Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void Parse_title(Gfh_atr title_atr) {
   // Tfds.Dbg(Bry_.Mid(href_src, href_bgn, href_end), Bry_.Mid(src, capt_bgn, capt_end),
   // Bry_.Mid(src, title_bgn, title_end));
   title_bgn = title_atr.Val_bgn();
   title_end = title_atr.Val_end();
   if (href_ns_name != null) { // ns_name exists
     int title_bgn_wo_ns = title_bgn + href_ns_name_len;
     if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_bgn_wo_ns, href_ns_name)) // title matches href_ns;
     title_bgn = title_bgn_wo_ns; // skip ns; "Help:"
     else title_missing_ns = true;
   if (title_end == -1) title_tid = Title__missing;
   else {
     if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_end, href_src, href_bgn, href_end)
         && !title_missing_ns) // NOTE: do not mark title=href if href omitted title;
       // PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:WikiProject; DATE:2016-01-20
       title_tid = Title__href;
     else if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_end, src, capt_bgn, capt_end))
       title_tid = Title__capt;
     else {
       title_tid = Title__diff;
       if (href_ns_name != null)
         title_bgn = title_atr.Val_bgn(); // since title is different, add back ns_name; EX: "<a
       // href='/wiki/Help:A_b#c' title='Help:A b'>a</a>"; title should be
       // "Help:A b", not "A b"
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static int Get_imap_idx(Bry_err_wkr err_wkr, Gfh_tag img_tag) {
   byte[] val = img_tag.Atrs__get_as_bry(Imap_xtn_mgr.Bry__usemap__name);
   if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(val)) return -1;
   int rv = Bry_.To_int_or(val, Imap_xtn_mgr.Bry__usemap__prefix.length, val.length, -1);
   if (rv == -1) {
     err_wkr.Warn("invalid imap_idx", "val", val);
     return rv;
   return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private void Parse_capt(Gfh_tag_rdr tag_rdr, Gfh_tag anch_head) {
    this.capt_bgn = anch_head.Src_end(); // capt starts after <a>
    Gfh_tag anch_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__a); // </a>
    this.capt_end = anch_tail.Src_bgn(); // get capt between "<a>" and "</a>
    this.src_end = anch_tail.Src_end();

    // skip ns in href / capt
    if (href_ns_id != Xow_ns_.Tid__main) { // not main; try to remove template name;		
      int capt_bgn_wo_ns = capt_bgn + href_ns_name_len;
      href_bgn +=
          href_ns_name_len; // skip ns_name for href; EX: "Help:A" -> "A"; "Help" will be saved as
      // encoded number
      if (Bry_.Match(
          href_ns_name)) { // capt matches ns_name; EX: <a href='/wiki/Help:A'>Help:A</a> ->
        // "Help:A" matches "Help:"
        capt_bgn = capt_bgn_wo_ns; // skip ns; "Help:"
        capt_has_ns = true;

