttribute("toolTip", toolTip);
        node.setAttribute("codeRequestCategory", ProductOrder.PRODUCT_ORDER_REQUEST_CATEGORY);
        node.setAttribute("icon", ProductOrder.PRODUCT_ORDER_ICON);
        node.setAttribute("type", "Product Order");
        node.setAttribute("submitter", "");
        node.setAttribute("labBillingName", labBillingName);
        node.setAttribute("idLab", idLab != null ? idLab.toString() : "");
        node.setAttribute("labName", labName != null ? labName : "");
        node.setAttribute("idBillingAccount", billingAcct.getIdBillingAccount().toString());
        node.setAttribute("billingAccountName", billingAcct.getAccountNameAndNumber());
            "isExternalPricing", labIsExternalPricing != null ? labIsExternalPricing : "N");
            labIsExternalPricingCommercial != null ? labIsExternalPricingCommercial : "N");
        node.setAttribute("hasBillingItems", "Y");
        if (idInvoice != null) {
          node.setAttribute("idInvoice", idInvoice.toString());

        // There can be multiple requests nodes for a given request number when
        // the request's billing items are split among multiple billing
        // accounts.  This should never happen for disk usage, but keeping the code anyway.
        TreeMap requestNodes = (TreeMap) requestNodeMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        if (requestNodes == null) {
          requestNodes = new TreeMap(new RequestNumberBilledComparator());
          requestNodeMap.put(requestNumberBilled, requestNodes);
        requestNodes.put(requestNumberBilled, node);


        prevCodeBillingStatus = codeBillingStatus;

      //  Determine request status.
      //   - If any billing items are Pending, status is Pending.
      //   - If any billing items are Completed, status is Completed.
      //   - If all billing items are approved, status is Approved.
      // Organize requests under lab/billing account node if request is Completed or Approved; and
      // then place lab/billing account nodes under appropriate status node).
      // Organize requests directly under status node if request is Pending.
      for (Iterator i = requestToStatusMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        String requestNumberBilled = (String) i.next();

        List statusList = (List) requestToStatusMap.get(requestNumberBilled);
        Map requestNodes = (Map) requestNodeMap.get(requestNumberBilled);

        if (requestNodes == null) {
          System.out.println("Cannot find request nodes for " + requestNumberBilled);

        // For this request, figure out which of the billing item
        // status takes precedence.
        String codeBillingStatus = null;
        if (statusList.size() == 1) {
          codeBillingStatus = (String) statusList.iterator().next();
        } else {
          // Pending takes precedence over completed, approved
          // Then completed takes precedence over approved
          for (Iterator i1 = statusList.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
            String code = (String) i1.next();
            if (code.equals(BillingStatus.PENDING)) {
              codeBillingStatus = code;
          if (codeBillingStatus == null) {
            for (Iterator i1 = statusList.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
              String code = (String) i1.next();
              if (code.equals(BillingStatus.COMPLETED)) {
                codeBillingStatus = code;
          if (codeBillingStatus == null) {
            for (Iterator i1 = statusList.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
              String code = (String) i1.next();
              if (code.equals(BillingStatus.APPROVED)) {
                codeBillingStatus = code;
          if (codeBillingStatus == null) {
            for (Iterator i1 = statusList.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
              String code = (String) i1.next();
              if (code.equals(BillingStatus.APPROVED_PO)) {
                codeBillingStatus = code;
          if (codeBillingStatus == null) {
            for (Iterator i1 = statusList.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
              String code = (String) i1.next();
              if (code.equals(BillingStatus.APPROVED_CC)) {
                codeBillingStatus = code;

        // Grab the appropriate status node
        statusNode = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);

        // If the status is PENDING, only stick one request node
        // under pending (don't consider distinct billing accounts for
        // billing items under a request.)
        if (codeBillingStatus.equals(BillingStatus.PENDING)) {
          String key = (String) requestNodes.keySet().iterator().next();
          Element requestNode = (Element) requestNodes.get(key);
        } else {
          // If the status is COMPLETED or APPROVED,
          // For each request/billing account combination, attach
          // the request node to the appropriate parent lab/billing
          // account node
          for (Iterator i0 = requestNodes.keySet().iterator(); i0.hasNext(); ) {
            String key = (String) i0.next();
            Element requestNode = (Element) requestNodes.get(key);
            Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(codeBillingStatus);
            Element labNode =
                (Element) labNodeMap.get(requestNode.getAttributeValue("labBillingName"));
            if (labNode == null) {
              labNode = new Element("Lab");
              labNode.setAttribute("label", requestNode.getAttributeValue("labBillingName"));
              labNode.setAttribute("dataTip", requestNode.getAttributeValue("labBillingName"));
              labNode.setAttribute("idLab", requestNode.getAttributeValue("idLab"));
              labNode.setAttribute("name", requestNode.getAttributeValue("labBillingName"));
                  "idBillingAccount", requestNode.getAttributeValue("idBillingAccount"));
                  "billingAccountName", requestNode.getAttributeValue("billingAccountName"));
              labNodeMap.put(requestNode.getAttributeValue("labBillingName"), labNode);
            } else {

