Ejemplo n.º 1
  // deletes the entire item
  protected boolean deleteItem(int id, String key) {
    Trace.info("RM::deleteItem(" + id + ", " + key + ") called");
    ReservableItem curObj = (ReservableItem) readData(id, key);
    Flight tempItem =
        new Flight(Integer.parseInt(curObj.getLocation()), curObj.getCount(), curObj.getPrice());
    // Check if there is such an item in the storage
    if (curObj == null) {
      Trace.warn("RM::deleteItem(" + id + ", " + key + ") failed--item doesn't exist");
      return false;
    } else {
      if (curObj.getReserved() == 0) {

        writeDataToLog(id, curObj.getKey(), tempItem);
        removeData(id, curObj.getKey());
        Trace.info("RM::deleteItem(" + id + ", " + key + ") item deleted");
        return true;
      } else {
                + id
                + ", "
                + key
                + ") item can't be deleted because some customers reserved it");
        return false;
    } // if
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // Deletes customer from the database.
  public boolean deleteCustomer(int id, int customerID) throws RemoteException {
    Trace.info("RM::deleteCustomer(" + id + ", " + customerID + ") called");
    Customer cust = (Customer) readData(id, Customer.getKey(customerID));

    if (cust == null) {
          "RM::deleteCustomer(" + id + ", " + customerID + ") failed--customer doesn't exist");
      return false;
    } else {
      Customer temp = cust.clone();
      // Increase the reserved numbers of all reservable items which the customer reserved.
      RMHashtable reservationHT = cust.getReservations();
      for (Enumeration e = reservationHT.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        String reservedkey = (String) (e.nextElement());
        ReservedItem reserveditem = cust.getReservedItem(reservedkey);
                + id
                + ", "
                + customerID
                + ") has reserved "
                + reserveditem.getKey()
                + " "
                + reserveditem.getCount()
                + " times");
        ReservableItem item = (ReservableItem) readData(id, reserveditem.getKey());
                + id
                + ", "
                + customerID
                + ") has reserved "
                + reserveditem.getKey()
                + "which is reserved"
                + item.getReserved()
                + " times and is still available "
                + item.getCount()
                + " times");
        Flight tempItem =
            new Flight(Integer.parseInt(item.getLocation()), item.getCount(), item.getPrice());
        item.setReserved(item.getReserved() - reserveditem.getCount());
        item.setCount(item.getCount() + reserveditem.getCount());
        if (readDataFromLog(id, item.getKey(), id) == null)
          writeDataToLog(id, item.getKey(), tempItem);

      // remove the customer from the storage
      if (readDataFromLog(id, cust.getKey(), id) == null) writeDataToLog(id, cust.getKey(), temp);
      removeData(id, cust.getKey());

      Trace.info("RM::deleteCustomer(" + id + ", " + customerID + ") succeeded");
      return true;
    } // if
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public void abort(int transactionId) throws RemoteException, InvalidTransactionException {
    int indx = logContains(transactionId);

    Log temp;

    if (indx > -1) {

      temp = (Log) logArray.elementAt(indx);

    } else {
      System.out.println("nothing in array");

    for (Enumeration e = temp.getKeys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      System.out.println("For loop");
      String key = (String) (e.nextElement());
      RMItem obj = temp.get(key);
      if (obj.getType() == 0) {
        Flight flight = (Flight) obj;
        if (flight.getCount() == -1) {
          System.out.println("entering count=-1 block");
          removeData(transactionId, key);
        } else {
          System.out.println("entering other block");
          writeData(transactionId, key, flight);
      } else if (obj.getType() == 1) {
        Customer cust = (Customer) obj;
        if (cust.getID() == -1) {
          System.out.println("entering remove data for customer");
          removeData(transactionId, key);
        } else {
          System.out.println("entering write data for customer");
          writeData(transactionId, key, obj);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  // Adds flight reservation to this customer.
  public boolean reserveFlight(int id, int customerID, int flightNum) throws RemoteException {

