private void createStoreThumb( String dsIrodsPath, int width, int height, String dsname, boolean exists, List<String> thumbRels) throws Exception { String resultPath = runConvertScaleStage(dsIrodsPath, "PNG", width, height); String resultURI = ((AbstractIrodsObjectEnhancementService) service).makeIrodsURIFromPath(resultPath); if (!exists) { String message = "adding thumbnail"; client.addManagedDatastream( pid, dsname, false, message, Collections.<String>emptyList(), "Thumbnail Image", false, "image/png", resultURI); } else { String message = "updating thumbnail"; client.modifyDatastreamByReference( pid, dsname, false, message, new ArrayList<String>(), "Thumbnail Image", "image/png", null, null, resultURI); } PID newDSPID = new PID(pid.getPid() + "/" + dsname); if (thumbRels == null || !thumbRels.contains(newDSPID.getURI())) { client.setExclusiveTripleRelation( pid, CDRProperty.thumb.getPredicate(), CDRProperty.thumb.getNamespace(), newDSPID); } ((AbstractIrodsObjectEnhancementService) service).deleteIRODSFile(resultPath); }
@Override public String getTargetID() { return pid.getPid(); }
@Override public Element call() throws EnhancementException { Element result = null; LOG.debug("Called thumbnail enhancement service for {}", pid); String surrogateDsUri = null; String surrogateDsId = null; PID surrogatePid = null; String dsLocation = null; String dsIrodsPath = null; try { // enqueues objects that use this one as a surrogate. List<PID> usesMeForSurrogate = this.service.getTripleStoreQueryService().fetchPIDsSurrogateFor(pid); for (PID usesMe : usesMeForSurrogate) { this.service .getMessageDirector() .direct( new EnhancementMessage( usesMe, JMSMessageUtil.servicesMessageNamespace, JMSMessageUtil.ServicesActions.APPLY_SERVICE.getName(), ThumbnailEnhancementService.class.getName())); this.service .getMessageDirector() .direct( new EnhancementMessage( usesMe, JMSMessageUtil.servicesMessageNamespace, JMSMessageUtil.ServicesActions.APPLY_SERVICE.getName(), SolrUpdateEnhancementService.class.getName())); } // get sourceData data stream IDs List<String> surrogateDSIDs = this.service.getTripleStoreQueryService().getSurrogateData(pid); if (surrogateDSIDs == null || surrogateDSIDs.size() < 1) { throw new EnhancementException(pid, "Cannot find a suitable DSID for making a thumbnail."); } surrogateDsUri = surrogateDSIDs.get(0); surrogateDsId = surrogateDsUri.substring(surrogateDsUri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); surrogatePid = new PID(surrogateDsUri.substring(0, surrogateDsUri.lastIndexOf("/"))); Document foxml = this.retrieveFoxml(); Document surrogateFoxml; // Only retrieve the surrogate FOXML if the surrogate is a different object if (surrogatePid.equals(message.getPid())) { surrogateFoxml = foxml; } else { surrogateFoxml = client.getObjectXML(surrogatePid); } Element newestSourceDS = FOXMLJDOMUtil.getMostRecentDatastream( ContentModelHelper.Datastream.getDatastream(surrogateDsId), surrogateFoxml); if (newestSourceDS == null) throw new EnhancementException( "Specified source or surrogate datastream " + surrogateDsUri + " was not found, the object " + + " is most likely invalid", Severity.UNRECOVERABLE); dsLocation = newestSourceDS .getChild("contentLocation", JDOMNamespaceUtil.FOXML_NS) .getAttributeValue("REF"); LOG.debug("Source DS location: {}", dsLocation); if (dsLocation != null) { dsIrodsPath = client.getIrodsPath(dsLocation); LOG.debug("Making 2 Thumbnails.."); List<String> thumbRels = FOXMLJDOMUtil.getRelationValues( ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.thumb.getPredicate(), JDOMNamespaceUtil.CDR_NS, FOXMLJDOMUtil.getRelsExt(foxml)); { String dsname = ContentModelHelper.Datastream.THUMB_SMALL.getName(); boolean exists = client.getDatastream(pid, dsname) != null; createStoreThumb(dsIrodsPath, 64, 64, dsname, exists, thumbRels); } { String dsname = ContentModelHelper.Datastream.THUMB_LARGE.getName(); boolean exists = client.getDatastream(pid, dsname) != null; createStoreThumb(dsIrodsPath, 128, 128, dsname, exists, thumbRels); } } } catch (EnhancementException e) { throw e; } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new EnhancementException(e, Severity.FATAL); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new EnhancementException(e, Severity.UNRECOVERABLE); } catch (FedoraException e) { throw new EnhancementException( "Thumbnail Enhancement failed to process, pid: " + pid.getPid() + " surrogateDS: " + surrogateDsId, e, Severity.RECOVERABLE); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EnhancementException( "Thumbnail Enhancement failed to process, pid " + pid.getPid() + " surrogateDS: " + surrogateDsId, e, Severity.UNRECOVERABLE); } return result; }