Ejemplo n.º 1
  public Grid2D createSinogramm(Grid2D phantom, boolean filter) {

    // Bouding Box
    Box imageBox =
        new Box(
            phantom.getWidth() * phantom.getSpacing()[0],
            phantom.getHeight() * phantom.getSpacing()[1],
    imageBox.setLowerCorner(new PointND(phantom.getOrigin()[0], phantom.getOrigin()[1], -1.0));
    imageBox.setUpperCorner(new PointND(-phantom.getOrigin()[0], -phantom.getOrigin()[1], 1.0));

    // walk over each projection
    for (int indexProjections = 0; indexProjections < projections; indexProjections++) {
      // walk along the detector
      for (int indexDetektor = 0; indexDetektor < numberPixel; indexDetektor++) {

        // define the parallel lines of the detector
        double[] indexWorld = this.indexToPhysical(indexDetektor, indexProjections);

        double angle = angleWidthR * indexProjections;
        double s = indexWorld[0];
        double cos = Math.cos(angle);
        double sin = Math.sin(angle);

        PointND p1 = new PointND(cos * s, sin * s, 0.0d);
        PointND p2 = new PointND(cos * s - sin, sin * s + cos, 0.0d);

        StraightLine line = new StraightLine(p1, p2);

        // intersection of the box and the line

        ArrayList<PointND> crossingPoints = imageBox.intersect(line);

        // if there is no intersection -> change direction of the line and look again
        if (crossingPoints.size() == 0) {
          p2 = new PointND(cos * s + sin, sin * s - cos, 0.0d);
          line = new StraightLine(p1, p2);
          crossingPoints = imageBox.intersect(line);

        if (crossingPoints.size() == 2) {
          PointND c1 = crossingPoints.get(0);
          PointND c2 = crossingPoints.get(1);

          // compute distance between intersectoin points
          double distance = c1.euclideanDistance(c2);

          // define the direction of the line
          double deltax = (c2.get(0) - c1.get(0)) / (distance);
          double deltay = (c2.get(1) - c1.get(1)) / (distance);
          double deltaz = (c2.get(2) - c1.get(2)) / (distance);

          PointND richtung = new PointND(deltax, deltay, deltaz);
          // result value at the current position in the sinogramm
          float val = 0.f;
          // stepsize of the integral
          double delta = 0.5; // in mm
          // line integral
          for (double k = 0; k < (distance); k = k + delta) {

            double indexX = c1.get(0) + k * (richtung.get(0));
            double indexY = c1.get(1) + k * (richtung.get(1));

            double[] indexImage = phantom.physicalToIndex(indexX, indexY);

            val += InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(phantom, indexImage[0], indexImage[1]);

          this.setAtIndex(indexDetektor, indexProjections, (float) (val * delta));

    if (filter == true) {

    Grid2D result = new Grid2D(this);
    return result;