    // get text splits
    this.text_tid =
        href_itm.Tid() == Xoh_anch_href_data.Tid__anch
            ? Xoh_anch_capt_itm.Tid__diff
            : capt_itm.Parse(
                rdr, capt_has_ns, href_src, href_bgn, href_end, src, capt_bgn, capt_end);
    int split_pos = capt_itm.Split_pos();
    this.text_0_src = href_src;
    this.text_0_bgn = href_bgn;
    this.text_0_end = href_end;
    this.text_1_src = capt_src;
    this.text_1_bgn = capt_bgn;
    this.text_1_end = capt_end;
    switch (text_tid) {
      case Xoh_anch_capt_itm.Tid__same:
        // case Xoh_anch_capt_itm.Tid__href_pipe:
      case Xoh_anch_capt_itm.Tid__diff: // nothing to do; href / capt already set above
      case Xoh_anch_capt_itm.Tid__more:
        this.text_1_bgn = split_pos;
      case Xoh_anch_capt_itm.Tid__less:
        this.text_0_end = split_pos;
        this.text_1_src = href_src;
        this.text_1_bgn = split_pos;
        this.text_1_end = href_end;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void Parse_href(Xoh_hdoc_ctx hctx, Gfh_tag anch_head) {
   href_itm.Parse(rdr.Err_wkr(), hctx, src, anch_head);
   this.href_bgn = href_itm.Ttl_bgn();
   this.href_end = href_itm.Ttl_end();
   switch (href_itm.Tid()) {
     case Xoh_anch_href_data.Tid__wiki:
     case Xoh_anch_href_data.Tid__site:
       this.href_ns_id = href_itm.Ttl_ns_id();
       this.href_src = href_itm.Ttl_full_txt();
       this.href_bgn = 0;
       this.href_end = href_src.length;
       if (href_ns_id != Xow_ns_.Tid__main) { // not main; try to remove template name;		
         int colon_pos = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(href_src, Byte_ascii.Colon, href_bgn, href_end);
         this.href_ns_name =
                 Bry_.Mid(href_src, href_bgn, colon_pos + 1)); // EX: 11="Template talk:"
         this.href_ns_name_len = href_ns_name.length;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Get_by_url1(Xow_wiki wiki, Xoa_page page, Xoa_url url, Xoa_ttl ttl) {
   int slash_pos =
       Bry_find_.Find_fwd(ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), Xoa_ttl.Subpage_spr); // check for slash
   byte[] special_name =
       slash_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found
           ? ttl.Base_txt_wo_qarg() // no slash found; use base_txt; ignore qry args and just get
           // page_names; EX: Search/Earth?fulltext=y;
           // Allpages?from=Earth...
           : Bry_.Mid(
               slash_pos); // slash found; use root page; EX: Special:ItemByTitle/enwiki/Earth
   Object o = hash.Get_by_bry(special_name);
   if (o == null) {
     Xol_specials_itm special_itm = wiki.Lang().Specials_mgr().Get_by_alias(special_name);
     if (special_itm != null) o = hash.Get_by_bry(special_itm.Special());
   if (o != null) {
     // Xow_special_page special = (Xow_special_page)o;
     // page.Revision_data().Modified_on_(Datetime_now.Get());
     // special.Special__gen(wiki, page, url, ttl);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Init_by_ctor(Wdata_toc_data toc_data, Xoapi_toggle_mgr toggle_mgr) {
   this.toc_data = toc_data.Itms_len_enable_n_();
   this.toggle_itm =
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private void Parse_cls(Gfh_tag anch_head) {
   byte[] cls_bry = anch_head.Atrs__get_as_bry(Gfh_atr_.Bry__class);
   if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(cls_bry)) return;
   this.cls_tid =
       Xoh_anch_cls_.Trie.Match_byte_or(cls_bry, 0, cls_bry.length, Xoh_anch_cls_.Tid__unknown);
Ejemplo n.º 8
public class Xoh_img_data implements Xoh_data_itm {
  public int Tid() {
    return Xoh_hzip_dict_.Tid__img;

  public int Src_bgn() {
    return src_bgn;

  private int src_bgn;

  public int Src_end() {
    return src_end;

  private int src_end;

  public Xoh_anch_href_data Anch_href() {
    return anch_href;

  private Xoh_anch_href_data anch_href = new Xoh_anch_href_data();

  public Xoh_anch_cls_data Anch_cls() {
    return anch_cls;

  private Xoh_anch_cls_data anch_cls = new Xoh_anch_cls_data();

  public boolean Anch_rel_nofollow_exists() {
    return anch_rel_is_nofollow;

  private boolean anch_rel_is_nofollow;

  public int Anch_title_bgn() {
    return anch_title_bgn;

  private int anch_title_bgn;

  public int Anch_title_end() {
    return anch_title_end;

  private int anch_title_end;

  public boolean Anch_title_exists() {
    return anch_title_end != -1;

