Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Constructor. It breaks a Song into its MidiEvent components, and adds them together in order to
  * create a MIDI file.
  * @param song The song to export
 public MidiExporter() {
   // Create the Sequence that will contain everything
   try {
     sequence = new Sequence(Sequence.PPQ, 2);
   } catch (InvalidMidiDataException ex) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Create the MidiEvent for a note, given the data.
   * @param command The command value for the ShortMessage
   * @param note The MIDI value for the note to be played
   * @param eventTime When this event should occur
   * @param velocity The velocity of this note
   * @return The MidiEvent for the note
  private MidiEvent createNoteEvent(int command, int note, int eventTime, int velocity) {
    // Create the message and set its parameters to the ones given.
    ShortMessage message = new ShortMessage();
    try {
      message.setMessage(command, 0, note, velocity);
    } catch (InvalidMidiDataException ex) {
      // Something went wrong.

    // Create the MidiEvent and return it.
    return new MidiEvent(message, eventTime);