    return reserveItem(id, customerID, Flight.getKey(flightNum), String.valueOf(flightNum));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // Returns price of this flight
 public int queryFlightPrice(int id, int flightNum) throws RemoteException {
   return queryPrice(id, Flight.getKey(flightNum));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public boolean deleteFlight(int id, int flightNum) throws RemoteException {
   return deleteItem(id, Flight.getKey(flightNum));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  // Create a new flight, or add seats to existing flight
  //  NOTE: if flightPrice <= 0 and the flight already exists, it maintains its current price
  public boolean addFlight(int id, int flightNum, int flightSeats, int flightPrice)
      throws RemoteException, InvalidTransactionException, TransactionAbortedException {
            + id
            + ", "
            + flightNum
            + ", $"
            + flightPrice
            + ", "
            + flightSeats
            + ") called");
    Flight curObj = (Flight) readData(id, Flight.getKey(flightNum));
    if (curObj == null) {
      // doesn't exist...add it
      Flight newObj = new Flight(flightNum, flightSeats, flightPrice);

      writeData(id, newObj.getKey(), newObj);
      String key = newObj.getKey();
      if (readDataFromLog(id, key, id) == null) {
        Flight logObj = (Flight) newObj.clone();
        logObj.type = 0;
        writeDataToLog(id, key, logObj);
              + id
              + ") created new flight "
              + flightNum
              + ", seats="
              + flightSeats
              + ", price=$"
              + flightPrice);
    } else {
      // add seats to existing flight and update the price...
      Flight logObj = (Flight) curObj.clone();
      if (readDataFromLog(id, curObj.getKey(), id) == null)
        writeDataToLog(id, curObj.getKey(), logObj);

      curObj.setCount(curObj.getCount() + flightSeats);
      if (flightPrice > 0) {
      } // if
      writeData(id, curObj.getKey(), curObj);
              + id
              + ") modified existing flight "
              + flightNum
              + ", seats="
              + curObj.getCount()
              + ", price=$"
              + flightPrice);
    } // else
    return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  // reserve an item
  protected boolean reserveItem(int id, int customerID, String key, String location) {
        "RM::reserveItem( "
            + id
            + ", customer="
            + customerID
            + ", "
            + key
            + ", "
            + location
            + " ) called");
    // Read customer object if it exists (and read lock it)
    Customer cust = (Customer) readData(id, Customer.getKey(customerID));
    if (cust == null) {
          "RM::reserveCar( "
              + id
              + ", "
              + customerID
              + ", "
              + key
              + ", "
              + location
              + ")  failed--customer doesn't exist");
      return false;

    // check if the item is available
    ReservableItem item = (ReservableItem) readData(id, key);

    if (item == null) {
          "RM::reserveItem( "
              + id
              + ", "
              + customerID
              + ", "
              + key
              + ", "
              + location
              + ") failed--item doesn't exist");
      return false;
    } else if (item.getCount() == 0) {
          "RM::reserveItem( "
              + id
              + ", "
              + customerID
              + ", "
              + key
              + ", "
              + location
              + ") failed--No more items");
      return false;
    } else {
      Flight tempItem =
          new Flight(Integer.parseInt(item.getLocation()), item.getCount(), item.getPrice());
      Customer temp = cust.clone();
      if (readDataFromLog(id, cust.getKey(), id) == null) {
        writeDataToLog(id, cust.getKey(), temp);
      cust.reserve(key, location, item.getPrice());

      writeData(id, cust.getKey(), cust);

      // decrease the number of available items in the storage
      item.setCount(item.getCount() - 1);
      item.setReserved(item.getReserved() + 1);

      if (readDataFromLog(id, item.getKey(), id) == null) {
        writeDataToLog(id, item.getKey(), tempItem);
          "RM::reserveItem( "
              + id
              + ", "
              + customerID
              + ", "
              + key
              + ", "
              + location
              + ") succeeded");
      return true;