  public Bry_obj_ref Anch_xo_ttl() {
    return anch_xo_ttl;

  private Bry_obj_ref anch_xo_ttl = Bry_obj_ref.New_empty();

  public Xoh_img_src_data Img_src() {
    return img_src;

  private final Xoh_img_src_data img_src = new Xoh_img_src_data();

  public Xoh_img_cls_data Img_cls() {
    return img_cls;

  private final Xoh_img_cls_data img_cls = new Xoh_img_cls_data();

  public Xoh_img_xoimg_data Img_xoimg() {
    return img_xoimg;

  private final Xoh_img_xoimg_data img_xoimg = new Xoh_img_xoimg_data();

  public int Img_alt_bgn() {
    return img_alt_bgn;

  private int img_alt_bgn;

  public int Img_alt_end() {
    return img_alt_end;

  private int img_alt_end;

  public boolean Img_alt__diff__anch_title() {
    return img_alt__diff_anch_title;

  private boolean img_alt__diff_anch_title;

  public int Img_w() {
    return img_w;

  private int img_w;

  public int Img_h() {
    return img_h;

  private int img_h;

  public boolean Img_w__diff__file_w() {
    return !img_src.File_is_orig() && img_w != img_src.File_w();

  public boolean Img_is_vid() {
    return img_is_vid;

  private boolean img_is_vid;

  public boolean Img_wo_anch() {
    return img_wo_anch;

  private boolean img_wo_anch;

  public int Img_imap_idx() {
    return img_imap_idx;

  private int img_imap_idx;

  public boolean Img_is_gallery() {
    return img_is_gallery;

  private boolean img_is_gallery;

  public void Img_is_gallery_(boolean v) {
    this.img_is_gallery = v;

  public Pgbnr_itm Img_pgbnr() {
    return img_pgbnr;

  private final Pgbnr_itm img_pgbnr = new Pgbnr_itm();

  public void Clear() {
    this.img_alt__diff_anch_title =
        anch_rel_is_nofollow = img_is_vid = img_wo_anch = img_is_gallery = false;
    this.src_bgn =
        src_end = anch_title_bgn = anch_title_end = img_w = img_h = img_alt_bgn = img_alt_end = -1;
    this.img_imap_idx = -1;

