  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see ac.biu.nlp.nlp.instruments.dictionary.wordnet.Dictionary#getSortedSynsetsOf(java.lang.String, ac.biu.nlp.nlp.instruments.dictionary.wordnet.WordNetPartOfSpeech)
 public List<Synset> getSortedSynsetsOf(String lemma, WordNetPartOfSpeech partOfSpeech)
     throws WordNetException {
   try {
     IndexWord indexWord = getIndexWord(lemma, partOfSpeech);
     return indexWord != null ? indexWordToList(indexWord) : new ArrayList<Synset>();
   } catch (JWNLException e) {
     throw new WordNetException(
         "looking for word <"
             + lemma
             + "> with part of speech: "
             + partOfSpeech.toString()
             + " failed. See nested exception",
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see ac.biu.nlp.nlp.instruments.dictionary.wordnet.Dictionary#getSynsetsOf(java.lang.String, ac.biu.nlp.nlp.instruments.dictionary.wordnet.WordNetPartOfSpeech)
 public Set<Synset> getSynsetsOf(String lemma, WordNetPartOfSpeech partOfSpeech)
     throws WordNetException {
   if (doNotProcessThisWord(lemma)) return new LinkedHashSet<Synset>();
   else {
     try {
       IndexWord indexWord =
               ExtJwnlUtils.getJwnlPartOfSpeec(partOfSpeech), lemma);
       return indexWordToSet(indexWord);
     } catch (JWNLException e) {
       throw new WordNetException(
           "looking for word <"
               + lemma
               + "> with part of speech: "
               + partOfSpeech.toString()
               + " failed. See nested exception",