      // Now create XML document organizing each request
      // under <STATUS> node.  Show <STATUS> in order
      // of New, Pending, Completed, Approved.
      Document doc = new Document(new Element("BillingRequestList"));
      Element status = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.NEW);
      if (status != null) {
      status = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.PENDING);
      if (status != null) {
      status = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.COMPLETED);
      if (status != null) {

        // Add non-empty labNodes onto status
        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.COMPLETED);
        for (Iterator i1 = labNodeMap.keySet().iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
          String key = (String) i1.next();
          Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(key);
          if (labNode.hasChildren()) {
      status = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.APPROVED_CC);
      if (status != null) {

        // Add non-empty labNodes onto status
        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.APPROVED_CC);
        for (Iterator i1 = labNodeMap.keySet().iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
          String key = (String) i1.next();
          Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(key);
          if (labNode.hasChildren()) {
      status = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.APPROVED_PO);
      if (status != null) {

        // Add non-empty labNodes onto status
        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.APPROVED_PO);
        for (Iterator i1 = labNodeMap.keySet().iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
          String key = (String) i1.next();
          Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(key);
          if (labNode.hasChildren()) {
      status = (Element) statusNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.APPROVED);
      if (status != null) {

        // Add non-empty labNodes onto status
        Map labNodeMap = (Map) statusToLabNodeMap.get(BillingStatus.APPROVED);
        for (Iterator i1 = labNodeMap.keySet().iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) {
          String key = (String) i1.next();
          Element labNode = (Element) labNodeMap.get(key);
          if (labNode.hasChildren()) {

      XMLOutputter out = new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter();
      this.xmlResult = out.outputString(doc);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("An exception has occurred in GetBillingRequestList ", e);
      throw new RollBackCommandException(e.getMessage());
    } finally {
      try {
        // closeReadOnlyHibernateSession;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("An exception has occurred in GetBillingRequestList ", e);

    return this;
  protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {

    // Restrict commands to local host if request is not secure
    if (!ServletUtil.checkSecureRequest(req, LOG)) {
          "Secure connection is required. Prefix your request with 'https'",
          "Accessing secure command over non-secure line from remote host is not allowed.");

    // Get the idInstrumentRun
    if (req.getParameter("idInstrumentRun") != null
        && !req.getParameter("idInstrumentRun").equals("")) {
      idInstrumentRun = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("idInstrumentRun"));

    if (idInstrumentRun == null) {
      LOG.error("idInstrumentRun required");

      response.getOutputStream().println("Missing parameter:  idInstrumentRun required" + "<br>");

    if (req.getParameter("codeReactionType") != null
        && !req.getParameter("codeReactionType").equals("")) {
      codeReactionType = req.getParameter("codeReactionType");

    InputStream in = null;
    SecurityAdvisor secAdvisor = null;

    try {

      // Get security advisor
      secAdvisor =

      if (secAdvisor != null) {

        Session sess =
                req.getUserPrincipal() != null ? req.getUserPrincipal().getName() : "guest");
        ir = (InstrumentRun) sess.load(InstrumentRun.class, idInstrumentRun);

        String runName =
            ir.getLabel() != null && !ir.getLabel().equals("")
                ? ir.getLabel()
                : ir.getIdInstrumentRun().toString();
        runName = runName.replaceAll("\\s", "_");
        String runFileName = runName + ".plt";

        // Check permissions
        if (!secAdvisor.hasPermission(SecurityAdvisor.CAN_MANAGE_DNA_SEQ_CORE)) {
                  "DownloadABIRunFileServlet: Insufficient permission to generate ABI Run (.plt) file."
                      + "<br>");
              "DownloadABIRunFileServlet: Insufficient  permission to generate ABI Run (.plt) file.");

        response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + runFileName);
        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0, must-revalidate");

        OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();

        // Change run status
        if (ir.getCodeInstrumentRunStatus() == null
            || ir.getCodeInstrumentRunStatus().equals(InstrumentRunStatus.PENDING)) {
          if (ir.getRunDate() == null) {
            ir.setRunDate(new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        changeRequestsToProcessing(sess, ir);

        // Run headers
        if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.FRAGMENT_ANALYSIS_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                  "Container Name\tPlate ID\tDescription\tContainerType\tAppType\tOwner\tOperator\tPlateSealing\tSchedulingPref\t\n");
        } else {
                  "Container Name\tPlate ID\tDescription\tApplication\tContainerType\tOwner\tOperator\tPlateSealing\tSchedulingPref\t\r\n");
        // Run information
        SealType sealType = (SealType) sess.get(SealType.class, ir.getCodeSealType());
        String sealTypeText = sealType.getSealType();