  public boolean Init_by_parse(
      Xoh_hdoc_wkr hdoc_wkr,
      Xoh_hdoc_ctx hctx,
      Gfh_tag_rdr tag_rdr,
      byte[] src,
      Gfh_tag anch_head,
      Gfh_tag unused) {
    Gfh_tag img_tag = anch_head;
    Bry_err_wkr err_wkr = tag_rdr.Err_wkr();
    this.img_wo_anch = anch_head.Name_id() == Gfh_tag_.Id__img;
    if (img_wo_anch) {
      Gfh_atr xowa_title =
              Xoh_img_xoimg_data.Bry__data_xowa_title); // data-xowa-title='A.png'
    } else {
      if (anch_head.Name_id() == Gfh_tag_.Id__div) { // video / audio
        if (!anch_head.Atrs__cls_eq(
          return false; // handle fake-thumbs created through en.w:Template:Image_label_begin;
                        // PAGE:en.w:Blackburnshire; DATE:2016-01-04
        img_is_vid = true;
        tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head(); // next <div>
        anch_head = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head(); // next <div>
      this.src_bgn = anch_head.Src_bgn(); // <a
      if (!anch_href.Parse(err_wkr, hctx, src, anch_head)) return false; // href='/wiki/File:A.png'
      if (!anch_cls.Parse(err_wkr, src, anch_head)) return false; // class='image'
      Gfh_atr anch_title = anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Gfh_atr_.Bry__title); // title='abc'
      anch_title_bgn = anch_title.Val_bgn();
      anch_title_end = anch_title.Val_end();
      Gfh_atr xowa_title =
          anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Bry__atr__xowa_title); // xowa_title='A.png'
      if (xowa_title.Val_dat_exists()) anch_xo_ttl.Val_(xowa_title.Val());
      img_tag = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head();
    img_tag.Chk_name_or_fail(Gfh_tag_.Id__img); // <img
    if (img_tag.Atrs__cls_has(
            .Bry__cls__wpb_banner_image)) { // handle pagebanner; EX: <img class="wpb-banner-image">
    img_xoimg.Parse(err_wkr, src, img_tag); // data-xoimg='...'
    this.img_w =
        img_tag.Atrs__get_as_int_or(Gfh_atr_.Bry__width, Xof_img_size.Size__neg1); // width='220'
    this.img_h =
        img_tag.Atrs__get_as_int_or(Gfh_atr_.Bry__height, Xof_img_size.Size__neg1); // height='110'
    Gfh_atr img_alt = img_tag.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Gfh_atr_.Bry__alt); // alt='File:A.png'
    img_alt_bgn = img_alt.Val_bgn();
    img_alt_end = img_alt.Val_end();
    img_cls.Init_by_parse(err_wkr, src, img_tag); // class='thumbborder'
    img_alt__diff_anch_title =
        !Bry_.Match(src, img_alt_bgn, img_alt_end, src, anch_title_bgn, anch_title_end);
    if (!img_src.Parse(err_wkr, hctx, hctx.Wiki__domain_bry(), img_tag)) return false; // src='...'
    if (anch_xo_ttl.Val_is_empty()) {
      if (anch_xo_ttl.Val_is_empty()) anch_xo_ttl.Val_(anch_href.Ttl_page_db());
    this.img_imap_idx = Get_imap_idx(tag_rdr.Err_wkr(), img_tag);
    if (img_wo_anch) {
      src_end = img_tag.Src_end();
      return true;
    Gfh_tag anch_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__a); // </a>
    this.src_end = anch_tail.Src_end();
    if (anch_href.Site_exists()) {
      Xow_domain_itm itm =
          Xow_domain_itm_.parse(Bry_.Mid(src, anch_href.Site_bgn(), anch_href.Site_end()));
      anch_rel_is_nofollow = itm.Domain_type_id() == Xow_domain_tid_.Tid__other;
    if (img_is_vid) {
      anch_head = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__div);
      src_end = anch_head.Src_end();
    return true;

  public void Init_by_decode(
      boolean anch_rel_is_nofollow,
      int anch_title_bgn,
      int anch_title_end,
      boolean img_wo_anch,
      boolean img_is_vid,
      int img_w,
      int img_h,
      int img_alt_bgn,
      int img_alt_end,
      int img_imap_idx) {
    this.anch_rel_is_nofollow = anch_rel_is_nofollow;
    this.anch_title_bgn = anch_title_bgn;
    this.anch_title_end = anch_title_end;
    this.img_wo_anch = img_wo_anch;
    this.img_is_vid = img_is_vid;
    this.img_w = img_w;
    this.img_h = img_h;
    this.img_alt_bgn = img_alt_bgn;
    this.img_alt_end = img_alt_end;
    this.img_imap_idx = img_imap_idx;

  public void Pool__rls() {

  private Gfo_poolable_mgr pool_mgr;
  private int pool_idx;

  public Gfo_poolable_itm Pool__make(Gfo_poolable_mgr mgr, int idx, Object[] args) {
    Xoh_img_data rv = new Xoh_img_data();
    rv.pool_mgr = mgr;
    rv.pool_idx = idx;
    return rv;

  private static int Get_imap_idx(Bry_err_wkr err_wkr, Gfh_tag img_tag) {
    byte[] val = img_tag.Atrs__get_as_bry(Imap_xtn_mgr.Bry__usemap__name);
    if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(val)) return -1;
    int rv = Bry_.To_int_or(val, Imap_xtn_mgr.Bry__usemap__prefix.length, val.length, -1);
    if (rv == -1) {
      err_wkr.Warn("invalid imap_idx", "val", val);
      return rv;
    return rv;

  public static final byte[] Bry__cls__anch__image = Bry_.new_a7("image"),
      Bry__cls__img__thumbimage = Bry_.new_a7("thumbimage"),
      Bry__atr__xowa_title = Bry_.new_a7("xowa_title");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public boolean Init_by_parse(
     Xoh_hdoc_wkr hdoc_wkr,
     Xoh_hdoc_ctx hctx,
     Gfh_tag_rdr tag_rdr,
     byte[] src,
     Gfh_tag anch_head,
     Gfh_tag unused) {
   Gfh_tag img_tag = anch_head;
   Bry_err_wkr err_wkr = tag_rdr.Err_wkr();
   this.img_wo_anch = anch_head.Name_id() == Gfh_tag_.Id__img;
   if (img_wo_anch) {
     Gfh_atr xowa_title =
             Xoh_img_xoimg_data.Bry__data_xowa_title); // data-xowa-title='A.png'
   } else {
     if (anch_head.Name_id() == Gfh_tag_.Id__div) { // video / audio
       if (!anch_head.Atrs__cls_eq(
         return false; // handle fake-thumbs created through en.w:Template:Image_label_begin;
                       // PAGE:en.w:Blackburnshire; DATE:2016-01-04
       img_is_vid = true;
       tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head(); // next <div>
       anch_head = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head(); // next <div>
     this.src_bgn = anch_head.Src_bgn(); // <a
     if (!anch_href.Parse(err_wkr, hctx, src, anch_head)) return false; // href='/wiki/File:A.png'
     if (!anch_cls.Parse(err_wkr, src, anch_head)) return false; // class='image'
     Gfh_atr anch_title = anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Gfh_atr_.Bry__title); // title='abc'
     anch_title_bgn = anch_title.Val_bgn();
     anch_title_end = anch_title.Val_end();
     Gfh_atr xowa_title =
         anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Bry__atr__xowa_title); // xowa_title='A.png'
     if (xowa_title.Val_dat_exists()) anch_xo_ttl.Val_(xowa_title.Val());
     img_tag = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head();
   img_tag.Chk_name_or_fail(Gfh_tag_.Id__img); // <img
   if (img_tag.Atrs__cls_has(
           .Bry__cls__wpb_banner_image)) { // handle pagebanner; EX: <img class="wpb-banner-image">
   img_xoimg.Parse(err_wkr, src, img_tag); // data-xoimg='...'
   this.img_w =
       img_tag.Atrs__get_as_int_or(Gfh_atr_.Bry__width, Xof_img_size.Size__neg1); // width='220'
   this.img_h =
       img_tag.Atrs__get_as_int_or(Gfh_atr_.Bry__height, Xof_img_size.Size__neg1); // height='110'
   Gfh_atr img_alt = img_tag.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Gfh_atr_.Bry__alt); // alt='File:A.png'
   img_alt_bgn = img_alt.Val_bgn();
   img_alt_end = img_alt.Val_end();
   img_cls.Init_by_parse(err_wkr, src, img_tag); // class='thumbborder'
   img_alt__diff_anch_title =
       !Bry_.Match(src, img_alt_bgn, img_alt_end, src, anch_title_bgn, anch_title_end);
   if (!img_src.Parse(err_wkr, hctx, hctx.Wiki__domain_bry(), img_tag)) return false; // src='...'
   if (anch_xo_ttl.Val_is_empty()) {
     if (anch_xo_ttl.Val_is_empty()) anch_xo_ttl.Val_(anch_href.Ttl_page_db());
   this.img_imap_idx = Get_imap_idx(tag_rdr.Err_wkr(), img_tag);
   if (img_wo_anch) {
     src_end = img_tag.Src_end();
     return true;
   Gfh_tag anch_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__a); // </a>
   this.src_end = anch_tail.Src_end();
   if (anch_href.Site_exists()) {
     Xow_domain_itm itm =
         Xow_domain_itm_.parse(Bry_.Mid(src, anch_href.Site_bgn(), anch_href.Site_end()));
     anch_rel_is_nofollow = itm.Domain_type_id() == Xow_domain_tid_.Tid__other;
   if (img_is_vid) {
     anch_head = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__div);
     src_end = anch_head.Src_end();
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
public class Dpl_xnde implements Xox_xnde {
  private Dpl_itm itm = new Dpl_itm();
  private List_adp pages = List_adp_.New();