        String plateID = "";
        if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.SEQUENCING_REACTION_TYPE)) {
          plateID = runName;
        } else {
          plateID = idInstrumentRun.toString();
        String owner = "";
        AppUser user = (AppUser) sess.get(AppUser.class, Integer.valueOf(ir.getCreator()));
        owner = user.getShortName() != null ? user.getShortName() : "Core";

        if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.SEQUENCING_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                      + "\t"
                      + plateID
                      + "\t\tSequencingAnalysis\t384-Well\t"
                      + owner
                      + "\t3730-1\t"
                      + sealTypeText
                      + "\t1234\t\r\n");
        } else if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.MITO_DLOOP_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                      + "\t"
                      + plateID
                      + "\t\tSequencingAnalysis\t384-Well\t"
                      + owner
                      + "\t"
                      + owner
                      + "\t"
                      + sealTypeText
                      + "\t1234\t\r\n");
        } else {
                      + "\t"
                      + plateID
                      + "\t\t384-Well\tRegular\t"
                      + owner
                      + "\t"
                      + owner
                      + "\t"
                      + sealTypeText
                      + "\t1234\t\n");

        // Well headers
        if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.FRAGMENT_ANALYSIS_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                  "Well\tSample Name\tComment\tSampleType\tSnp Set\tAnalysis Method\tPanel"
                      + "\tUser-Defined 3\tSize Standard"
                      + "\tUser-Defined 2\tUser-Defined 1"
                      + "\tResults Group 1\tInstrument Protocol 1"
                      + "\tResults Group 2\tInstrument Protocol 2"
                      + "\tResults Group 3\tInstrument Protocol 3"
                      + "\tResults Group 4\tInstrument Protocol 4"
                      + "\tResults Group 5\tInstrument Protocol 5\t\r\n");
        } else {
                  "Well\tSample Name\tComment\tResults Group"
                      + "\tInstrument Protocol 1\tAnalysis Protocol 1"
                      + "\tInstrument Protocol 2\tAnalysis Protocol 2"
                      + "\tInstrument Protocol 3\tAnalysis Protocol 3"
                      + "\tInstrument Protocol 4\tAnalysis Protocol 4"
                      + "\tInstrument Protocol 5\tAnalysis Protocol 5\t\r\n");

        Element runNode = getRunWells(sess);

        if (runNode != null) {
          Iterator i = runNode.getChildren("PlateWell").iterator();

          for (char row = 'A'; row <= 'P'; row++) {
            for (int col = 1; col <= 24; col++) {

              if (i.hasNext()) {
                Element well = (Element) i.next();

                String idPlateWellString =
                    well.getAttributeValue("idPlateWell") != null
                        ? well.getAttributeValue("idPlateWell")
                        : "0";
                String sampleName =
                    well.getAttributeValue("sampleName") != null
                        ? well.getAttributeValue("sampleName")
                        : "";
                if (well.getAttributeValue("isControl") != null
                    && well.getAttributeValue("isControl").equals("Y")) {
                  sampleName = "pGem";
                String idSample =
                    well.getAttributeValue("idSample") != null
                        ? well.getAttributeValue("idSample")
                        : "";
                String idPlate =
                    well.getAttributeValue("idPlate") != null
                        ? well.getAttributeValue("idPlate")
                        : "";
                String primer =
                    well.getAttributeValue("primer") != null
                        ? well.getAttributeValue("primer")
                        : "";
                String assay =
                    well.getAttributeValue("assay") != null ? well.getAttributeValue("assay") : "";
                String wellRow =
                    well.getAttributeValue("row") != null ? well.getAttributeValue("row") : "";
                int wellCol =
                    well.getAttributeValue("col") != null
                        ? Integer.valueOf(well.getAttributeValue("col"))
                        : 0;

                if (idPlateWellString != null && !idPlateWellString.equals("0")) {

                  if (well.getAttributeValue("isControl") != null
                      && well.getAttributeValue("isControl").equals("Y")) {
                    idSample = idPlateWellString;

                  response.getOutputStream().print(row + String.format("%02d", col) + "\t");

                  String fileName;
                  if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.SEQUENCING_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                    fileName = sampleName;
                    fileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\s", "_");
                    response.getOutputStream().print(fileName + "\t");
                  } else if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.MITO_DLOOP_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                    fileName = sampleName + "_" + primer;
                    fileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\s", "_");
                    response.getOutputStream().print(fileName + "\t");
                  } else if (codeReactionType.equals(
                      ReactionType.FRAGMENT_ANALYSIS_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                    fileName = sampleName + "_" + assay;
                    fileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\s", "_");
                    response.getOutputStream().print(fileName + "\t");

                  String comments = "<ID:" + idPlateWellString + ">";
                  if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.SEQUENCING_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                    comments += "<WELL:" + wellRow + String.format("%02d", wellCol) + ">";
                  response.getOutputStream().print(comments + "\t");

                  if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.SEQUENCING_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                  } else if (codeReactionType.equals(ReactionType.MITO_DLOOP_REACTION_TYPE)) {
                  } else if (codeReactionType.equals(
                      ReactionType.FRAGMENT_ANALYSIS_REACTION_TYPE)) {


      } else {
                "DownloadABIRunFileServlet: You must have a SecurityAdvisor in order to run this command."
                    + "<br>");
            "DownloadABIRunFileServlet: You must have a SecurityAdvisor in order to run this command.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Exception in DownloadABIRunFileServlet: ", e);
          .println("DownloadABIRunFileServlet: An exception occurred " + e.toString() + "<br>");

    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Exception in DownloadABIRunFileServlet: ", e);