  public void Xatr__set(
      Xowe_wiki wiki,
      byte[] src,
      Mwh_atr_itm xatr,
      Object xatr_id_obj) {} // NOTE: <dynamicPageList> has no attributes

  public void Xtn_parse(
      Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, Xop_root_tkn root, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) {
    itm.Parse(wiki, ctx, ctx.Page().Ttl().Full_txt_w_ttl_case(), src, xnde);
    Dpl_page_finder.Find_pages(pages, wiki, itm);
    if (itm.Sort_ascending() != Bool_.__byte) pages.Sort_by(new Dpl_page_sorter(itm));

  public void Xtn_write(
      Bry_bfr bfr,
      Xoae_app app,
      Xop_ctx ctx,
      Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr,
      Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx,
      Xoae_page wpg,
      Xop_xnde_tkn xnde,
      byte[] src) {
    Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
    Dpl_html_data html_mode = Dpl_html_data.new_(Dpl_itm_keys.Key_unordered);
    int itms_len = pages.Count();
    if (itms_len == 0) {
      if (!itm.Suppress_errors()) bfr.Add_str_a7("No pages meet these criteria.");
    int itms_bgn = 0;
    if (itm.Offset() != Int_.Min_value) {
      itms_bgn = itm.Offset();
    if (itm.Count() != Int_.Min_value && itms_bgn + itm.Count() < itms_len) {
      itms_len = itms_bgn + itm.Count();
    boolean show_ns = itm.Show_ns();
    Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.Get();
    Xop_amp_mgr amp_mgr = wiki.Appe().Parser_amp_mgr();
    try {
      for (int i = itms_bgn; i < itms_len; i++) {
        Xowd_page_itm page = (Xowd_page_itm) pages.Get_at(i);
        Xoa_ttl ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, page.Ns_id(), page.Ttl_page_db());
        byte[] ttl_page_txt = show_ns ? ttl.Full_txt_w_ttl_case() : ttl.Page_txt();
        if (ttl_page_txt == null)
          continue; // NOTE: apparently DynamicPageList allows null pages; DATE:2013-07-22
        switch (html_mode.Tid()) {
          case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ul:
          case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ol:
                .Add_byte_quote(); // NOTE: Full_db to encode spaces as underscores;
                                   // PAGE:en.q:Wikiquote:Speedy_deletions DATE:2016-01-19
                        .Full_txt_w_ttl_case())); // NOTE: Full_txt b/c title always includes ns,
                                                  // even if show_ns is off;
                                                  // PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:WikiProject DATE:2016-01-20
            if (itm.No_follow()) bfr.Add(Bry_nofollow);
                amp_mgr, bfr, ttl_page_txt, 0, ttl_page_txt.length, false, false);
            // TODO_OLD:
            // lnki_wtr.Clear().Href_wiki_(ttl).Title_(ttl).Nofollow_().Write_head(bfr).Write_text(bfr).Write_tail(bfr)
    } finally {

  private static byte[] Bry_nofollow = Bry_.new_a7(" rel=\"nofollow\"");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static byte[] Bld_fmtr_wiki(
     Bry_fmtr fmtr, Bry_bfr wrdx_bfr, byte[] wiki_domain, byte[] page_domain) {
   return Bry_.Eq(wiki_domain, page_domain)
       ? Bry_.Empty // same domain; return "";
       : fmtr.Bld_bry_many(wrdx_bfr, page_domain);